Member Reviews

Magda and Mac are so fun as adversaries. I’m not really a reality show lover, but I really enjoyed their adventure into the reality baking realm. This is definitely an enemies to lovers jaunt, and it’s a good one! I liked their story and that it is a sweet romance. If you’re ready for a tasty treat, enjoy this story!

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC. This review is my own personal opinion.

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I'm a sucker for baking rom-coms. This has a spin of the Great British Bake-Off, but it's American, so clearly it's meaner and less the British wholesome show (which absolutely works for this as it's an enemies to lovers style. I dove into this book and loved the relationships Magda has, and I absolutely plan on picking up other books in the Pine Hollow series.

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The final installment of Lizzie Shane's Pine Hollow Series is a winner take all story set against the backdrop of "The Great American Cake Off," a competitive baking show. A stolen recipe and unrequited feelings have fueled a decades long feud between Magda and Mac, two shop owners in Pine Hollow. They are forcibly reunited when the Cake Off's new season features arch rivals. The forced proximity and competition provides the opportunity to process hurt feelings and re-examine their connection to each other. You will want to read this with some baked goods nearby as the descriptions are craving inducing! Your blood sugar will rise and your heart strings will be strummed as you enjoy Magda and Mac's story.

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If you like cooking shows and storylines about frenemies, then this a book for you! I loved getting to know Mac and Magda and seeing how their past history was impacting their lives so many years later. Throw in a baking competition and reading about the highs and lows of reality tv, and I was hooked! The way the story developed and the characters grew through challenges, made this a perfect read! I definitely will be purchasing this one for my bookshelf and for a reread!

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4.5 stars rounded up. As a big fan of cooking competition shows, this book was so fun to read! I feel like Lizzie Shane did a great job of making it engaging as a sweet background for a love story, but showing the potential negative sides of these shows as well.

Sometimes in enemies to lovers books, the lovers part can seem sudden and unearned. But I really connected with both characters, their backstory, and the realistic way they fell in love over the course of the competition and supported one another. I also appreciated that there were several points where the story didn't go the way I would have predicted.

I could have probably done without the extra POV from Julia, but if it's setting her up for her own spinoff book in the future, I'm not mad at it!

Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I have been waiting to read Mac and Magda’s story since book one of the series, and it didn’t disappoint. Magda is a classically trained pastry chef, who has been trying to get on the reality show Cake Off for years. Finally she is chosen for this season, and she could not be more excited to finally be living her dream. That is until she gets there and realizes her nemesis Mac from her hometown was also put on this season as a twist. Mac is a cafe owner from the same small town, and he has been feuding with Magda for years. Readers previously had no idea of the reason for the feud, but had felt the tension mounting for the last five books between them. In this book we find out why they have been feuding, and how they let it get this far. I loved learning about their feud, what fueled it, and watching them communicate finally after years of hurt feelings. It was a very sweet enemies to lovers story, with some cute animals thrown in. I received an ARC, and this is my honest review.

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

It was a dream come true! Magda was FINALLY selected as a contestant on her favorite show, The Great American Cake-Off. Happy to escape Pine Hollow, she was shocked to find herself head-to-head with her arch nemesis, Mac. Removed from their day-to-day drama, will Mac and Magda finally put an end to their long running feud?

Though I still have two books in this series to read, the author's note made this sort of bittersweet for me as she mentioned this being the final visit to Pine Hollow. It does feel appropriate that we FINALLY find out what started the feud between Mac and Magda while also getting glimpses into where the other Pine Hollow couples are now.

This book was a bit different from the others I have read as the bulk of the story takes place outside of Pine Hollow. I thought this would dampen my enjoyment as the townsfolk are something that delighted me in each book. I am glad to say Shane was able to fill that void for me. Between the colorful group of contestants and all the Cake-Off action/drama, I found myself happily flipping the pages.

I am not a big TV watcher, but I love competition shows. I greatly enjoyed all the challenges and especially loved that it helped Mac and Magda find their way back to each other. There was certainly a lot of passion between them, and I wanted that funneled into love instead of animosity.

Not only was the show a great place for their friendship to be repaired as their romance blossomed, it was also a place for them to find themselves. Though being in their "bubble" was beneficial for both, it was Magda who really needed that distance from Pine Hollow. At home, people defined who she was while away, she was able to really discovery herself.

Overall, this was another wonderful Pine Hollow book! This was a delicious rivals-to-lovers tale that was elevated with a tasty competition. Should this be the final Pine Hollow book, it was a sweet and fitting farewell.

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Magda Miller and Mackenzie (Mac) Newton have history. They are fellow residents of Pine Hollow. Mac is six years older, Magda is very shy/quiet, and they met when they were teens. And it’s not like anyone would have guessed they would grow close... The story is about something that happens – we don’t really know details of what, really – that derails their budding closeness. For. Years. I’ll just say this: Family. Gotta love ‘em!

The ending made me laugh! I was quite surprised. Mac and Magda’s relationship and battle is a bit angsty for me but it was fun and sweet and sometimes a nail biter. And don’t get me started on trusting reality TV folks... A good read.

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This Pine Hollow series novel was just adorable. I might also be biased because even tho it was a compilation of different baking shows I know her main inspiration writing this book from the format was the Great British baking show. That is one of my tops.

Baking competitions on food network…I’m sold. I have an addiction. So I adored this book.

I loved how Cupcake cowered like a punk while “ Cat” took over. They played a small part but a big image role in my mind!


Magda and Mac. Enemies for years. He stole her man catching cake. She stole his business expansion location.

Finally Magda is going to live her dream of competing on her favorite show and not have to think about Mac…or will she?

Cake-Off has a new twist this year.

Will Mac and Magda burn down the show kitchen or burn for each other?

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This was such a fun book! If you like reality cooking shows you will really enjoy this book. Magda and Mac have been rivals in their hometown of Pine Hollow. They end up competing on the same reality baking show and, as usual, the rivals find things to like about each other. It was fun to see how the rivalry began and where it ends up. This was a really fun read. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review the book.

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Like Cats & Dogs is a multi POV enemies-to-lovers romance that focuses primarily on Magda and Mac, two feuding bakers in a small town that are chosen to be on a reality cooking show! The two have been fighting, without agreeing on WHY, for so long that even townspeople have taken sides. But now they have a chance to either fuel the fire or put old animosity aside and start fresh.

This one was fun and mostly worked as a stand-alone alone, even though it was book six in a series. There were a few references that made me feel I was missing a little but not enough to ruin the story. I liked the rivalry between Magda and Mac, and how they gradually got past it!

Read dates: 10/05/2024 - 10/07/2024
Goodreads review: 10/07/2024
Instagram review: 10/07/2024
Blog review: 11/12/2024

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Even their pets don't get along.

Magda Miller and Mac(kenzie) Newton have been rivals so long that not many even recall why. Quite frankly, I rather sided with Mac on this one. Him turning her romantic crush down when she was just 18 and him six years older shows character, not cruelty. That she's hanging onto that anger of rejection even now, 14 years later, made me roll my eyes. She's the one who allowed her teenage emotions to retain their grip on her, if anything, and that grip has only gotten stronger. Now they're thrown together in a baking contest designed to make sparks fly, and I don't mean loving ones, and forced to face their past. Given that this is a romance, I'm sure you can figure out how it'll all work out but, well, getting there is half the fun. If you like romances and baking shows, with a touch of quirky pets, you'll probably enjoy this book.

While, I wasn't really taken with Magda, I didn't dislike her but also don't think she was someone I'd want to hang out with. I could almost feel sparks flying as she bristled at anything connected to Mac, particularly his cat's habit of showing up in her home to terrorize her dog, Cupcake. Mac seems to be more of the live and let live type. He even manages to make one of Magda's wildest dreams come true (Nope, don't go there. This is a closed door romance. Grin) and ensure she is part of the baking reality baking show. Although I never felt terribly invested in the contest, I'm leaning toward thinking that part of my lack of connection to the plot was simply because I've read several baking related books of late, so I don't fault the author there. In any case, the contest is still interesting, even to non-foodies like me. The perspective alternates from Magda to Mac and even tosses in one from the show runner for the baking show. Toss in some interesting friends, fellow contestants, and the show crew, and it's an interesting mix. Mac's grandmother is a hoot, that's for sure.

Bottom line, it was an enjoyable, relatively quick read. I liked the role the pets played in the whole, too. Having read the author's "Pride and Puppies", this was a nice addition to that tale. It was definitely fun seeing Magda and Mac go from bringing out the worst in each other to bringing out their better selves in this enemies to lovers story. Thanks #Forever - #GrandCentralPublishing for giving me this sneak peek at what's been going on in Pine Hollow.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

2.5 stars
I really liked the previous book in this series and was excited to read Magda's story but it was a struggle to get through and ended up DNF at 45%. I couldn't see where it was going, if this was supposed to be enemies to lovers, since Magda seemed to hate Mac so much. I felt there was zero chemistry between them - it was all anger, more so on her part. Come to find out, what precipitated the "enemy" part of their back story took place 14 YEARS AGO and she never got over it. She was 18!! He's six years older! Also, I really need to stop reading anything reality-show related. It's never enjoyable for me.

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Absolutely Absolutely perfect. I LOVE pine hollow and the characters, and the way the story line throughout the books just flows so naturally. There were dogs, baking, romance, and old friends...what could be better??? I lost myself in this book. It plays out like a movie and every line is wonderfully written and believable. Perfect book!!!

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This is only my 2nd book by Lizzie Shane but I stand by my opinion that her books would make the cutest movies 🤭

If you’re a fan of any kind of cooking competition then you should give this book a shot. I loved the whole show set up, which is basically like a mashup of The Great British Baking Show, Top Chef, and Master Chef.

I love the twist of the show in making it Archrivals themed. Mac and Magda were already enemies, and then to add on a layer of rivals, too? Delicious. 🤭

This was a sweet ending to the Pine Hollow series. Now I gotta go back and read the ones I missed!

Thank you for the ARC, Forever!

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3.75 stars - It's a simple, sweet story, and I love that this reads just like the Valentine's Day Hallmark movies. It's enemies to lovers with a baking competition. Is the story predictable, mostly. Is it fun, absolutely. I would recommend this to anyone who needs a feel good, pick me up story when you're just having one of those days when you are feeling great.

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The synopsis for this book grabbed my attention right away and I am so glad I applied for an ARC.

I didn't realize until I was about 65% into this book that it is technically part of a series but honestly it didn't matter because it reads perfectly as a standalone. That is one of my favorite things, when authors write in a way that a book can be read as a standalone or as part of it's series.

Magda & Mac have been nemesis as long as anyone can remember but no one in town knows the real reasons. Magda remembers though and is relieved when she gets a call for Cake Off so she can finally live to her potential without Mac around making her life harder.

Unfortunately Cake Off decided to switch up their usually ways and used Mac & Magda's long time rivalry as inspiration for a Arch Rivals edition. Magda is enjoying soaking in the experience of being in the Cake Off kitchen in comes Mac popping her blissfully bubble.

Like Cats & Dogs was such a wonderful book and I enjoyed every moment of it. I will definitely be checking in on more of Lizzie Shane's writing as her style is so easy to follow and it's a nice enemies to lovers book with not a whole lot of spicy.

Also there is a wonderful last minute twist you won't see coming but if you are anything like me, you will completely enjoy.

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I honestly didn't know what to expect with this one because, despite having read previous Pine Hollow novels by author Lizzie Shane, I have the bookish memory of a goldfish and cannot remember a thing besides the fact that I enjoyed them. In reading this book (ok, fine, devouring, within five uninterrupted hours-- thank you theater rush line), I really enjoyed this one. It was compelling, adorable and sweet-as-apple-pie (pun intended) second-chance, enemies-to-lovers romance. It's told in dual points of views with intriguing language and quippy banter (which had my heart right away) that made for an easy, quick read. Plus, the characters were so richly developed, completely vulnerable and authentic that you has a reader can really root for and fall in love as they fall in love on the page. It's very, very cute and especially all of the Broadway soundtracks that love interest Mac was singing in his head, like it aligned absolutely perfectly with the vibe. It was so adorable and precious and made him become such a golden retriever book boyfriend.It definitely fits in with the other Pine Hollow books, but with a baking competition twist of rivals. In short, Like Cats and Dogs is legitimately the perfect definition of enemies to love and delivers a sweet-as-croquembouche (IYKYK) happily ever after.

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2.5 rounded up

This book had a really good premise - two long time rivals end up on a British Bake Off style show, only one of them doesn’t realise the other is on it, cue the sparks. Alas, I’m afraid this wasn’t my cup of tea and I DNF around the 65% mark, though if I’m being honest I ended up skimming through a good part of it. I really wanted to give the author the respect she deserves to read the full thing, but this just wasn’t for me, hence I am rounding up.

I think the big reason is I didn’t buy Magda and Mac as people who should be a couple. They seemed shoehorned together because they’re the last of their friends and gosh they hate each other it must be love. Magda is 32 and while I am a huge grudge bearer and have empathy for her grudge. She’d be holding it for 14 years! And Mac had legit reasons for turning her down. He was six years older than her! So the rivalry was just petty and Magda was a misery of her own making, I did not understand why Mac would like her now.

Secondly this book really pushed the whole ‘stop being single, you need someone, Mac’ stuff. While yes Mac needed to work through his childhood, there was nothing wrong with him with being single. Then I found the whole baking competition machinations just yawn-worthy with a third point of view from the nice producer Julia that didn’t work. This book needed to make up its mind what it was - the tv show or the romance because Julia’s chapters were unnecessary. A book can have both but this was jarring, and to be honest, maybe I’d have liked this more of the book was about Julia trying to produce this show, dealing with the show runner who wanted to make it an antagonistic game show but maybe falling in love with him instead.

Pace-wise as well, I just found it slow going so I couldn’t be invested so I kept skimming then skipping til about 75% of the way in before giving up. That said I can see others loved it, so many read this book to tell me I’m wrong, and for that reason alone I’d recommend it if the plot suits your fancy.

Thanks to Forever/Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I haven't read all of the books in this romance series, but I have read and enjoyed the previous one, and I enjoyed this too. They're just solid romances that you're bound to have a good time with. It's not quite 4 stars for me, though, because I found myself zoning out sometimes and I've read better baking competition books. But maybe I'll pick up the first book in the series, the Christmas themed one, in December.

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