Member Reviews

This story of Sasha and Ethan is the perfect midlife, divorced parents romance that we all need. So many times I find that late 20's-early 30's rom-com's don't fully "get" what a romance will feel like in "everyday life". The author, Nora Dahlia writes a fully fleshed out single mom who has all of the responsibilities of parenting on her shoulders and feels like she is failing every minute of it. There is a third "narrator" in this story; Kaitlyn and as the story unfolds we might want to consider her voice an observer of school "pick-up" as the title suggests. She has a pivotal role in the story and I'm glad that I read one person's review that mentions that we learn what makes her important later in the story because as I read her part of the story, I was becoming frustrated with her lack of "action" in the story.
Back to our rom-com; these two characters cracked me up and the chemistry sizzled. I deeply loved Ethan's chapters with his t0-do lists. Sasha is awkward in all the best ways. The crew of Escapade is full of interesting and nuanced characters that don't come off as "typecast" (especially Stephanie... what a hoot).
The story weaves in and out of a romance but at the heart is really about a woman who is in the middle of trying to figure out her life and how she can put her kids needs first and then realizing that in order to give her kids happiness she needs to consider what she "needs" too! Loved this book to pieces!

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I didn't like the unclear perspectives in the beginnning. I found a lot of real humor in it, but I didn't connect well with the writing style.

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Thanks to Gallery Book and Netgalley for this Advanced Reader's copy. Pick up is a play on words - referencing both a romantic pick up and the pick up time after school. These divorced parents are initially enemies, especially in main character Sasha's view as they fight over afterschool program spots and school merchandise for their kids. Ethan is secretly intrigued by her after speaking with her in the past at a playground with their kids. They go from enemies to lovers when they end up on a tropical island together. I liked the banter of these two characters and this was overall a fun read. For me, the chemistry wasn't strong so I gave it three stars. I enjoyed the book overall.

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I enjoyed this adult rom-com that centers around picking up kids from school. There were never any cute dads at my school but I certainly met the over-achieving, controlling and gossipy moms! Two divorced parents meet and squabble and suddenly there is only one island, and they have to share it and work together. Lots of great subplots: is Sasha’s mom losing her memory; what’s going on with her best friend’s marriage; why is Lisa so weird?

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for this DRC.
#Pick-Up #NetGalley

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

An enemies to lovers, single parent romance surrounding pick up at an elementary school. Sign me up.

Told from three perspectives: Sasha, Ethan, and Kaitlin.

After Ethan purchases the last school swag out from under Sasha, and soon after stealing spot in an after school club, the gloves are off for Sasha. Ethan, on the other hand, doesn’t immediately understand the animosity, go figure. So when they are thrown together at a school fair, and later, outside of school, things between them begin to heat up.

Kaitlin, another mother at pick up, and old classmate of Sasha, spends her pick-up sessions judging Sasha. While her placement in the story seemed somewhat misguided at first, her role becomes clear and diverge with the other perspectives.

Enjoyable read, where miscommunication and lack of understanding amongst the main characters caused some unnecessary conflicts, but understandable plot device.

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Sasha is a divorced mom of two, Ethan is a divorced dad of one, both have children who attend the same NYC school. Kaitlin is Sasha's childhood friend from whom Sasha has become estranged, who also has a child at the school. There are three 1st-person POVs, which took some adjusting. Even with them all in the same general physical environment they felt disconnected from one another. Which I imagine is the point because they were all out-of-step with each other. There is an air of tension in the beginning of the book, all have troubled relationships and their own struggles. For me this affected the tone of the book significantly but I definitely appreciated the author's witty writing style. Ethan was kind of jerky to Sasha in the beginning, I guess because he feels awkward. Thankfully that gets toned down as the book progresses, I was having a hard time getting on board with his character. Enemies-to-lovers trope, quasi forced-proximity, and of course it's all complicated. But the complications are what keep this story moving and kept me engaged to the end. This is romance with a hefty dose of self-growth. Ethan grew on me and I genuinely liked Sasha and Ethan together. Well-rounded supporting characters and interesting sub-plots that didn't overshadow the main storyline. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC of this story, this is my objective review. Publishes 12-3-24.

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I LOVED this. I enjoyed the banter. As a 40 something mom I always appreciate when the characters are a bit older and dealing with the realities of having kids. And the chemistry between Ethan and Sasha was sooooo good. A must read!

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DNF. Didn't enjoy getting through the beginning. Too many character/POV changes that felt irrelevant to the overall plot.
Interesting premise but overall couldn't get into this one. Kept waiting for something to happen.

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Although I was expecting a bit more of a rom-com, I definitely wasn't disappointed with this read! Sasha is a divorced mother of two who is really trying to nail this parenting thing the way she used to. But between missed Silly Sock days, last minute permission slips, and judgemental stares from administrators and parents, drop-off and pick-up have become more chaotic than Sasha would like. Then there's Ethan, aka Demon Dad, who somehow keeps swooping in and taking the last one of everything Sasha needs, be it a hoodie or an after school spot - and he's not even apologetic about it! So when a dream job opportunity falls in her lap, and she steps off the plane on to the private island she'll be calling home for the next few days, the absolute last person Sasha wants to see is the "perfect" dad who seems to do nothing but make her life more difficult.

I wasn't quite sure what to think of the multiple POVs in this one, especially since only two of them seemed to make sense, but in the end I loved that Dahlia made the choices she did! In terms of characters, Sasha was delightfully messy, a wonderful mother, and so easy to root for. Whereas Ethan was a bit less fleshed out, but it didn't detract from the story for me, because he still came across as caring and charming, but with his own messes as a fellow divorced parent. Overall this was a fun and unique romance, and I'm so happy I got a chance to read it!

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This was so pleasing to read. At first I was apprehensive to read about parents and school. I am a parent who is in the thick of drop off/pick up, involved in the PTA (however this books school PTA sounds like a nightmare) and navigating balance. I wasn’t sure I wanted to read about characters and their parenting. However, I was enraptured by moments of relatability. I liked the three different POVs and how they tied together so well. This book COULD have become a thriller or physiological thriller at the end and I would not have complained about it. It had some elements of a thriller woven into one of the characters.

I liked the resolve at the end and the overall message of no matter what, every marriage is different on the inside and behind closed doors.

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This book was absolutely adorable! I fell in love with the main characters and I can not even begin to say how it melted me with their story.

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I love this book! The characters were well rounded and relatable, and telling the story from more perspectives than just the main characters made it so much more interesting. Usually I feel like 3 or more perspectives gets way too complicated and hard to follow, but that was definitely not the case here. Overall just a great book.

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Pick-Up is possibly my favorite book this year. Nora Dahlia balances some heavy themes with humor and light. This book was so fun to read and difficult to put down. I loved these characters, loved their banter, and loved how perfectly this story was woven together. As someone who has read a lot of slow burns and enemies to lovers I really enjoyed how this book still surprised me!

Plot: Sasha and Ethan are both divorced parents who keep running into each other at drop-off at their kids school. Ethan quickly gets under Sasha’s skin. Not so coincidentally they end up on a work trip together, and while this offers a reprieve in their tenuous relationship, Sasha is hesitant to mix their vacation life and real life together.

Themes: The way we see ourselves vs the way others see us, identity as a mom but still having autonomy, moving on after difficult relationships,

Characters: every character in this book is well written and layered. There was clearly a ton of thought put into every one of them, and each offers a really important perspective on getting older, growing in relationships, and starting over in new ones.

Writing: FUN. This book is written in 3 POVs, although Sasha is the book’s protagonist. There isn’t much I could say that would give this book justice. Based on the book’s description I wasn’t expecting that this would be one of my favorite books I’ve read this year. It has so much more depth than I was expecting. Norah Dahlia’s ability to write wit and charm into the story rivals Emily Henry which is some of the highest praise I can give.

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4.5 stars

Sasha is a divorced mom, trying to get through the day caring for two children on her own. Every time she turns around, a smug dad named Ethan seems to be catching her making a mistake or snagging the last spot in a sign up. She’s surprised to find him on a work trip, and even more surprised to find that they have explosive chemistry that she can’t deny.

I loved this debut! It’s perfect for fans of Emily Henry or Annabel Monaghan. Sasha reminded me a bit of a modern day Lorelei Gilmore, always ready with the perfect quippy response and humorous banter to throw at Ethan. I enjoyed the vacation to the island aspect of the story, and also the maturity of two single parents in this book. At first I was confused by the inclusion of a third narrator, but eventually it became clear. It was a unique addition to the book, but I think I would have preferred a dual narration instead because I don’t feel that it added to the story in a positive way. However, without that, I think this might have been a five star romance read for me. It was really a fun, fresh rom com and I’m eager to see what else the author writes in the future!

Thank you to Nora Dahlia and Gallery books for the arc and opportunity to be an early reader and reviewer.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Pick-Up by @noradahliazelevansky @gallerybooks is a grown up women’s fiction book set in modern times. A play on words between the “pick-up” that parents do with their kids at a Brooklyn public elementary schools and a romantic “pick-up.”

I enjoyed the main character POV, Sasha is divorced and trying to do her best as the only “present” parent that her kids have. She engages with other parents in the pick up line, including Ethan, who makes life difficult for her, Kaitlyn, her former schoolmate from back in the day, and Celeste, making everyone else suffer. The major story lies in Sasha balancing motherhood, caring for her aging parents, finding new career opportunities and a new chance at love.

If you prefer to keep the bedroom door closed, skip chapter 33.

The chemistry between Ethan and Sasha is great- this is very well written in both POV. Fans of Emily Henry and Ashley Poston will enjoy this. Nora Dahlia writes incredibly wittier banter between the two main characters. There are a few surprises along the way.

Bonus: the author has a Spotify playlist to listen to as you read, and I LOVE it.

Novel to be published December 3, 2024. Thanks to @netgalley and @gallerybooks for the ARC.

#netgalley #pickup #bookstagram #bookreviews #bookreview #bookworm

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Had me kicking my feet to be honest. I loved the plot and the characters, I could so easily see this as a movie

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"Pick Up" by Nora Dahlia is a captivating contemporary romance that delves into the complexities of modern relationships. The story centers on a protagonist navigating the challenges of romance and personal growth, often with a touch of humor and charm. Dahlia’s writing is engaging and insightful, offering a fresh take on love and connection in today’s fast-paced world. The novel’s well-crafted characters and relatable scenarios make it a compelling read for fans of contemporary romance seeking both depth and lightheartedness.

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Thank you Gallery Books and NetGalley for this advance readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

Sasha and Ethan are both divorced and have several run ins at their kids’ school. When Ethan suggests her for a job involving a trip to a remote island they get to know each other outside of the school incidents and attraction grows.

Pick-up is a cute romantic comedy that explores dynamics of dating after divorce, marriage challenges, parenting (and identity outside of parenting), careers, and finding work-life balance.

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A very cute, fun rom-com read. It had all the quick-witted, swoon worthy banter that I crave, and definitely would fit right in with book by Christina Lauren — I loved the super lush Caribbean setting, and can pretty much always get behind an enemies-to-lovers trope. Also, fellow parents, can’t we all relate to school pick-up line drama?! The way I laughed out loud at Sasha and Ethan’s dynamic.
If you like the Unhoneymooners, odd are you’re gonna love Pick-Up!

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Pick-Up is a modern romance and satire of parent politics and navigating middle age as a GenX Millenial cusper. Think Bad Summer People meets You've Been Volunteered.

At first the conceit of three narrators was confusing. I had a hard time getting into the rhythm and often had to re-read Kaitlin's section because I hadn't realized it wasn't Sasha until halfway in. I get now that there was a stylist reason for that, and I'm here for it.

What I loved:
Dahlia definitely captured what it's like to be a parent in NY in your early/mid 40s. I so releated to everything the women were going through. Sasha's dillema at the end was particularly resonant. I too have been surprised at the person in the mirror or the fact that I, and people my age, are now the adults and heads of family in the neighborhood so very "Once in A Lifetime."

Ethan's perspective. So different. Definitely seemed like a man. Not a man written by a woman.

The use of social media.

How different people's inner experience was than how the other parents saw them.

The island feeling like I was on a mini vacation while I was reading.

The fact that antisemitism wasn't pushed under the rug.

Adult responses to disagreements.

Good supporting characters both at the school and the magazine.

What I didn't like:
I figured out the twist halfway through the book.
The kids names, Bart? Really? But maybe that's sooo Brooklyn?
Some plot conveniences

I really enjoyed Dahlia's first foray into romance. It was relatable and interesting. Just the right amount of spice. I look forward to her next novel. 4.25 stars.

Thanks to Net Galley and Gallery Books for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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