Member Reviews

This was a fun read that you can't take too seriously. It's one of those books where you should go in knowing what to expect. I love a chill book, one that I don't have to think too hard about (and shouldn't), and this one was exactly that. This take on vampires felt new and modern, almost feasible with its explanation that maybe it could be possible. I'm not a science person, but it felt science-y enough for me to buy it.

I looked at Rebecca Kenney's other books, and it seems like retellings are her thing. However, I didn't necessarily feel that this needed to be a retelling or that it benefitted from it.

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Beautiful Villain was a refreshing modern Great Gatsby story with a twist of Twilight energy. The characters and the story were fun and entertaining, which made it both easy to read and enjoyable. I really appreciated Daisys desire for more for herself and the fire that began to burn within her as she rediscovered her worth. Tom was very well written as a cheating ex and I really resonated with Daisy as she dealt with the aftermath of a rough end to a long term, serious, but toxic relationship. The introduction of Gatsby was both subtle and enticing, as he was someone special from her past that she has long lost contact with, and he came into her life when she was least expecting him to. Right from the beginning, however, there seemed to be something that he was hiding from Daisy, especially as he pulled her best friend, Jordan aside for a private conversation of a very strange nature. This interaction would also change her mannerisms and the way that Jordan interacted with Daisy. The revelation could be seen from a mile away, and yet the characters all seemed oblivious. throughout. I would have really appreciated a bit more subtlety around the true nature of Gatsbys person, as I didn't really feel any type of tension or anticipation as the plot developed and did not get a true sense of conflict or emotion at the climax. I also wish that the characters had shown a bit more reluctance to believe each new truth that they were presented with, but it seemed as though anything spoken by Gatsby was accepted with a grain of salt and no skepticism. I expected much more reluctance from Daisy especially, given her experience with Tom. I was deeply disappointed that she jumped right back into a trusting relationship with someone who kept major secrets from her after having just gotten out of a relationship filled with deceptions. I also wanted to shake her parents, as I can't imagine any real parents that would have reacted so calmly and immediately agreed that such a life altering course for their daughter was for the best after so few questions and so little discussion. That aspect of the story did not seem realistic or believable at all to me. Daisys own supernatural revelations were interesting, and I am quite excited to see how they affect her life and journey moving forward, but I'm hoping the next book brings quite a bit more tension and suspense to the table.

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Incredible. Beautiful Villain is a spicy, vampire Great Gatsby retelling. Rebecca Kenney modernizes the classic tale while adding fantasy and mythology elements. As a fangirl of the source material, it was satisfying to see how the author reimagined some of the unforgettable scenes.

I first heard about this book when the author announced it on Twitter. I was reluctant at first to read a Gatsby retelling from Daisy’s POV, since she was always my least favorite character but this was done so well. I’ll be recommending it to everyone I know.

Thank you Netgalley for an advanced copy of the audiobook.

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Thank you NetGalley for this audio ARC. I really enjoyed this book! The characters were amazing and it had my favorite things that I love to read about which are vampires and supernatural beings. It had a unique and interesting story and I loved the relationship chemistry between Daisy and Gatsby. The audio narration was fantastic!! It had me engaged from beginning to the end of the book!! This is a new author for me, and I will continue with this series until the end. I highly recommend this book for people who love romantic fantasy reads set in modern times!

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A new twist on a familiar story. Beautiful villain is a modern, paranormal, spicy retelling of the Great Gatsby. In this version we get to see what would happen if Jay survives his tragic circumstances to try to win his happily ever after with Daisy. This book immediately pulled me in to the fun and fanciful world of decadence and then kept me on the edge of my seat with the fast-paced paranormal twist on this tale. If you are a fan of the great Gatsby, you’ll enjoy this new take and finding all the Easter eggs from the source material woven within.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the advanced audiobook copy in exchange for my honest feedback

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When I was pitched an advance reader copy of a romance with a vampire twist on the Great Gatsby I was sold. I jumped at the chance to see how the world was envisioned. 

It's been years since Daisy saw Gatsby and now his life is completely new. Gone is the boy who grew up in poverty with a drug addicted mother and now he's the richest person around. He has the most elaborate parties, they draw people in from all around the world. Daisy can't believe her best friend is back in their hometown, as if reborn. 

Beautiful Villain twisted a classic must read into a sci fi romance that in the end didn't quite land for me. I enjoyed the scientific addition to the vampire origin story, but the siren magic was an afterthought. I wish this was a first draft because I felt like it was all there storywise, it just wasn't fully realized. It could have used a few more plot points or explanations. The stark contrast between good versus evil was so bright. There was absolutely no ambiguity and worlds always have grey spots.

If you have the option to listen to the audiobook, I highly recommend that format. Ruby Chirese's narration was beautiful. I am so appreciative to Sourcebooks Casa and Dreamscape Media for the ALC and Advanced Reading Copies. 

CW: Blood, Violence, Verbal & Physical Abuse, Domestic Violence, death of a teen (on page), child abuse/ neglect (off page)

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Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for this ARC Audio Copy!

Modern day Great Gatsby Retelling with drama and monsters.

This was a fun modern day romantasy book with a fair amount of spice. It was very clearly a retelling of Great Gatsby but the vampires twist was intriguing. It is no great masterpiece, and the world building and magic system were lacking in parts, but it was an enjoyable enough read that it kept me interested enough to enjoy this book for what is is and what it was meant to be.

I am a sucker for retellings and really enjoyed how this one was done, it is definitely unique and like nothing personally I have read before.

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Beautiful Villain by Rebecca Kenney an exciting retelling of The Great Gatsby that combines romance, suspense, and a dash of magic.

Kenney's Gatsby has all the parties, splash and grandeur that the original version possessed, but with a new spin. In this version, Gatsby is less mystery and more alpha. I thought the paranormal connection was a really unique way to tell the story and I was hooked from the first chapter! There were a few unexpected twists along the way, which I appreciated. And when that spice dropped the passion between the MCs was undeniable.

Narrated by Ruby Cherise, the audio draws listeners into Daisy Finnegan's POV, where nostalgia and danger collide. Even though the story is told through a single POV, Ruby does a great job of bringing the chemistry and tension between Daisy and Gatsby to life. The summer backdrop serves as the perfect setting for their passionate reunion, filled with unexpected twists that keep you on the edge of your seat.

I will be recommending Beautiful Villain to any romantasy reader who loves a twist on a classic. I can't wait to read the next one in the series!

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media and Rebecca Kenney for an early listening copy. These are my honest thoughts.

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3.5 Stars

*Special thanks the NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of the audio-ARC, this is my honest review*

I really liked this as a Gatsby retelling. I think the glitzy, hedonistic world of the Gatsby story is a perfect opportunity for supernaturally young, beautiful and immortal people. I’d even say I enjoyed this a little more than its source material because I’m not that much of a fan of the actual Gatsby story.

Daisy was an interesting character and the dynamic with Jay was good. I liked the pining Jay has been through and they were good together, however I do feel that their relationship was too easy. There was no real conflict or development - they just reconnected and were in love again. Sure, Jay is a vampire now - but that was sort of it. It didn’t even really impact their relationship in any meaningful way.

I feel like there were a few things like that that didn’t have a much of an impact. The vampirism for example was pretty widespread and no one was that concerned by it. Everyone was actually just kind of cool with it. On the one hand this was refreshing in Daisy’s acceptance of it and her later decision to turn, but it felt like it was no big deal.

Even Tom, who’s introduced as an abuser, doesn’t really go anywhere as a character. He’s Daisy’s ex and he’s around but he disappears halfway through the story and he’s irrelevant to the plot.

I would have loved more conflict and more plot than just a series of costume parties (it worked in the original novel but is lacklustre amongst the new premise). I was also keen to see more about Daisy’s voice but we didn’t get into it enough.

Lastly, I wish the characters were older. Jay and Daisy are 24 - which is not inherently bad, but when considering Jay turned at 20 and they’re making these serious life altering decisions I wish they’d at least have been fully brain developed.

Overall I loved this premise but the execution left me a bit wanting.

*The audio narration was good - the actress was engaging.

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This had some intersting ideas. I liked it.

I would cut at least 25-35% for pacing, I think had that happened it would have been a book I had a hard time putting down. I probably wouldn't pick up the next in this series but I wouldn't be upset if I recieved it as a gift and I would read it.

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This was a miss for me.

I finished it, and I enjoyed the narrator's voice and style. However, I found myself often bored with some predictable areas and other parts felt tacky/cliche, maybe even off/immature at times.

I would still encourage people who enjoy your work to still pick it up. Just because it wasn't for me, doesn't mean other's will feel the same.

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2.5 Stars
I don't know why but I was not expecting this to be a Gatsby retelling with vampires lol. I loved the Wicked Darlings series by this author but I found myself struggling to connect with the characters in this one. I'll admit, I've never read or watched The Great Gatsby so maybe that's why I didn't enjoy this one so much. This felt like it was too long and because I couldn't connect to any of these characters I wasn't super invested in what happened to them. I wish I enjoyed this more but will definitely still read more from this author in the future. Overall just an okay but interesting read, just not the right fit for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ARC!

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A Gatsby paranormal retelling?!? Sign me up! This unique mashup takes readers on a thrilling journey with a strong female lead. I absolutely loved listening to this audiobook. Ruby Cherise's narration brought the characters to life, especially Daisy's vulnerability and strength. Daisy's interesting life, filled with depression from her previous relationship, had me hooked from the beginning. The premise of vampires in this world was fresh and exciting, and I couldn't wait to see how everything unfolded. It was a joy to cheer Daisy on as she navigated a terrible dating experience and emerged stronger and more self-assured. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to these characters especially Daisy so I hope there is more to come.

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This was an interesting twist on vampires. I would possibly be interested in more in this world. Though I will say the relationship didn’t really have any buildup to tension. There was also some very convenient things that happened to smooth the plot along. If you have trouble suspending belief and just rolling with a story, this likely wouldn’t work for you. If you can just go with the flow though, it’s a fun time.

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I listened to the audiobook for Beautiful Villain and absolutely loved it!! The narrator was fantastic!!

The overall story was great! This Great Gatsby retelling with a vampiric twist was such a fun read! The writing was beautiful and the whole story flowed so well💕

This fun action packed story is a must read/listen!!

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I thought the whole "let's turn the fmc into a vampire" thing was giving a little too much twilight for me. I also am not a fan of super alpha male, controlling, possessive male love interests in books. Simply a personal preference. That's a little too much dark romance for me, and I stay away from that genre.

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I got this as an audiobook ARC which I was so grateful for. I was stoked because I LOVE Gatsby and vampires, but this ended up not being for me.

I may try reading rather than listening because the narration may have ruined it for me paired with the dialogue.

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The narrator did such an amazing job. There was not a dull moment. I could able to understand each distinct characters pov. This is a retelling of The Great Gatsby. Though there are some differences.

Jay has a dark side and his personality is mysterious. As well as he is hiding something deep beneath him. Daisy is not weak and fragile but she takes her time to realise who she really is and what she wants. She really contemplates her life choices and decide better for herself. Then there is a dark and unthinkable paranormal twist. I felt the characters were strong and had their own individuality. The characters development was good. I liked the bond between Daisy and Jay but I love Jay’s character more in The Great Gatsby, the classic book.

The Author did such a brilliant job and gave modern touch to the story with the unimaginative twist and a better ending in my opinion. Though I wanted to feel the warmth of Jay Gatsby, the way it has been described in the classic book.

Overall: 4/5
Narration: 5/5
Story: 4/5

Many Thanks to the Author Publisher and Netgalley

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I liked this book more than I thought I would! It started off slow for me but when I realized that this book contains vampires I was all for it and the book sucked me in! I did not care for the great Gatsby aspect of it, I think the story would have been great without it, but either way it was fantastic and kept me on my toes the whole way! There is some spice which was nice and I really enjoyed this being a new adult novel.

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If you ever wanted to modernize the Great Gatsby to the 2020’s and add in vampires and some spice, then this is the book for you and you will have a good time.

A few things I liked was the new (at least to me) concept of throwing vampires into the classic Great Gatsby story. I also appreciated the new take on vampires. It made things a little more fun.

A few things I didn’t like were the pacing (just felt erratic), the spicy scenes (just hat the use of P***y in any book) and that those scenes seemed disconnected to the story), and the ending. I hated the ending and have very little idea how this is supposed to be a series.

I want to thank #NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the chance to listen to this ARC.

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