Member Reviews

This book was a tough one to rate. This story follows the longtime residents of an apartment building in Belgium. The story begins pre-occupation and references pre-war times as well, but spans well into WWII. The story is told through varying points of view with each chapter belonging to a different character. The unique perspectives of each resident really work well to show a rounded picture of how that time in history could have felt and how people might have behaved, or more realistically did behave. I’m always interested to read historical fiction that shows the lives of people who were just trying to live their lives and doing what they thought was right. I also appreciated how the author showed in real time the shifting views of Jewish people, particularly with comments made about things often attributed to the Jewish population. (Whether accurate or not.) The book at times felt a little choppy and there were aspects I feel could have been removed. And there are some interesting visions that happen and I don’t know if I understood those. I kind of felt like the ending was a little rushed and wished I could have seen a little more of the story, particularly for Charlotte and maybe even Dirk as he seemed to be on a new path.

Overall I say grab this book and give it a shot. This was an advanced copy from the NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my review. Having said that the kindle version was a hot mess formatting wise, but I would anticipate that would be fixed by publishing date.

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Story starts out with the voice of young Charlotte who lives in a stately apartment building with her father, on a "place" or square in Brussels, Belgium, just before WWII.
I am immediately drawn in by her life and relationship with the Raphael kids, teenagers like herself, who live in the apt. opposite them. The story continues with the points of view of the other tenants of the building, and I was charmed.

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33 Place Brugmann is a building that holds a community, not just residents during World War 2. Made up of exceptional characters that make living together joyous and painful. Alice Austen does an incredible job of drawing you into the plight of the Raphael’s, as they escape persecution. Macha, Charlotte, Francois and the Colonel, bravely trying to do their part to make the German occupation fall. No one can fully be trusted when half the house is spying, sand half the house is rebelling. The only thing that is certain is the Alice Austen has put together a group of characters that historically lived in most buildings throughout Europe during the Occupation. For or against, there was no middle ground.

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33 Place Brugmann offers a new perspective than many books based on World War Two. The book describes the experiences of the inhabitants of 33 Place Brugmann as the war develops in the heart of Brussels.

There are many points of view within this story, which make it an interesting read. However, because there are so many, I did find it difficult to connect to the characters as well as I have done in previous similar novels.

It is well written and showcases the importance of resilience, hope and art.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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This book was a particularly creative way to write about the Nazi occupation in Brussels. The book demonstrates how residents of one building were each affected by the war and how their reactions impacted their friends and/or neighbors. At the beginnning of the book there is a page that tells you who lives in each apartment. Just one tip - if I was to read the book again I would have returned back to that page earlier on to get a better sense of the layout of the building and exactly where each resident was located - I think that would have helped me to visualize what they were seeing and hearing when looking out their doors or hearing footsteps, etc. Although it's not really necessary and I really did enjoy the book but I think it may have made it even more enjoyable.

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A solid debut!

I am not one who usually enjoys a book with multiple POVs as it leaves me with a small space to grow attached to and empathize with every character thrown my way. But this book may be an exception. I loved how natural each character’s connection was to the other—very raw, very human. It made me grow fond of that little apartment building with its members, having to hope for the best for them once the Nazi occupation struck.

Austen was able to start with each small detail that builds up to reveal a bigger picture. Like how the story begins with Charlotte describing the familiar features of their quaint home, then proceeding to the dawn of World War II. It gave way to a very steady progression throughout the story, which kept me intrigued and captivated the whole time.

Despite being a historical fiction and somewhat a literary fiction, I sense the high stakes, keeping me on the edge of my seat as I swipe each page. I adore each character, and I was afraid of what would happen to them, as well as what they would do. The characters are so interwoven that one character’s decision could highly affect the fate of another.

The writing is just so atmospheric, which I love. There were sentences that confused me a bit, but I believe it adds to the charm anyway.
As someone who loves art and history, I adore this book and will continue to think about it for the time being.

I want to thank NetGalley and Grove Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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33 Place Brugmann is a captivating book based on the residents of an apartment building in Brussels right before and during World War II. Austen is a beautiful writer who is able to capture the unique voices of each character very convincingly. The different perspectives were woven together in an organic yet unpredictable way. I found this book riveting and it has been a while since a novel drew me in this quickly. I was immediately swept up in the worries and choices that had to be made by the residents during a period of extreme turmoil and distrust of each other. It is a thought-provoking story that left a strong impression on me. Despite the serious topic, there are many moments of joy and beauty and I flew through the book fairly quickly as I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend. Thank you to NetGalley and Grove Press for an advance copy.

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This book offers a thought-provoking exploration of World War II through the eyes of the long-time residents of an apartment building in Belgium. It begins before the war, capturing the growing menace of Naziism and the looming threat of invasion. The narrative delves into the hardships of rationing and loss, as well as the courageous acts—both small and significant—that individuals undertake in resistance. The diverse viewpoints provide a rich tapestry of life, from children growing up within a close-knit community of neighbors to adults engaged in discussions about philosophy, design, art, and the essence of beauty. The story reveals that not everything is black and white; there are countless shades of gray. I thoroughly enjoyed the different perspectives and the exploration of family and love in such a complex context.

Reminiscent of *The Diary of Anne Frank*, *33 Place Brugman* recounts the lives of families residing in an apartment building before and during the German occupation. It vividly portrays their daily struggles for survival amid the harsh realities of war. The narrative brings to light the resilience and determination of those facing the relentless challenges of their times, offering a poignant look at their endurance and courage.

Easy read and loving characters though the storylines were sometimes hard to follow

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This was a thought provoking premise to view and experience WWII through the POV of the long time residents of an apartment building in Belgium. Starting pre-war with the signs of the spread of Naziism in neighboring countries and the possible invasion, the difficulties of navigating the rations and losses, and to those who chose to do small but important things to fight back, while some gave all. The different viewpoints offer a glimpse of life with children who grew up with an extended family of neighbors, to now being of age to decide their futures, to the adults that discuss philosophies, design, and color, art and beauty, and the importance of recognizing and preserving them. Not all is color, as there are infinite shades of gray. Very much enjoyed the POV of the different residents and redefining what is family and love.

Thank you Net Galley for the ARC edition. A couple of glitches with the kindle version (page and paragraph breaks)

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I had a bit of a tough time getting through this one. I can imagine that it's a bit tough to convey things in a historical fiction genre. As the author, you have probably immersed yourself in research and if you forget that the audience might need more guidance to make connections, you can easily lose them. I am of that group. I felt like there was a lot I was supposed to infer, as if I were reading something in code and me without my secret squirrel decoder ring at the ready. That's a lot of words for I just feel I missed so much on this and it made me frustrated.

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Austen expertly manages a diverse cast of characters, each with their own distinct viewpoints and motivations. The story is skillfully crafted, leading you to the final destination with precision.

Thank you to Grove Atlantic for the ARC.

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While Historic Fiction. Is my genre of choice, 33 Place Brugmann, was a challenge for me. The story is set In an apartment building at the address of the title in. Belgium. Each chapter is about one of the residents in the building during the beginning of the Nazi invasion, each with a different perspective.
I find the concept a good one, it just didn’t work for me. I read this book just in case I could catch something that I missed the first time.
Thank you for the chance to read and review this book

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In a society where narcissism is commonplace with war and video games such as Grand Theft Auto are glamorized, it's a shock to the system to read a touch of reality. Today, it is hard to imagine the hardships hatred causes people to endure, 33 PLACE BRUGMAN manages to give us a glimpse.
Reminiscent of THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK, 33 PLACE  BRUGMAN tells the story of the families living in an apartment building before and during the German occupation. It tells of the struggles people endure just to survive another day. Along the way, some people will disappear as others are killed. Most will starve, as some take advantage making a profit. People you think will help do not, as those you think will not help you. It tells of people in an impossible situation, doing what they can to help, as they themselves just try to pull through another day. In the end, they realize the reason they fight back to stay alive.

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Wow, a stunning debut.

what a tangled web we weave. Austen managed to incorporate a staggering cast of characters with their uniques perspectives and priorities. She cast a wide circle and by the end you were precisely where she wanted you.

I have questions and wish I knew more about where everyone ended up, but I can draw my own conclusions. Incredibly strong and detailed imagery, bordering on whimsy at times.

Thank you to Grove Atlantic for the ARC.

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Thought this seemed like an interesting historical fiction book about Belgium in WW II. Unfortunately, I found it extremely difficult to follow - the story follows residents in an apartment complex in Brussels during the war. The story switches viewpoints (telling you whose story you are now in) - honestly, interesting idea but I found the execution disorienting and tough to follow.

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33 Place Brugman follows the residents of a Beaux Arts building in Brussels at the onset of the Nazi invasion. Each chapter is told from the perspective of a different resident. It’’s a story of community, identity and complexity that paints a robust picture of the human experience during WWII. I highly recommend this book for those who typically enjoy historical fiction.

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Hmmmm, this book was interesting to say the least. It starts choppy and slow but does pick up about halfway through.

Usually I enjoy when each chapter is told in a different POV, this time, by a different resident living in the building. For me, this time it was confusing. There is lots going on and it was hard to stay with it. I almost gave up a few times.

It's a story that feels real and takes us into the turmoil, fear and mess when times are chaotic and so scary. I don't regret reading it but I do wish I enjoyed it more and was not so confused.

You know what I always say it for yourself, you may love it!

Look for 33 Brugmann Place in March 2025.

Thank you to Grove Press and Netgalley for providing the book. This is my voluntary, honest review.

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This is not my usual story that I read. I’d say historical fiction, which is a first for me. It’s an interesting story, definitely something I’d recommend.

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I'm 20% in and have no idea what's going on. DNF. I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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