Member Reviews

This first volume felt like watching the first 30 minutes of a Studio Ghibli film (in the best way). The art style was chef's kiss, stunning. The story follows Pili, a young witch apprentice. In this world, witches are able to talk to plants and have kept themselves hidden from humans who have exploited the planet. Pili is forced to interact with humans after her mentor becomes ill, and Pili's quest to find help leads to a dangerous human uncovering her witch nature.
This has the perfect mixture of beauty, nature, and violence that so many of the Studio Ghibli films have. I found myself getting emotional reading this first volume. I can't wait for the rest of the volumes to be translated into English and released.

The art was really pretty. It's closer to shonen, I think, so if you're looking for shojou steer clear!

This first volume in this newly translated into English manga series explores a world where witches hold the power of plants and are feared by the rest of humanity in an ecologically desolate world. Loss of innocence, loyalty and betrayal, and bravery and cowardice all play a part.
This would be a fantastic series for a younger audience. From an adult’s perspective, it lacked a level of character complexity that I was hoping for. Still, there is a lot here that feels worthy of checking out if it sparks your personal interest.
P.S. The wolf's design earned this review a whole extra star. Totally obsessed with it.