Member Reviews

This had a really good premise and I enjoyed it at first but I struggled to continue caring about the story and it’s characters.

I got 10 chapters in and was disinterested with the ‘woe me’ act.

Was slightly disappointed as I loved the authors other books.

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I really enjoyed this book. Filled with magic and mayhem. After the turmoil that the main character suffers throughout the book, I’m pleased the ending was happy and thought it was a nice way to end the story.

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We may need to come up with a new sub-genre for this book: cozy dark gothic fairytale fantasy?

That's the only way to describe how wonderfully unique the story was. It was dark, gothic, and the stakes were high- and yet still cozy and heartwarming.

The world that the author built was incredible. It was familiar enough that you could easily sink into it but unique and captivating with the magical elements. I was completely engrossed in the main character, Hazel, and her story as the thirteenth child. You're rooting for her before she's even born and don't stop as she goes through different phases of her life. It reads like a fairytale, one in which you're -oddly enough- sympathizing with the god of Death and his "child."

There's not a moment when I was not fully invested in the story. The author's writing is absolutely beautiful. Even the slower paced parts of the plot had purpose and keep you firmly transfixed in this world.

If I had just one comment, it would be that the ending was abrupt and unexpected. It worked, in a way, especially with the epilogue, but by that point I wanted a few more chapters with the details of the aftermath. Don't yank me out of this world so fast, I'm too invested!

This is the perfect autumn read. 4.5 stars rounded up.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the e-arc of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and OneWorld Publications for approving me for this ARC. This is the second book of Erin A. Craig’s I’ve read. The first was Small Favours which I was a huge fan of. It was mysterious, eerie and unique, not my usual kind of read as I dislike horror but it wasn’t quite horror either. When I read the hypnosis of this, I knew I wanted to read it. I love a good fairytale retelling if done well so I had high hopes for this.

I loved this from the get go. Craig has a wonderful way with words and is a gifted storyteller. There are definitely fairytale elements but it is a darker kind of fairytale. Life is dark and bleak at times but there is an undercurrent of hope. The setting seems to be based on French villages and towns, not sure why, maybe due to the original fairytale, which I have yet to work out which it is based on.

This was an easy captivating read for me. I flew through the first 30% of the book. It did take a while to get to the main plot point in the sypnosis, about 40% of the way in, which is a long time. I didn’t mind as I liked learning about Hazel and her childhood but it is something to keep in mind. It never felt slow and was engaging the whole time.

I loved the world building. Craig always makes it almost realistic enough as if it is just a past time in history but with magical elements. This was the same as Small Favours. Hazel is a great character, well-written and with depth. She is a heroine that you strive to root for.

I did feel that the book did lose its momentum a bit when it reached the stages of Hazel being at the royal palace. I enjoyed the childhood part of the story more, probably because I really liked Merrick and found him an intriguing character but felt a bit shortchanged that he wasn’t in it that much. Her love story wasn’t insta-love which I appreciated and did build up over time into something believable. This part of the story also reminded me of Belladonna at times.

The ending was a bit rushed and ended quite abruptly and suddenly, it was the epilogue. There were parts of the story that could’ve been fleshed out more and others where I felt it lingered too long. Overall, it is a good book with beautiful writing. Craig is skilled at building the magic and mystery of her worlds, which is my favourite thing about her books. I preferred Small Favours and think that was a stronger.

I give this 4 stars.

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This gothic fairy tale brings a young healer, the god-daughter of Death, into the Royal Court where finds herself faced with impossible choices and impossible feelings for the playboy prince. A rich story with bewitching characters, this one really took me by surprise - I wasn't prepared for the pull it would have on my heart or to be drawn so completely into Wren's world. I loved everything about it.

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Okay, this book completely seduced and beguiled me. I could not put it down for the life of me.

To be honest, my entire review could be summed up by the sentence above. I adored this book. I went into not really knowing what to expect; I almost went into it blind. Which, is kind of a good thing as I didn't really have any expectations. But even if I had, they would have been completely blown out of the water. Because this book was pure gold.

Between this, Kingdom of the Wicked and Belladonna, I have come to the realisation that I really enjoy fantasy books with the personification of death/Hades-like figure. It's not necessarily something I would have thought I'd like. However, this book is unique and stands on it's own compared to the other two as Death is more of a father figure, than love interest. And I really enjoyed that alternative.

The plot follows Hazel, the thirteenth child of a "foolish hunter", who in desperation, is claimed by the god of death. It doesn't end there for Hazel, for she has, unknown to her, powers which will affect the path she's on. Chuck in a hunky prince, other gods and a kingdom of the precipice of ruin and you have a roaring good time!

I really enjoyed Hazel as the main character. She's been through a lot but has managed to stay resilient and almost, hopeful for her future. She hasn't rolled over and given up. She's incredibly likeable and endearing; my heart bled for her on almost every page. I just wanted her to have a happy life and a chance. I also really enjoyed the prince and our love interest, Leo. He reminds me a bit of Cardan; he's a playboy prince who, while has known heartbreak and hardship, has hidden any pain away from prying eyes. He also has a good amount of character development, my only qualm was that this was near the end. Leo and Hazel had really great chemistry and I loved that they had history and almost a lore.

This book had enough twists and turns to keep you turning the pages as fast as you can! It's not a straightforward tale and will absolutely keep you guessing.

I really enjoyed this one, and would definitely recommend! I read the entire book in one day!

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totally different fantasy book than I’ve ever read before, definitely would have shed a tear at the end if I hadn’t have been on a crowded plane 🥲

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I loved every single moment of this book, it’s an absolutely beautiful read, the writing, the world building and characters, everything was just so perfect. The story is just so engrossing, I love any stories where Death is a character, whether it be Hades, the four horsemen, old Father Time , ever since I was little and first got introduced to Terry Pratchett by my brother and I loved Death the most. I am drawn in by the idea of the personification of Death and so I was desperate to read this and I was so captivated by Hazels journey, her growth and the dilemma she faces. This is an exceptional piece of writing and I can’t recommend this enough

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I always love a Gothic story and I was really interested in this one from Erin Craig. I read her previous book, House of Salt and Sorrow, and really enjoyed it so I was looking forward to this.
I loved how the story was set up and we got to see Hazel grow up with Merrick and him teaching her how to heal others. It was nice to see those softer moments between them.
I also loved the relationship between Hazel and Leopold. I would have liked a little more of it, and perhaps earlier in the book too, but it was lovely nonetheless.

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Erin A. Craig knows how to write dark gothic novels. The worldbuilding is so well detailed and atmospheric. The story is dark and gritty with many sad hard moments for the main character.

The story follows Hazel, a thirteenth child to a poor family who don't really want her but she is chosen by the death god who becomes her godfather, takes her away at 12 years old where she starts to learn to become a healer. While she studies Merrick gifts her with the ability to see exactly what a person needs to become well again and if she sees a skull instead of a cure they cannot be saved and Hazel must be the one to end their suffering. Its not an easy task and its one that Hazel really struggles with.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Merrick and Hazel. A god and a human and how they see things so very different but still have a family love for one another. Merrick comes across as a scary death god but I liked that we see softer moments from him when ever he was with Hazel.

The pacing is a little slower in the beginning as we see Hazels early life than I expected but I think it suited the story and really gives the reader a feel for Hazel's loneliness. I do wish there had been a little more time building up the romance between Hazel and Leopold, but I did really enjoy the moments they were together.

Overall I enjoyed this one, if you like your YA on the darker side this should be on your radar.

My many thanks to Rock the Boat and Black Crow PR for gifting me an e-arc and early finished copy of this.

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I really really enjoyed this book, thank you to black crow pr for providing me with this netgalley arc.
I loved the gothic vibes, the mix of science with witchy fantasy, the cosy cottage vibes it was perfect. The romance too, although very late into it was perfectly placed and it gave the ending such a special feel. I actually quite rather emotional at the end. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants gothic, fantasy vibes books.

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the thirteenth child is a dark, twisted and compelling story following hazel, the goddaughter of death who is a healer

this felt reminiscent of a fairytale, and seeing hazel grow into a woman who understands the reality of the world she lives in was so beautiful, she feels so real and fleshed out and was so lovely to read about it. the world is dark and almost spooky, making for an atmospheric read that would be perfect for autumn!

if you’re looking for a book with death, magic, secrets, a healer and a sweet romantic subplot, this is for you!!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in The Thirteenth Child and relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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Erin A. Craig writes the most delicious gothic novels. I’m always left in awe of her world-building and characters, so it goes without saying how excited I was about The Thirteenth Child.

The book follows the story of Hazel, the unwanted thirteenth child of a very poor family. The only thing going right for Hazel is that she was chosen at birth by the death god, Merrick. When she turns twelve years old, her godfather finally returns and whisks her away from her awful family to the Between, where she begins her studies to become a doctor. Hazel is gifted with a healing power; she can see exactly what a person needs to be brought back to health, and she uses this ability to help many people.

However, there are those who cannot be saved—the ones too sick who risk spreading plagues or those who will go on to hurt others. It is Hazel’s duty to end their lives. This is not an easy job, and Hazel is haunted by the ghosts of those she kills.

The beginning is extremely slow; the story only truly starts around the 40% mark when Hazel is visited by palace soldiers. The King is ill, and Hazel is the only one who can help him. She travels to the capital and immerses herself in the royal family and its machinations.

The Thirteenth Child was a different story than what I was expecting, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. The second part of the book is really fast-paced and kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next.

Thanks to NetGalley and Oneworld Publications for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Thirteenth Child is a captivating tale where mortals bow to the whims of Gods, the destitute to the will of Kings, and all to the inevitability of Death. The female main character serves as a conduit, prompting readers to ponder the value of one life over another in a narrative that intertwines the grim with the enchanting. Undoubtedly, The Thirteenth Child garners the esteem of its readers.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Oh I LOVED this. Darkly atmospheric, with gothic vibes throughout, this was a gorgeous standalone about life and love and death and grief. Hazel was chosen by Death himself to achieve incredible things, to heal the sick and cure the ailing. It takes her on a journey of heartache, self-discovery and life lessons as she navigates her healing gifts - as well as tackling being the goddaughter of the Dreaded End. The prose was wonderful, the story gentle as it pulls you along. Hazel was a great FMC, determined and free-spirited, but at times desperate to please everyone around her at great detriment to herself. I loved reading about her life and will now definitely read more from the author.

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Well that was brilliant, I had no idea where the plot would take me and I was absolutely worried 512 pages would contain too much filler and not enough plot. I was so wrong and I’m pleasantly surprised by this story.

This book took me on a journey through Hazel, our FMC’s life. We see her grow, make tough decisions, hurt, worry, love and so much more. It was beautifully done, and it was unique.

I really enjoyed the god of death’s depiction, this may be the first time I’ve read of him as such a fatherly figure, a real steward and companion on the journey that is life rather than a solemn face at the end.

This book was absolutely worth all the pages, it emotionally moved me and kept me thoroughly engaged.

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This is an incredible book, I absolutely loved the concept, the characters, everything! The authors storytelling skills clearly shine brightly in this enchanting tale, where magic and mystery intertwine with themes of family and destiny. From the very first page, you are transported to a world brimming with intricate details and vivid imagery that bring the story to life.

One of the most compelling aspects of the book is the depth of the characters and the complexity of their relationships. Each character feels real and relatable, which really draws you to their struggles and triumphs. Hazel is my favourite, despite everything she goes through, she remains strong and always puts others before her. The way the author develops the familial bonds - proving blood doesn’t always run thicker than water - and dynamics throughout the story adds layers of emotion and intrigue.

The writing style is nothing short of captivating. The way Erin crafts her story creates a sense of wonder and suspense that kept me eagerly turning the pages, I was completely hooked on the story and couldn’t wait to see what would happen. The world building is rich and detailed, painting a vivid picture of a fantastical realm that feels magical.

In conclusion, The Thirteenth Child is a must read for anyone who appreciates a blend of fantasy, adventure, and a touch of the supernatural. It’s incredible, I felt like I was there, feeling everything with Hazel and witnessing everything she did. An absolute incredible book through and through.

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Huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book in advance and for free, in exchange for an honest review from me.

I liked this book, but I feel like I have reservations on a couple points.
The idea is really good, and I loved learning about the backstory of Hazel, and how she became Merrick's goddaughter. I really liked the characters, the description of the places Hazel went to. The decriptions of her power/gifts/magic were really good, and the idea of it was really interesting and not something I'd seen before.
The plot was good, and I understand how everything fit together. However, I have a little issue with the ending. I can't explain it without revealing anything from the plot, but I didn't quite understand how some characters can have their powers given and then taken back and then given back again but not completely? Something didn't click as I read through the last quarter of the book and it made the ending hit less hard than it should have.
Overall it was a good book, well written, it gripped my attention and walked me through the story. Apart from what's explained above (which might very well be a me thing) I really liked the book.

3.75/5 stars, rounded up

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This was such a creative and intriguing reimagining of the Grimm Brothers “Godfather Death”.

As the thirteenth child in an already poor and destitute family, Hazel was not welcomed into the world with love or kindness. To avoid having another mouth to feed, her parents promised her to the god The Dreaded End prior to her birth. But he did not claim her straight away and she spent her childhood suffering at the hands of her neglectful and abusive parents.

Finally, on her 13th birthday The Dreaded End arrives to take her away and bestows upon her a gift - the ability to become a powerful healer. She spends the next few years living in seclusion, learning everything she can about anatomy, herbology and medicine and soon develops a reputation for being an incredible healer. However, all gifts come with a price.

Word of her skills begins to spread and on her 18th birthday she is called to the palace to save the King from a mysterious disease. Her morals, emotions and healing skills are really put to the test but she must also navigate royal politics and scheming gods, who shouldn’t be meddling in the lives of mortals.

This is one of those stories that will stay with me for a while. It was incredibly well written and engaging. The concepts of right and wrong, destiny vs choice was very thought provoking. I especially enjoyed the magic system and thought the method of depicting how lives are measured was very creative and very easy to comprehend. The characters were well fleshed out and the pacing kept my attention throughout the book, so much so that I read this much faster than I expected!

This was my first time reading this authors work and I will definitely be exploring more of her works!

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