Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Raconteur 888 Press for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. “Nine Minutes Eleven Seconds” is scheduled for publication on January 10, 2025.
And check out all of my reviews at my blog site, Raised on Reading (
If you’re looking for a fast-paced, thrilling novel that reads like an action movie, look no further. “Nine Minutes Eleven Seconds” by L.V. Pederson will grab you from the get-go and hold you there until the final pages.
In present day Silicon Valley, Samantha Dockett is killed by a hit-and-run driver. Now Madison Maxwell sits in the dead woman’s cubicle at Know, Inc., a tech giant with a charismatic VP who looks strikingly familiar to Madison. That’s because Madison’s past is striking. As a young girl, she waved goodbye to her father at Boston’s Logan Airport the day before her birthday, not knowing that a short time later he would be on American Airlines Flight 11 that crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
Since then, Madison has been obsessed with the terrorist mastermind behind the World Trade Center attack known as Mohamed Attar, whose body was never found amid the rubble and destruction. And she quickly latches on to the belief that her new boss, T.J. Kahn, is in fact the supposedly deceased terrorist. Together with her newfound friend, computer geek extraordinaire Will, she sets out to prove that Kahn is really Attar, who never died on 9/11.
Until the FBI and national security step in. Then things get really lively.
There are a few moments where you’re likely to raise your eyebrows and say to yourself, if not out loud, “Now that’s a bit of a stretch.” But the story is fiction, so you accept the premise as is. The action, however, is genuine, and Pederson’s narrative and character development have you rooting for Madison from the start.
Even when you’re able to say, “I saw that coming,” the turn of events still has the desired effect.
The pace accelerates at breakneck speed over the last several chapters until the climax, and then Pederson neatly brings the story full circle without being corny.
I fully enjoyed “Nine Minutes Eleven Seconds,” and highly recommend it. Five out of five stars for this thriller that will be hard to put down.

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Perfect for fans of high-octane thrillers, this book delves into the tense world of FBI and CIA operatives as they navigate a new threat and urgent threat connected to the events of 9/11. Packed with suspense and intrigue, it’s a must-read for those who love fast-paced, intelligence-driven dramas.

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First, thank you so much for sending me an ARC to read and review! It is my first one and I was so excited to get reading!

This book had me hooked from the beginning and was hard to put down until I finished it! It kept my interest throughout the book and had me thinking about the events that took place in the book!

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This book kept me in the edge of my seat and I couldn’t put it down. I’m not sure I would’ve chosen this book to read, but I’m so glad I got to read it. It’s now one of my favorites.

Madison lost her father on September 11th. She has regretted her last words to her father since then. Madison gets a new job in Silicon Valley and a way to help her resolve her feelings. (I don’t want to spoil any of the story).

This story is one of the longer thrillers I’ve read, but well worth it.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review the book.

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Story line was well written. Fast paced. And the third person point of view made it all that much interesting. Thank you for the opportunity to have read this book as well as a thank you to NetGalley

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Madison was six years old when her father was killed during the attacks on 9/11. Since then she bas suffered from terrible nightmares of that day.
Now, as a damaged young women, she is looking to leave the past behind and start fresh in life. She has a great new job as an executive assistant at a big tech firm in Silicon Valley, but she’s troubled to find the position was open due to the hit-and-run death of the previous assistant.
When Madison meets her new boss, T.J Kahn, she’s shocked to see he reminds her of the man who was heard in the cockpit of the first plane to hit the tower and whose seat was next to her fathers, but his body was never found.
Could this charming, “world’s greatest boss,” be who she suspects he might be?

This was a well written, fast paced, action packed, keep you on the edge of your seat thriller.

While Madison was a decent character, I didn’t care for the constant reminders that she’s an extraordinarily beautiful and sexy, damaged women who is blind to her own attractiveness and intelligence.
I did find there to be an excessive amount of exclamation marks.

⭐️: 3/5

Thank you NetGalley for sharing a digital copy with me in exchange for an honest review.

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I would like to thank Netgalley, L.V. Peterson and Raconteur 888 for allowing me a chance to read Nine Minutes Eleven Seconds. I found it to be a fast pace, excellent reading. I couldn't put it down. If you want a story that is full of twists, surprising ending and lots of suspense then this is the book for you. It is a must read. L.V Peterson is a new Author for me. I am looking forward to reading another book by this author. The main Character Madison could be anyone who would do what needs to be done in a situation like hers. It is a real life situation that could be related to by people.

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Started very fast paced and completely drew me in but I felt it lagged around the middle and was a bit of a slog to finish

Really enjoyed the multiple point of views. One of my favourites in thrillers!

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I was definitely surprised with this book. At how much I enjoyed it and the ending. It does start off a bit slow but you wont be able to put it down once you start. Look forward to reading more from this author.

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This was one of those stories that I was curious about, and I was not disappointed. This was a very stressful book at times, but in such a good way. I was NOT expecting the twists. Not one bit. I would read this one again. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the ARC for this!

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Madison lost on father on 9/11 and has been struggling with grief. Then she takes a new job and everything changes. She suspects her boss is not who he says. This was a great fast paced thriller with a great ending I did not see coming. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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On the edge of my seat from start to finish! Absolutely brilliant, and spectacularly written. The way you can visualize and hear ever word has me feigning for more from the author. Definitely going to be picked up for a movie! You must add this to your TBR!

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Content warning: terrorist attack, Personally I’d of liked the warning as I’ve been personally affected by an attack

Despite that the book was great, I loved the different points of view and the little paragraphs about what others are thinking or feeling. In this book coincidences don’t happen, everything has a reason.

The author has left it open for a possible book two so we can hope because I’d love to follow more of Maddison and will’s journey

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I started this book with some doubts as I do have some reservations about using real life tragedies as the basis for entertainment. This feeling did stay with me, however I do admit that the book is very well written.

L.V. Pederson digs deep when it comes to character development, exploring the trauma, grief and resilience a person faces when tragedy strikes.

The plot moved a good pace for the majority of the book, which kept me motivated to continue to read to the end. There were enough suspenseful and frightening scenes that I consider this a thriller and not crime fiction.

Overall a good read!

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Madison leaves Boston and her painful early life having lost her father on 911, and accepts a job as an executive assistant in a Silicon Valley company. She learns that the woman in the job before her died a tragic death. Madison struggles emotionally, and she is gripped by intense fear when she meets her very charming boss. He reminds her of someone. Due to her intense research, Madison gets caught up with the FBI and CIA in a high stakes conspiracy. The story is a captivating and suspenseful thriller with links to a specific and horrendous historical event. I’ve never read anything by this author, and his character development and attention to detail is excellent in this complex book. With thanks to Netgalley and Raconteur 888 for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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This is an intense and thought-provoking novel that explores the aftermath of a tragic event. Set against the backdrop of a seemingly ordinary day, the story delves into the lives of several characters whose fates become linked during a brief yet life-altering moment.

It is more than just a thriller; it is a profound exploration of trauma, survival, and the human capacity for resilience. Pedersen's ability to convey the complexities of grief and recovery makes this novel a compelling and resonant read. Fans of psychological fiction and character-driven narratives will find much to appreciate in this powerful and haunting story.

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I came across this group, Military Thriller Book Group, about two years ago and thought that after being made aware of a slew of great authors and building a TBR (To Be Read) pile of books, if they were physical copies would be leaning dangerously to one side or another. I came across this author purely by chance one evening as I was scrolling through Facebook and happened upon a request for this book. L.V. Pederson is a brand new author to me. I saw Nine Minutes Eleven Seconds, read the blurb, and reached out through NetGalley and was fortunate enough to be granted a copy to review.

I want to say thanks to Steve Lepper and the many authors who post their books in this group.

This excellent novel starts with the premise that everyone has their secrets and that some of those secrets are more deadly than others.

When Madison starts her first real job as an executive assistant at a Silicon Valley tech giant, she has hopes to start afresh and put her troubled life in Boston behind her (her back story is that her father was one of the unfortunate souls who had their lives ended prematurely as a passenger on one of the two planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on that bleak day in 2001). Madison has lived with sadness most of her life. She also lives with guilt.

A young employee out for an evening jog turns up dead. Shortly after this employee's death, our main character begins her position with Know Inc.

When she starts her new job and meets the new boss, she is reminded of something niggling at her brain. He reminds her of someone. Someone not at all in a good way. Her charismatic VP boss fills her with unease. And when Madison uncovers his deadly secret, her ordinary life is thrust into a high-stakes conspiracy the FBI is desperate to crack.

I won't give away the plot (though I will say that it involves terrorism on a much larger scale than what happened in 2001). I am just going to say this is one emotive subject to base a thriller on. The tension racks up by the paragraph, never mind the chapter. The reader is kept guessing until the last few chapters.

This novel is one heck of an addictive read! I would easily give this book a solid five star rating as I found the writing be impeccable. The short chapters (which I loved) kept you reading and fully engaged with the characters and the plot lines of the story. This book is brilliant and I have to say the best suspense thrillers I have read in quite a while. It was a gripping and rewarding read from start to finish and is by far one of the best suspense thrillers I have read. I would highly recommend this book to aficionados of the thriller genre.

As with all my literary ramblings, these are just a few of my five cents worth.

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Maddie’s new job at a Silicon Valley tech company brings her face to reconstructed face with her past, and she will risk everything to uncover the truth. Can one of the greatest tragedies ever be crafted into a work of fiction that will keep you on the edge of your seat? If it’s ‘Nine Minutes Eleven Seconds’ by L.V. Pederson, then yes, it can and does. Thank you NetGalley and L.V. Pederson for the opportunity to read this advanced copy.

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At first I was very excited to read this book, then I got skeptical when I saw it had over 100 chapter (130 chapters to be precise) and it didn’t help that the book started off slow at first with multiple POVs, I ended really liking this one.. I feel like I’ve been luck with my NetGalley picks recently, thank you NetGalley for this one

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Absolutely loved this book from start to finish, I was taken by the characters and plot.

It moved at a great pace and kept me engaged- its one of those books you cannot put down

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