Member Reviews

Also posted to GoodReads today, zon, and Instagram will be tomorrow

I think it’s common knowledge that Dark Water Daughter was my favorite read of last year. I love dark pirates, strange magic, and partnerships that don’t turn into romance, so the book had all the right parts for me. It was just excellent and had all my favorite elements so naturally I had (unrealistically) high hopes for Black Tide Son.

I feel spoiled because I had both advanced reading and listening copies, so thanks very much to Titan Books and Recorded Books for those. Both were received for free in exchange for an honest review, and as always all opinions are my own ⚔️

Black Tide Son was still a very good read despite not quite hitting as hard. The atmosphere remains thick and the magic stays strange, but the plot itself just wasn’t an engaging for me. As you can guess by the title, this is Samuel and Benedict’s book more than Mary’s. We learn how their magic became corrupted and explore the brother’s complicated relationship. It’s not easy, it’s not happy, but is there a cure to their condition? Could Benedict ever not be a monster and can Samuel have a chance at sanity?

The other part is that of course now Mary and Samuel are exploring their feelings. Thankfully there’s blessed little pining and not much repetition, plus I respect his sense of honor. I am never a fan of romantic plots but I’ve seen much much worse.

Anyway, as much as I love swirling tides and the gistings and such, I didn’t think the espionage and war was as engaging of a plot. I also got sick of main characters getting casually shot, like how many bullets can people take before they can’t shrug it off and start acting injured?

Regardless, this is another action packed book and Long is wonderful at creating high stakes and urgency. I love her descriptions of the ice and tides and general setting too. I def wasn’t ever bored while reading or listening.

One thing I’m excited about is that it seems like Benedict is going to have a big role in the next book. He’s a morally questionable character at best and I’m interested in knowing more.

Finally regarding the audiobook… I learned something new. Sometimes the narrators would repeat sentences multiple times with different pronunciations, which I’ve never heard before so it must have been a very early version. Anyway, I am glad that Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin are back and at top form. They are cast perfectly for these characters and do wonderfully clear accents. I would totally recommend Black Tide Son in both audio or book form.

Long story short:
Everything I said about Dark Water Daughter is true here for it’s sequel. I just personally wasn’t hit as hard by the plot. Long is a great writer and I would totally recommend Black Tide Son if you liked Dark Water Daughter. The series is excellent for fans of nautical fantasy with dark currents. Thanks so much for checking out my book review and thanks again to the publishers for the early copies 🖤⚔️🖤

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This BOOK!!! This book is a really great follow-up to Dark Water Daughter, and I can't wait for the next one. The story in Black Tide Son goes into Samuel and Benedict's history, which is fascinating. I love that Mary is so strong and straightforward. I really appreciate that these books don't end on cliffhangers and still make me so anxious for the next installment. I think it's time for a backlist binge!

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Pirates and magic and storms, oh my!

An atmospheric, adventure-filled follow up to Dark Water Daughter.

This is a great follow up to Dark Water Daughter, with our favourite characters front and centre (especially Charles and Benedict). Important note, this book starts right where we left off, so I recommend re-reading Dark Water Daughter if it's been a minute. It took me about 15% to remember who everyone was and what we were doing. I would have appreciated a little help from the author, but I figured it out.

H.M Long is brilliant at world-building and crafting an atmosphere that feels so real you could swear you feel a snowflake on your cheek in the middle of summer. The characters are so well drawn that I feel I'm missing them now that the book is done.

I was hoping for more of a romance subplot between our main characters, and we get a little tease, but it's mostly on the back burner. Perhaps book three?

H.M Long's prose in this continue to be stunning. It was a beautiful read, and a great set up for book three in the trilogy.

This quote really stuck with me
Ben: "What would I be notorious for?"
Sam: "Hopefully valor, possibly treason."

Let's take a moment to appreciate the amazing narration work by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin. Moira is Mary, and I can't imagine it being anyone else, but Moira also takes on speaking parts of Mary's companions and fellow pirates and does a great job switching accents and tones to give the world a well-rounded feel. Samuel did a great job bringing the character's emotions through and making the character feel lived in and authentic.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the advanced listener copy. I follow H.M Long on TikTok and Instagram, because her content is on point and she often recommends other amazing fantasy, action and female-lead books. Find her @hmlongbooks.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the Audio ARC!

HM Long continues her fantastic pirate series with Black Tide Son, building perfectly on the amazing story of Dark Water Daughter. I especially loved getting to know more about Ben and Grant and am super excited to see where their arcs take them. And Sam, his character development is great! I loved it. Mary is still wonderful too.

Long is a fantastic storyteller, bringing interesting characters, captivating plot, expansive world building, and an intricate magic system involving luck of birth, power from a (mostly) unseen world, and the existence of immortal beings. She also clashes magic with science in this book, showing how reliant some characters and parts of the world have become on their magic....and how far some will go to keep it.

I once again felt like pacing as a bit off, with some aspects feeling like they dragged but overall it was a supremely enjoyable pirate fantasy, and Steve West and Moira Quirk were phenomenal as the narrators, as they always are.

I read a lot of fantasy and a lot of pirate stories and this one was up there - thoroughly enjoyable with great action, betrayal, intrigue, treasure, weird characters, and just a sprinkle of possible romance. Definitely recommend this one!

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Thank you NetGalley and RBMedia for giving me early access to this book! All opinions are my own.

I absolutely loved Dark Water Daughter, and this sequel didn’t disappoint. I love continuing Sam and Mary’s stories, and the world building is just incredible. To top it off, the voice narrators for the book were absolutely phenomenal. Sometimes I have trouble with audiobooks, but the narrators were so clear even when pronouncing words that I had no clue what they were.

If you love Dark Water Daughter, definitely pick up this book/audiobook!!! 4.75 ⭐️

Fantasy setting
Friends to lovers
Did I mention pirates and magic?!

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Unfortunately, I did not love Black Tide Son, but I think it has more to do with me as a reader than the book itself. This is a very pirate focused books, and I think I was imagining it would be a little lighter or magical. However, if you liked Dark Water Daughter, I think you'll really enjoy the continuation!

I'm very grateful to NetGalley and Titan books for granting me access to the Audiobook version - I think this was my personal saving grace for this read because the narration is PERFECT!

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La segunda entrega de la saga The Winter Sea, que comenzó con Dark Water Daughter, mejora con esta segunda entrega. Seguramente sea debido a que ya conocemos las reglas del juego y H.M. Long empieza a desplegar sus peones por todo el tablero para regocijo de sus lectores.

En esta ocasión también he disfrutado de los lectores de la saga, el nunca suficientemente alabado Samuel Roukin y una más que disfrutable Moira Quirk. Es un placer escuchar audiolibros locutados con tanta profesionalidad como pasión.

En esta ocasión el hilo conductor de la novela será el intento de rescate de Benedict, el hermano gemelo de Samuel, protagonista junto con Mary de la primera entrega, y por supuesto también de esta. Pero quizá lo que más nos atrape de la novela sea cómo se siguen desvelando más y más capas del sistema mágico que constituye el pilar fundamental de la serie, sobre el que se sustentan las aventuras marítimas y las conspiraciones que desfilan por sus numerosas páginas. La aventura está salpicada con capítulos que nos retrotraen a la adolescencia de los gemelos y que nos irán aclarando tanto su complicada relación como las causas de su comportamiento actual.

La trama romántica es bastante más creíble que en el primer volumen y también interfiere menos en la historia. Está ahí, sabemos qué está ocurriendo pero no nos distrae de la verdadera acción. Además, y creo que esto es un dato importante a tener en cuenta, se habla sobre consentimiento y relaciones de poder de una forma abierta, desafiando las normas establecidas para intentar establecer un precedente que ayude a las siguientes stormsingers en su búsqueda de libertad.

Es muy interesante el desarrollo de la figura antiheroica de Ben, ya que con su capacidad para manipular los sentimientos de las personas podría ser un villano de opereta maniqueísta. Pero no, Long le dota de profundidad e interés, diría que incluso más que a su hermano, y deja expedito el camino para que sea más protagonista en la tercera entrega.

En resumen, una historia de piratas y magia de agradable lectura y más que entretenida. Bastante recomendable.

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Just like Dark Water Daughter, Black Tide Son is packed with action, adventure, intricate magic, and very thorough worldbuilding. I really enjoyed the different settings in this installment, and there was a lot more action and suspense than there was in the first book.
I will say that this felt like filler more than anything - Mary's sole motive in this entire book is to further her relationship with Samuel, while Sam is battling a variety of obstacles in order to save himself and his brother. There was a lot more character development in some areas - mostly with Benedict - but the cast of characters still felt a bit too flat and one-dimensional. Despite this, the narrators did an incredible job with this story and brought the whole fantasy to life.
The writing was excellent - H.M. Long has a gift for creating lush fantasy worlds and magic systems. I loved learning more about the Other and the Dark Water, and I think this book did a lot to set up whatever happens in the third installment. I will say that even though there is more action in this book, it was a bit slow at times and certain plotlines felt completely unnecessary.
Overall, Black Tide Son was a good sequel to Dark Water Daughter, and a definite must-read for any fans of pirate fantasy, magic, and slow-burn romance.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and RB Media for the audio ARC!

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BTS was a great follow up to DWD.
This book was very engaging and interesting. I really enjoyed getting to experience the other more and really dive into everyone's abilities.
I was surprised to find myself rooting for certain characters by the end.
I just adore Mary and Samuel.
I love this world and anyone who enjoyed the first book will not be disappointed.

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Absolutely loved the second installment of the story, so much. The pace at which the story unfolded, combined with the narration by Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin, made it more captivating. The tension build in the second book has been so much better than the first part and the slow burn between Sam and Mary has been wonderful. Really looking forward to the next installment of the pirate fantasy from Winter Seas.

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A super fun swashbuckling adventure! Samuel Roukin is one of my favorite narrators, and Moira Quirk is no slouch either. Loved each of their performances a ton!

The book had a breakneck pace that I really enjoyed. H.M. Long knows how to keep a reader hooked for sure! The intros to each chapter makes it feel like the author created a vast world that we only get a small glimpse of.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Oohhhh, the TENSION in this one was niceeee. Mary trying to seduce Sam this entire book was delightful. And to be honest, was the only thing that kept me reading until the end. Don't get me wrong, I love when there is an obstacle that keeps the romantic pairing apart, but this obstacle (Mary being an example for contracted Storm Singers, therefore her and Sam not being able to bang) was a little bit too farfetched for me. However, it did set up some delightful moments in between all of the action set pieces.

The ‘prison break’ happens in the first 30% of the book, and from there the plot really opens up and you are sent with all of our characters on a quest to discover why Sam and Benedict have been cursed with messed up powers and finding a way in which to heal them. Along the way, they are chased by the Ess Noti who want the power of Mages. This really deepens the magic lore from where it was in the first book. There is also a 'cult' who you discover are interwoven into the politics as well. The world-building are expounded as well in this second book.

All of that to say, I still didn't feel as if the culmination of all of these elements into the final act made me love this book as much as I loved DWD. For me, things got a little bit confusing and then the plot kinda just got tied up into a neat little bow at the end. After reading a few reviews, it seems like a lot of people sensed what I did in that this book was almost filler for the final book, resolving plot points from the first and setting up bigger stakes for the last.

However, I feel like the next book may follow the brother Benedict, on his adventure and leave Sam and Mary behind as the ending of this book definitely gave that impression.

This gets a 3 out of 5 stars for me.

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This was an interesting second installment. I liked being back with the characters. I was a little disappointed as the story tension from the first book was not as high in the second. I also had to knock it down a half star because the audiobook narrator is audibly swallowing multiple times throughout the book and it just kept throwing me out of the story. I would potentially pick up a third book if one happens.

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I am just as happy with the book as the 1st! I really enjoy the world / character building this author takes the time to do with her books. This book kept me on my toes with all of the adventure, mystery, and sexay pirates.

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Black Tide Son is the follow up to Dark Water Daughter as Mary and Samuel search for Samuel's twin, Benedict (who can control other people), all while being hunted by the Ess Noti.

I wanted to love this book. I loved Dark Water Daughter. Unfortunately, I had a harder time with this one. I felt there was a lot going on in this story. I felt that the way too much that was going on took away from the character development, and they felt a bit flat to me as most of the focus was put into the story. The progression of Mary and Samuel's relationship wasn't really earth-shattering in my opinion. I had hoped for more. (Not saying I need full on romance just a bit more emotion.) I didn't hate this book, but I didn't love it as much as I did the first one. I will say though that the book is very atmospheric. You really feel like you're sailing through the sea.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ALC. Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin were great narrators and really brought the characters to life.

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Long created a fascinating high fantasy pirate adventure with The Winter Sea, so I had incredibly high hopes for Black Tide Son, which it lived up to. Black Tide Son makes considerable progress in moving the overall series plot forward both for the characters themselves as well as the overarching storyline. There was also considerable character and relationship development between Mary and Sam although a significant portion occurred off page during the time gap between The Winter Sea and Black Tide Son. Additionally, I was absolutely delighted by the cast of surrounding characters. Also, I need to talk about evil twin Ben. He is such a fascinating character. He certainly makes terrible choices and decisions but he’s still interesting to learn about. The other element I found interesting was the blending of past and present to tell the story. Like the first, I read this book via audiobook and would highly recommend it again. Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin did a fantastic job bringing the characters and story to life. Listening to their narration feels like watching a movie play out in your head. It is seriously so good and in my opinion, the best way to experience this series.

Overall rating 4.5⭐️

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Thanks to RBMedia for the arc!

I had my problems with Dark Water Daughter but Black Tide Son really pulled through. The tension that i missed in the first book were finally given and it was just sooo good. The characters felt more fleshed out, especially Samuel and Ben. The writing was more fast paced than the first book and at no point did i feel like the story was dragging on. But i do think given the promising worldbuilding that this book could have been more. Regardless i am interested to see where this world keeps going.

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I love this world so much. The blend of fantasy and historical elements are unique and fascinating, and I never grow tired of learning more of it. The characters were also a delight to return to, and the dynamic of the main group is always an excellent source of entertainment. The development of the relationship of Mary and Samuel is wonderfully slow burn. I don’t know for sure if this is a planned trilogy, but H. M. Long definitely ended the book with the possibility of more story. With that in mind, I feel as though this book might have suffered from middle-book syndrome, in which there is somewhat of a lull in pacing. The middle dragged a little for me, but still not enough to prevent me from thoroughly enjoying the book as a whole. Once again Moira Quirk and Samuel Roukin both had excellent performances narrating the audiobook. They ARE these characters.

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I am very into the world building H.M. Long has done in this series. It really has it all - pirates, a unique magic system, cults, naval battles, politics, and a quiet, but beautiful romance. In this sequel we see Samuel captaining Hart with Mary at his side as stormsinger. They are on the hunt for Samuel's twin brother, Benedict for many reasons, but chief among them is in pursuit of a cure for Samuel. I loved that while this book was a continuation of the characters we met in Dark Water Daughter, the primary action stood on its own. While you will certainly benefit from reading the first book prior to this, you could probably follow the action without too much confusion. But, the character development from book one to book two would be missed and that would absolutely be a pity. I listened to the audio galley and was struck by the strength of both narrators, Moira Quirk and Samuel Roulkin. Quirk I've listened to before and knew I liked; Roulkin is new to me, but also excellent!
My only complaint is that I thought this was set to be a duology and based on the ending that is not the case. I see now that Long has plans for a book three... Oh well, I guess I'll have to go back to the Winter Sea ;)

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The dual narration is fantastic. These two are exactly how I imagine in I’m head. Both are great narrators and I feel like do the story such justice.

While I enjoyed dark water daughter more I still lover this one. I love Mary so much. And samuel. Didn’t always hate Ben’s presence in this one either.

This series is my ideal pirate epic fantasy(with a minor romance.) I love the magic system and just find the world to be so interesting. Hannah’s writing is perfection in my opinion and she can do no wrong.

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