Member Reviews

Magda será participante en Cake off y tiene que guardar el secreto, pero su archienemigo lo sabe y lo que es peor él tiene más información sobre el concurso que ella porque resulta que también particpara, pero no puede decirle porque firmo un acuerdo de confidencialidad.

La pobre se lleva mal con  Mac y aunque no quiera verlo no puede porque sus amigas están casadas con los amigos de él.

Ambos cometieron errores que los llevo a su enemistad, pero el tiempo que pasaran en el programa les servirá para aclarar todo.

Lo único que no me gustó fue que Mac no se disculpó por lo del plan de negocio.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Overall, I really liked the premise of the novel and I feel like this can be a great cozy read for the holiday season that can get you in the mood for baking with friends and family, and while there were times that the novel slowed down it felt like I was also taking a breather from the high stress of the competition environment with the characters of the novel. If someone is looking for a cozy read then this would be one of my recommendations for 2024!

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I love this series. And while this was adorable, and I love a good chef romance, and we’ve all been waiting for Mac and Magda since the first book… we needed more dogs. And Magda crying about missing Cupcake. She’s the crier, after all.
Thanks #netgalley!

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What's not to love about a story about a baking competition? And a cat and dog? I loved this story; it read in a day and I loved the characters! I would highly recommend!

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If you are a fan of the Great British Baking show and an enemies to lovers romance, this is the book for you! This closed door romance has some serious Gilmore Girl small town vibes and when I found out this was the 6th book in the series I knew I would need to go read the rest of the series.

The baking competition and slow burn romance kept me turning page after page. I loved the development of Magda and Mac's relationship and thought the flashbacks added to the depth of their animosity and tension. I usually prefer my romance reads to be smuttier but I fell in love with Magda and Mac’s love story!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Like Cats and Dogs is the perfect read if you enjoy the enemies to lovers trope or solid romances and Top Chef. I enjoy both so this was a great book for me, and so well written I can’t say anything to improve!

Magda and Mackenzie get pitted against each other in a reality show called Cake-Off, and a lot comes up about their past and the reason they are arch rivals on this toxic season of the show. I adored all the baking descriptions and that this felt a bit like a behind the scenes read of Top Chef. I also adored Magda and Mackenzie who were the perfect main characters for this novel. I’m hoping to find this is part of a series in the same universe because this was the perfect romance!

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Oh this book was darling!!! I loved the main characters and the sweet love story. Such a fun book. Loved the setting and the sweet story

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