Member Reviews

The Hotel Maid
by Michelle Dunne
Pub Date: Aug 23 2024

The Hotel Maid by: Michelle Dunne is about a maid named June who works under the radar at a seasoned hotel. June is a very good worker, she likes to be seen and not heard, but when she is she's very rude to her co-workers and the hotel guests.

This is a dark thriller with some upsetting scenes such as suicide, self harm and child abuse. I feel this should be said up front as trigger warnings for some that may want to read this book.

It's a fast read with lots of twists and turns, told in a few different time lines. The story comes together quite nicely in the end.

Many thanks to #TheHotelMaid #NetGalley and #StormPublishing for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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This book was more intriguing after every page I turned, and I was shocked at all the multiple twists in this book. The Hotel Maid is a very dark and puzzling psychological thriller with POV’s from three different characters, which I found a nice number as it wasn’t too much to keep up with. It was a very quick and easy read that kept my attention throughout the book, it was very hard to out down and not just keep reading to find out more! Michelle Dunne wrote this book incredibly well and I would definitely pick up another book from her again.

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Cancel your weekend plans now, and prepare to hunker down for an unforgettable book!

This was an enjoyable read, and one that I truly enjoyed. This kept me turning the pages as fast as I could from start to finish!

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This was an okay read. I enjoyed the main character, I enjoyed her development. I would recommend reading this.

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The Hotel Maid by Michelle Dunne is a gripping and twisty thriller.
I thoroughly enjoyed and was hooked for the entirety of this story and can only commend the author on writing a very intriguing book.

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A luxurious hotel has some dark undercurrents. Everything appears fine on the surface for the Cedarwood Manor hotel with high paying guests who are very demanding. The main character is June. She is a maid. She is invisible to these guests as long as she does her job which makes it easy to know their secrets.

I was not really certain where this book was headed. I was quite surprised by the dark turn it took. There are a lot of triggers that might be a problem for some readers. However, you had to see the darkness to understand the behavior of June. June is the only likeable character in the entire cast. Some were tolerable, but you will find that some are beyond scummy. It is a dual time/dual point of view story which provides the needed background to complete the tale.

If you can get through some of the ugliness on the pages, you will find an incredibly good mystery. I had a feeling I knew some of ending, but I was a little blown away with at least one revelation.

Thank you to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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June is a hotel maid, quiet, efficient, and dutiful. When she finds a regular guest at the hotel dead in her room, shocking truths come to light.

I didn’t catch on to the timelines, but when it finally clicked, my mind was blown. The big reveal left my jaw on the floor. It was a good read, although the beginning was slow.

This was dark, and Mia’s POV was hard to read. Then there’s the self-harm and grooming, plus a few other things.

Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the free copy of the book.

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"She'd never been the type of girl that people noticed. This, she realized, was a valuable trait to have."

Where to start? The end might be the best place. The last few chapters of the upside down rollercoaster The Hotel Maid, by intricate twisty turns murder mystery thriller author Michelle Dunne, left me gasping and my brain hurting from all the WTF reveals.

We meet hotel maid June looking at the dead body of Erica, in the room she's assigned to clean, and soon discover that 10 year old Mae, who is Erica's charge, is missing. Then in alternate chapters we learn about the past of June, Erica and Mae and how they found their way to this hotel.

Make no mistake this is not a cozy mystery. It is a dark thriller with some heavy themes and serious trigger warnings from self child abuse, grooming, and neglect to self harm including cutting.

There are a slew of characters, of which many are extremely unlikeable and some horrible behavior by supposedly religious people. Yet I kept turning the page because I had no idea where it would all lead.

I fell in love with the Irish lilt from voice actress Jacqueline Milne. Every time she said, "feck" I had to smile. The first part of this story was a bit confusing but having both the book and the audiobook really helped me decipher characters and their relationships. I had some theories but when it was over I was half right and half in shock.

The Hotel Maid cleans up in the twist department. But pay attention or you might miss spotting a clue.

I received a free copy of this book/audiobook from the publishers via #NetGalley for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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An emotional book and quite a dark tale. Psychological thrillers are my favourite genre but I did not particularly enjoy this book if I am honest. Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the chance to ARC this book.

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The synopsis of this novel led me to believe that this was something I was going to enjoy. It turned out to be somewhat darker than expected and sadly did not meet my expectations.

The protagonist is June, the Hotel Maid of the title. The story is told by multiple characters who all have dark secrets involving self-harm, murder and child abuse. Just a few of the many disturbing topics covered by an unlikeable cast of characters. The mystery built slowly as told from the different perspectives and sometimes it was difficult to differentiate between the past and present parts.

If you are a fan of really dark thrillers then 'The Hotel Maid' maybe to your taste, but disappointed to say it was not to mine. With thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review.

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This is one of those books in which, no matter how hard you try, or how much you have read this genre, you'll never guess what's going on. From the prologue to the end, all the pieces are connected in a masterful way, and once revealed, it blows your mind. Congratulations to Michelle Dunne (can't wait to read your next book), and thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing (all your books are amazing), for sending me this wonderful ARC.

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I need a few days to digest this one. I read it all in one go, which means it totally held my interest. But it got really weird at the end and I kind of hated that. Also it gave me nightmares.
But I love the settings and the way the author describes everyone. That is true talent.

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The Hotel Maid was an intense thriller, June is a maid in a lovely old manor hotel, nobody notices the maid in the room, but she sees and hears everything.

The book is told by June and Mia, Mia is a young girl who lives with her family, but is not treating like a daughter. I liked reading about both characters, June being a dark person with a trigger problem. Mia is a lovely 10 year old, but is being treating as a slave.

The book has got trigger subjects, but the plot is good, it’s a dark thriller but did make me turn the pages quickly. The ending really brought the whole story together. It’s a great 4 star read.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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The covet feels very much like I've seen it before so I wasn't sure if I'd actually read the book and just forgotten but once I got started it was apparent, I hadn't read the book already and the cover art just isn't that original. It was a quick read and I really enjoyed it. Its one of those boost that are really easy to read with the Worting style, the characters were well written and it wasn't too overly complicated. Just straight up twists, tension and everything you want from a domestic noir

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I honestly didn't know how to rate this one. The beginning was very slow, building the story a little at a time. There's a lot of, what I know now at the end, is going back in time. While I was reading I presumed the Mia chapters were in the same time/space as the June chapters. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and Erica was not a like able character at all! Some might really enjoy this story, but it wasn't for me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher.

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The Hotel Maid didn't quite grip me at the start. The first few chapters reminded me of another maid themed book and that threw me off a little. However, from reading The Good Girl, I knew this book was going to lead somewhere else and it did. I was glad I kept reading and ended up really enjoying it. This book is so twisty and well paced. I thought it was well written and had authentic characters albeit unlikeable! The multiple pov really adds to the suspense and makes it easy to fly through. There came a point where I couldn't put it down. I was desperately trying to figure it all out! I'd rate this book a solid 3.5 ⭐️ and I very much look forward to what this author writes next.

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This was a wild ride! I knew exactly where this story was going but I was not mad at it at all! I’m glad everyone got what they deserved in the end, and liked how everyone was connected even if they didn’t see it at the time. This was great, I was afraid it was going to be similar to other “maid” stories but this wasn’t like any of the other stories I’ve read before! I really enjoyed this one and I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future!

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I found this book a bit confusing with so many characters and different timelines. I didn’t find any of the characters likeable . It wasn’t for me but others might like it.
Thank you Storm Publishing and NetGalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review

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"The Hotel Maid" bears a strong resemblance to "The Maid," both in its premise and overall vibe. If you're a fan of thrillers that revolve around unsuspecting protagonists getting caught in webs of mystery, this book will likely appeal to you. However, it's important to note that it contains some trigger warnings that potential readers may want to consider beforehand.

The story is compelling, with multiple POVs that add depth and variety to the narrative. While it does share similarities with other books in the genre, I still found it enjoyable. The different perspectives provided a well-rounded view of the unfolding events, which kept the story engaging.

Overall, if you're looking for a familiar yet satisfying read in the mystery/thriller genre, "The Hotel Maid" is worth picking up. Just be mindful of the trigger warnings before diving in.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #StormPublishing for the book #TheHotelMaid by #MichelleDunne. June is invisible to most everyone. She works as a maid at Cedarwood Manor and stays to herself. I do have secrets and they should never come out. Now, a woman has been killed at the hotel and a missing girl. How is this all connected?

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