Member Reviews

Oh I do love the ladies of lunch so much. It was lovely to be back with the gang and see what mishaps and events they get up to now.
I’m so happy to have caught up with them and their jolly gang.
Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review

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When I first started reading this book, I was very confused about the plot and the characters. When I realized that I was the fifth book in the series, I went back and started reading the books in order, which made reading “A Gravely Troubling Discovery” a much better experience!

Overall, I enjoyed this book. I liked Margery and Clementine from the first page of the first book, and they continue to be silly, funny, caring, and adventurous in this book as well. Their relationship, their friends, and their adventures makes “A Gravely Troubling Discovery” a suspenseful, yet cozy read. Hannah Hendy does a great job of balancing character development and plot, making sure to give Margery and Clementine a rich personal life, but not spending so much time on this aspect that it becomes boring or takes the focus away from the mystery.

There are times when the pacing could have been a little quicker, and I found that the multiple “Billy Blacks” (grandfather and grandson) + the mistake (?) in chapter 23 when Clementine says she suspects that Don killed Evelyn, makes the plot a little confusing towards the end. These do not take away from what is still a very comforting, suspenseful, and funny mystery!

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We are on an another exciting adventure with the crime busting duo - Margery and Clementine Butcher-Baker, Education Centre Noruishment Consultants they prefer to be called dinner ladies. The story begins with a skeleton dug up in the school playground. Of course, Marg and Clem say they won't get involved to the new police officer, Officer Wilkinson, who has taken over from Officer Thomas. The ladies take on a job for a Mrs Redburn, who suspects that Mr Redburn is up to something. Before long, Marg and Clem become embroiled with more than they bargain for. And so the adventures begin....It was well written and so descriptive. All the little details came together with a surprising conclusion with a side of humour! I highly recommend this book.

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'A Gravely Troubling Discovery' by Hannah Hendy.

The truth isn't the only thing that's dead and buried...
Margery and Clementine Butcher-Baker have been warned not to interfere in any more police investigations. When a body is found under Summerview School's playground during renovations, they have absolutely no intention of getting involved.
Instead, the pair agree to help Mrs Redburn, who suspects her husband of having an affair. But when their sleuthing sends them stumbling into the middle of the playground mystery, staying out of the police's way is impossible.
Can the Dinner Lady Detectives uncover the truth about the body, and solve Mrs Redburn's case, or will they end up digging their own graves?
I might be a bit biased because I love this series but this is a reay enjoyable book. I really had no idea who it was going to be so it kept me guessing right till the end. I love Margery and Clementine and how they always manage to get themselves into modern day Jessica Fletchers.
I like that this book gave a bit more insight into the rest of the dinnerladies. I'm still a massive fan of Rose and in particular her relationship with Seren.
For anyone who is a fan of murder mysteries and cosy crime please give this series a read. You won't be disappointed.
Thanks to NetGallery UK, the publishers and the author for letting me read a copy in return for an honest review.

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Thank you to net gallery for this arc. I really enjoyed this book it was so good to be back with Clementine and Margery I just love how these two always get caught up in the middle of the murder that happens. I really liked this story as they was so many twists and turns though out the whole book. I was sure about the ending though as they were so many ways this book could have ending in my opinion. The new detective in this books isn’t very nice he is very rude and I don’t like that about characters in a book. The other characters all worked really well together and they all get on well together. I like how the author describes the characters and describes the way the murder is finally solved. I don’t know how many more off these books can be written to be honest as in my opinions it’s starting to drag on now. But I will keep reading Margery and Clementines books as the characters are what’s keeping me inspired xxx

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A Gravely Troubling Discovery is the fifth book in the cozy detective series starring the dinner lady detectives. Margery and Clementine are now happily married and find themselves, yet again, involved in solving not one but two murders. Margery is now the kitchen manager of the dinner ladies in a secondary school in South Wales, UK. A school kitchen is a different setting than most mysteries but the author does a nice job including many of the school staff in her novel. This story has a rather drawn out plot involving the school's annual swim challenge with a rival school. The book moved a bit slowly for me and I feel could it could have used tighter editing but it was still a quick, easy read. I look forward to the next book in the series.

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