Member Reviews

Definitely did not realize this was the 8th in the series, but I thought it was good regardless! I’ll have to go back and read the first 7 books

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Before even starting the feedback I must acnowledge my fault, that I did not realise that this bok was 8th in the series. So it already had a wholw 7 books worth of story and world building before this. The writing and the story seemed very easy flowing but the fact that I dudn't know anything about the world so was confused. I do plant in changing that by stsrting from book 1.

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I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. NetGalley

Interesting and fast read
I did not realize this was 8th book in a series. Second chance, romances with protagonists Henry andMelissa. Who are fighting against a dark Druid. The writing was very detailed and a little stilted, but overall it was cute romance read. I would highly recommend starting with the first book in the series before reading this one.

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Donna Grant never dissapoints, this like her other books certainly didnt again. She is amazing a creating characters that you also love to hate. Her dragons and worlds are just a pleasure to read and I will always pick up a Donna book when I see one knowing I will have a great time reading. Anyone who hasn't yet read her books needs to run... not walk and grab some.

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When I asked for this ARC read I didn't know this was book 8 in a series. Even though I didn't read the prior book, I really liked this one.
It was packed with action and suspense and the whole story had me hooked! I should have read the other books first, and I definitely will after this. I was missing a lot of background information to really understand the book, but I still really enjoyed the book!
With that in mind I would 100% recommend this book, it's an amazing read!

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Finally! Henry gets to have his HEA too! He has been starring in a lot of stories of both the Dark King and the Reaper series. Already in 2018 I read in Heat that Henry’s sister, Esther, found her mate Nikolai. And now, six years later, and a new realm further, it is time for Henry to find his mate.

Henry feels that he needs to go to Zora, although he is not allowed to go there. But as the Justice Bringer, he just knows that he has to go there, because something bad will happen, if he doesn’t go there. Upon arrival, he realizes that it is Melisse, the dragon queen of the violets, who is in trouble. And although they have a history where Melisse has made it clear, she doesn’t feel something for the ‘mere human’, Henry comes to her rescue, when she has been trapped in a magic forest.

The story is a bit slow, because the most part of the book is in the magic forest. But still, Donna knows how to capture her audience. And of course, she has some surprises for us along the way. Five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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Didn’t realize this was part of a series, but I followed along pretty well as a standalone! This book was a fast read for me and enjoyable. I will def have to check out the other books now!

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I would like to thank #NetGalley and #DonnaGrant for letting me read an ARC of Dragon Born.
Another book in the Dragon Kings series and Donna Grant has hit it out of the park with this continuation of the story between Melisse and Henry.
Donna's world building is full of vivid images and she does an amazing job of walking us through the novel and series. I highly suggest that every fantasy reader read this book and this series.

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And at last Henry, the truth seeker gets a chance in love, with no other than his Dragon Fae Melisse. Another interesting story on Zora, is about finding yourself and accepting the love that is given. Lovely intense interesting story that will continue.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgalley

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I requested this title because I am a sucker for dragons. I did not realize Dragon Born was part of a series, Dragon Kings. Regardless, I found it only slightly difficult to enter the series at this point. I would definitely recommend reading the series from the start, which I plan to do, I would like more background information and interactions between Henry and Melisse that happened prior to this story. I am a little intimidated that this is the 8th book and I have a lot to catch up on.

That being said, Donna Grant is a phenomenal writer. The world building and character development were exceptional. I loved feeling fully immersed in the story, even without prior knowledge of what has happened. I would absolutely recommend this book and will likely read it again.

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i really enjoyed this book! i loved the paranormal incorporations within the fantasy universe. the writing style and characters were also super fun

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

What a great addition to the Dragon Kings - a Dragon Queen!

Melisse has always either been a prisoner of the mountain and the Dragon Kings or a prisoner of her own making when she feels that she does not fit in with either the Fae (her mother's side) or the Dragon Kings (her father's side) or even with the dragons on Zora. Henry also feels on the outside as he doesn't even have any Druid powers as the JusticeBringer. Yet, when Henry feels that Melisse is in trouble, he does not hesitate to get to her using any means necessary!

The majority of their story is the journey to get out the mess of thorns and brambles that Melisse had gone into to rescue a young dragon. As they traverse this wasteland and find that it is poison to dragons, Henry must be the strong leader that he knows he is but always overshadowed by the strength of the Dragon Kings. Here, he finds magic and strengths that he didn't even know he could possess.

Secrets are revealed when they make it out but that does not mean the battle is over, there is always more to take care of and it is the strength of Henry and some of the Dragon mates that are needed where the Dragon Kings are not able to go.

The last part of the book is such a tease - I want to see what is going on with Merrill!!

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As someone who loves any books having to do with dragons I loved everything about this book. The romance, the characters, the storyline, the world building were all top notch,

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Melisse is a half fae, half dragon who is just trying to find her place in the world. However, she just can not shake the recurring thoughts of her kiss with Henry which is making it harder for her to let go of the past. Henry, who is a Druid with no magic, can somehow still feel Melisse from realms far away. It is this shared connection that alerts Henry that Melisse is headed towards mortal peril.
When an extremely powerful, unhinged and vengeful druid sets sights on Melisse it is up to Henry and the bond they share to find her and bring her back alive. Throwing caution to the wind, Melisse tracks down a missing young dragon in a thicket; and soon learns that she is in more trouble than only she can handle. Can the two star crossed lovers find each other before it is too late?
Overall rating ⅘
A quick heartfelt read about love and acceptance. Filled with the battles of overcoming obstacles in life and resolving long held grudges. As this was the first in the Dragon Kings series I felt a little lost with all the characters. However, I do believe this could be read as a stand alone. I would have loved more spice as in previous books from Grant, but understand in life and death you can’t always stop to get freaky.

*Thank you to Donna Grant, DL Grant, LLC, and Netgalley for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

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Not my first book from this author and also not less surprising.. I really like her writing and the way she creates a builds her stories, all the characters are amazing and it has Dragons so of course is good

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I just loved getting to enter this world. I just loved getting to meet these characters and see what they are currently getting themselves into. This book was just a really fun read. I just lost myself in this great story and I didn’t want to put it down. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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Very good story in the latest of Donna Grant's Dragon Kings series. Melisse and Henry's story was so good. I also love the 'brambles' representation on the cover. Henry is so likeable. He's not the typical macho male lead. He's smart, understands his limitations, yet honorable and can show his emotions. Really enjoyed this story and I love the hook at the end. Can't wait to read the next novel in this series!

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Dragon Born is a fun action packed novel in Donna's Dragon Kings series, which I had not read prior to reading Dragon Born. I didn't find it difficult to join in a series this far in and still found myself enjoying the entire thing. I will be looking into reading the rest of the series now.

War is in the horizon and the dragons and humans are doing their best to prevent it. We find a new character being introduced and the intrigue and mystery surrounding them is high as there are questionable things about them. This was a quick read and I found myself wanting to better understand the whole world and characters more, I'm sure having read the series will make the experience even better but I also find myself loving to dive into something in the middle to get hooked and then starting from the beginning.

Thank you Donna and DL Grant, LLC for the ARC!

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DRAGON BORN is not a standalone novella; it is the eighth book in Donna Grant's fantasy-romance series, DRAGON KINGS. To get the full experience of Henry and Melisse, I recommend starting with the DK books before diving into this one. It is in the background that their interactions and growing attraction take place. In addition, it explains what happened between them.

Former M15 agent Henry and Melisse, Dragon Queen of the Violets, star in Dragon Born.

Melisse is the first offspring of a Dragon King and a Dark Fae. As Melisse seeks a place to belong, she comes to Zora. After a pink disappears in a mysterious bramble, she vows to find it and save it. Melisse discovers that the vines are more sinister than she anticipated.

Having served as an agent in the M15 group, Henry now serves as the Justice Bringer - a Druid who is tasked with protecting their kind. Henry senses a powerful Druid in Zora and he openly defies his Dragon King comrades by traveling to the other realm to protect Melisse and confront their foe.

There's a lot of world-building in this book that deepens mythology greatly. I loved reading about the new and old characters. Dragon Born I believe does not complete the full story of Henry and Melisse, but I am excited to see if my hunch is right and patiently waiting to read the next book in her Dark Universe.

I was given an ARC by the author, and this is my honest opinion.

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You will get a good way into the story before you really come to know the characters. You will see that the characters are more complex than you first thought.
Henry a Druid is drawn from Earth to Zora where Melisse part Dragon part Dark Fae is in an impossible trap for Dragons.
This is their love story and journey to prevent the coming war.
A very entertaining story which connects to others in the series.
Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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