Member Reviews

The 3rd Option tackles a topic that is interesting in these days where conservatives are trying to pull back the rights women fought hard to gain. I was intrigued to find out what someone might propose as the 'solution' to the anti-abortion/pro choice 'debate'. Sure, I knew it would be some form of sci-fi -- I wasn't expecting an actual, real, 3rd option. But I was disappointed. I feel that something way more far-out would have been more believable (in a 'suspend-your-disbelief' sense of 'believable').

In terms of technical competency as a novel, it's pretty basic. The dialogue, plotting, characterisation, narrative structure and writing style are not bad, but not particularly skillful. Also, it takes waaaay too long before the author reveals what the 3rd option actually is. And the reveal is underwhelming.

It may be a detail, but another thing got under my skin a bit: the author doesn't seem to have done much research about life today in Lithuania. He apparently sees it as some sort of backwards country, where, oddly, people eat American food (pancakes and syrup for breakfast? really? in a small B&B in Lithuania?). Also, someone goes to a post-office to pay their bills! I know many people still do this in the US, but most of Europe does all their banking online these days... Lithuania is a developed country, with a high-income advanced economy and an advanced tech sector; people are not going to the post-office to pay their utility bills. (Funny how many Americans still take it for granted that the US is an advanced country. Have you SEEN the rest of the world?)

The one thing I do appreciate about The 3rd Option is that it demonstrates that not all religious people in the US are raving fundamentalists, and at least some of them are trying to be more sensible about abortion. In view of the terrifying rise of various forms of religious fundamentalism and Christo-fascism, I wish more moderates were speaking up. I add an extra star for that.

But I take it away again as the actual 3rd option proposed feels like a cop-out at best, and at worst another insidious, sneaky way for anti-abortionists to undermine womens' self-determination. Sure, it's just a novel, and I should judge it as fiction, normally. But it is speculative fiction, written by a person who holds something of a position of authority (albeit a small one), and it's not a stretch to conclude that the auther intends it to have some influence in certain circles. So, I feel justified on rating it not only on literary merit but also on its philosophical stance.

And by that token, I argue that the only valid 'solution' is to trust women to decide what they want to do with their own bodies.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC! I was super excited for this as the cover and the plot summary sounded really good!

I thought this was a super interesting book and premise overall. Spoiler alert - it definitely brings some of the hot topics to the stage like abortion and overturning Roe vs Wade. My big issue with this - is I literally didn’t know what the 3rd Option was until more than half way through the book. You really don’t find anything about what truly happened until WAYY far into the book. I think there was way too much story telling for the mystery and I would have enjoyed more of the science and the story of the research. Last night I literally texted a friend and was like it’s fine, but I’m still not really sure what it is about and I’m over half way through.

A fine book - but I probably wouldn’t recommend and I definitely wouldn’t read again.

Overall - 2.5/5

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A poignant fast paced read with a very strong message about choice that is extremely relevant in today's world. the pro-lif/ po-choice debate is one which is very close to my heart a only very recently divided my country in a heated debate and it got ugly. what is there was a 3rd option?
Action packed, this short read is sure to thrill and trigger feelings in most people.

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In a world where there is such a divide when it comes to "reproductive rights," someone comes up with a third option, but not everyone thinks it is a good idea. I liked this book OK, but had a hard time getting into it and when I finally connected with the characters, it ended. I would have liked if there was more in the beginning dealing with characters and more about the babies. It was well written, however - just didn't grab me like I wanted it to.

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I got to 15% complete in this book and couldn’t force myself any further. Could not get into it. “The bald man” over and over again, the book isn’t long but at 15% complete, it should have started to get interesting.

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The 3rd Option is an emotional thriller that blends high-stakes intrigue with cutting-edge medical technology. As Allan navigates through a complex web of corporate espionage and political maneuvering, the novel keeps you on the edge of your seat with its suspenseful twists and turns. It's a thrilling ride from start to finish, filled with unexpected revelations that kept me hooked until the very end.

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Hey there! If you're into heart-pounding thrillers with a tech-savvy twist, The 3rd Option is your next must-read! Imagine diving headfirst into a world where cutting-edge medical innovations collide with international intrigue. This book had me flipping pages faster than my coffee gets cold (and that's saying something). This book is a rollercoaster of adrenaline-pumping action and mind-bending revelations. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this wild ride!

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What a unique read. I can’t say that I’ve read anything like this recently. I can’t say enough good things about it and I hope everyone decides to pick it up after publication day.

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