Member Reviews

3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enemies to lovers trapped in a series of awkward situations and moments where they cannot seem to escape one another. Sasha and Ethan are two divorcees trying to balance single parenting and everything else. An overall enjoyable read that reminds us that parents are imperfect people too and the best thing for kids is happy role models. My only critique is that it felt it could have been shorter. There was a lot of repetitive inner dialogue but still a fun book with an engaging plot.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for this honest review! Coming December 2024!

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First I’d like to thanks NetGalley , Simon & Schuster, and Nora dahlia for the opportunity to read an arc of her upcoming book. In exchange for my honest review .

Sasha is a divorced mother trying to navigate how to be a single mom. When life seems to be throwing her into a loop she meets demon dad( aka Ethan ) . From the start both parents clash . When Sasha is offered a job imagine her surprise when Ethan just so happens to be the boss. Watch as both parents share close proximity and the sparks begin to fly .

I devoured this book! It was so great! Not only does it show the complexity of being a parent . It shows what it’s like to find love after a bad experience. It hits every emotion . I felt like I could feel her emotions , and not just hers but everyone in the book. It gave us a view point that shows not everything is how it seems on the outside . That even the most put together people can be a mess. I can’t express how much I loved this book.
My only issue was I didn’t think the epilogue was really an epilogue. It starts out on the same day as the last chapter but that night . I wish we got a little more .. maybe a year or a few months

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Actually really enjoyed this! The 3Pov was a new twist take on the usual dual pov in a rom com. I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it but I did!

The beginning was a bit confusing but it picked up as I read! There are a lot of characters though that don’t play major roles, so at times that did add to the confusion and cohesive ness overall.

I will be recommend this book! It wasn’t overly long either but wasn’t super short, a nice middle ground if you will. I wasn’t able to sit and binge read this but it was a solid read I kept going back to and wanting to know more.

The to-do lists of Ethan was a unique touch for his character development and learning about him. I haven’t seen this before in a book and I just thought that was lovely.

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I was not expecting to love this as much as I did! Such a fun, yet thoughtful, rom-com. A someone who is not a A. mother or B. divorcee I didn't find it alienating to read - in fact, the fact that parenthood, love, and loss felt so natural and integral to the story only engrossed me more. I couldn't recommend it enough!

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Absolutely fantastic plot! Could not put the book down once I began reading it. Cannot wait for it to be released. I will recommend it to everyone I know!

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Pick-up was such a fun story to read! The 3 POVs compared to a romance’s typical 2 was also a new twist that I really enjoyed.

The single parent enemies to lovers trope was done really well and I loved the tropical island trip setting and the twist involved. I don’t see a huge amount of twists in romance that don’t dramatize the story in an unnecessary way but this one added another layer to the story that made it stand out amongst a heavily saturated genre.

Thank you to netgalley for this arc!

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I loved Pick-Up! I read the entire book in less than a day because I couldn’t put it down. It was funny, romantic, clever, and relatable. While I’m not a divorced parent, I am a mother of two children and I certainly could relate to the difficulties that parenting can bring. This book was spot on with all the realities of school, parenting, and school pick-ups. But mostly, I loved the romance of Ethan and Sasha. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this great book.

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I am enjoying this book, and appreciate the opportunity to review it!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.
All opinions are my own.

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I DNF this book around 10%. The way the book was written with the super short chapters just didn't keep my attention. It felt like the story was bouncing around too much which ultimately made me not want to continue.

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Such a cute read! Relatable to parents so I definitely relate to it. I think it connects to that effect and it was very witty and had its own charm.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s quick-witted tone. I caught myself laughing out loud several times. This is an entertaining read with high-chemistry enemies-to-lovers themes blended with the challenges of divorced parenting. Well written, funny, entertaining and memorable.

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A witty rom com between enemies to lovers.
Sasha and Ethan are each divorced and navigating parenthood when they have some unpleasant encounters with each other at the school. Their story unfolds as they end up on a work trip together. It was refreshing to read about experiences parents actually struggle with, such as childcare and aging parents, making this book relatable for adults.
Pick Up has some laugh out loud moments, delightful banter and a twist with third POV. Overall this was a fun and refreshing read.

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This book for the first 50 pages confused me. It kept changing povs to people who never became super important again and I also for a while couldn't figure out what's going on because of all the switches.

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This was a cute book with a style of writing i havent seen bedore. The book as a third person POV through multiple different characters. Took me a litlle longer to get in to and I wasn’t as hooked as I am with some books but I could see this being a fan favorite for a lot of people - especially those who are single parents!

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I thought this book was written so interestingly! I honestly didn't want to put it down because I couldn't figure out why there were three POV and I honestly should have seen it coming but I did not! Sasha and Ethan are divorced parents that have a few run ins while they are trying to do things for their kids. They see each other at pick up/drop off, but it isn't until Ethan is there taking the last sweatshirt or the last spot in drama class for his kid that Sasha really starts to take notice, and not in a good way.
Ethan doesn't mean to be the bane of Sasha's existence and all he really wants is to get close to her. When a job comes up and they are forced to work together, on an island resort (WITH an outdoor shower!!!!!!) she starts understanding Ethan. Their attraction is instant, but will they be able to bring that magic back to the real world with kids and exes and life drama?
This was a real look at the struggles that parents go through daily and how some moms look so put together at pick up, but we are all really just trying to get through the day. Some hide it better than others.
Thanks to Gallery, Netgalley and Nora Dahlia for an early copy.

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From what I understand Pick Up is author Nora Dahlia's first novel. Very well written. Extremely entertaining - I couldn't put it down! Laugh out loud! Not overly spicy at all. I've never read a book about divorced people and the mess that comes with it, but I could relate on the stress and mental load of being a mother. Looking forward to more from Nora!

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Pick Up was such a pleasant surprise. I had heard nothing about it but am so glad it found me! It’s the story of a romance between two broken, discarded people, and the people that surround them. The author’s sense of humor is perfectly dry, and I laughed out loud many times. And yes, it is at its core a romance, but it raised a lot of philosophical questions for me. It addresses the difference in expectations for moms versus dads, the pressure that parents (especially moms) put on themselves to ensure their children’s happiness, and how marriage and raising a family can often make you lose sight of who you are. This is definitely an author to watch. Loved it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc.

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“Turns out, parenting is hard.”

This enemies-to-lovers reflects on the twisty ways we try to understand ourselves and navigate parenthood with all the marriage/partnership, friendship, school communities and other messy logistics it comes with.

Come for the snappy dialogue, relatable school drop-off/pick up shenanigans and undeniable attraction tingles. Stay for the dreamy vacation spot, exploration of identity and gender roles and examples of trying to do better for yourself and your loved ones.

4.5 stars

I was impatient, so read an eARC via NetGalley. (Pub date 12/3/24)

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This book was so funny and witty and wonderful. Their romance felt so sweet and authentic but grown up in a way that was appropriate for their story and circumstances. I loved all the characters. I loved the forced introspection the book gave me. A lovely read!

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Unpopular opinion but I really enjoy a third person POV in romance!!! The stakes were higher than your typical romance and overall I loved it. Sweet, genuine and everything I want in a book.

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