Member Reviews

As a Librarian, I saw this book was recommended by Booklist. I have friends and family that work for nonprofit organizations. I won this book in a giveaway, enjoyed it and found it interesting. I think it would be a great asset for anyone interested in becoming a manager of a nonprofit. Like Booklist I recommend librarians consider this title for their collection.

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Based on the simple idea that nonprofit leaders frequently encounter a choice between advancing their organization's impact or its financial health, The Nonprofit Dilemma explores why nonprofit management is so challenging. Nearly every decision comes with the same underlying question—which aim to prioritize?

The Nonprofit Dilemma will help you gain the clarity and strategic intent you need to become an exceptional leader. You can achieve your mission aspirations while also being a great organizational steward. Whether you are an executive, board member, or future nonprofit leader, use this book to become the leader you want to be.

Whether you need help with grant-writing, promoting organizational focus, or handling a governance issue with tact, this book has all the advice you need to become a more effective leader and catalyst for change.

My Take
This book serves as an excellent guide for individuals new to the nonprofit sector, those studying the nonprofit sector, interns, trustees, and board members who could benefit from a broader perspective. It is easy to digest, and I recommended it for professors, consultants and development staff. The text is accessible, and the bullet points summarizing each chapter are particularly valuable.

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This is a very helpful and practical book. Business books discuss the same strategies, but how do you apply them to non-profits, or purpose driven organizations? I've worked in and with non-profits in many capacities, and I found that each chapter of The Non-Profit Dilemma's focus on future leaders, executives & managers, and trustees painted a full picture of how to apply these strategies to your organization well.

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This is the first book about non profit organization management that I hold in my hands. The contents are useful and detailed. I found the tips and ideas from the book applicable to the roles it appeals based on my own experience. Each chapter begins with a section centered on the needs of Future Leaders, followed by one targeting the needs of current Executives and Managers, and ends with a section focused on helping nonprofit Trustees and asks the questions for self reflection. Nonprofit leadership is a challenging and different from a for profit journey. Leaders at nonprofit have two important actions to balance: advancing an organization’s mission and advancing its financial health are often at odds with one another. The book is interesting also for covering all areas of a nonprofit organization management and provides solid recommendations.

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An excellent book for future leaders, executives or board members of not for profits. Whilst the examples were USA it was very relevant to the Australian setting. Great advice and information to validate your current practice and pick up tools to strengthen your practice and leadership. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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I received this book through a giveaway program. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I volunteer at multiple non-profits and found the author's insights to be different than other books I've read on the subject. It's a nice mix of leadership guidance and inspiration. I recommend this book to people who work or volunteer for a non-profit. I'm planning on buying a print copy to share with a friend when it becomes available.

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I have worked in nonprofits for years and always try to keep on top of new information. Unfortunately, there is nothing new here. This book has three introductory chapters. There’s not much there there.

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Insightful book on nonprofits!

I serve on the board of a local nonprofit. I’m glad I found this book on NetGalley! It’s filled with lots of good suggestions on how I can help my foodbank be more effective. We’ve been spinning our wheels on an issue and I found a well thought out answer in this book. It really changed my perspective on the root of the problem. This book covers lots of topics and organizes them into the way people in different nonprofit roles view them. I think this is a unique way to look at nonprofit management and it also breaks up the chapters nicely. While I wish the author went into more detail on some issues, there are lots of good strategies and creative ideas in The Nonprofit Dilemma. I strongly recommend it to anyone working for or leading a nonprofit!

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As someone working in the non-profit, I was interested in this book to shed light on some areas I was struggling with like engaging stakeholders, effective communication within the organization, and also fundraising and I found this book to shed more light on how to communicate ideas, vision and mission- and wished it had more details on how to go about fundraising and a better way of retaining those who give to the organization.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC. I'd recommend this as a read to anyone in the non-profit space, they'd sure learn a thing or two from this book.

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