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Corrina Antrobus, I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist A manifesto in 100 romcoms, Quarto Publishing Group – White Lion, August 2024.

Thank you, Net Galley, for providing me with this uncorrected proof for review.

Corrina Antrobus has combined short, perceptive commentary with attractive graphics, making this (at first sight) a fun read. However, there is more to this work, and the way in which Antrobus has managed to pack so much wisdom into her commentary, and accompanying lists of suggested rom coms is instructive. While lengthy academic works have their place, so do works such as this – fun, attractive, perceptive, easy to read and providing so much to think about. I like the way in which films seen as women’s films, and therefore possibly lightweight have been given this sort of attention. Look beyond the fun and see what Antrobus really has to say about women, the rom com genre and its treatment of women, and the history of the genre.

Each piece is introduced with a title that designates the feminist concept that is to be covered by the film discussed and those listed. So opening at random, I see ‘Centred the teenage love of a black trans girl’ and Anything’s Possible is discussed with Alice Junior, One Stroke Boy and Tangerine listed. ‘Reminded Women that 30 is still young’ covers Someone Great and lists Celeste and Jesse Forever and Do Revenge. And, now for something I have seen – Top End Wedding, with the additional films, Ali’s Wedding and Saving Face. Familiar films such as Muriel’s Wedding, (under the title, ‘Deconstructed the fairy tale wedding’), When Harry Met Sally have their feminist credentials clarified; Phantom Thread, not one I’d have seen as part of this genre, is given a feminist treatment. Barbie is there, along with the celebrated Mama Mia, Notting Hill, You’ve Got Mail, My Best Friend’s Wedding and Legally Blonde. And the earliest example, seen as ‘Gave women an early lesson in self-respect, Miss Lulu Bett (1921), alongside It (1927) and Dance, Girl, Dance (1940).

Some of the examples are wonderfully eyebrow raising – can they really be seen as feminist? Much of the pleasure in this book is answering this question.

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I liked the layout of the book, similar to other books that list titles and blurbs about them. Having each movie with a short description of what makes it feminist and then a full page image makes it easy to read a few and go back without feeling like you need to binge it all at once. It's great as a guide to feminist romcoms if you're looking for that and I liked that the headings were all different focuses for what that specific movie did that stood out as feminist. It's a cute, browsable book for movie fans.

Thank you Quarto Publishing Group – White Lion Publishing for the digital ARC via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The title is what caught my eye initially; I love it and had to know what this was. “I Love Romcoms & I am a Feminist” was an excellent “reference” book! The selection of movies varied which was nice. I loved how every selection was themed! That was a brilliant move. The illustrations are well done as well. Definitely recommend!

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Loved this book. A great collection of feminist rom-coms! The author doesn’t take themselves too seriously with the feminism assessment, but more has fun with the characteristics of a feminist. The movie selections are iconic (historically, pop culturally, and pushing the envelope-ly).

My only two complaints: 1) I wanted more discussion on each of the movies. Each “essay” seemed too surface level for my analytical brain; 2) reading as a pdf in the NetGalley app wasn’t ideal. This is definitely something I want to read as a book-in-hand! [But also as an audiobook - perhaps narrated by some of the female stars of the movie (hint hint nudge nudge)].

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In ‘I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist’, Corrina Antrobus takes readers on an enlightening journey through the world of romantic comedies, revealing the often-overlooked feminist messages hidden within them. Antrobus argues that it's entirely possible to love romcoms and be a feminist, challenging the notion that the genre is inherently anti-feminist. This book serves as both a celebration and a critique, encouraging readers to enjoy their favourite films while also engaging with them critically.

Accuracy: ★★★★☆
Antrobus provides well-researched insights into the history of romantic comedies, effectively balancing her love for the genre with a critical feminist lens. She draws from a variety of sources to support her arguments, making the book both informative and credible. While some interpretations might feel subjective, they are grounded in a thoughtful analysis of film history and feminist theory.

Perspective: ★★★★☆
The perspective offered by Antrobus is refreshing and much-needed. She acknowledges the flaws in many romantic comedies while also celebrating their capacity for feminist messaging. This balanced approach allows readers to appreciate the genre without ignoring its shortcomings. Antrobus's perspective is empowering, encouraging readers to enjoy what they love while also demanding more from the media they consume.

Relevance: ★★★★☆
As discussions about feminism and media representation continue to grow, this book is incredibly relevant. Antrobus taps into current conversations about the role of women in film, making a strong case for why romantic comedies deserve a closer look. The book is particularly timely given the resurgence of interest in both romcoms and feminist discourse in popular culture.

Engagement: ★★★★☆
Antrobus's passion for romcoms is infectious, and her writing is both engaging and accessible. The book is filled with humour, anecdotes, and sharp analysis, making it a fun and insightful read. Readers who love romantic comedies will find themselves nodding along, while those less familiar with the genre may be inspired to explore it further. The only slight drawback is that some sections might feel a bit dense with information, but overall, the book is engaging and enjoyable.

Readability: ★★★★☆
The writing style is clear and conversational, making complex ideas easy to understand. Antrobus does an excellent job of breaking down feminist concepts without oversimplifying them, making the book accessible to a wide audience. The structure of the book, with each chapter focusing on different aspects of romcoms, allows readers to easily follow along without feeling overwhelmed.

Enjoyment: ★★★★☆
For fans of romantic comedies and feminism, this book is a delightful read. Antrobus manages to strike the right balance between critique and celebration, making it a book that can be both thought-provoking and fun. While some readers might find the critical analysis a bit heavy at times, the overall tone is upbeat and encouraging, making it an enjoyable experience from start to finish.

‘I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist’ by Corrina Antrobus is a must-read for anyone who loves romantic comedies and cares about feminism. It offers a fresh perspective on the genre, highlighting its hidden feminist messages while also challenging readers to think critically about the media they consume. The book is well-researched, engaging, and thoroughly enjoyable, making it a valuable addition to both film and feminist literature. Whether you're a longtime romcom fan or new to the genre, Antrobus's guide will help you see these beloved films in a whole new light.

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I Love Romcoms & I am a Feminist proudly declares in its title what some would likely call a contradiction. What it does so well is both contemplate the scope of what actually is a romcom (pushing beyond what are likely immediate and socially reinforced associations) as well as covering a varied and not “one size fits all” range of feminist expression. In no way are feminism and romcoms mutually exclusive, and when brought together well, each can be excellent support for the other.

While covering less from early film history, the book does still begin in the 1920s, and continue through into the 2020s, providing a peek into a century’s worth of the genre.

The book does a good job of highlighting non-white and non-heteronormative contributions to the canon, providing diverse offerings from multiple parts of the world and touching multiple points of the LGBTQ spectrum (though seeing more on both fronts would have been great).

The entry for each movie begins “The Romcom That….”, positioning each film as an object lesson in its particular messaging. not all lessons will be equally relevant to all readers, but that just further drives home the point of the diversity of both the genre and the concept of feminism itself.

I also wish the book had included more pre-1970/80s entries, and looked at how some more “classic” romcoms still tried to defy or subvert convention.

Full of bright Lisa Frank meets Keith Haring style illustrations for every entry, in addition to being interesting to read, the book is fun to look at. A wonderfully enjoyable read that has added a number of movies to my to watch list.

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This concept is great and I can think of a number of people in my life who would enjoy it. The picks were varied and interesting - although some sticklers may take issue with the fact that some of them are not exactly rom-coms.

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'I Love Romcoms and I Am a Feminist: A Manifesto in 100 Romcoms' is a book full of movies that give the free-of-guilt card to all of us who are feminists but feel like hiding a dirty little secret by enjoying rom-coms.

Written by a film reviewer (who provided the text with that delightful and poignant tone that the movie reviewers take up) who knows how to make the connection between fun rom-coms and women's rights.

Full of colorful and fun drawings of the movies, the book provides a lot of movies for one to check out if they haven't already, but it's also nice to read about the all time favs as well.

I would have loved however if at the movie info, the main actors and actresses were provided as a list. (the author does provide some names in the main text though).

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I absolutely love this book. If you love movies and would like to have a compilation of the best rom-coms definitely get this book. It’s very interesting to see the movie that you grow-up watching and read about what makes them be giants of the industry. It’s also great to increase your to watch list.

the illustrations are wonderful too and this is a book that I’m looking forward to add to my physical personal library.

Thank you White Lion Publishing for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.”

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Pretty surface level and disconnected. I got distracted a lot. I think that it could have been improved by narrowing the scope and being more specific about each movie.

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This book felt very niche to me. While I love Romcoms and I consider myself to be a feminist, there were a few things that were problematic for me. While I loved reading the descriptions of the movies that I had already seen and enjoyed, I wasn't really interested in reading about movies that I hadn't enjoyed much when I saw them. For movies that I hadn't seen, either the descriptions were not very interesting to me because I had not seen the movie or I was interested and I didn't want it to give things away about the movie. I wasn't quite sure who the audience of this book was supposed to be as it was difficult to imagine that there were many people who had actually seen all of these movies already. To me, it read more as a reference book and I wasn't quite sure who would actually read it all the way through. I only did because I was reviewing it.

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Really well put together feminist guide to romcoms! Some great well known and hidden gems - the illustrations added so much to it too. I think a great book that would suit any gift buyers!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Quarto, and Corrina Antrobus for a galley of this in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun, bright, beautifully illustrated little gift book! A lovely thing for the film lover, or feminist, in your life. This was a a very quick read, more of a watch-list with reasoning, but it turned me on to a lot of films I had never heard of before.

I did think, based on the blurb, that there would be a little more discussion around the movies, and that this would maybe be closer to non-fiction prose, but it was still a nice little thing!

3.5 stars, rounded up.

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Thank you, Netgalley, for allowing me to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

I now have a list of movies to watch while hibernating this winter. I'm glad that the movies are from different eras, featuring women in film. It's pretty cool to see.

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Romcoms are great. Here, I said it. Some of them are cliché, some of them are easily digestable, but the genre offers so much more. And this book, definitely highlights all. the good that it has to offer. From Nora Ephrone's fantastic plots and pulp classics like Heathens and Clueless to arthouse favourites like Amelié and Frances Ha. There is something for everyone.

The structure of the book is very straightforward. On the left side, you have an overarching title that sums up the theme of the film, then a short text that puts focus on all the necessary facts to make you want watch it, and then you will find some simliar recommendations. Each film is paired with a lovely and colorful illustration. Also, all films are sorted chronologically, so if you want to walk down the timeline of romcoms, you can do that as well.

I personally knew most of the films mentioned, and still, it was a delight to read through all the texts and go down memory lane.
What I enjoyed even more were those little boxes with "if you like this, you will like that" recommendations.
What a small and neat addition, and yet it's really fantastic and helpful! Imagine you want to watch a movie that has the same vibes as Moonstruck (1987)? Well, go to page 47. 😉

The only thing that would have been nice is a more international approach to romcoms. There is Amelié, of course, but it is mostly completely just a selection of anglophone movies. What about spanish romcoms, the french ones, and don't get me started on what East Asia has to offer.
Also, don't sleep on animation! However, this is just a minor point I wanted to point out – it is still a fantastic book and definitely an addition to every cinephile's library.

If you are ever in need for a birthday present for a film buff, you can go ahead and simply gift them this book. If you like movies or want to learn more about romcoms, get this book. To be honest, the moment I can grab it in physical form I will buy it for myself.

A big and heartfelt thank you to NetGalley, White Lion Publishing and Corrina Antrobus for giving me an eArc in exchange for an honest review!
All thoughts and murmurs expressed in this review my own.

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What an absolute gem of a book! I Love Romcoms and I am a Feminist is destined to be treasured by many feminist households. I am also a feminist who loves rom-coms and, to be honest, it has caused quite a bit of inner turmoil to navigate the two. This book is a permissive salve to my soul! It celebrates romantic comedies and feminism in equal measure!
It is a multipurpose tool meant to entertained, educate and more than anything, provide an amazing resource on 100 years of wonderful rom-coms! My partner and I have decided to watch all the films in order if we can find them. Fun!

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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disclaimer ⇢ purely giving this a 5 star only bc i don’t rate books like this in general but you have to for the purpose of posting.

I wouldn't usually say that romcoms are my go-to, but some of the movies in this book are actually my favorites. Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I had the patience to sit through an entire movie.

This book is a collection of romcom summaries viewed through a feminist perspective, featuring 100 movies in chronological order. Each movie comes with three additional recommendations, making it an incredibly comprehensive list. It starts with the earliest classics, many of which I was unfamiliar with, only knew by name or cast, or had watched and loved. The newer selections include many lesser-known films that highlight minorities and diverse cultures, which were mostly new to me as well.

What I loved most was the organization: engaging illustrations, quick plot summaries, and insightful lessons we can learn from each movie. The range from the '20s to the present day was impressive, and the inclusion of diverse picks was a great touch. The vibrant and colorful art style also added to the appeal.

Thank you, NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – White Lion, for providing me with an advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book is great fun and perfect for suckers like me who enjoy rom coms!

I loved how it was set out with engaging illustrations, a quick summary of the plot and then a bit about the lessons we can learn from them.

I also liked that alongside the usuals there were some more diverse picks which included people of colour and different sexualities

This would make a great gift

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This was a great look at romcoms dating all the way back to the 20’s. A lot of these movies I’d never even heard of and I loved the way Antrobus gave a little synopsis through a feminist lens. I’ve added a chunk of these movies to my watch list and I can’t wait to get started on them.
This is a cute coffee table book, it’s easy to get through, interesting and the illustrations are adorable. I definitely recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and White Lion Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"I Love Romcoms and I Am a Feminist: A Manifesto in 100 Romcoms" by Corrina Antrobus is a refreshing and insightful celebration of romantic comedies through a feminist lens. Antrobus’s passion for the genre shines through every page, offering a unique perspective that blends humor, critique, and genuine love for romcoms. The book brilliantly navigates the intersection of entertainment and feminist ideals, showing how these beloved films can both reflect and challenge societal norms.

Antrobus’s selection of 100 romcoms is diverse and thoughtfully curated, each entry accompanied by sharp analysis and personal anecdotes that make the reader see these films in a new light. Her writing is engaging and accessible, making complex feminist concepts relatable and fun.

"I Love Romcoms and I Am a Feminist" is not just a guide to romcoms but a manifesto that encourages readers to enjoy and critique media with a critical eye. It’s an empowering read that reaffirms the importance of representation and the power of popular culture. For anyone who loves romcoms and values feminist perspectives, this book is an absolute must-read. Corrina Antrobus has crafted a work that is both delightful and thought-provoking, making it a standout in contemporary film criticism.

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