Member Reviews

Well didn't this book have all the twists and turns in it.

Eve is pregnant and alone. She has no money, and is left wondering how she is going to raise this baby on her own. In come Julia and Christopher Hygates. They are wealthy, and they have a plan in place - they just need to find the right person to help them... a pregnant person.

This book was action packed with twists and turns and so many things you don't see coming. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting, but the ending turned out really good.

I did find Eves character to be a little annoying and naive - but I do know she had to be portrayed that way. Overall it was a good read.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Text Publishing for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Eve, who has no family, no money, and whose boyfriend has just been killed in a car accident, goes to a remote island off of the coast of Tasmania to be a nanny for a very rich couple, Chris and Julia. But some of their associates are shady and some of the things they ask her to do are questionable.

I loved the first novel from this author and I liked this one but not quite as much. I felt like the whole story hinged on Eve being over the top naive and trusting. I know that her back story was set up to make this more believeable, but it still was too much for me. Regardless, I found this to be a quick read and I was definitely interested in finding out what was really going on, because clearly Chris and Julia were not on the up and up. Overall, another good one from this author and I look forward to her next novel.

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Wow. What a fantastic book! I absolutely LOVED it.
It's definitely one of my favourites for the year so far.

No One Will Know was full of suspense, drama, betrayal, and deceit.
I got very invested in the characters very quickly, especially Eve. There were a few times I wanted to shake her for being far too trusting and naive, but it added to the suspense, making for a tense read at times.
Julia and Christopher were interesting characters, although they were very self-absorbed.

Rose did a fantastic job keeping me guessing throughout the story. I thought I had it all figured out, but then that final twist threw me.
I enjoyed her writing style and I'll be eagerly awaiting her next novel.

I very highly recommend.

5 well deserved stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Netgalley, Text Publishing, and Rose Carlyle for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Eve Sylvester is a young, very naive girl with a lot of tragedy in her life. Raised partly in the foster care system, she's been restlessly moving around most of her life, when a chance meeting with a young Australian man overseas leads to a yacht journey home. It's a short lived period of bliss with the love of her life, Xander, who then dies in a car accident on the way to introduce Eve to his very wealthy parents. Who were convinced their son was going to marry a much more suitable previous girlfriend, and are very sceptical when, after being released from hospital recovering from her own injuries, Eve announces she's pregnant.

Cut a long, awful story short, cut off, disbelieved, homeless and aimless, a pregnant Eve is approached at Xander's grave by an elderly woman with an unbelievable job offer. The role of nanny for a ridiculously wealthy couple who live on a secluded island off the coast of Tasmania.

The setting, needless to say, is fictional here, so the island is anything the author wants it to be. She wants it to be luxurious, remote, populated by just enough people to support a small town where staff can come and go from, and provide a mansion of a house, a detached summer house (where Eve is accommodated), a secluded harbour which sailing ships come and go from unseen, and a nearby isolated lighthouse. All of these elements feature in a story that gets, well, complicated. Eve's pregnancy proceeds, her job includes a few very hairy complications, and six years later things become life threatening and, well more and more odd. Can't say much more than that without giving away a plot that is most certainly a wild, very wild, wierd, wild ride.

NO ONE WILL KNOW is going to work well for readers that can connect with Eve who is part naive ingénue, part annoyingly thick as a brick, brave and incredibly daft all at the same time. It's a sort of a mother's love will overcome everything story, (stand by for some twists and turns in there), which is definitely going to work well for readers open-hearted enough to understand and/or forgive her naivity, possessed of determined suspension of some hefty disbelief along the way.

This reader found it an interesting, frustrating, unexpected ride. On the one hand fast paced, intriguing and engaging. On the other, I had to restrain a physical reaction to some of the plot twists that had me eye-rolling and sighing more than a bit. There were points where I couldn't put the novel down, and there were points when I wanted to pitch it against the nearest wall. From memory, a similar reaction to the author's earlier novel, and maybe that's the point. Make things as out there as you possibly can, and see if you can engage a reader with a character whose flaws, and the mess they find themselves in, are so unlikely, that they make you suddenly think, "is it really that unlikely?" In this day and age who knows, anything's increasingly possible.

(This review will be pushed live on AustCrime on the 1st October / release date)

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This is an entertaining thriller by an Australian author. It’s Rose Carlyle’s second novel, following "The Girl in the Mirror", which I haven’t read, but which received considerable acclaim.

This novel is told (mostly) from the first-person point of view of a young woman, Eve Sylvester. Shortly after the start of the book, Eve discovers she is pregnant, but she when she approaches the rich family of her boyfriend, who died in a car accident, they shun her, treat her coldly and offer no help. Eve is an orphan, so has no family of her own to support her, has few skills and no savings, so she is becoming desperate.

While she’s grieving her boyfriend in the cemetery, an older woman approaches and strikes up a conversation. It seems like a gift from Heaven when this woman, Zelde, tells her that her wealthy employers, Christopher Hygate and his wife Julia, are looking for a nanny for their baby, and all but offers her the job.

After Eve gets the job and moves to the island off the coast of Tasmania where the Hygates have their mansion, the story takes many unexpected twists and turns, which I won’t reveal, other than to say that this apparently heaven-sent job turns out to be anything but. Zelde and the Hygates have deceived her. Their deception goes much deeper than it first appears, and keeps on getting deeper. A high level of tension is kept up throughout as Eve tries to escape from the coils in which she finds herself.

There are some touching scenes as the story jumps six years forward shortly after Eve gives birth. A focus of the book is on the strength of the bond between a mother and her child, and the extraordinary lengths she will go to protect it.

I did think that a weakness of the book was the rather pat ending in which all the bad guys get their just deserts and all the good guys triumph. I would rather have had more shades of grey, and some ambiguity, but perhaps that’s just me.

Setting that aside, I did enjoy the book, which kept me turning the pages, and I’d be happy to read anything else the author writes.

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Eve is alone, pregnant and desperately needs a job. She meets Julia and Christopher, a seemingly picture-perfect couple, who wants to hire her as a nanny. She quickly realises that they have hidden intentions and she will have to fight for her survival.

This was a slower-paced mystery, but it did keep me guessing throughout. The way the different character perspectives was written felt disjointed and the first part of the book felt like it could have been a separate story from the rest of the book. It was difficult to root for Eve as she was very naive and constantly made questionable decisions. The other characters weren't likeable either with their ulterior motives.

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Very much a page turn but a good one that is well written and creates a story that moves fast. Set on a fictional island in Tasmania there is much to worry the reader from the moment Eve arrives. She comes with a tragic backstory that increases her vulnerability into a world in which it’s very hard to find a posit trustworthy person. So it’s Eve against the world and we want her to win. I couldn’t put it down which was perfect as I needed an escape read for the weekend. Thanks to @netgalley and @textpublishing for an advance reader copy in return for my review.

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Eve has no family, no money and has recently found out that she is pregnant. Her luck changes when she is offered a job by a wealthy couple and the chance to bring up her child on a beautiful Tasmanian island. But everything is not as it seems.

Wow! This book was amazing. It's split into 3 parts, starting out as a slow burn domestic thriller but really picking up the pace in part 3.

The plot is clever, you don’t know which characters to trust. You know something is off, but you have no idea how things will pan out and the twists and turns keep coming.

The island setting made me want to go on holiday and the pregnancy/mother-child bond theme really pulls at the heartstrings. I couldn’t put it down.

Thanks to Netgalley, Rose Carlyle and Text Publishing for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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If you enjoyed the Girl in the Mirror, you will also like this book by the same author.

Eve meets Xander and they have an idyllic life traveling and sailing around different places on a boat together. Both are madly in love with each other and are really enjoying their time together. Xander wants his parents’ to meet Eve and after he is summoned home. Eve is extremely nervous as Xander has been asked to lunch with them and he wants her to attend with him. Unfortunately, Xander’s ex-girlfriend is also going to be there, a girl that his parents love.

Soon after, Eve is now on her own, penniless and homeless. She then receives an offer of work as a nanny by an extremely rich and private couple, Julia and Christopher Hygate. Eve has previous experience in child minding and is over the moon thinking she is now in a great place and will be able to earn a decent living all while living on a beautiful luxurious island. But she is also hesitant after meeting the couple, she feels there is something off about them and wow is she right. After thinking it through she decides to accept, this may be a decision she soon regrets. Sometimes we should just follow our gut feelings

Lots of drama and twists that will keep you entertained with characters that are extremely strange, underhanded and devious. I really think it is best to just go into this one without knowing too much more but be prepared for a very rocky ride.

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publisher for an ARC, all opinions are my own.

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WOW! What a ride! I was hooked on this book from the very first page as Eve, a young, naive and pregnant woman finds herself alone in the world, after the death of her boyfriend in a car accident. When Eve is offered a job as a Nanny to a wealthy couple on a private island, it seems like a dream come true, but Eve has no idea what she is walking into and it's more complex, thrilling and twisted than I could ever have imagined!

It's difficult to say too much without venturing into spoiler territory, but this book is no ordinary thriller and Christopher and Julia Hygate, Eve's employers, have SO many secrets!

Twist after fast-paced twist had me reeling and it didn't let up until the mind-blowing epilogue.

5 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Rose Carlyle and Text Publishing for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Read this on holiday and it was the perfect beach read, held my interest and wasn't too taking. It's a pretty standard thriller with nothing new but it was good nonetheless. Beachy trash perfect to escape with

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#NoOneWillKnow #NetGalley
Eve Sylvester is young and broke and needs a job fast. After years of foster homes, backpacking and a sailing trip across the Pacific Ocean, she has lost contact with friends and family. She is alone, desperate—and pregnant. Then she meets Julia and Christopher Hygate, a charming and glamorous couple, who seem to have the perfect life: loads of money and a breathtakingly beautiful mansion on a remote Tasmanian island. They make her a lucrative offer. Eve can move into their empty summerhouse and take up a very easy job. Eve thinks she’s fallen on her feet—she has found a home, and her child will grow up in the aptly named Paradise Bay. But some things about the job don’t add up. Why must Eve stay out of sight? Why have the Hygates employed an ex-con to run their yacht-charter business? And what about the mysterious boats sailing in and out of the Hygates’ private marina? Has Eve made a deal with the devil? It’s too late to ask questions. Eve is already in far too deep.
It was mind blowing.
Thanks to NetGalley and Text Publishing for giving me an advance copy.

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Obsessed with thrillers at the moment even though I read them with my heart in my mouth most of the time! Couldn’t put this one down and read it all in one go!
Every single time I thought it was ok again there was another twist or another turn that changed everything and even right at the end there was one last twist!
I did thoroughly enjoy the suspense once it was over but there were a few times during I thought I was going to put the book down and not pick it back up! Clearly the making of a good thriller!
There could be some triggers in here for people so deffo check them before you read!

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Whst a fantastic read I flew through the book in less than a day.

Would definitely recommend to others

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Snared by the description, I jumped in.

Eve and Xander have been sailing the world, Eve joined Xander after his girlfriend left, and the end up very much in love. They return to terra firma and Xander is about to introduce Eve to his family when tragedy strikes. Eve is now alone and pregnant, from here it’s a wild ride of the worst decisions she could possibly make and a very slow burn plot where Eve continually puts herself in more danger than you may have thought humanly possible.

I couldn’t get on with the character of Eve, she seemed bereft of instinct, sense and survival. While the plot was slow, it could easily have been rescued by a protagonist with something about them.

Not for me, but good for anyone who enjoys a thriller with a completely hopeless victim.

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