Member Reviews

This book gave me the opportunity to strongly consider the psychological impact that technology has on our live from the womb through the lifespan.

So this was not what I expected from this book which the author fully acknowledges in the conclusion, this is not really a « how to » book, she’s not going to teach you how to use tech. Now am I disappointed? Absolutely not, this is even better than what I expected. Sometimes what you need is someone who will trust you to make your own decisions after giving you all the information you need, and that’s exactly what you get reading Reset.
The author goes through the life of a regular individual, from before they’re even born to after they’re dead ; and describe the way tech may impact each category of life. It’s a little bit terrifying sometimes to be honest. I’m a older millennial so I was blessed with the ability to have my childhood private and to be a stupid teenager offline. Kids today are not so lucky. Now is tech all bad? No it’s more about the way we use it and I really like this approach, cause the « you should get rid of all tech » advocates are not realistic about the way society works today. Being a digital minimalist is a choice that only privileged people can make.
That being said, surveillance and data privacy is a real concern and we need to be careful about it and mindful about the things we use and the way we use it. Nothing is neutral but nothing is all a bad or all good either.
A really good read with some simple and sound advice at the end. Yes it’s advice of the very annoying but true kind : be mindful about the choices you make.

As a mom of four kids, and a year that's been full of tough moments, this book was just AMAZING! I loved it and recommended to many friends from church. This was such a wonderful book full of beautiful words and reminders. This is a book everyone should read.