Member Reviews

I love H.M. Long's fantasy world-building and they are quickly becoming one of my favorite fantasy authors.

Mary and Samuel set out to rescue Sam's amoral twin brother from prison, not just due to brotherly love but also because he needs Benedict to participate in the cure for their magical corruption or he cannot be healed himself. Near death happens many times, many people are captured many times, and loads of battles and swashbuckling ensues. So much action here! I did get a bit lost with regard to the character names, and I think partly that was due to the length of time between reading this one and the previous title. I think it would be difficult to follow the story without having read the first installation.

Mary and Samuel continue their slowest of slow burn romances, due to Samuel's overactive sense of morality. He was a bit too much of a goody-two shoes in this book and I was ready for Mary to ditch him for something moving faster than a dead snail. I hope the next book in the series follows Benedict on his shenanigans, because there was clearly more to come from this story based on the ending.

Great audio narration!

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This is a fantastic continuation of The Winter Sea series. It's like if Pirates of the Caribbean and Priory of the Orange Tree got together and made a book baby. You get the high fantasy world building and magic systems along with the nostalgia of a swashbuckling pirate adventure. The narrators selected for this audiobook have done a fantastic job of immersing you in this dark and adventurous world. I hope I can be selected to receive an ARC for the third installment of this incredible series! Red Tempest Brother cannot come soon enough!

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Thoroughly enjoyed the characters and slow burn romance in this book! The plot and world got slightly complicated for audio at times (or maybe I wasn’t paying good enough attention). I still really enjoyed the tension between the characters. Also loved the parallel of fighting for singers’ rights and women’s rights (as most are women). I loved the build up to the battle and a lot of the action scenes seemed to go on a while which is great as they didn’t seem easy. There were times when they were on the run, going through little towns/villages and it reminded me of Lord of the Rings (in a good way!). Lots of action and suspense! Really looking forward to the next one. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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3 stars.

Audiobook is well narrated.

Note: I have not read the previous book in this series

I am really torn regarding this book! I really enjoyed the world-building, which blends the seafaring world, various magical abilities and the whole other reality of the black waters. In fact, the creation of this devilishly-fun reality is my favourite aspect of this book. Much of the writing is also better than average - carrying the story along at a reasonable clip while also making time for interpersonal nuances. I wouldn't say that there is much character development (a little near the end), but rather the book is plot-driven.

Honestly, I probably would have rated this book at four stars had it not been for the completely ridiculous handling of one of the main characters (Mary). I am really not sure what the author was thinking!! I really wanted to love her. Mary has incredible, badass magical weather-bending abilities as a Storm-singer. And when she sets her mind to it, she greatly affects the outcome of both challenging situations and warfare. BUT, every other instant that she is not completely kicking ass, she is swooning and grabbing the arm of her indented-beau. She is a little mouse that can't possibly do anything meaningful or make her own decisions - until she makes the biggest possible decisions and changes the course of history. It's so incredibly misogynistic. Granted the world has a deeply patriarchial world-view, but a main character can kick such meaningful ass, she at least deserves to be able to stand up straight on her own two feet.

When I began this book, I was hoping to see character development in Mary. After achieving such magnificent feats, her confidence should surely grow (I know from experience that this is true). But the poor sop remained swooning and clutching the arm of her crush. Clutch his arm, Clutch his arm, clutch his arm ..... over and over and over again. *barf* I definitely will not be pursuing any more books in this series. I can't stand any amazing witch to be treated so poorly by her own story.

If you buy more deeply into the patriarchy, perhaps you will be able to overlook this distraction and enjoy the book for its world-building and writing. I could not.

Huge Gratitude to NetGalley and the publisher, RBMedia, for this AudioARC, in exchange for my (probably much too) honest review.

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A strong sequel that builds upon the unique magic system, naval politics, and slow-burn romantic subplot of the first book. Love these characters and can't wait to get more from this unique fantasy world! The narrators, particularly Moira Quirk, are fantastic to listen to and I highly recommend experiencing this nautical adventure via audiobook.

Mary and Sam must work together to free his twin brother from a notorious prison. While doing so, Sam must come to terms with the powerful but ultimately horrific magic that was forced upon them as children. Mary and Sam also have to decide how far to take their relationship and maintain a professional relationship as captain and storm-singer. Hopefully there's a wee bit more romance in book three, otherwise, I've got no complaints!

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I am obsessed with the Winter Sea Series! Black Tide Son was a perfect follow up to Dark Water Daughter. The world building and magic system are perfection. The plot was fast paced and action packed. HM Long writes amazingly developed and engaging characters. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book. As with Dark Water Daughter, both narrators for the audiobook are wonderful.

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I really enjoyed Dark Water Daughter and was so excited to start the second installment and this book did not disappoint. I really enjoyed getting to know more about Sam, Ben, and their relationship. There was also plenty of action and the world was further developed. Mary continues to be a great character.

The magic in this world is one of my favorite parts and learning more about how it works was so much fun. I also loved the narrators and their storytelling added so much to this book. They made the characters come alive.

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Black Tide Son continues the swashbuckling adventures of Mary Firth, a Stormsinger (weather witch), and Capt. Samuel Rosser, a Sooth (pre-cognitive). Having survived the dread pirate Lirr, the pair now sail the Winter Seas as a privateering vessel under contract with the Usti crown. But their peace is soon broken when a pirate reveals that Sam's twin brother Benedict, an Aedine naval captain and Magni (wielding magical charisma), has been imprisoned by the enemy Mereish kingdom. The Mereish secret service / cult, the Ess Noti, are hunting mages like Ben for dark purposes, and Mary and Sam are next on their list.

The Plot: There are three major plotlines in this book. The relationship (working and romantic) between Mary and Sam. The renewal of the Aedine / Mereish war, which necessitates Ben's rescue. And the search for a cure to Sam and Ben's corrupted magic, which the Ess Noti may know something about. There were also a few flashbacks to the 14 months between the two books and further back to Sam's childhood. The war plotline is the strongest and most prevalent, the final 25% of the book is essentially one long battle scene.

The Characters: Mary and her relationships are still the star of the show. I love her friendship with Charles and her bro-in-law relationship with Ben. Also the fact that Mary knows what she wants out of Sam (SEX) and will not be condescended to by him or societies' double standards is a breath of fresh air in the romastasy genre! Sam's relationships (as the other MC / POV) are a bit of a wet blanket in contrast. I especially wanted more depth to the interactions with his brother, which seemed too exasperated and dismissive given the whole prison-break situation.

The Storytelling: Fast-paced, action-packed, and immersive. But somewhat haphazard compared to the last book. Events seemed to go extremely well and then equally badly in cycles that were not quite believable. Also, the flashbacks were unsuccessful; they needed to be cut entirely or expanded into their own full plotline exploring how the relationship between Sam and Ben developed into its current state.

The Narration: I enjoyed the narration of Mary's chapters by Moira Quirk. But Samuel Roukin read Sam's chapters as if every observation, thought, and statement was a declaration. Although, who knows, maybe that's apt for Sam, who is clearly the James Norrington (PoC) of this world.

Summary: An adult pirate romantasy, heavy on combat and light on sex. Still loving it! More Ben and Charles bromance in the final book please!

Thanks to NetGalley and Titan Books for providing an advanced copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to RBMedia and NetGalley for the audio ARC of Black Tide Son. I’d heard nothing but good things about this series and Moira Quirk is one of my favorite narrators, so I knew I had to read it (after reading the first book, of course)!

Black Tide picks up after a brief timeskip from the first book. The characters did their training montage offscreen and are now exploring the seas, hunting down pirates and bringing them to justice.

I loved the character development that continues through this, the characters feel true to who they were in the first book. And Mary’s frustration with Samuel that he wouldn’t just kiss her already made me snicker every time.

Long did a good job of expanding on the lore, magic, and world in Black Tide Son. I could read a million books set in this universe!

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I want to thank #netgalley - #TitanBooks for the kindle & #RBMedia for the audio- I realize it’s nerdy gluttony, but I love to go back and forth btwn both mediums so I can hyper focus on a story.

And woo- Long builds a rich world* full of politics, layered magic systems, and yessss– even a slow burn romance** & it demands your attention. Did I mention intriguing gray characters that you *need* to keep your eyes on? TBH, it contains every fantasy element I crave for bookish escapism.

But TBH, I can’t believe it took me till book 2 realize Moira Quirk was on this- she’s one of my favorite narrators!

In book one, I was unsure how I felt about Tane/Mary relationship, in book 1 it felt creepy, but in book 2 it proved itself mores empowering.

I’m looking forward to book 3 (Red Tempest Son slated for July 2025).

Don’t sleep on this series! Highly recommend- 4/5

*At the start of book 3, can there be a series recap so far (the Rook & Rose series by M.A. Carrick does this and I wish this was a standard practice 😩.)

** Though I am begging for a little more spice in book three. (Pretty please!)

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I really liked the first book, but quite honestly this one was boring. There wasn’t much development of characters or deepening of relationships, we didn’t get answers to the lore/worldbuilding questions I collected during the first book, Mary suffered from a complete lack of agency, we didn’t have any awesome action sequences, there wasn’t much tension or suspense of any kind…

Even Moira Quirk’s narration couldn’t hold my attention (and not just because the male narrator had significantly more chapters).

I’m still interested in Long’s Norse mythology inspired backlist, but I probably won’t return to this series.

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4.5 stars
This was fantastic! I loved the writing style. It was very immersive and atmospheric. It was great to be back with characters I really enjoyed. The character development in this was phenomenal. It had a strong plot that wrapped up nicely at the end. It was action-packed, and the pacing was great. I absolutely adored the narrators. They did such an amazing job and really complimented each other. The narration really brought the story to life.

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H.M. Long really hit with this series. I loved Dark Water Daughter and Black Tide Son was no different. I thought it was a really engaging and unique fantasy world, with depth to characters that only continues to deepen with each installment. I really liked the pacing and plot development as well as the very clear character POVs. Another fabulous job by the author!

I thought the narrators did a great job with accents and embodiment of the characters. I enjoyed their performance and hope they continue as these characters in the next installment.

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I have mixed feelings about the sequel to Dark Water Daughter. First off, it is a journey through a richly detailed landscape that continues to enchant. The writing, magic system & landscape is as captivating as ever, painting vivid images of the world that draw you in. H.M Longs ability to create such an immersive setting is one of the highlights of the book. The atmospheric writing beautifully captures the essence & darkness of the sea, making readers feel like they are right there alongside the characters, navigating the treacherous waters.

However, despite the captivating backdrop, the romance between the Mary & Sam feels disappointingly flat. The spark that hinted at potential in the first book seems to have fizzled out in the sequel. Their interactions lack the depth and emotional intensity needed to make their relationship truly compelling, making the romance subplot a weak point in an otherwise thrilling narrative.

Interestingly, I felt more drawn to Benedict & felt he had more depth & charisma (even though yes he has made some horrible choices) . I wasn’t sure if i would continue on with this series but based off the epilogue & the potential to see his storyline, I’m definitely intrigued now.

The audiobook narrators bring the story to life with their amazing performances, enhancing the immersive experience of the high-seas adventure.

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an audiobook arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Another solid entry into this pirate fantasy. While this isn't a new favorite series, I do love how cozy the world is. The story is action packed and full of twists and turns and old magic and the looming threat of war. I really appreciate how Long created a world that feels familiar and lived in, yet still has me wanting to learn more.

This book dives a bit further into the romance between Mary and Samuel, and I found that I appreciated set up in book 1 much more after seeing some of that pay off here. I also am very intrigued by Benedict. He has made some objectively awful decisions but the magical corruption (and hopefully forthcoming redemption/atonement arc?) is really fascinating and the epilogue has me intrigued by where his story might go. That being said, I still think the characters are the least interesting part of this series, which is probably why I'm left feeling rather middle of the road about it because I tend to be a character driven reader.

Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin both give the excellent performances I have come to expect from them.

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This is more like a 4.5 stars if I'm being nitpicky. The middle didn't hold together quite as well as it did in book one. However, this was a really enjoyable return to the Winter Sea universe. Mary, Sam and Benedict have come a long way since book one - each following their own arc to show believable character development. It was also an interesting take to have Mary know exactly what she wanted and Sam to dither over choices.

This is just as action packed as Dark Water Daughter, with a series of high stakes sea faring adventures along the way. The story is engaging and I actually found myself rooting for the romance (which is quite unusual for me!) I especially like the way the folklore of this world is woven into the story but also used as world building - you feel that you've never seen everything and that there could be more adventures in this universe.

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Book 3 can't get here soon enough.
Gaaah, I loved Black Tide Son just as much as Dark Water Daughter. The Winter Sea trilogy is easily becoming one of my favorite series of all time, and definitely my favorite pirate series. For me, BTS was a lot like DWD but with MORE. More tension, more action, more magics, more cult-y deeds, more depth, more understanding of the characters and world. I even liked a certain character more.
I was fortunate to receive an advanced audiobook and Samuel Roukin was perfect as Samuel Rosser. I couldn't help but think of him as James Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean, and I mean that as a compliment.
As always, Moira Quirk can do no wrong. She easily brings every character to life, especially Mary Firth. There is never any doubt as to who she's portraying, giving each character an appropriate accent, and distinct personalities.
Thanks to NetGalley, RBmedia and Recorded Books for the advanced audiobook!

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Black Tide Son, written by H. M. Long, was a captivating tale that earned 4 stars. Set in a richly-detailed world, this book is the second installment in the series and presented a thrilling combination of adventure, subtle romance, and a climactic sea battle. I opted for the audiobook version, which was skillfully narrated by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin, bringing the story to life.
The author has a gift for crafting engaging stories, making this audiobook worth recommending. Thanks Recorded Books via NetGalley.

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I only picked up the first book in this series because Moira Quirk narrates, and I heard she uses her Palamedes voice (from the Locked Tomb audiobooks) for one of the male characters. I wound up enjoying Dark Water Daughter on its own merits—though Moira Quirk's fabulous narration didn't hurt—and I think this second book is even better.

This series is so much fun. It's adult fantasy that's both soothing to read and a swashbuckling good time. There are no big twists, grimdark deaths or deep, profound moments, but it's well-written and immersive. Long's prose is very good and she serves up mages, witches, romance, prison breaks, and a hero with an evil twin.

And let me tell you, the evil twin steals the show in this one! He has the best moments and lines. He's self-serving, cruel, and always saying awful things.

And yet, I am a little obsessed with Benedict Rosser (I can fix him!). I’m eager to see where Long takes his character in the next book.

Mary remains a bit of an uninspired heroine and Samuel, our hero, is mostly only interesting to me in scenes with his brother Benedict. Was I the only one who found the scene where Ben suggests he step in for his brother with Mary in the bedroom hotter than any of the Mary/Samuel scenes?

Mary and Sam are very predictable and unrelentingly good. But that works for me in a book like this that is more of a comfort read than anything. They might not be the most complex characters, but they get up to fun hijinks and the people around them add enough drama and conflict to always keep them on their toes and in interesting situations.

I'm surprised this series hasn't blown up. It's like The Shepherd King duology crossed with Pirates of the Caribbean.

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"Black Tide Son," the highly anticipated sequel to last year's "Dark Water Daughter," continues the saga with Mary and Samuel embarking on a perilous journey. After a captured pirate reveals shocking news, the duo sets off in urgent pursuit of Samuel's twin brother, Benedict. Their search leads them to uncover much more than they bargained for. While evading a cunning new foe, Mary and Samuel must navigate the complexities of their growing bond as they launch a rescue mission within one of the most secure fortresses on the Mereish Coast.

Unfortunately, this sequel left me feeling underwhelmed. Like so many books I've been reading lately, "Black Tide Son" features yet another instance where the supporting characters were far more compelling than the main protagonists. Mary and Samuel, who are so determined to be good and always do the right thing, quickly became stagnant in their development and, to be honest, downright boring. Their unwavering moral compass made their actions predictable and uninteresting to read.

In contrast, characters like Benedict and Charles have far more dynamic characterizations and interesting motivations. It was a shame we didn't get any POVs from them, as their stories could have added much-needed depth and excitement to the narrative. Their complex personalities and intriguing backstories would have provided a richer and more engaging reading experience.

Another downfall for me was the overall plot. Time and again, the characters would hatch a plan only for it to go horribly wrong. This recurring pattern made it hard to believe that these were competent individuals. The constant failure of their schemes detracted from the story's credibility and made it frustrating to follow their journey.

However, the world-building and magic system remain the standout aspects of this series. The setting of the story, with its fascinating landscapes and intricate magical elements, continues to captivate. H.M. Long excels at creating a vivid and immersive world that draws readers in, making the environment a character in its own right.

In regards to the narrators, both Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin did a great job with their characters. I could fully imagine Mary and Samual through their narration and found them to be another highlight of this reading experience.

Overall, "Black Tide Son" fell short of my expectations. While the world-building and magic system are still top-notch, the main characters' lack of development and the repetitive, often unsuccessful plans made the story less engaging. I found myself wishing for more focus on the supporting characters, whose dynamic and intriguing personalities could have elevated the narrative. Fans of the first book might still find enjoyment in this installment, but it may leave some yearning for a more compelling and well-rounded story.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this audiobook.

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