Member Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book to read.

Gone Girl but with TikTok and Youtube influencers but also add a boat! This was a really good Summer thriller! Dani is obsessed with her TikTok account, she really wants to be among the top influencer's and she will do whatever it takes to get there. Set in the Bahamas this novel is a fun thriller.

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Well, no. When I can figure it out halfway, not good writing. Kind of boring. Characters are extremely unlikeable.

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I absolutely love the cover. It's so calm and intriguing.
The book itself is going to be a bit hard to review. I enjoyed the story line, even though I didn't like a single character in the book and saw the twists coming from a mile away. Actually, that first part is incorrect - I liked Emily; she did not deserve what happened to her.
Our 3 main characters - Dani, Sawyer, and Inspector Veronique Knowles - were all vastly different tone wise, and I appreciated that. I did find it odd that Dani and Sawyer were in first person and Veronique was in third person. It was jarring each time her chapters came up. Also, besides the prologue being in Emily's POV, we get a few other random one chapter long POVs in the book.
Dani was an attention seeker, which we see from the get-go. She is determined to make it as a social media influencer. It amazes me that they're having all these money issues, but she has plenty of money for *enhancements* and Botox? Plus her thousands of dollars of camera equipment. I feel like the boat should take precedent here, but what do I know? She was just all around unlikeable, which I understand was on purpose, but she wasn't a good good unlikeable, just a barely tolerable one.
I never saw the charm Sawyer supposedly had. I must have skipped those chapters? He gave me the ick every time he opened his mouth. Also, for whatever reason, I was under the impression Sawyer and Dani were married, but during the investigation, Dani was his girlfriend? Maybe that was a me issue and I read something wrong, but I was shocked when the police kept referring to Dani as his girlfriend.
Inspector Veronique Knowles was okay. Her character wasn't fleshed out, and we don't get any of her personality except she's good at her job and reserves judgment until she has all the facts. I do like that she was figuring out the truth in the end and went about it in a sensible way. It's a shame we'll never see how her investigation pans out.
The plot was slow at multiple points. The addition of internet sleuths was both hilarious (because I felt it was rather accurate - especially them ruining crime scenes as has happened before in some cases) and annoying at times, like the bar fight. Also, the ending... I can handle an open-ended ending, when it is done correctly, but this one just left way too many questions and plot lines up in the air.
I do believe the writing style is what kept me reading this book. I wasn't overly engaged in the book, mainly due to the characters, but the writing was easy to read. And the setting - I visited the Bahamas 4 months ago, and it's so beautiful that I could easily picture it throughout the story.
The audio narrators did a fantastic job bringing the characters to life.

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I kept thinking there was going to be a big twist, but it never came. I was able to predict most of the plot from page 1, and I was disappointed in the ending. I enjoyed the writing style of the author, and the story line really had a lot of potential, but it just didn’t pan out as a thriller. It was very suspenseful, but I was so confused when I realized I was on the last page of the book. I had to ask myself if I missed something. Not going to be a book I recommend, but I will check out other books by this author in the future.

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This was a great thriller! It reminded me of Gone Girl, you have no idea who you can trust and everyone is up to no good. The audio was done well and kept me listening to find out what happened right up until the last page!

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This book is a trip! You are thrown into this book from the very beginning and you aren’t sure where exactly the story is going, and once you think you have a firm grasp, the story does a little switcheroo. The author was very methodical (much like the characters) with how the storyline would play out. If you’re looking for lovable people in beautiful romantic places, this is not for you. But, if you want characters you love to hate and a tale that makes you wonder how it will all end, then buckle up! The pace of this is perfect. There are enough details that it keeps you intrigued and wanting more, yet it happens at a pace that you don’t feel bogged down in the details. I love how it highlights much of the negativity that is social media and more importantly how that can really play into the ugly side of the modern world. Not everything is as sparkly as it seems on your phone screen and how that instant gratification of likes and followers can be all consuming for some.

Great audiobook, would also be a great book to just read for those who don’t enjoy audio versions. I was impressed by the author as this is the first time I’ve read one one of her works, but this won’t be the last. Thank you Rachel McGuire, Dreamscape Media, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this audiobook!

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Gone Girl, but make it boat-y ⚓️

🛟 a missing ✨iNfLuEnCeR ✨

🛟 yachty naughties (bougie boat people)

🛟 it’s always the boyfriend/husband…..right?!

🛟 multi-pov (4)

What happens when an aspiring cruiser content creator goes missing in the Bahamas? Chaos ensues. But who is actually to blame?🔎

✏️ This is a really good beach-read. It’s pretty straightforward, but still twisty enough to binge by the pool. It’s really “the why”, and other small details that keep you wanting more. We also get sprinkles throughout of a secondary mystery, from earlier in time, which really helps keep interest high. You never know who a person really is.

3.75 ⭐️

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for this advanced audiobook, in exchange for my unbiased review.

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This was so good from the start. I was absolutely hooked and found myself looking for more things to do just so I could listen to the book! The plot however, changed dramatically when the mystery was revealed earlier than I expected and I felt the end was just off at that point.

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I couldn’t wait to dive into this book, pun intended! This book covers all my favorite water activities: scuba diving, secret beaches, boating to the Bahamas! Dani and Sawyer are YouTube social media influencers with a channel about their boating adventures to the Bahamas called, Sailing with the Foxes. Dani suddenly disappears after a night of partying with other sailors. An investigation begins and Sawyer is the lead subject. I loved the pacing, the way the story flowed.

The audiobook features a full cast and they all brought the story to life. It’s like listening to a tv show for your ears. So much praise for these narrators: Frankie Corzo, Evan Sibleyz Chante McCormick, Savy Des-Etages & David Bendena.

It’s twisty, fast past and such a great summer thrillers.

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In the Bahamas, Dani and Sawyer appear to be living a fun and glamorous lifestyle aboard their sailboat in the Bahamas. They find themselves low on funds due to some mismanaged investments in crypto, so Dani turns to her growing YouTube audience in hopes of monetizing their story. After an evening of partying with friends on another boat, Dani goes missing. But of course there are some twists and turns that follow in this fun sun-soaked thriller.

The audiobook has great narration and it made for an enjoyable reading experience.

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"On the Surface" is a thriller that begins with an intense and intriguing premise, immediately drawing readers into its gripping narrative. From the start, the story sets a high pace, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. I found myself particularly captivated halfway through the audiobook, as the plot thickened and the tension escalated.

However, around the 60% mark, the core mystery of the thriller was revealed, which led to a noticeable shift in the story's momentum. Once the main twist was exposed, I felt that the narrative lost some of its initial spark and began to feel repetitive. The unfolding events didn't quite match the earlier suspense, and the drive to uncover new secrets diminished.

As the story progressed towards its conclusion, I hoped for a climax that would restore the earlier intensity and deliver a powerful, suspenseful ending. Unfortunately, the ending felt abrupt and fell short of my expectations. It lacked the punch and dramatic flair that a strong thriller finale demands.

Despite these drawbacks, I did appreciate the vivid summer setting that the author skillfully wove into the plot. The scenes set out on the water added a unique and refreshing backdrop to the story, enhancing the overall reading experience.

In summary, while "On the Surface" had the potential to be a standout thriller with its strong start and captivating premise, it ultimately leaned more towards a mystery. I was left wanting more of the thrilling elements that the beginning promised. Nonetheless, it was an enjoyable read, especially for those who appreciate a good summer mystery.

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Ooweeee! Talk about some unlikable and deplorable characters! This was a fun summer thriller that kept my interest. It definitely reminded me of a massively popular thriller but I don’t want to spoil it by comparing. Books set on boats are always intriguing and I enjoyed seeing how the cruisers interacted with each other. The ending was left open and I loved it but if you like a tightly wrapped bow then you might find yourself more frustrated.

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The book was really good! I was so invested in the plot. The characters were well written and there were some things that I did not expect to happen! The narrator wasn’t the best. Only because I felt like they weren’t like invested in the book. It was sorta hard to understand the narrator as well at times

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This audiobook was incredible!! I loved the multiple narrators, it made the story so much easier to follow. The characters were well written and I was so invested in their story. I'm not a huge fan of speculative endings, and I wish a few more things had been wrapped up before the book ended. This was a fun book and did a good job combining influencers and thriller!!

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Sawyer Stone III and Dani Fox are a young couple who are sailing the world and sharing their adventures on their fledgling Youtube channel Sailing with the Foxes. They've currently anchored in Exuma, in the Bahamas, and are waiting for the price of crypto to rebound so they can provision and continue their journey. In the meantime, they are partying and exploring with their fellow cruisers. On the surface, their lives look perfect. But one night, Dani disappears after a boat party and Sawyer has no memory of her disappearance. The search for Dani is fueled by concerns that she may have drowned on one of her daily swims, but when Dani's pre-scheduled Youtube videos post and show a darker side to her relationship with Sawyer, suspicion turns in his direction.

ON THE SURFACE is a fun 'locked room' type thriller set in Exuma, Bahamas. The setting of the Bahamas and mostly on a boat is excellent, making this a perfect summer beach read. It's a quick and easy read that keeps you wanting to know more as the plot thickens.

I really enjoyed the cruisers aspect of the story with the tie in to social media influencers and the reality vs what you see online. The world of cruisers is something I had no clue about so it was fun to discover this lifestyle in this thriller.

ON THE SURFACE is told in multiple POV in the first person, with Sawyer, Dani, and Detective Knowles as the main POVs. The characters here are all fairly unlikeable but they are well-developed, compelling, and hiding a host of secrets. I enjoyed the plot of this book which is relatively fast-paced, binge-worthy, and intriguing, hooking me in from early on. It's a twisty read that kept me guessing right up to the end. I will say that I personally found the ending to be too open-ended for my tastes and I was left feeling adrift with too many questions unanswered.

I really enjoyed the full cast audiobook narration which was very well done.

Overall, a great debut!

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher, Dreamscape Media, of this advanced listener copy for the opportunity to listen to this novel in exchange for an honest review! All opinions shared are my own.

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On the Surface
Rachel McGuire

Seriously, books with unlikeable characters got me raging lately! Luckily, this plot had all the saving Grace to pull me through.

I love that the theme throughout is focused on SM influencers and the lengths they’ll go to in order to gain views and sponsers but there’s a big twist and that I won’t reveal.

The setting is the most enjoyable part, the idea of sailing around the world in a sort of never-ending vacation is a tad appealing to me – the rest, not so much.

I’m glad I had the opportunity to companion read/listen to this – I think the audio gave additional depth to some of the more shallow characters.
Definitely a twisty beach read that will appeal to fans of the genre!

My thanks to @CrookedLaneBooks and to @Dreamscape_Media for these gifted copies!

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On the Surface by Rachel McGuire is a nice thriller to take on a vacation with you. I thought it was well-written and the multicast of narrators did a great job as well. This is a good quality book that will appeal to a lot of readers. I like how it is so current! It's a suspenseful thriller and I recommend it!

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Quick and suspenseful read.

Dani and Sawyer sail the world displaying their relationship and cruising adventures on YouTube. What many don't know is their relationship looks a lot different when the camera is not rolling. Dani goes missing and Sawyer is immediately the suspect. What can Sawyer do to clear his name, or simply escape the accusations?? Local investigators have their work cut out for them working with minimal clues and invading amateurs trying to solve the case first.

I enjoyed the twists and turns although somewhat predictable.
Quick and easy read, definitely recommend.

I listened to the audiobook of "On the Surface".
All narrators did a great job at portraying their roles and delivering the intended emotions.

Thank you, Rachel McGuire, Dreamscape Media, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the premise of this story and the way it unfolded. The use of multiple narrators to voice the different characters POVs was a great touch! I thought it really helped bring each character to life. My biggest issue with the book was the pacing. I started to loose interest after a while. There wasn’t a lot of action going on. It was very much a slow burn thriller. There were definitely some great twists, I just wish the middle part while Dani was missing hadn’t felt so tedious. I’m not going to go into much more detail about the plot, I don’t want to spoil anything.

I’d recommend this book if you like boats, social medical influencer culture, and you don’t mind a slow burn to your thrillers!

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Wow, this was GOOD! This is my favorite thriller of the year so far. So many twists and turns, it was great. The audiobook has multiple narrators for all the characters (it switches PoV’s) and they were all perfect. My favorite character is Royal Bahamas Police Force Inspector Veronique Knowles, she sees things others miss. The ending was intriguing, it was almost like another story beginning and I want to know how it really ends.

How far would you go to get likes and follows? Once you reach the Youtube threshold to monetize, how do you get people interested in you? You just need that ONE thing to go viral… If you like Gone Girl or a Bonnie & Clyde dynamic, you will probably like this.

*Provided an ALC (advance listening copy) audiobook from the publisher for review. All opinions are my own.

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