Member Reviews

Thank you, HarperCollins and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book!
While the story started off a bit slow, it gradually picked up momentum, and I found myself enjoying it more as it progressed. The plot itself was unique, blending elements of fae, bargains, romance, and princes. Ivy, the main character, was stubborn and full of rage, which made her journey both compelling and fun to follow. Prince Emmett, on the other hand, was quite the flirt. The banter between Ivy and Emmett was hilarious.
However, while their romance was sweet, I felt it lacked depth. There weren’t many truly meaningful interactions between them, which left the romantic element feeling somewhat underdeveloped. That said, the book still offered a fun reading experience overall, with several compelling side characters adding to the intrigue.
The writing was strong, and the author did a great job with plot twists, especially towards the end, which took me by surprise. However, the conclusion felt a bit rushed, and it left many questions unanswered. I suppose we’ll have to wait for the second book to get those answers!
Overall, it was an enjoyable read!

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Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins, and Sasha Peyton Smith for giving me the opportunity to read this as an ARC.

Fans of The Cruel Prince and The Selection rejoice as this book delivers on everything it promises. It is a fast paced battle for the right to marry the perfect fae crown prince Bram, but not all is as it seems. At every corner there is another twist and it kept me on my toes and enchanted the whole way.

I absolutely adored Ivy and Emmett from the start. Their witty banter is my exact cup of tea and I cannot wait for more.

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This story was a bit slow to start, but once it started, it did not stop. The relationship between the girls was sweet to watch grow as well. I saw the twist coming about halfway through, but I am really good at pattern recognition. Cannot wait for the next installment to see how this concludes!

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Ivy isn't exactly looking forward to coming out into society and her first London Season. First, she and her family have been shunned by polite society for her sister's unexplained disappearance - a mystery that she suspects has to do with the bargain her sister made with the undying fairy Queen of England. Second, she's not particularly looking forward to having to make her own bargain and deal with whatever price the queen demands. So when the queen announces a competition for marriage to her son, Prince Bram, she doesn't hesitate to enter.

This book has fantastic worldbuilding, incredible characters, a delightful take on faeries, and enough twists and turns to its plot to keep you on your toes. Like many readers, I often think ahead and try to figure out what was going on and guessed just enough to feel clever while still being surprised by how some things ended. A fabulous book and I can't wait for the sequel!

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This was exactly what I was looking for while in my ACOTAR hangover. Described as The Cruel Prince meets The Selection, this YA romantasy was absolutely so much fun. Magical bargains, royal courtiers, fae princes - my gosh, what a delight this was. Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Selection is one of my favorite series so this book really stuck out to me! I enjoyed it a lot!

The Rose Bargain by Sasha Peyton Smith is a captivating and richly woven tale that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of choices. Set against a backdrop of lush, atmospheric world-building, the novel introduces readers to a complex and enchanting world where magic and reality intertwine.

Smith's writing is both lyrical and evocative, drawing readers into a realm where every choice has profound consequences. The characters are deeply developed, with personal stakes that make their journeys compelling and relatable.

One of the standout aspects of the book is its exploration of relationships—whether romantic, familial, or platonic—and how they influence and shape the characters' destinies. The pacing is well-crafted, keeping readers engaged with a blend of suspense and emotional depth.

Overall, The Rose Bargain is a beautifully crafted novel that will resonate with fans of fantasy and contemporary fiction alike. It’s a story that challenges its characters and readers alike to consider the true cost of their decisions, making for a thought-provoking and memorable read.

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This book felt like a YA Bridgerton meets Sarah J. Maas in a great way.

When Ivy Benton enters into her debut season of society, she also enters a contest to win the hand of the faerie prince. But dealings with faeries, and the heart, are never that straightforward. To save her family and her beloved sister, Ivy might have to save the kingdom.

This book was fun all the way through. The book features a few POV changes that start off as jarring, but each becomes more illuminating as the book progresses. Other than that, my only note would be that Edward IV could not have been crowned at Hampton Court as it wasn’t built until the time of the Tudors and Henry VIII. The palace is mentioned several times, but wouldn’t have been built in this version of England where the reign of Tudors never happened. Other than a small history correction in a book about faeries, I would recommend this book. It could very well be the YA faerie food you’ve been looking for.

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Ivy Benton's journey through her debutante year is the captivating center of this novel, which stands out for its refreshing take on the young adult female protagonist. Ivy's character development is profound and satisfying, diverging from the typical archetypes found in the genre. The narrative weaves a rich tapestry of complex characters, each with their own detailed backstories and ambitions that enrich the story. The dynamics of Ivy's friendships and her burgeoning relationship with the Prince are crafted with care, adding depth to the tale. The setting is a character in its own right—an alternate England where the fae rule instead of humans, bringing a fascinating twist to the world-building. The magic system is ingeniously devised, with debutantes bargaining for skills and qualities in a mystical exchange that adds a layer of intrigue to their societal debut. This year, the stakes are higher than ever with the fae queen's son as the ultimate prize, elevating the competition to thrilling new heights. The book's pace is relentless, with unexpected plot twists that keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Smith's world-building is a standout feature, intricate and vividly described, allowing readers to easily visualize the enchanting scenes. The novel is a testament to the author's skill in creating a world that is both fantastical and tangible, a place where the reader can lose themselves in the magic and machinations of debutante life in a fae-dominated England.

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A fierce competition, unexpected friendships, and one jaw-dropping twist—this book had me hooked!

The story revolves around Ivy, a strong and likable heroine who is thrust into a competition that’s filled with unexpected turns and alliances.

While the stakes are high, the heart of the story lies in Ivy’s growth and the relationships she forms!

Okay, I need book 2 right NOW!

Seriously, this was one of the most unique reads I’ve had in a while, and it's quickly become one of my new faves.

The plot had me hooked from the start, but the ending?! Talk about a plot twist! I didn’t see it coming, and now I’m dying to know what happens next.

Ivy is such a fantastic character—super relatable and so easy to cheer for.

Every single minute had me glued to the pages, and now I’m impatiently waiting for the sequel!

Fans of The Selection who crave something fresh and unique are in for a treat.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins Children for this ARC

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Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

Read this if you like: Competitions, Fae, Plot Twists, The Selection/ Bridgerton vibes, unique setting

I really enjoyed this book. For one the setting was so interesting being set in an alternate England but where characters and queen are fae, not human. The magic system is also very unique, debutants each year bargain qualities or skills with each other. However this year was a bigger prize, the fae queens son. The competition aspect was so exciting, the book had lots of plot twists and was fast paced in a good way. Smith’s work building was intricate and well done, very visual and easy to picture.

The book follows Ivy Benton during her debutante year, I really liked her character she wasn’t the typical YA female lead and had a lot of character growth throughout the book. All of the characters were complex and had their own back stories and goals that were well explained. Her friendships and relationship with the Prince were very well established.

There was a plot twist at the end that kind of abruptly cut the story. Which isn’t necessarily bad but for me sometimes can be too much of a cliffhanger.

Overall really enjoyed this book, a unique twist on some of the tropes people really love while written well and not being too generic

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So I was doing my monthly scroll on Netgalley when I saw this I was so flipping excited and then I saw it was marketed as The Cruel Prince x The Selection x Bridgerton I mean like call me the happiest girl! So I waited a couple of days and I got it !!! I started the book and I was like super confused but the world-building is interesting the way Sasha implements real-world and fairy tale effects into this.

Now I did have a problem with the pacing there were times where it was just right but like the ending with so many plot twists and stuff that happened everything felt so rushed. And now on the topic of ‘that’ ending, why? Like seriously I get it and I saw it coming but I just didn’t love it. It could’ve been better but I do really want to see where Sasha takes it. This book was so enjoyable and I would’ve finished it much sooner if it weren’t for school getting in the way yet I can’t bring myself to give it a four because the book is good but it isn’t great, again the pacing was wrong, there aren’t really any memorable lines, and I feel we didn’t spend enough time seeing Ivy connect with either love interest. BUT there are good stuff like I love how Sasha gave other characters some chapters in between Ivy’s, the characters, the bonds between the girls, and well Emmett 🤭 I also found myself really loving Queen Mor, I mean who can hate a woman who knows how to control her power. I did enjoy this book it was interesting and fun and I will definitely read the second book once it’s out.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and HarperCollins for this ARC! Very thankful <3

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i thought that the rose bargain had a premise very similar to the selection but both books focused to heavily on the romance for me. especially for this book the stakes seemed pretty high at the beginning but quickly ebbed when the queen essentially stopped challenging the girls, and the book focused more on the romance. also, the character of bram is a bit questionable to me. i felt that he was supposed to be written out to be a complex character but he ended up being so bland to me that the plot twist came right out of left field. i will say though that ivy wasn’t the mary sue i thought she’d be! i really liked that she wasn’t perfect and i enjoyed hearing about relationship with her sister.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!
The Folk of the Air meets Bridgerton! This was such a beautiful and enchanting read. I really enjoyed how the historical fiction was blended in with the Queen’s magic and lore. Readers will absolutely love this story and the intrigue that surrounds it.

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ARC Review:
🥀 The Rose Bargain 🥀
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ /5
🌶️ .5/5

📖 Romantasy
📖 Fae
📖 High Priced Bargains
📖 Enemies to Lovers

“..and I will burn for the rest of my life if this is the only way I get to have you.”

The story unfolds as an enchanting narrative woven with themes of sacrifice, love, and faerie magic. At its heart is Ivy Benton, a spirited heroine whose sharp wit will have you chuckling at every turn. Set against the backdrop of 1840s England, Ivy finds herself thrust into the social season, vying for the affections of the elusive fae Prince, Bram. This bachelor-style contest pits Ivy against other hopefuls, including some old friends, all desperate to rescue their families from impending doom. As they navigate the perilous challenges set by the cunning fae Queen Moryen, the stakes soar, the bargains even higher… leading to a tumultuous love triangle that threatens to shatter hearts. The world-building is masterfully crafted, pulling you deep into the vivid scenes. Just when you think you have a grasp on the story, it takes a shocking twist, leaving you yearning for more… a cliffhanger! 🤭

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This book gives very much The Selection series. If you loved that series but wanted to up the tension, angst, and drama, this book is for you. I loved how we got to see the perspectives of all the other girls in this novel, it adds so much depth and character to all of them and it helps the reader empathize so much with the "competition". This book has a love corner, grumpy x sunshine, witty FMC, great banter, and so much. more! I loved loved loveddd the banter in this novel. I loved seeing Ivy interact with Emmett because theiy were so funny.

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This is the book I didn't know I needed until I read it, if you like The Cruel Prince and Bridgerton PLEASE read this one!! Besides the book being super fast paced, I also loved the story and the characters. I honestly think this book could be the new sensation in the YA fantasy world bc I had so much fun 😩💘

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Each person in England can make a bargain with the Fae Queen and usually, the debutants choose bargains that would make them more desirable as a wife. But this year is different. The Fae Queen has organized a competition for the debutants and the winner marries the prince and becomes a princess. Ivy has no romantic notions but she does have a vendetta against the Fae Queen, who she believes is behind the trauma her sister suffered. And becoming a princess can save their family's reputation and home. What could go wrong?

I loved Ivy as a character. She's so easy to root for. At first, I thought this was going to be a case of "I'm not like other girls", but it wasn't. Not at all. So, I was pleasantly surprised to learn the other debutants were just as interesting and fleshed out. I must say, the ending was predictable. I knew what was going to happen from the beginning but it didn't take away from the story at all. I still enjoyed reading it, especially the cruel challenges the girls were forced to endure and the slow-budding romance. I read this book in one sitting, which is a testament of how much fun I had. I will definitely be picking up the next book!

Many thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

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Smith’s writing is lush and evocative, painting a vivid picture of the fae world with its bewitching allure and sinister undertones. The novel masterfully intertwines themes of sacrifice, power, and the cost of desire, keeping me on edge with its intricate plot and emotional depth. The romance between Ivy and Prince Bram crackles with intensity, making every page turn a thrilling experience. I can’t wait for the next instalment

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This was an enjoyable young adult fantasy read. The author did an excellent job of blending historical fiction and fantasy and created an atmospheric world. This book had a great cast of characters and good character development throughout the story. I really liked the competition aspect of this story as well as this book’s fast pace.

Read this if you like:

📖 Romantasy
📖 Fae
📖 Competitions
📖 Great character development

Thank you to Harper Collins and NetGalley for the gifted arc.

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Thank you to HarperCollins and NetGalley for the advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

The Rose Bargain by Sasha Peyton Smith has all the makings of a successful first book in, what I predict, will be a super popular dulogy series. At it's core, it's got all the goods. It's a regency romance with a fantasy twist and a moderate spice level suitable for upper YA readers. It's fae princes and chosen one and touch her and die vibes all the way. Imagine a fast paced throuple of Bridgerton, the Bachelor, and Cruel Prince and you'll be in the ballpark of where this book's pages will lead you. Pros: This was a quick and delicious read. There were no lulls or overly strenuous details. The story got straight to the yummies and stayed there. I enjoyed the characters tremendously and think Smith did a fantastic job of really giving the reader all the ammo to fall in love with the story. Even the villains are made tangible through their experiences and struggles and our MMCs are the definition of morally grey baddies. Loved that. Cons: Without giving anything away, it ends abruptly. I get the appeal of the cliffhanger anticipation, but literally nothing is wrapped up. Not the main story, not the side stories, not a secondary conflict, nothing. It's all chaos and bye. I feel like there is definitely an audience that will worship the drama of it all, but for me, I craved some aspect of resolution or at the least for things to feel less "up in the air." on every plot point. Regardless, it's a minor complaint that will not keep me from snatching up the second installment of this story whenever it should be released. I need answers dang it!! Unfortunately, I fear I have a long wait ahead as this little gem is not anticipated to release until Feb 2025.

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