Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Saga Press for this ARC of The Serpent and the Wolf by Rebecca Robinson in return for an honest review! I found this book to be well written and to deliver exactly what readers who pick it up would like! I'm even more impressed that The Serpent and the Wolf is a debut book for Rebecca Robinson. I think this was a great start for her and I was left looking forward to her future books!

I'm a fan of a lot of romantasy books and so I was looking forward to reading this book. I think I was in particular excited for the political elements of the story. So I'm pleased to say I was not disappointed at all. It's difficult to create a world and then create compelling political intrigue within that world, but I really think Robinson succeeded here. The story itself was pretty captivating and clever, especially after the first few chapters. Those were a little slow, but necessary for bringing readers into the world.

The characters are also very interesting. To be completely honest, Vaasa was not my favorite character, but she definitely grew on me as I read. Reid was someone I enjoyed more, mostly because I found how sweet and compassionate he is to be really unique among MMC in the romantasy genre. Such a cinnamon roll! I did like the maturity of both our leads. That was also in some ways refreshing and made the actual plot of the book easier to focus on.

I know this book is marketed as enemies-to-lovers, but as with many such books I do have a slight bone to pick. I just don't feel like they're enemies at all. Maybe I'm wrong here because so many books are like this and so maybe that's actually what the trope means or at least includes, but my opinion is they should both actually be enemies or at least hate each other for it to be enemies-to-lovers. Vaasa and Reid just have a more complicated dynamic than that. They're more like married-strangers-to-working-together-for-mutual-gain-allies-to-lovers. And that's still simplifying it, but it's a little more accurate. Though maybe I'm being too nit-picky. If what you're looking for is a dynamic where there's tension that evolves as their relationship grows and changes, you'll be pleased with this book! I loved the arranged/fake marriage aspect of the book, and the slow burn aspect was pretty good. It could've been slower for me, but overall can't complain about it.

And wow what a cliffhanger ending! This is definitely a book that will have you wishing you could jump right into the sequel!

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Dearest Rebecca,

With all due respect, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!? I hope that you are at a coffee shop, right this minute, penning the next installment of this series because I don’t know how long my emotional health can wait for what happens next.

A reader who is about to make this series her entire personality

In all seriousness, this book is fantastic. The political intrigue and machinations are so well written and the world that you’re drawn into is full of magic, power, intrigue, love, betrayal and so much more. I am screaming over a FMC who doesn’t hesitate to slay her enemies, is a political genius and also a freakin’ magical powerhouse.

This will be one of my top 5 reads of the year, I’m already sure of it.

Thank you NetGalley and Rebecca for the ARC and the emotional trauma.

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This is a perfect enemies to lovers romance book! The story was very well written and the plot twist was amazing. The Romance was also really great!

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This was a solid romantasy enemies to lovers story. From the jump, I knew I would love it. It had several of a romantasy reader’s favorite tropes (one bed, he falls first, enemies to lovers, etc). Reid was everything I wanted in a book boyfriend and I was here for it. Vassa’s serpent powers were kind of creepy but also interesting. Also the plot twist delivered at the end was solid! I can’t wait to follow along as the author releases more books in this series! Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC!

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I don't really have any strong feelings about this one, either negative or positive, which is why it's a three star for me. It was a solid romantasy and I think lovers of that genre will really enjoy it. For me, I think I'm growing a little tired of the over-done, rinse and repeat feel to the genre. Although the predictability and tropes are probably what many readers enjoy about it, I need something that feels more fresh and has more depth to be excited. Regardless, I'd still definitely recommend this book to romatasy lovers! It's fun, steamy, fast-paced, good magic system, full of political intrigue - sure to be a popular release with readers vying for the next book in the series.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Rebecca Robinson, and the publishers for allowing me access to the e-Arc.

4.75 stars

There was so much intrigue with this one. Kingdoms are fighting against each other. FMC is a political tool for her brother. She has magic abilities that she can’t control.

Knife to the throat
Touch her and you die
Enemies to lovers

I can’t wait to read the next book! Please, give this book a read!

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I liked this book. It’s your typical romantic fantasy novel, so it’s not like it’s a groundbreaking story, but it’s still a good read. It has an enemies to lovers slow burn romance, magic, and some political and familial conflict that’s heavily intertwined. I thought the story was interesting enough to keep my attention, and I really liked the action filled ending and the way it set the scene for the sequel. I’m hoping to see more of the witch coven’s found family in the next book.

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This book was ok. I found MFC to be a little annoying (how many times did she need to say how many languages she spoke?! Honestly.). Was also annoyed that the MMC was able to easily take down his own personal guard. Why is she his guard then?? Very politically heavy, felt fresh, but didn’t snag me. Will continue the series because the last 50 or so pages had me staying up late to finish

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Yes! Omg I loved this book, it has so much political intrigue which was one of my favorite things and the enemies to lovers! The dynamic duo of nesta from acotar and Rowan from tog.

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Firstly, thank you for Saga Press for allowing me to read an eARC of The Serpent and the Wolf.

If I’m being honest, this is your run of the mill romantasy. It gave me Bridge Kingdom vibes in a lot of ways. We have a few tropes: enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience, forced proximity. There is magic and mild political intrigue. But over all, nothing that really distinguishes it from the pack of books in the same category. To me, it takes more than writing to popular tropes to be a unique and engaging story. But if these tropes scratch your itch, then you’d really like this story.

Our main female character is a sharp edged, intelligent princess from another country who was raised by a cruel father and grew up with an even crueler brother. Our main male character is a brawny, somewhat cocky but smart leader in his own country. His name never fit in my opinion (he is named Reid, which is one of my most favorite names), but maybe that is because I always picture Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds XD.

If you like stories like The Bridge Kingdom or Spark of the Everflame, this may be for you! Pick it up when it releases this fall :)

Side note as a former educator: I think it is a bit daunting to mention that she works in a school in her bio. Wouldn't put it past parents to give her a hard time for writing "smut."

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

□ At first I thought that the nickname given to the FMC was over used and a little cheesy but it started to grow on me throughout the book (but I think that's because it was used less/at "more appropriate times" as the story went on)
□ I appreciate the enemies to lovers trope but not with the "denial of feelings" -- nothing annoys me more than when we as readers see that the character acknowledges their own feelings but won't admit them to their partner, but that didn't happen in this book and I appreciated that.
□ Because this was a shorter book (for me) I wasn't expecting to get so choked up about characters but towards the end I was fighting the urge to tear up...
□ The ending--- uhggg. How are you going to do me like that..WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!? Things just started popping off.

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I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this as I was not familiar with the author whatsoever, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I finished in less than a day and am eagerly awaiting the next installment

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Oh. My. God. I loved this book & it completely took me by surprise!!

Thank you to NetGalley & the Publisher for allowing me a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

I'm so freaking glad I was given this advanced copy because I am GAGGING. The only way I can describe this book is "ACOTAR (if it was well written) meets Game of Thrones". There is so much I loved about this combination that made the novel feel gritty and realistic while still holding strong Romantasy vibes. Of course, there were parts that were a little predictable, or a little cliche, but the key difference with this book and others is that those lesser parts were overlookable (and even wanted. I mean, it just makes sense sometimes). I was hooked from page 2. I knew by her writing style, and the immediate jump into the main plot, that this book wasn't going to disappoint. And it certainty didn't.

I liked these characters pretty well. I didn't 100% click with the MFC or the MMC for tiny reasons or another, but their chemistry together brought out a really solid storyline, and any minor issues I might have had were so far in the background it didn't matter.

I think my main issue with the MFC is her ability to see logically what she's doing, and know her actions aren't the correct course, but do them anyway (in a shitty way). There were a few times she would say "I know I'm only reacting this way because ______ ", and then proceed to immediately do what she just self-realized she shouldn't do. I guess in a way it's very human, but in a character-in-a-book-who-is-learning-and-growing way, it was a little annoying. She ultimately DOES grow into herself though, and we really get a good sense of what's going on in her head and why, so it's forgivable. You actually WANT to see her succeed and that's the real main point. A MFC you can't empathize with is useless to any plot.

As for the MMC, he was a little bland. He was sort of too nice, too charming, too respectful without cause, etc. He isn't our MAIN main character, so it wasn't a large annoyance or anything, but it did make him "automatically likeable", and bland. I was sort of hoping he would play into his "nickname"/role more, putting up walls or feeling standoffish for personal reasons to match the energy our MFC is giving, but Rebecca chose the 'gentle giant' approach with this one. Again, can't really complain about it, but it could have been spiced up a bit more than we already got. I also felt like we didn't get enough internal thoughts or feelings from him, which made it really hard to tell if the nice guy act was genuine as we went through the novel. There was no change to the way he treated her, despite everything, and it made it confusing and suspicious almost.

I was not at all expecting as much lore, backstory, history, and politics that came with this world building though. This is what gave it more of that realistic, gritty GOT's vibe. The politics really blew me away (and slightly confused me, as all politics do), in such a pleasant way. It was tangible, and it fit so perfectly into the plot to weave all these characters and their relationships together.

The plot tho -- ON POINT. Loved it. Had me up reading to 4am the next morning I was so enthralled. The minute I would put it down, I'd pick it back up again, which is rare for me because I'm easily distracted lol. I never saw any of the major plot twists coming, and the twists I did guess at, I wanted to happen anyway so it was a rewarding feeling when the pay off happened. The last 5% had me screaming because how dare you make me sit with this for 2+ years while I wait for a sequel??

Whatever you're making next, I'm here for it!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Saga Press for the opportunity to read The Serpent and the Wolf by Rebecca Robinson in exchange for my honest review.

The story of Vaasa Kozár, who is thrust into a treacherous political marriage with Reid of Mireh, is as much about survival as it is about love, trust, and the cost of power.

I went into this book with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised, as it turned out to be one of my favorite reads so far this year. The novel stands out in the crowded Romantasy genre, offering an original story filled with action, romance, and intricate world-building without getting lost in the typical overused crutches of the genre.

The character dynamics between Vaasa and Reid drive much of the story’s appeal. Vaasa is a fierce, cunning, and strategic protagonist shaped by a lifetime of manipulation and hardship. Reid, on the other hand, is a study in contrasts—funny, honest, and patient yet undeniably dangerous when necessary. Their relationship, while marked as an enemies-to-lovers trope, is a bit more one-sided, which left me craving more insight into Reid’s motivations and feelings. Why does he fall for Vaasa so quickly? The lack of a clear explanation here feels like a missed opportunity, but it doesn’t detract too much from the overall narrative.

One of the novel's strengths is its perfect blend of character and plot development. The balance between world-building and political intrigue is handled so well, with the political plotline offering enough twists and turns to keep readers engaged without overwhelming them with action. The manipulative mind games are particularly well-written, keeping the tension high throughout. However, a map would have been helpful to visualize the regions whose histories and locations are crucial to the story.

While the magic system, particularly Vaasa’s connection to the mysterious dark magic, could have been explored in more depth, the hints provided are tantalizing enough to suggest that more revelations are coming in future books which adds to the anticipation for what’s next in Vaasa’s journey.

Overall, this book is a must-read for fans of the romantasy genre who are looking for something fresh and engaging. It’s a fast-paced, epic tale that masterfully blends romance, politics, and the exploration of trauma, making it impossible to put down. It hasn’t been released yet and I’m already begging for the sequel.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing the ARC
4 stars, but only because I want room to rank subsequent books higher. I have a great feeling about this series!

Quick run down:
Black cat FMC
Arranged marriage
Slow burn romance
Early stages of Found Family
Good world building, but looking forward to seeing other locations
Political intrigue/maneuvering, with an MMC who trusts his partner's insight <3
A good dash of feminine rage, which we love to see

Vaasa and Reid are unlikely allies in this debut fantasy romance. Forced into an arranged marriage, Vaasa must learn to trust her new husband, while navigating assassination attempts from her brother, and wrangling her newfound magic before it consumes her and everything she comes to love.
This pulled me out of an awful reading slump. I was so invested in not only the romance between Reid and Vaasa, but also the budding friendships Vaasa made within her coven (sodalities were a really neat way to organize the different magic schools!) and Icrurian society. Found family will get me every time! Definitely looking forward to the next installment, and already preordered my physical copy of book one.

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•He falls first
•Found family
•One bed trope
•Who hurt you

"I have collected a thousand words, and yet I cannot find a single one to tell you what comes alive inside of me when you are near."

I went into this with absolutely no expectations and didn’t even think much of it to be completely honest.


It had everything I loved in a romantasy. Tension was so THICCCCC I couldn’t even breatheeeee The stakes were so high. The PLOT TWIST AT THE END??? I WAS GASPING FOR AIR!!

Had some minor issues with the politics and the scheming. (I’m just a visual person so it would’ve been nice to see everything with the map)

My only major problem with this is we didn’t really get an explanation as to why Reid fell for Vaasa (Do not get me wrong. Reid is literally the man of my dreams) why he loved her first or why he is so willing to love her? I kept thinking we were gunna get an explanation towards the end at his POV but we didn’t? Hopefully we get answers in book 2 which I will be on my knees begging for.

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I can not wait to see where this goes! Loved it. New fantasy that manages to stay away from all the over done tropes, but carries all the intrigue and greqt story line. Think ots more maturely written than alot of romantic books, and I loved it more for this!

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My thoughts on the book.... numbered because they're all over the place and I'm having so. many. feelings. This is me trying to keep myself organized.

2. I can't deny that I loved the last half of the book more than the first.
3. The magic system was interesting. Although I can't say I fully understand it.
4. I would have really appreciated a map. And maybe a glossary of sorts?
5. Reid of Mireh is the greenest green flag to exist ever, ever. I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
6. Vaasa's strength and brutality was something unbelievably terrifying and beautiful to behold.
7. The SLOWEST of slow burn.
9. November is so far away.

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This book is fast paced and intriguing., with good world building and politics. Vaasa’s character development throughout the book was well-written and kept me wanting more. I love a good slow burn, which The Serpent and the Wolf delivered. And that ending?!?! I need book two now!

🐍 enemies-to-lovers
🐺 black cat FMC
🐍 cinnamon role MMC
🐺 political intrigue
🐍 who did this to you?
🐺 slow burn
🐍 arranged marriage
🐺 magic

Thank you NetGalley, Rebecca Robinson, and Saga Press for the opportunity for this ARC.

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This Book!! is absolutely fantastic!! ✨✨


This book instantly hooks you from the beginning and personally for me just kept getting better and better!

You have witches, magic an arranged marriage
and plenty of action ⚔️
The world building was easy to understand and the character development for Vaasa was KEY!
it’s makes you love their Romance even more!
Such a good slow burn 🔥 I love Reid 🫶😭

Also the twists…😱😱😱

Absolutely love this book & can honestly
say this is a HIT! Romantasy ✨🗡️
Definitely a favorite for me this year!!
Can’t wait to see what’s to come 🫶

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