Member Reviews

I wanted to like this so bad but it was very formulaic and the main protagonist just had no depth which is sad because the worldbuilding is fun and shows fae in a unique light but all the worldbuilding couldn't save these characters.

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“Rose Bargains, they’re called. Bargains to make us beautiful, fragile, sweet—perfect English roses.”

Set in an alternate England where an immortal fae queen grants each of her subjects a single bargain, The Rose Bargain follows debutante Ivy Benton, who care less about making a match and more about restoring her family’s shattered reputation and bringing her sister Lydia out of the melancholic stupor her own bargain pulled her into—which worsened after Lydia disappeared for over a week with no memory of where she went or what she did. The beginning of Ivy’s debut season arrives with a twist: a chance to win the hand of the queen’s fae son, Prince Bram. With nothing to lose, Ivy joins the competition, which quickly becomes more than meets the eye… as all fae bargains and deals are. Soon, Ivy finds that the prince’s hand isn’t the only thing at stake, but also the fate of her country as she knows it—and, perhaps, her own heart. Lush with real, complex characters and a plot twist that will have you on the edge of your seat, The Rose Bargain is a delectable treat that will have you turning page after page, as though you're ensnared in a fae spell.

The Rose Bargain is likened to a mix of The Cruel Prince and The Selection, but it stands all on its own. The concept, the writing, the way the book slowly but surely gets more sinister, the twist. I swear, I was giggling and kicking my feet while I read. The Rose Bargain was just so fun. Each of the characters has their own background and story to tell, and the world and setting are described in fantastic detail: from the gowns and costumes, to the opulent, otherworldly palace rooms.

I particularly liked the interspersion of chapters from different characters’ perspectives throughout the book. The addition of alternative points of view lent a wholeness to The Rose Bargain both in terms of plot and and of depth of character. As the book is written in the first person, getting a glimpse into other characters’ heads shed light on motivations, thoughts, and personal histories that otherwise would have remained hidden, but the inclusion of which rounded out the story quite well.

There were a few moments sprinkled throughout the book of character actions and reactions that, when I first read them, struck me as odd or didn’t quite make sense (I’m not going to say who or what for the sake of avoiding spoilers) … but this was not poor writing. Oh, no. It was fabulous writing, genius really, because by the time I finished the book (i.e., after the plot twist), all I could think was of course. All those moments that gave me pause, that made me wonder, that struck me as off-kilter… the evidence was right there, under my nose, the whole time!

If you like a fast-paced fantasy book with intrigue, games, romance, magic and lore, two enchanting princely brothers, and sisterly love, I highly recommend The Rose Bargain. I, for one, simply cannot wait for the second book in this duology.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the eARC!

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Thank you NetGalley, HarperCollins, and Sasha Peyton Smith for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and I’m so happy that I was able to read it early.

This book follows Ivy Benton is an alternate version of regency England. I loved this book and thought it was really unique, but it also had the same vibes as a lot of books I love. I would say it’s most similar to Bridgerton, The Cruel Prince, and The Selection. I was drawn into the story immediately and I really enjoyed the characters. One of my favorite parts of the story was the relationship between Ivy and her sister Lydia. Lydia’s story is a mystery, as she made a bargain with the Queen, but can’t remember what it was or where she was after she went missing for awhile.

One other thing I really enjoyed was the friendships that bloomed between Ivy and the other girls that are competing for the Queen’s son - Prince Bram. Whoever wins will become engaged to the Prince, which will help secure financial freedom for the girls as well as a better reputation and more security.

I’ve seen some reviews say that they didn’t enjoy the love triangle that occurs, but I really enjoyed it. It included a lot of tropes that I like and the twist at the end was SHOCKING! The whole ending was shocking to be honest, and I loved it.

My only complaint about this book is that there was a lot of plot holes and unanswered questions. I believe there’s going to be a second book so I’m hoping that there’s more world-building and clarity in that one. I’ll definitely be one of the first people to request a copy when it becomes available!

Overall, I highly recommend this one. It’s a unique and fun story with a lot of twists and turns and some romance. Thank you so much for the early copy!

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I picked up this book because I thought it would be more like the Selection series but instead it was definitely more in the vein of Holly Black whom I'm not really a fan of.

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Thank you so much Netgalley and HarperCollins for letting me read the eARC of The Rose Bargain by Sasha Peyton Smith. Oh my gosh, this was AMAZING! I feel like this could be extremely popular once it officially releases. I don’t know if any book boxes will do special editions, but THEY SHOULD! (Especially Fairyloot of Owlcrate). Fans of The Selection will be all over The Rose Bargain. It features a wonderful cast of characters, smart women, handsome princes, and devious fairies in an alternative-historical England. Big twists and turns at the end left me gasping for the next book!

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I did not go into The Rose Bargain expecting it to captivate me the way it did, but I loved every single minute of it. Sasha Peyton Smith's style of storytelling is so perfect for this regency setting mixed with a slightly darker fae tale - I was hooked immediately. The sisterhood, both through found family and blood, is what grabbed me... but the worldbuilding, the cruel mischief of the fae, and the romance is what had me losing sleep for just one more chapter.

The characters felt tangible and complex, I loved the scattered POV chapters from The Six to give us insight into each of the girls' state of minds rather than relying on Ivy's POV for the whole story. The internal world of each girl was so fascinating, this felt like such a great way to let us step into their shoes and see more than we could ever know by just following Ivy. Ivy's devotion to but conflicted feelings about her sister were so real, as an eldest sister I felt for them both. Lydia's story in itself could be a whole book. Additionally, I could not believe how much I loved every scene with the Queen, her cruelty and boredom mixed with her love for her son gave her a depth that I loved considering how little we really do see of her. The bargain system was so simple yet so clever, the way it defines their entire "marriage mart" culture was amazing.

Plot wise - the dominoes were set up skillfully, and when I thought I found a plot-hole towards the end it actually turned into a plot-twist, making me have to stop and rethink the previous chapters through a new lens. I LOVE when that happens, especially when done so well. The quality of the writing is one thing, but the masterful storytelling reminded me of why I've always loved books like this. It was a complete delight.

My only tiny wish was that there was a bit more depth to the developing feelings between Ivy and her suitors, but then I thought... it's a staple of the genre, and you know what, she's 19 in a society where women are never been allowed to be alone with men their age, so I'll give it to her. it's fairly easy to set aside any disbelief once you get immersed in the story, especially considering the situation the girls find themselves in (the men are the least of their issues really). In the end this didn't take away from my enjoyment or my rating.

I rated this 5 stars, and I cannot wait for the release this winter! Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Cruel Prince meets Bridgerton vibes✨, and I was absolutely hooked ALL THE WAY through. I’m billing Sasha for my emotional damage. UGHHHH. This book isn’t even out yet(thanks NetGalley), but I already need book two immediately. Debutants, Fae, bargains, stolen kisses, challenges, and drama within the ton! And the most important part? Choosing between which brother to be with!!!! I. Was. Sat.

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This book really had one of the best premises I have read in awhile. Bridgerton but you make a fae bargain with the queen?? And it’s the selection where they’re all competing to marry the prince?? Instead I got a brother love triangle with one of the most infuriating main characters. Seriously I liked every single side girl character more. I wish I had dnfed because it only gets worse at the end with a twist with her sister. This has SO much more potential if only someone would make an actually good bargain.

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I had SO MUCH FUN with this! So many fun twists, an agonizing romance, female friendships, fun world-building, so much to love!

I loved the magic and world-building in this; I haven’t had a fae story grip me as much as The Cruel Prince but this was a refreshing story. Ivy was funny and Emmett was swoony and they had some great banter. I think their relationship could be considered a bit insta-lovey but I don’t even care because I’m kinda trash for them. The shrimp hearts doodle got to me, man.

Also I really loved the relationship between the girls! When we got the first couple POVs from the others I was annoyed, but as the story progressed I enjoyed them. I loved seeing their bond strengthen and by the end I adored them all. EVEN FAITH! MAN I LOVE FAITH!!

I haven’t been this excited from a series opener in a good while. Can’t wait to see where the next book goes, seems like there’s a lot to unpack!

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I’m not a fantasy fan, but I enjoyed this book. Fans of The Selection will find it familiar but not repetitive. I wish I had known going in that this is book one in a series, but I will definitely be looking forward to the next book.

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The vibes in this were immaculate! The world Sasha Peyton Smith created in The Rose Bargain was beautifully thought-out. The world building was easy to follow and immersive. If you can imagine Bridgerton and Throne of Glass had a baby, it would be this. The vibes had me sold right from the beginning!

My only critique is that the middle was a bit flat for. It felt like there was a lot of talking between characters but not much action. There were other POVs introduced at this point as well. Maybe if those were spaced out a bit more that would have made a difference? Not to say these other perspectives were a negative - in fact, it was one of my favorite elements in the book! These scenes made such a difference in my experience. .

I am excited this will be a duology, because that cliffhanger had me REELING!!! Just when I thought I knew what was g0ing to happen, everything flipped upside down. I am so excited for others to experience this book when it releases!

Thank you HarperCollins and NetGalley for this ARC!

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This was such a fun read. Ivy is a new favorite main character of mine. Her romantic arc with the prince was so well done. I absolutely devoured this in one sitting.

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This was so fun! I couldn’t help but love it. I’ve read from this author before and there are many things she does well, but specifically she writes female friendship so well. I loved that aspect of the story. The friendships formed were so unexpected and that made them all the more wonderful. All of the characters were so well written. I loved each of them dearly and am eager to follow their stories. I really enjoyed the complex sister dynamic. As an older sister I saw myself in Lydia, but felt a great deal of sympathy for Ivy. The romance in this is so well done. I hope to god the Ivy gets a happy ending with her significant other. This was very fast paced and I flew through it. It was such a good time. I’m so bummed I have to wait even longer for the next book considering this one isn’t even out yet! I know the next book is going to be just as amazing if not better. I’m eager to get more insight into the Otherworld and all the political intrigue!

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*Thank you Netgalley and HarperCollins Children's Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

This book was sooooooo good, I honestly had trouble putting it down. I thoroughly enjoyed the love triangle and the plot twist at the end that I didn't see coming. I know this book isn't even out yet, but I need the next one badly.

I will say that at first I was worried that this book would be too similar to The Selection, just with fae, but I was pleasantly surprised how unique this was. Highly recommend!

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High society girls in society must make a bargain for qualities that will win them suitors. Ivy Benton debut in society has started with a unexpected twist. A competition to secure the heart of the Queen’s fae son, Prince Bram. A prize that will save her family from financial ruin, and fix their reputation. Ivy makes a deal with the prince brother to win the Bram heart , and plans to win. Queen Mor is having them compete in cruel tests in order to prove themselves worthy. I likd the sisterhood of the girls in the story. I also liked reading the other girls perspective, as well as ivy.

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Ivy is set to make her debut into society. A young lady with a title makes a bargain with their Queen the same day that they come out into society. Ladies are supposed to bargain for something that will make them more appealing to the opposite sex so they can find their match (Rose Bargains). Bargains to make them into English roses. But not Ivy.

When Ivy’s sister reappearance after she mysteriously disappeared causes scandal for Ivy and her family. She chooses to compete for the princes hand in marriage in order to have her family’s status restored.

I never wanted to put this book down. It is so fast paced and the flow of the story is seamless. I loved everything about it. I need more! This is a cross between Bridgerton, The Cruel Prince and The Selection. I enjoyed the banter between the two main characters. The last 15% is nonstop twists!!! I need the next book asap! Thank you Sasha for writing this masterpiece !!! Also if I could give this book infinity stars I would!

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The Rose Bargain by Sasha Peyton Smith

Ivy Benton is in a competition for the Prince’s hand in marriage, to save her family and the country. Ivy and 5 other girls have to survive Queen Mor’s lessons and make their way to power. Everything may not be how it seems.

I devoured this book. I was kicking and SCREAMING and I need more! I fell in love with the main characters and side characters. I loved the short pov chapters of some of the side characters.

“I can teach you”
One bed

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I’m really torn by this book. It had an epic opening to me where British history and fantasy collided, and it hooked me right away. However, most of the book then felt like an awkward combination of Bridgerton and These Hollow Vows. There were too many girl competing for the prince to keep up with them all. It was also jarring to me to suddenly get chapters with their points of view. I also did not care for either prince or really feel the love triangle for most of the book. Several chapters were repetitive or didn’t make much sense to me. However, then the ending finally came back to being suspenseful and romantic. I would recommend it, and I will read the sequel. I just wish the middle of the book lived up to everything else!

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This was a really fun and cute read. Its giving My Lady Jane meets The Selection meets Cruel Prince meets The Red Queen get the idea. Overall it's definitely a YA read which keep the overall themes of the story light, hopeful, and a little moralistic. However, it still touches poignantly on some darker more complex themes of loneliness, longing, and abuse. I loved that the author took the time to center each girl's perspective throughout the book and strongly built the story around themes of sisterhood and love. Very fun! Would recommend. Looking forward to the next!

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollin’s Children’s Books for providing this book, with my honest review below.

The Rose Bargain is not my usual type of book but given stories involving the fae are very popular right now, combined with the intriguing description for the book, I was eager to see if this could be a good introduction this popular area of the fantasy genre. I’m glad I picked this up as it has me hooked. I read the selection series years ago and loved that concept, which this book has similarities to, along with the idea of the bargains the young women in this book have to contend with.

Set in the 1800’s in a bit of magical alternate history, the focus of the first book in what is promised to be a series is Ivy, who joins other young women in a competition for the Faerie Queen’s son’s hand in marriage. We also explore Ivy’s relationship with her family, especially her sister Lydia who she has been close with but who has her own burden she is bearing. The Rose Bargain artfully introduces us to magical ‘rules’ and structure of this time in history while keeping the logic behind the bargains a bit vague, which I suspect will lend to some twists in future books. I didn’t anticipate the romance in this to focus on a love triangle but its inclusion kept me interested for more reasons than just the magic and the tension the Faerie Queen, Moryen, brings.

Left with some did not see them coming twists at the end and a bit of a cliffhanger, I’m curious to see how the second book continues this story! If you like faerie romantasy it felt like this was deeply engaging, and if you are also new to these type of stories and would like to test the waters, I felt this wasn’t so complex it would lose a new reader while also bringing in classic fiction concepts to act as familiar hooks.

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