Member Reviews

In Jenny James Is Not A Disaster, Jenny was having a terrible day when her house slid down a cliff during a massive rain storm. Jenny and her son ended up on a road trip based on random prompts like Jane Austen and favorite song with a neighbor after they lost everything and the book followed their journey. First of all, Jenny was such an optimistic person that it was inspiring. I am a whiner. Absolutely. And when I was reading this book, I absorbed Jenny’s positive persona and found myself brushing off the little things that went wrong for me during that time instead of letting them to get to me. Second, this book really just warmed my heart. I loved watching Jenny turn her life around when so many things fell apart, how she found something amazing out of something so terrible. It was sweet, funny, full of love between Jenny and her son and I loved Jenny facing her fears head on, without trepidation. Just a feel good, mushy sweetness of a book.

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Impending layoffs, rundown car, house falling into the ocean--wait what? Jenny James's life is not a disaster. It's a full blown catastrophe. Luckily, cute drifter and mobile home owner Luke saves her right before she chased her house down a mudslide. He invites Jenny, and her 18-year-old son Charlie, into the mobile life as Jenny works through how to restart her life. They adventure around England, looking for places that remind them of Wuthering Heights, Zombies, or Oxford.

This was a really cute story. I loved how it was a love story, but not about love, and not like a typical romance. Jenny takes the vacation time to contemplate her relationship with her son, the rest of her family, and even what she wants to do for a living, all in search of her joy. The wit is sharp, and I loved the playfulness of Jenny's relationship with her son, Charlie. They felt like real people who knew each other inside and out.

I listened to the audiobook version of this book, and thought it was great. The narrator sounded like what I envisioned for Jenny. It fit very well, and I didn't find any parts that made me cringe.

Would recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Muse Audiobooks for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book and cast of characters. I thought the relationship between son/mother and the two main characters was sweet and believable. I like a slow burn in a book, where a nice relationship friendship is formed first.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC audiobook in return for my honest review!
Unfortunately this book didn't live up to my expectations. It had tons of potential but it felt kind of boring and flat to me despite being narrated well. I was really hoping Jenny, Charlie and Luke setting out on adventures together would add some fun to the book. They all got closer, which is expected living in close quarters, however, I just felt like this could've been more of a lighthearted read. Instead I felt bad for Jenny and it was more about her contemplating choices in life and things that have happened to her as she works through them to move forward.

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This was a fantastic story - snarky and sweet and moving without ever feeling over the top. It has romance but is not A romance, which I really liked and rarely see. In the way of life, as opposed to books, there was a natural development that seemed to surprise even the protagonist. It made for a very relatable and organic read (well, technically, listen). I'm not often a fan of "women's fiction" because it tends to be overly dramatic and overly focused on romance, as opposed to, well, women (who do have other issues in their lives). I loved the relationships as presented here. They were a warts-and-all showing of what it means to be in a family, and it made the story ring very true. There was humor and levity to balance out the deeply moving elements, and I found the entire thing to be a delight. The narrator was fabulous and really captured the spirit of the writing. I will definitely be listening to more Debbie Johnson!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
This was such a fun audiobook. I loved following Jenny along on her adventure after her rented cottage falls down the cliff in a landslide. Her and her son embark on a life changing adventure with a new unlikely friend. This was well written and well narrated. A mostly lighthearted listen that leaves you with a happy feeling. I really loved the ending and how it was all tied up in a neat bow and previous issues Jenny had were addressed. Loved it. Loved the narrator.

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Thank you Netgalley and HarperCollins Focus for a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Jenny James is having an unbelievable run of bad luck in this charming story of a single mom whose life is on the verge of disaster. Her job is downsizing, her car has died, her son is a teenager, and the unrelenting rain has caused her home to literally fall off a cliff. Having lost everything, she and her son decide to join their neighbor for a road trip around England in his camper, visiting amusement parks, historical sites and hiking. Along the way, she and her son draw closer together and she makes peace with her past. I loved this uplifting and witty story with all the feels. The characters are authentic and loveable and the narrator is perfect for this audiobook.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC audiobook for an honest review.

This book absolutely was not a disaster! I adored it to pieces...

While Jenny James life may be a disaster at the moment, she manages to make lemonade out of lemons thanks to her neighbor (and hero!) Luke who offers her and her son a road trip in his camper after her cottage literally falls off a cliff. This is a book about finding yourself, forgiveness, facing complications and fears, letting go and starting over. There is great dialogue and witty banter. The personal growth off all the characters is a marvel to watch. The characters are filled with flaws and broken in their own way, but each are honestly trying to become a better person. There is just as much sweetness as there is emotional depth. The relationship between Jenny and Luke...From strangers to friends to something extra special...pure JOY!

5 stars

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A delightful read. I adored the main characters. Jenny in particular was funny and used humor to deal with some awful situations. I loved her relationship with her son. And all the other relationships too.

There are some difficult conversations (parental estrangement and illness) and I do wish there were more a wrap up with a side character that was there for Jenny. Other than that it was a top read!

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I enjoyed this fun story - a good summer listen with depth and heart. The reader was excellent and I appreciated the humor woven through that kept it light even when it hit on some hard pieces. Quick, engaging read. Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the opportunity to listen to this one and give my honest feedback.

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Jenny James is Not a Disaster is a funny, sweet, heartwarming read peppered with regrets—which only serve to make the characters more likable.

After a bout of bad luck, Jenny, a single mom, is forced to make some changes in her life. Through a series of adventures and a break from the routine of daily life, she begins to reflect on her past, and open up to different points of view—all without taking herself too seriously, of course.

I loved the British humor this book offered and the self-deprecating manner of the characters. While flawed, Jenny and the people she meets along the way, make this an easy and enjoyable read.

Have I mentioned that I love flawed characters?

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Jenny James has a day that goes from bad to horrendous with the breakdown of her car, a possible redundancy and her house disappearing before her very eyes. Despite these disastrous events and with no family to turn to she gets some help from someone she previously thought to be a quiet nei9hbour that had never previously even said hello to her. From there, her adventures begin.

I listened to the audiobook and thoroughly enjoyed it, great narrator with fabulous expression that really added to the story. As ever, Debbie Johnson's books are great reads (or listens in this case!) and the ending leaves us with the potential with for a series in the making which would be great to see. Here's hoping!

This was an easy 5 star read for me.

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Delightful and enjoyable. I absolutely love the narrator and how they bring energy and whimsy to this fun story. It was such a good listen I finished it right away.

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This took me a little to get into. I was surprised sooo much happened in the first chapter. It felt really rushed. The rest of the story is a lovely underdog overcoming obstacles and leaving with a positive mindset. It was predictable and just an easy read.

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This book was so good and relatable. I'm so glad I have a copy for a book tour soon! Loved it and definitely recommend it

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Jenny James is a woman on the edge...literally, as she comes home to find her cottage has gone off a cliff. Now without a home for herself and her 18 year-old son, a possibility of becoming unemployed, and long estranged from her family, single mom Jenny needs to figure things out fast! When her recluse of a neighbor Luke, who lives in his RV and never stays in one place for more than two weeks, offers for Jenny and her son Charlie join him on his road trip adventure, Jenny decides to throw caution to the wind and accepts.

As Jenny, Charlie, Luke, and Luke's dog set off to parts unknown, Jenny finds herself able to step out of herself and see things in a new way. She begins to consider her past, present, and future with a perspective she may have never considered before - and with those realizations comes many surprises.

I found this book to be an entertaining read. The narrator did a lovely job of telling the story, and I absolutely related to Jenny as she comes to terms with her son transitioning into adulthood and learning to let go and find herself.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Focus | Harper Muse for the digital advanced copy of this book!

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Engaging, entertaining, and expertly narrated. A recommended purchase in all formats for collections where WF is popular.

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Jenny was having quite the day. She found out her job was downsizing, then her car didn't start at the end of the day, and in due to the rainstorm, her darling cottage on the Norfolk coast literally fell off the cliff.

It brought back memories of being alone, broke, estranged from her family and raising her son Charlie after his father walked out on them.

She and Charlie decided to join their nomadic neighbour Luke and his dachshund Betty in his campervan on a road trip around England. This would give her time to figure out next steps.

I loved the stops they made along the way. They visited historical sites, amusement parks and even had stops on their journey that were quite emotionally tasking. The trio grew closer and Luke opened up as opposed to before when he was a recluse.

Jenny got to discover what truly mattered aside from having a lot of stuff to your name. Parenting an eighteen-year-old was also quite the challenge but she learned to let go of the negatives and understood her parents perspective whilst also striving to do things a bit differently.

This was a heartwarming story! Thank you to Netgalley and Publisher for an ALC in exchange for an honest review. I loved the narrator!

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audiobooks are my best friend 🎧😍

Beth Eyre did such a wonderful job engaging me and I listened to the entire book today.

Expect —> single mom, life in turmoil, RV life, change, slow burn romance

Jenny wasn’t thriving, but she was content. Until her house literally fell off a cliff and her work closed up. Leaving her and her 18 year old son without a home, belongings or a job.

In walks Luke with his RV and nomadic lifestyle. He travels and experiences the world… and maybe that’s just what Jenny and Charlie need right now.

I love this wild story. It was the messy chaos that life sometimes gives us. It was letting go and moving on. It was healing and friendship and finding your people. I truly couldn’t turn it off.


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Jenny James is having a bad day, not just the usual minor things piling up bad da9, more like the car is beyond repair and the house has fallen off the cliff bad day.

Jenny and her son did live on the coast but when their home decides to go wild swimming they find themselves in a tricky position. Luckily a stranger camping out in a nearby field in his motorhome comes to the rescue and is not at all as creepy and sinister as that makes it sound.

A road trip around the UK is cathartic and enjoyable, for me as well as for them as I knew a lot of the places. It's a time for them to heal and triggers off others events which then unfold and are tear inducing at times.

A gentle book, the only thing I found a little odd in a British book were the American words like diaper and vacation and a few others that are not generally used in the UK.

The narration was excellent and I enjoyed the book.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the DRC.

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