Member Reviews

This book was a fun read and I loved the little family!

It was well written, had some great illustrations and it was fun.

I read the book with my now 7 year old daughter and she loved it.
It was a book she read to me and she didn't struggle or get stuck on any of the words.

It is 4 stars from me for this one – very highly recommended!

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The story of Little and Big is about two lemurs named Faly and Mahandry. Like most siblings, they are never quite content with their birth order. Faly always wishes he was a little bit older. At times, Mahandry wishes he were just a little bit younger despite loving the privileges of being older. Faly dislikes going to bed so early. Whenever Faly climbs up on his mother's back to explore for the day Mahandry wants to be on her back too, but there just isn't room. He wishes he was still small. Whenever it is necessary to cross the waterfall, Manhandry must do it alone. It is frightening for him. Faly must be held by his mother. In order to dry off, Manhandry climbs high into a tree. From high in the tree, he can see everything. Even the hippos are visible to him. Faly wishes he could climb the trees too, but he is too small. For Faly, mother peels lychees. Mahandry doesn't like peeling them and says, "If only I were still little." As night falls, it's time to head home. Faly soon snuggles up close to his mother as he falls asleep. During a conversation with his mother, Manhandry asks if they can snuggle like they did in the past. Mother gathers both of her children in her arms and says, "Go to sleep, my children,...Tomorrow, you will both wake up a little bigger than you are today. But you will always be my little ones. My sweet little ones."

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i loved this book, it reminded me of my 2 boys.
books like this can help siblings with difficult feelings or behaviours.
the art is also so cute!

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In a monkey family, the younger brother must go to bed before his older brother. Later, the older brother complains that the younger gets carried by their mother as they walk. Each complains he wants to be the younger or older brother depending on the advantages that come with the other’s age. Filled with deeply saturated bright colors, the oil painted illustrations depict their jungle home and add much to this story of sibling rivalry that many children will find relatable. Translated from the French by Jill Davis. Although the text goes on a little long, the artwork will attract readers. Review based on an ARC.

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The cover caught my eye when browsing for children's stories. Of course I'm a sucker for beautiful and unique art. I really enjoyed the illustrations in this. They are vibrant and illustrative while also being a little bit abstract. The story follows a primate family (I'm not sure the species) and focuses in on the struggle between big brother/sister and little brother/sister. The sibling dynamics are realistic with also, important to note, realistic dialogue. I know I've witnessed conversations exactly like these before!

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I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

Little and Big is a beautifully illustrated picture book for children teaching the difference between little and big and showing there are advantages to being both little or big too. The book follows two monkey siblings and their mum as they go out for the day. Both siblings wish they were bigger or smaller than they are at different points in the book. These points are great to stop at to discuss the differences and why the monkeys feel the way they do, which would be perfect for discussion in a KS1 classroom. The illustrations are beautiful and bright, and I lived the ending where the monkeys both want to cuddle up to their mum who tells them no matter how big they grow, they'll always be her babies.

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Thank you NetGalley and Astra Publishing House for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

Little and Big by Anne Gutman follows two siblings, a little lemur and a big lemur, who both dream of what advantages the other has. As a sibling, I felt it an accurate representation of what it’s like to grow up, wanting to be a bit more like your sibling.

It was an easy, quick read that showcased beautiful illustrations. It’s a great message as well. It, at times, felt repetitive, but you find this often within children’s literature.

Overall - it’s a well written book that is quite enjoyable.

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I gave this book four stars. It was a nice book. The story wasn’t that deep but I liked the message about that big is not always better. And that being small can be a huge thing too.. it was very cute story which showed children the differences between being big or small.

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I absolutely love lemurs, so I really liked this simple, but sweet, picture book. The art is my favorite part, but the message is an important one for children to remember: you are just right the way you are! Don’t compare yourself to others!

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I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Little and Big by Anne Gutman is a family story about two playful lemurs. It explores the sibling differences and how each can feel like they are being treated differently based on their size & age, each wishing for what the other one has. It is beautifully illustrated by Georg Hallensleben exploring the rainforest setting. This explores not only family dynamics in a child friendly understanding way but also about lemurs! It is a good book for children to read to explore sibling relationship while learning about lemurs & their habitat.

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This sweet children’s book tells the story of two young lemurs (I think), who both want what the other has. The younger lemur wants to be bigger and do things his older brother can do, and the older lemur wishes he was smaller and could still do things like be carried by mom. The story ends with the loving reminder that children grow each day but will always be little in the eyes of their beloved parents.

This book has beautiful illustrations that look painted. I especially loved the sunsets. The font is a little small and sort of hard to read, white on dark colours and black on light colours, but still a bit hard to read at times. I would definitely recommend this book as a bedtime story to be shared with a loving adult. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this beautiful book.

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This is a sweet story about a pair of monkey siblings who each see the grass as greener for their sibling. Cute illustrations and a relatable story for preschoolers.

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This is a sweet story of a lemur family with two little ones that are always wishing they could be a little like the other. Told through beautiful illustrations, Faly and Mahandry learn to appreciate and understand the differences between one another as one always wishes they had the help of mama or the independence of the other.

This would be a great bedtime story for families with children of different ages.

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The illustrations are absolutely beautiful. And I love the idea of the book, but I didn't love all of the dialogue and I didn't feel like the messaging of the book would be clear to kids without additional explanation.

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This was a really cute book with amazing illustrations...I requested it because I am a huge fan of lemurs and I wasn't disappointed. I also liked that when you read this to your kids, it should allow them to learn about perspectives that are different than their own...we are always thinking we want what someone else has...but what happens when they are thinking the same thing about you? It might make you look at your own life differently. I would definitely recommend this to people with young children and teachers...

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A sweet story about a mama lemur and two brothers, where the older brother wished he were small and the younger brother wished he were big. The message seemed to resonate with my daughter but the story felt a bit repetitive. The illustrations are beautiful.

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This book was so cute and the art was really lovely. It was another one that my 3 year old nephew picked out and he absolutely loved it. As a little brother, I think it really helped him see how his big brother might feel at times and I feel it will give his brother the same kind of insight. Absolutely a wonderful story.

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A story about siblings and the pains of growing up. I love the contrast of how when you are little, there are things you can do that you can’t do when you get bigger, and vice versa. This is a great story time option! Plus, it uses bold colors and textures that are eye-catching.

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Any Mamma of two can relate. A child often thinks the grass on the other side is greener. The older child sometimes misses the time when they were little, and your little one wants to do big kid things like their sibling. This is a beautifully illustrated sweet book you're kids will like.

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A story about the grass always being greener on the other side. Is it better to be young or to be a bit older and have more independence. I enjoyed following this lemur family throughout their day.

Cute characters, daily life and responsibility are all tucked into this cute story.

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