Member Reviews

A sparkling debut, Cassandra James’ Capitana may well be the next big thing in YA romantasy. The book distinguishes itself with an exciting plot, fantastic world-building, and an unforgettable heroine. The moral quandaries faced by a cast of interesting and complex characters sealed this as a five-star read for me. I’m not interested in magic (just briefly in the story) or the enemies-to-lovers trope, but I still really enjoyed this book, and I’m eagerly anticipating the sequel.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC. This review contains my honest opinions. This review will be cross-posted on Goodreads, Amazon, and Instagram closer to publication.

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This was good! I like female fantasy writers better than male writers. The writing is just so much more intricate. This was no exception

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If you enjoy slow-burning YA fantasy and pirate books, “Capitana” may be for you. I happen to love nautical fantasies, so this pirate-hunter academy story is right up my alley.

Ximena, the FMC, is a stone-cold, kick-butt heroine. It’s rare to find heroines like her. She’s tough as nails, a hard worker, and not apologetic. I love her stubbornness and dedication.

I really like the book and its world, but it would have been even better with stronger execution. Weak points for me include the romance - I don’t really understand the MMC’s past actions, and I don’t feel any chemistry or believe love is there. The big reveal is also a head scratcher; I just do not get the logic of how it is possible.

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i really enjoyed this! ximena was an interesting character for a YA— i think she’ll be very 50/50 with audiences, but she managed to worm her way into my heart. the weakest aspect of this was the romance for me; i much preferred the friendship between ximena and pía.

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I highly recommend reading Cassandra James’ Author’s Note. She really committed to this book and did extensive research (she did sailing and rapier lessons)! That love and sheer level of immersion pays off in her debut Capitana. You can feel the care, the pulsing energy, and it’s intensity as it leaps off the pages. If you’re a fan of the TV series Black Sails or Pirates of the Caribbean you don’t want to miss this.

In Capitana, we follow Ximena a trainee of the lauded Cuatreda who are tasked with hunting down pirates. The history of piracy looms over her head while she does her best to prove herself worthy of joining the exalted ranks of the Cazadores. But, Ximena is also a daughter of executed pirates. When the famous pirate Gasparilla attacks her hometown Ximena works alongside Dante (the flashy son of a High Minister), and Pia a wonderful archivist to capture the pirate in exchange to finally earn her spot amongst the respected Cazadores. What ensues is winding journey across the sea. You can smell of the salty water, the exhaustion, and the waves crashing on the shores. Ximena’s determination will stay with you and while she doesn't give roaring rallying cries, she quietly reveals herself.

There’s a heavy ethical and moral conflict present throughout the story. Conversations regarding the concept of law, justice, and its interpretation of how it's wielded. Is it benefiting the people or harming them? When Ximena asks questions and is presented with different arguments throughout the book I really appreciated it.

I was a wreck in the final chapters. The ending left me reeling. I gasped and I just couldn’t believe what I was reading. I was so shocked and the pain I felt while reading was intense (in a good way that also made me sad cause I knew the story was coming to an end). Everything was changing, and I was rooting for the characters and sprinting with them to the end. I haven’t had that feeling in a while. I can’t put into words how much I need book two. The epilogue set up something very interesting to be explored and it's causing my heart to hurt.

Cassandra, what have you done?! Ximena, Dante, and Pia’s journey will continue and now I have to wait extra long for it.

I want to thank Cassandra James and the lovely team at HarperCollins for providing and ARC, this is a 5 star read for me. Out in 2025, keep an eye out for this book and to quote Ximena: “may the seas be with you”.

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I really enjoyed this book!! The plot was so interesting and full of adventure that I was never bored. The author did a great job with character development because I was full invested in there stories. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends and family.

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*Capitana* by Cassandra James is a captivating pirate adventure that sweeps you into a world of treacherous seas, simmering romance, and fierce battles for honor. Ximena Reale is a strong protagonist who struggles to overcome the tarnished reputation of her pirate parents as she trains to become a Cazadoro. Her complex relationship with Dante, her rival and unlikely ally, adds a delicious layer of slow-burn chemistry to the high-stakes mission. The dynamic between them keeps the tension alive, while the vivid world-building and thrilling sea quests make this a truly engaging read.

While the book excels in character development and atmospheric writing, the pacing occasionally drags in the middle, slowing down the momentum of the story. However, the action-packed ending pulls everything together, setting the stage for an exciting second book. With morally gray characters, intense emotions, and evocative adventure, *Capitana* is a solid start to a duology that will leave readers eager to return to Ximena’s journey on the high seas.

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