Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Merky Books for this ARC! This was a good book but it left me feeling bad and a little betrayed because I went in expecting a romance and it seemed like it would be while reading, but unfortunately that was a mistake. The story itself is really great and I would recommend this to others as a women's fiction or something along those lines. I would have given it a higher rating if I hadn't expected a romance, leaving me feeling disappointed. Tia is a great character though and I love her journey, just don't be misled by the cover.

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Tia’s world is thrown off balance when the guy she’s been in love with forever shows up with a girlfriend. Ready to move on, she jumps into the dating scene and unexpectedly connects with Nate, a photographer who truly sees her. But their relationship stays undefined—there’s no “Talk” to figure out what they are. In a world where people hide their feelings, can Tia push past her fears to find something real?

While "The Situationship" is billed as a rom-com, it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. The humor and romance didn’t land as expected, making the marketing feel a bit off. That said, I could see the author’s passion for certain themes, and I appreciated that. However, the heavy use of slang, constant partying, and lack of character development made it hard for me to really connect with the story.

Thank you NetGalley and Independent Publishers Group

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I think The Situationship is more women's fiction than it is a romcom, but I also understand why it was marketed this way: there is a romance, and there are comical scenes. However, this isn't a romance novel, because the core elements of what constitutes as a romance novel are turned on their head here—intentionally—and it is a fun read. However, and although the reader is warned, we have no way of knowing where Nate and Tia's relationship ends up at the end of this novel, and that was ultimately more of a turnoff than I'd anticipated. The narrative dragged on quite a bit, and the miscommunication got old FAST! The pop culture references were heavy-handed and cringe, and I overall find men like Nate to be terrifying in how they want everything a relationship offers except the obligation a title requires. But…I also found him charming sometimes—does that make me no better than Tia?!

Thank you to Independent Publishers Group, Merky Books, and NetGalley for providing an ARC!

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This is a very likeable romantic comedy about modern dating. While people meet in different ways to when I was a teenager, relationships are still the same even though people's expectations are very different.
Unless both people in a relationship are willing to ask
Where Us This Relationship Going, then the relationship isn't going anywhere.

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The Situationship* by Taylor-Dior Rumble is an engaging read with sharp writing and a compelling story. The novel bridges the gap between the lightheartedness of *Bridget Jones* and the modern complexities found in *Insecure.* Tia, the main character, finds herself navigating the unpredictable waters of dating in a world where commitment is often ambiguous. The chemistry between Tia and Nate is electric, and the story delves into the nuances of modern relationships without shying away from the challenges.

The strength of this book lies in its fresh take on the rom-com genre, presenting a story that feels both relatable and timely. However, it’s important to approach this book with the understanding that it’s not a traditional romance. There’s no guarantee of a Happily Ever After (HEA), which might come as a surprise to some readers. Knowing this upfront allowed for an appreciation of the story for what it is—a reflection of the complexities of modern dating rather than a journey toward a fairytale ending. This approach makes *The Situationship* a unique and thought-provoking read, even if it doesn’t deliver the HEA some might expect.

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So yea this definitely isn’t a romcom. It is decidedly women’s fiction. It was a very good read in that regard. It was so realistic and relatable. Tia was a lovable and I was rooting so hard for her and so proud of the way she didn’t settle. But because of that the ending was completely unsatisfying. One there is no HEA or HFN so again not a romcom. Sitcom maybe. Two, it end on a moment that feels very TBC and if there was any indication of that going in I would have been fine. However, this was cheeky and entertaining and I read it in one sitting. But the author definitely owes us an actual conclusion.

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This book was a refreshing outlook on the dating scene. I enjoyed reading this book because I could relate to a lot of the things that happen.
It was an easy read and quick to read too.

Thank you, Net Galley, for the ARC copy. I will highly recommend this book to my friends.
it is a good book for the age group in your twenties or early thirties. I really like the friendships, it very so real.

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This book is a classic "told not shown" and I could not vibe with it. I was pulled in by the beautiful book cover, but I was crawling through this book instead of savoring it. I also didn't like that the women were pitted against each other because society does that to women enough without us writing about it. Don't get me wrong, I have never met an Olivia that I've liked, but Olivia was poorly treated this book.

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The cover and description of this book drew me in and led me to request it on NetGalley. The story started off so strong. I was excited for Tia to meet a great guy after Aaron sprung a whole girlfriend on her when she thought they'd be together when he returned home, but this book was slow and dragged at certain points. The Situationship was not a typical romance book; there isn't a happily ever after like in most romance books. The book focuses on Tia and her life, which includes dating, but isn't solely focused on her dating; she has a job she is trying to advance in and friends she interacts with often. Many romance books have the same themes, but this book lacks the romance that makes a romance book. This book is more about Tia's life and learning to navigate dating in the 21st century among dating apps and less-defined relationships. This book may be better listed as a women's fiction book. There were parts of this book that were humorous but, other times, seemed quite repetitive (I'm looking at you, "kisses their teeth"). Overall, I recommend this book, but not to a romance reader looking for a romance book.

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First, the cover and the blurb draw you in. We’re introduced to Tia, a woman in her 20’s navigating challenges in her dating life and her career.

I think the author does a great job of highlighting the reality of dating in the era of apps as well as being a WOC in the workplace, calling out questionable/unacceptable behaviors in both. The details of Tia’s thoughts, frustrations, responses were interesting and were an overall plus.

The writing took me out of the story quite a bit, which was unfortunate. The dialogue could be cringey and some version of “kissed their teeth” was used 27 times 😬

Then we have Nate. So much potential! They meet, they’re unexpectedly separated, they find each other accidentally…but it leads to questions around commitment, expectations, and modern relationships overall.

This is a story about a woman’s journey of love, career fulfillment, boundaries, & knowing her self-worth. All are good, but I don’t think this is a rom-com - it’s more Women’s Fiction.

I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a romance, but possibly would if they were looking for a modern fiction.

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I actually enjoyed this read. Though this was fiction it gave a real life look at what dating culture in the 2020s can look like. It has many ups and down. This book was mostly light hearted and funny, sometimes in a corny way. It doesn't take away from the story though. I did go into this expecting it to be more romantic, especially since it's about dating, but I still had a good time reading this over all.

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“The Situationship” offers a humorous and modern look at the complicated world of dating in the age of apps. When Tia, reeling from seeing her old flame with a new partner, decides to try her luck with dating apps, her expectations are low. However, she’s pleasantly surprised to connect with Nate, a charming photographer who seems to tick all the right boxes: he’s attentive, makes her feel secure, and appears genuinely interested in her.

As their connection deepens, the story captures the all-too-familiar dance of modern dating—avoiding vulnerability and the dreaded “what are we?” conversation. The narrative is engaging and reflects the contemporary dating scene’s anxieties and tactics, where showing too much interest is often seen as a strategic misstep.

While the book is billed as a “hilarious, unputdownable romcom” by Merky Books, it falls short of the comedy. It sometimes treads into cliché territories that could have been more creatively explored. Despite this, “The Situationship” is a light and relatable read for anyone who has navigated the murky waters of dating apps and is looking for a story that mirrors the highs and lows of searching for something real in a world where indifference is often the norm.

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This was a slow read and not favored. The title made me think there would be high expectations, but this was not the case.

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First of all I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book.

I went into this book thinking it was going to be a romance book, but it's not, there is romance, but the focus of this story is Tina and her journey navigating the world of dating.
For me the book had to much description big chapter after big chapter describing a lot of things that must of the times weren't necessary.
One strong aspect to the book is the friendship that is a big part of all the characters lives.

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I wanted to love this book so much! I’ve been waiting forever to read it so it pains me to say that I didn’t enjoy it at all. I kept asking myself how old these characters were. I felt like I was reading a high school drama. And the miscommunication trope was so immature. I felt the story dragged on and at times I skimmed through the overly descriptive scenes that had no bearing on the actual story. This had a lot of potential and definitely fell flat for me at the end.

Thank you to Independent Publishers Group and NetGalley for this Advance Readers Copy ebook in exchange for my honest review.

Rated 2.5/5 stars

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Tia is navigating the complexities of modern dating while juggling work and friendships in this unconventional rom-com. The story delves deep into her experiences with structural racism at her workplace, highlighting the challenges of elevating Black stories in predominantly white environments. Despite some repetitive writing and occasional clunky dialogue, Tia's journey is compelling and filled with authenticity, making it a recommended read for those interested in contemporary issues and a heartfelt ending.

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I really wanted to get into this but I just could not connect with it. I felt like the pace was a bit toooo slow for me.

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i am so lucky i received an ARC of this book through netgalley. throughout this book, i fell in love with Tia's journey in dating and in life. she navigated struggles that many people of color encounter, especially when in dating and professional life.

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I found this book such an easy read, especially as it represented the current era of dating with the insecurity of are / aren't we officially dating. Great read overall.

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