Member Reviews

This debut romantasy is absolutely riveting and reminded me of how I felt when I first discovered Sarah J. Maas's work. The plot is captivating, and the characters are so well-developed that I couldn't put it down. From the first page to the last, it kept me hooked. I’m predicting it’s going to be one of the next big series. I can’t wait for book 2!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Saga Press for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review!

I loved this book and what an ending! Vassa's journey overcoming her fear was amazing to watch and I appreciated how strong and intelligent she was. Her relationship with the coven members was touching and I really enjoyed their interactions. Reid was great the entire book, but I'll be looking forward to more from his perspective (hopefully) in the next book, as I think there's still so much we don't know about him. I'm already eagerly awaiting book 2!!

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I received an early copy of this and was beyond thrilled to read it. The enemies to lovers plot line was more one sided dislike to love. I did love the world building and found the magic to be incredibly interesting. The fmc has lots of character growth which I appreciated. The mmc, Reid, is strong, capable, and caring. He never once hated Vaasa, the fmc. A solid start to a new fantasy especially if you love witches, a black cat fmc, a mmc who would burn the world for the fmc, and a unique setting.

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3.5 rounding up since I did like this a lot more than other romantasies I've given 3 stars to. It's a refreshing political romantasy with plot that isn't 90% smut. There were some areas I wanted fleshed out more but I still had an embarrassingly good time.

There's a whole coven plotline! I wasn't expecting that from the synopsis. Women, strong magical women, female relationships, yay! (Though only two of the witches were somewhat important and the rest were forgettable. Hoping they play a bigger part in the sequel.)

On the one hand, I liked how this book started so fast. The first chapter hooks you right away and I couldn't put this down. On the other, I would've preferred some more setup. Maybe a couple of chapters with the FMC Vaasa in her homeland suffering under her brother, terrified that he's about to kill her, then marriage planning, some horrible rumors about her brutish fiancé (especially since he's fairly nice from the start, so why do people think poorly of him?)... and THEN the first chapter we have. It felt like I missed part one in the book.

MMC Romantasy Checklist:
Huge ✔️
Extremely handsome ✔️
Scars and/or tattoos ✔️
Shadow magic ✖️ (bc the FMC is the Shadow MOMMY, HECK YEAH)
Possessive asshole ✖️
Weird petname for FMC ✔️ (Wild One)
Dead or abusive dad ✔️
Royalty ✔️ (Sort of?)
Murderer ✔️(he's a warrior/soldier)
BONUS: secret assassin ✖️

I really appreciated the respectful tone of the romantic relationship and how it was a fairly slow burn for this genre. I wanted more scenes of them together though to explain their relationship development. Suddenly they're in love at the end and I didn't find it believable. It also wasn't truly enemies-to-lovers, more suspicious-strangers-in-an-arranged-marriage-to-fast-allies-to-lovers, but I was still into it.

I think I would've preferred a longer book and that would've fixed most of my issues. But maybe that's a good thing? That I wanted more of what we got? The cliffhanger was good and I'm definitely sticking around for the next book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

3.5/5 stars

Told in third person, but mostly from Vaasa's POV. One chapter is told in Reid's POV, but again is still third person. As someone to is not a huge fan of third person, I felt the need to put this at the beginning of my review. But it didn't stop me from reading it all the way through. I also thought that, after reading the book, the synopsis does a great job of vaguely giving you the information of what the book will be about. Nothing was missed.

There is a ton of world building in this book. So much storytelling, background information given, which is necessary. You get bits and pieces of things and little reveals here and there. Which is fine, because it keeps you reading and wanting to find out more. But I mean it is too much. There is not a ton of dialogue. I would honestly say 75% of the book is world building or thoughts from the characters minds, and 25% actual dialogue and conversation spoken between characters. I wish there was more actual dialogue. And it was just too much world building for me. It also leaves off on a cliffhangers, and a very surprise twist that I didn't see coming. Like most other reviews that I've seen so far for this novel, the lat 15% is the most interesting and when the turning points take place.

This is definitely a high-stakes novel, a very VERY slow burn, and enemies to lovers. Is there spice? A little. I'm not good at ranking spice, but there's a little there, and I'll leave it at that (no spoilers here).

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Thank you NetGalley and Saga Press for this eARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

I absolutely loved this book! The world-building was brilliant. The political system with the ongoing election was so different from any other fantasy book I've ever read. However, it was sometimes so complex that I wished it had a map (maybe it has but wasn't included in the arc yet?).
The romance between the main characters Vaasa and Reid was amazingly written and included all my favourite tropes. Vaasa is a strong and fierce heroine and if I had to describe this book in one sentence it'd be: Romantasy but SHE's the shadow daddy 😂😍
I'm not going to give any spoilers, but Vaasa had a great character development and I loved how she slowly started to open up and find her power. Reid was an absolute sucker for his "wild one" and truly is the type to burn the world down for his wife.
The last 2 chapters ruined me – I was definitely not expecting THAT to happen and it'll take a while for me to process it...
I really hope this will become a series with at least 2 more books because the magic and political intrigues were my favourite things in this book (I almost enjoyed them more than the romance).
I wish to learn more about this world because WOW.

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I thought this was a fantastic story. I’m pretty impressed this is a debut novel. The very first scene had me immediately intrigued! I knew right away I was going to like this book. It’s comprised of a slow burn enemies-to-lovers romance, political conspiracies, covens of witches, unique magic, and twists and turns along the way. There’s something in this for everyone to enjoy!

Vaasa inherits a magic that she must learn to control before it kills her. Upon being forced into a marriage she did not want to Reid, a man deemed ruthless and the ruler of Mireh, Vaasa plans to escape the marriage in any way possible. However, that all changes once Reid offers Vaasa a deal too good to pass up. Upon accepting Reid’s deal, Vaasa works tirelessly to fulfill her promise to him, master her magic, and keep herself and those around her alive. Tensions begin to rise as Vaasa’s feelings for Reid grow and political scheming ensues. It soon becomes apparent that not everything is as it seems and not everyone is who they appear to be.

One of the things I loved most about this book is Vaasa’s depth of feeling. The way she continuously feels the need to push everyone away from her felt so real. She had such a well of pain within her that it was almost tangible. It pulled at my heart strings, and I felt so deeply for her. I enjoyed the interactions between Reid and Vaasa as well. They seem to complement each other so nicely and I enjoyed seeing the ways in which they provided strength to each other. It was also a lot of fun to read about a coven of witches! Additionally, the twists in this were written remarkably well. I was truly surprised by the revelations that occurred!

Overall, this was a great book, and I had a good time reading it. I did want there to be a little more world building. I’m hoping we get more of that in the next book. I also didn’t feel quite as connected to the other characters in this book as I did to Vaasa, but I think that will change in the next book, which I will most definitely be reading! I feel like the next book is going to hurt to read! In the best way possible of course.

Thank you NetGalley and Saga Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. Just wow. I don't even know how long I have to wait for the second book considering this is an ARC, but I can confirm it's too damn long.

Fake Marriage? Check
Enemies to Lovers? Check
Plot twists? Check
High sexual tension? Check, check, check

This book was amazing. I haven't been on the edge of my seat for the plot and banter in a fantasy novel like this in quite some time. This book was fantastic. My only possible complaint would be some of the names are hard to pronounce, but that isn't a deal breaker in fantasy: it's a personal problem.

These characters are phenomenal. The plot is well fleshed out. The world building is great without dragging on and forcing a loss of interest. The MMC is gentle while maintaining the possibility of ruthlessness beneath it all. The FMC can surely take care of herself without the assistance of a man (most of the time, that one bedroom scene had me feeling some type of way).

I will definitely be purchasing the hard copy for my trophy shelf!

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Seeing all the glowing reviews and the comps this book was compared to, yeah, I don't think I'm in the market for this one.

I tried to give it a shot, since it had a political story-line to it / court intrigue, which is my bread and butter. I feel this book was too much in your face with the male lead obviously making his intentions known. The female herself was interesting, but I just didn't understand her. It's totally one of those books you feel you missed either a couple chapters of or an entire book of plot set up.

When it comes to romance, I don't like to be hand-held through the game of enemies to lovers, I like to be actually wondering if they will drift together. I made it 20% through and decided to thrown in the towel.

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This book was everything I love about contemporary romance but putting an amazing fantasy spin to it. It was such a good representation of the marriage of convenience trope and the journey the characters took was lovely.

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I really enjoyed this fantasy, and I’m so curious to see where this story is headed! This was right up my alley, and felt similar to other great fantasy-romance novels that I’ve read.

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This book was incredible! I was captivated from the very beginning and could not put it down! Finished reading it in one sitting. The world building, the slow burn romance, the magic system, the twists, the turns, the surprises - everything was phenomenal!

I absolutely loved how the FMC, Vaasa, was fierce, cunning, calculated, and brave. I also loved how she went from being a lone weapon to learning to love and care for others. She lived a life of coldness but learned to trust others and found warmth, love, and hope. She is morally gray and would burn the world down for those she loves. The found family was heartwarming.

Reid, the MMC, was unexpected. He was strong but Vaasa became his backbone and intertwined with his strength. I adored how patient and caring he was towards Vaasa.

The villain was unexpected and evil. The reveals and the cliffhanger were SHOCKING! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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First thank you NetGalley, Saga Press, and the author for this advanced copy. It was an amazing book and such a fun read!

This book really has something for everyone. It’s a great slow burn romance that keeps you wanting more. Vassa and Reid complement each other so well. The way he’s constantly championing her and on her side is something Vassa is not used to. I love how her opinion of him changes as the books progresses.

The political storyline and the leaders vying for power give me major Game of Thrones vibes. The country dynamics was interesting and definitely kept me guessing as to who was go betray who, because someone always does. The magic system and coven of witches was probably my favorite. I love the community and Vassa found with them.

The ending was great and I totally did not see it coming! I’m guessing there will be a sequel because I need to know what happens!

Thank you again NetGalley and publishers for this book. It was such a great read.

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“The Serpent and the Wolf” by Rebecca Robinson is an exciting blend of political intrigue, magic, and slow-burn romance. Vaasa, forced into marriage by her brother, teams up with her new husband, Reid, to navigate the dangerous waters of their political landscape while uncovering the secrets of the magic within her. Their relationship starts with mutual suspicion but evolves, making for a great enemies to lovers trope.

The world building and magic system are impressive, with witch covens and strong female characters taking center stage, which I love! The plot twists keep you on your toes, and the cliffhanger is insane! Despite a slow and complex start, the political and magical elements become easier to follow as the story progresses. Can’t wait for the next book as that cliffhanger left me reeling!

Thank you NetGalley and Saga Press for sending this eARC for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I have been feeling a little burnt out on the romantasy genre lately but…Becca Robinson has brought me right back to life with this debut!

This story follows a top tier FMC, Vassa, who is forced to marry, Reid, the leader of a competing territory, by her awful brother. Vassa believes Reid to be a brute who will want to cage her. Vassa enters into a mutually beneficial agreement with Reid to help Vassa learn about the magic that is killing her. Vassa in the course of living and working with Reid discovers that they are both more than what she initially realized. This is a slow-burn, arranged marriage, he falls first romantasy and yes, all the tropes are done very well.

I thought for a debut novel and the first of a series, Robinson does an excellent job with the world building and magic system. I love the witch covens in this book and the decision to show women as the primary magic holders. Also, anticipated that the villain would be predictable but man was I wrong. - great twists in this read! The cliffhanger is a killer but I am looking forward to the next book!

Thank you to Netgalley, Sas/Saga Press and Rebecca Robinson for the ARC

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oh my goodness…

I literally loved this book. it has everything I have ever wanted to read, enemies to lovers, one-bed trope, complex magical systems, unique world building, political unrest, character growth…
I really enjoyed this book and was so excited to read it every time. Vaasa and Reid’s story was awesome to read and to see them grow as individuals and their relationship grow was captivating. understanding the complex government systems and political ranking, ally ships and enemies took a little but to fully grasp and understand but it got easier as the book went on.
…. the ending …. I will definitely be on the lookout for the next book. It was definitely an emotional rollercoaster of a lifetime. I would definitely give this book 5+ stars. will definitely be a reread often

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Edge of your seat! Gods I loved this book and all the players. There’s some mad hatters TBS and there were times when I was confused for a minute and had to reread to figure out what was happening 😆 but overall I was left hoping, rooting and waiting on the edge of my seat for Team Vaasa and then it ends in a major cliffhanger….

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Slow start but what a cliffhanger. The protagonist takes you on a journey of self discovery and finding your place in the world. The first few chapters were slow for me but then I was hooked. Looking forward to the next book.

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Y’all I cannot even right now. The Serpent and the Wolf is hands down one of my favorite books of 2024. I’m screaming that it’s not out yet for everyone to read. Because I do need everyone and I mean everyone to read this book on release day. Before I get any further into this review I need to give a massive thank you to NetGalley and Saga Press for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Mrs Rebecca Robinson where the hell have you been hiding all this time. I kid you not I just had a conversation with my best friend about how so far all the books I’ve read in 2024 have just been meh. But then Rebecca Robinson came out of complete left field and said “Hold my Beer”. The Serpent and the Wolf was an amazing debut filled with great world building and politics. It had the perfect blend of character and plot development. And last but not least the most compelling and love able characters I’ve encountered in the Romantasy genre so far!

This book is probably now going to cause me the biggest book hangover. Because how am I supposed to read anything else. I’m not ready to say goodbye. I want more of Reid & Vassa’s story. I needed the sequel yesterday!

If you haven’t already gathered by this review. I highly recommend The Serpent & the Wolf. Please buy this amazing Romantasy Book on release day this November 2024!

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I loved this! After a rough few months in the romtantasy genre I feel alive again. This one is all about politics but also witches. Say less. I found it really interesting how there’s little to no set up to open up the book. No info dumping. We’re right in the action with Vaasa planning to kill her new husband on their wedding night. You have my attention.

This book is cozy, yet thrilling which is such a hard combination to pull off, but ultimately that’s all I want when I read. I really feel for Vaasa and think she’s an excellent FMC. She’s soft and strong and, unfortunately, knows way too much for her own good. Reid is obsessed with his wife and I love that for him and me.

Chapter 22 is beautiful. Chapter 22 is everything. I loved the whole book but the last 30% goes so hard. The ending of chapter 26??? Incredible!!! High art!!!

I do wish there was just a smidge more worldbuilding in the beginning, but it didn't impact my overall experience too much. I can let this go because this book was the perfect length. More fantasy books under 400 pages, please! It is possible!

I will be sat for book 2. I highly recommend picking this up in November (friends, I’m looking at you because I must discuss this with someone).

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