Member Reviews

Absolutely loved this romcom! There is something so fun about a romcom about romcoms, a few authors have done it, like Lynn Painter and Katherine Center, and every single time I will eat it up.

Sawyer is a romance author with a cynical streak a mile wide, and after her break up from her girlfriend three years ago, she has had huge writers block. Mason is a huge romantic that just wants his happily ever after, but he is an actor and his relationships all seem to fail once filming is over. He goes too hard on big gestures and being 'the perfect boyfriend'. Their meet cute is everything you want - they get stuck in an elevator - before having a one night stand. Since this is a romance they team up to try out all the cute cliches that come with romance, with the idea that it will inspire Sawyer to write and Mason to realize those cliches arent that great.

As a cynical romantic I 100% related to Sawyer, she was bold and fun and these two characters work so well together because they learn together what they want. I can't wait for this to hit shelves! Also there is bi-rep, and its a cozy winter themed setting.

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Cannot tell you how quickly I blasted through this and now need it recommend it to all my friends. So fun, such a great subversion on all our favorite tropes, and a beautiful romance to go along with it. I think this is going to be a big hit.

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3.5! This started out really strong, even though I’m getting a bit burnt out in the whole “romantic x cynic” trope. But since this book is all about romance clichés, I was still excited!

I found the pacing of this one to be uneven. The beginning starts quick but there are some chunks throughout that seemed to drag and I felt like started skimming a bit. You’ll never find me loving that third act breakup, and this one managed to squeeze two different ones in there, so I had to suffer twice. That also might’ve attributed to why I didn’t enjoy the pacing much.

I’m a rom-com lover down to my bones, so I always love books with rom-com references! (The nod to the perfection of 10 Things was a highlight in this one.) I did like Mason and Sawyer together, though I felt Mason was very open about his feelings and Sawyer was frustratingly not. Her lack of communication is noted in the book, but it still was very not fun to read. Overall, this is cute and fun but just didn’t quite deliver the full package, unfortunately!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

After a painful breakup with her college girlfriend, Sawyer has sworn off love. Which is fine—except she’s a romance author. With a looming deadline and a case of writer’s block, she’s stuck. Then she keeps crossing paths with a one-night stand she can’t get out of her head, and he suggests maybe fate is nudging them to help each other.

Mason West is the ultimate hopeless romantic. His track record of dating co-stars has started to tarnish his reputation, especially after his latest ex goes public with a new boyfriend. He’s ready to give up on love, and when he repeatedly runs into Sawyer—the woman who left a lasting impression—he takes it as a sign. His idea? They’ll team up: he’ll help her with her writer’s block, and she’ll guide him away from romantic tropes so he can stop falling for people. Seems foolproof, right? Until, of course, their undeniable chemistry gets in the way.

These two are beyond adorable. I loved them both individually as characters. Despite their emotional baggage, they don’t let past heartbreaks weigh them down, and they still find joy and connection with each other. Watching them slowly open up and lower their defenses was so satisfying. Their vulnerable heart-to-heart moments were deeply moving, and it was beautiful to see them both feel truly seen and understood for the first time.

Both Mason and Sawyer have really strong character arcs. Their personal growth is just as compelling as their journey as a couple, and Ms. Connor does a fantastic job of showing their evolution, both together and on their own.

This was such an enjoyable read. If you’re in the mood for a cinnamon roll hero and a badass heroine, this is definitely the book for you! Highly recommend.

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Una escritora de romance que ya no cree en el amor.
Un actor que a pesar de que sus novias siempre lo dejan, sigue creyendo en el amor.

Sawyer y Mason se conocen cuando quedan atrapados en un elevador, ambos comparten cosas que no le habian dicho a nadie en relación a sus situaciones amorosas.
En su segundo encuentro deciden ayudarse y hacen una lista de cosas que hacer para ayudarlo con sus relaciones, mientras que ella utilizara todo lo que hagan como inspiración.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

After getting her heart broken by her college girlfriend, Sawyer no longer believes in love. No problem, unless you’re a romance author. With a looming deadline, she can’t overcome her writer’s block. When she keeps running into the handsome one night stand she can’t stop thinking about, he convinces her it’s a sign that they’re meant to help each other.

Mason West is a hopeless romantic. Known for dating his costars, his reputation starts to take a beating when his latest ex is seen with her new boyfriend. He wants to cure himself of his hopeless romanticism, and when he runs into the woman who rocked his world, it’s the sign he’s been looking for. The plan is simple: he helps her with her writer’s block and she helps him sidestep romantic tropes so that he will never fall for them again. It’s the perfect plan, until they realize it may not be so easy to deny their growing attraction.

These two are so adorable. I really liked each as a character. They both have scars from past relationships and yet they are not weighed down by them. They are still able to find joy with each other. I loved watching them slowly grow closer and let their guards down. Their heart to heart was so moving. It was wonderful to watch them discover that they’re really being seen and understood by the other.

Both Mason and Sawyer have great character arcs. I enjoyed their respective journeys as they come into their own and chase after their dreams. I felt Ms. Connor did a great job of not only showing us their growth as a couple, but also their individual growth.

This was a great read, and I would definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a cinnamon roll hero and a bad ass heroine.

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Unromance was such an unexpected delight for me! I chose to read it because I was looking for something light-hearted and fun… and while this story had that, it also had a lot of depth and feeling and it totally reeled me in. I ended up finishing it in a single day.

Mason and Sawyer meet in an elevator and what begins as a one night stand ends up turning into so much more, The way the characters are written is what made this book hit for me - it felt like I was reading about real people and became so invested in their lives. Unromance is Erin Connor’s debut novel and I can’t wait to read more from her!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the chance to read an early copy.

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This was absolutely adorable - I appreciate the banter between the two main characters, and having my favorite trope included as the premise (enemies to lovers). I loved getting to see the rom-com events that were occurring between them both.

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I LOVED Unromance! It’s fun and sexy and has such a great premise.

An actor and a romance writer have a one-night stand and vow never to see each other again — only their paths keep crossing. Mason, the actor, enlists Sawyer, the writer, to help to cure his hopeless romanticism. He’s getting a ton of bad press for dating costars, and the tabloids can’t stop talking about how his most recent ex is already engaged to someone else. Meanwhile, Sawyer is stuck in a two-year-long bout of writer’s block and needs to get a book to her publisher soon. She’s had multiple extensions on her deadline and knows she can’t get another.

The two of them decide to solve their problems by doing a bunch of rom-com tropes together (like going to a Christmas tree farm, shopping at IKEA, and being each other’s New Year’s Eve kiss). Running through the tropes will keep him from falling for them again, and she’ll get inspiration to write. They make a pact not to fall in love or have sex while on their mission. (God, I love a no-sex pact!) They also agree to keep everything surface-level and not discuss the messy details of their lives. Of course, they fail spectacularly at following their own rules, and it’s a delight to read.

This is a true rom-com. The entire time I was reading, I kept thinking about how it would make a great movie. I adored everything about this book. Erin Connor is a fresh and funny new voice in romance. With her debut, she’s already on my auto-buy list. I can’t WAIT to see what she writes next!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC, which was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Swoon! This was so much fun. I adore a cynical protagonist - in this case, Sawyer is a bestselling author of romance novels who is not so keen on love these days. When she has a meet cute in an elevator, she is determined not to make a big deal of the situation. Until her mystery man approaches her later that evening and she decides to live a little...

Sawyer and Mason are wonderful together and their banter was a delight. Each chapter explores or pokes fun at (in a loving way) a different trope. A must for romance readers. 4.5 stars.

Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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This was a perfect romance in every way. Perfectly swoony and perfectly spicy with the perfect balance of character and plot, and the perfect romcom voice. An instant favorite.

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First things first, let’s talk about how this book is Erin Connor’s debut novel, because this didn’t give first novel vibes. I think she did such a marvelous job at conveying everything she was trying to portray, and it honestly paid off.

I don’t want to give too much away, but just know I was giggling the entire time, this is truly a chefs kiss rom-com!

Despite the complicated instances of both of them regarding love, the personalities of both main characters complimented the other so perfectly, I could clearly see they were doomed from the start. This two were meant to fall in love, and they did!

Also, can we take a moment to admire the cover? It’s STUNNING and also definitely making me consider getting bangs again!

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for the opportunity to read this arc of Unromance!

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Unromance is a delightful twist on rom-com tropes, blending humor and heart in a way that keeps you captivated. The chemistry is electric, and the banter sparkles with wit, making every interaction a joy to read. Connor expertly plays with the genre's clichés while delivering genuine emotional depth, showcasing how love can sneak up on you even when you least expect it. This story is a fun, heartfelt reminder that some plots are destined for a happy ending, and it’s an absolute treat for fans of romantic comedy!

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I had a lot of fun reading this book—Sawyer is a different type of heroine than I'm used to seeing in romance novels lately, and I connected hard with her sense of humor in particular, even if some of her actions made me want to yell at her (Which to be clear was due to consistent character building and not anything negative!) Her chemistry with Mason was off the charts from the getgo, which was a lot of fun to read. I'll admit I struggled a little with the premise in that "ruining" romance tropes by experiencing them didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but honestly I was along for the ride and enjoying the characters so much that it didn't really impact my enjoyment. I loved the dual POV and the fact that both of the main characters experienced a lot of growth on their separate journeys—this wasn't just Sawyer's story, it was Mason's too, and they both had things to learn from each other and from themselves before they were ready to be together. I also liked the Christmas-in-Chicago setting, though I wish I'd known it was a holiday book going in as I wasn't prepared for it! Overall, this was a fun read with a good mix of humor, character, spice, and emotional development.

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I finished ‘Unromance’ in 24 hours, that is how delicious it is!!!!

I was instantly intrigued by the cover — I love the moody diner setting — but I did not anticipate the chokehold Sawyer & Mason would have on me.

This book is a mash-up of all the best rom-com moments I’ve ever loved and I am so grateful to Erin Connor for putting ‘Unromance’ out in the world.

What I loved:
💌 quirky, fun banter
💌 fake dating with a transactional twist
💌 the development of the main characters; I genuinely enjoyed both their personalities
💌 the playful settings for their fake dates
💌 laugh out loud moments
💌 well written spice — not too much, not too little
💌 their grand gestures 🥹
💌 quick paced plot

If you love Jessica Joyce or Julie Soto, you will absolutely love Erin Connor. This is a fantastic debut! Erin, you’re officially on my auto-read authors list 🫡

Thank you Forever Publishing & Netgalley for my e-ARC!

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The book itself says it best:

“ONE-NIGHT STAND TO STRANGERS TO FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO IDIOTS TO LOVERS–Invented by Mason Álvarez-West and Sawyer Greene, probably.”

What a fantastic debut. Mason and Sawyer couldn’t be more different in the views and approach to love. Yet what they find in each other along the way ends up being so perfectly perfect for who they are. Neither one of them changes who they are, but they do find ways to adapt and compromise to be the kind of partner the other needs — and that is true even at the friendship stage of their relationship journey. The times they have to face apart make sense for the characters and their path. They both have moments where they’re frustrating and you want to shake them, but they’re so purely human.

The banter/rapport/dynamic between Sawyer and Mason is so good right from the jump. They both have quick wit and play off each other so well. They match each other’s humor and spark. In their time together, it’s clear they truly *see* the other, and while it’s definitely not always smooth sailing or an easy fall, there’s never a doubt that they each know the other is something special and important in their life.

One of my favorite touches of the book were the romance trope/microtrope definitions/descriptions at the beginning of each chapter. They never failed to make me smile or laugh and they were a great little bit of foreshadowing guiding the story along.

This was such an impressive debut novel and I can’t wait to read more from Erin Connor. Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An absolute must read for rom-com fans: this book reads like love letter to the genre! Sawyer and Mason will instantly hook you and have you rooting for them from start to finish. This book is full of witty banter, nods to famous rom-coms, and plenty of swoon worthy moments! I was stunned to find this was a debut novel and cannot wait until their are more books by Erin Connor: she instantly became an aut0 buy author for me.

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Unromance by Erin Connor is a debut novel by the author in the romance genre. Unromance has quite a few twists with the usla tropes and I ended up loving them! I was quickly taken by Sawyer and Mason, who banter was swoon-worthy and the spice was top notch. It is a dunny, banter-filled and spicy novel which will make you love the chacters (MC's) from the first page. I really enojyed reading this and I'm hoping to read more from this author.

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Great book!! Interesting characters and believable plot. The book was just the right length to tell the story. Would read another book by this author

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I loved this book! Erin Connor is a debut writer I will be keeping my eye on. Her voice is so fresh and funny and I loved her twists on the classic tropes. This is a book for every romance lover!

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