Member Reviews

Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Fun and Passion in the Scottish highlands, a great read that gets your pulse going a little faster.

A great new book from Mary, I love her work, the way she writes is so good. She completely hooks me with every piece of her imagination.

This is definitely a recommended read.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Laird of Misrule." Although the beginning was somewhat slow, it captured my attention around the 12% mark. From that point on, I found it difficult to put down. The storyline was easy to follow, and the character development of the main leads was impressive. The author clearly has an in-depth knowledge of the historical period, enriching the narrative with informative details. Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a Scottish historical romance with a blend of English-Scottish themes.

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This is a historical romance set in the Scottish borders at the time of Mary Stuart. The people's different religious backgrounds were sometimes difficult for them to follow. Our hero is the illegitimate son of a laird. His brother, who was born on the right side of the blanket, has an overprotective mother.

Our heroine is feeling rebellious to the new faith of her father. Disobedience can have far-reaching consequences. Add a little bit of magic from an enchanted well, and who knows what could happen.

I loved the characters in this story. It is the first in a new series, and I can't wait to read the next one. Adventure and danger face them all.

Great fun.

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Dugan and Braylin find each when they look into the enchanted well and see each other. Dugan is the illegitimate son of the Laird of the Hay Clan. Braylin, known as Prudence by her family, is the daughter of an English Puritan. Their next meeting, at a Samhain Bonfire, results in her abduction by order of Lady Hay, an arrogant and jealous woman. Things are unsettled and confusing when she arrives in Scotland. She and Dugan fall in love, and wish to find a way to live in peace despite the schemes against them. This is an emotional story set on a turbulent time between the English and the Scots, and Catholics and Protestants. The story is well-written and holds your attention. There is danger and betrayal, but also friendship and trust. Braylin and Dugan are wonderful characters. They exhibit strength, loyalty, kindness, and courage. They are surrounded by some quite interesting, and not all good, secondary characters. There are some twists and surprises, a wonderful ending, and an epilogue with a hint of what is to come.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Book: Laird of Misrule
Author: Mary Wine
Series: The Enchanted Well, Book #1
Publisher: Dragonblade
Book Length: 231 Pages
Release Date: July 6, 2024
Book Rating: 5/5 stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire

Scottish Borders, 1554

A magical well can sometimes change the future…

As England is being run by a very religious fanatic the Roman Catholic Queen Mary. This is Henry the VIII eldest daughter. She also wanted the entire country to follow in the Catholic faith. However if the Protestants did not leave their faith and become Roman Catholic there would be severe consequences and possibly death by this harsh Queen known as Bloody Mary.

This story centers on the The Hawlyn family, a Puritan family who is an English family in hiding. This Puritan father had three daughters and thought once he became a Puritan he finally got the three sons he desired. So the father believes he was rewarded by God since he changed his religion. He also changed all his daughters' birth names to Puritan names Prudence, Modesty and Temperance and their lifestyles as well and punishment for disobedience could be very severe.

Prudence, whose real name is Braylin, decided to sneak out to the Samhain celebrations. Especially after making herself a mask and wanting to have some rebellious fun for a change. It was Samhain where there would be bon-fires and dancing under the moon for the successful harvest and everyone would be masked.Therefore Braylin/Prudence decided she would be masked too and she was determined to join the fun! Except she just was not expecting to meet the love of her life on this special night! Samhain the Celts and Pagans believe the veil is one night between the living and the dead was especially thin.This also had to do with a magical well where you just might meet your true love!

The hero is a Scot and name is Dugan and is the illegitimate son of a Laird. His cruel step-mother Alice does not want him to become Laird as she wants her son to claim the Hay Lairdship. The problem is her son was still a child and he was a full grown man. Except when she discovers he was dancing under the full moon calling himself the Laird of Misrule! Furthermore he was with a Puritan English lass she intended to ruin his chance to become Laird! Finally she finally had her chance to ruin him!

Dugan was an honorable warrior that all the men and retainers liked and respected. However Alice Hays was a harpy that no one liked, especially her husband the Laird of Clan Hays. However this deceitful and treacherous woman would do anything to secure her son's position! She intended to force him to marry the English girl and ruin his reputation. Furthermore she was very wrong not realizing he is already in love with this lass. He already felt as if she was the other half of his soul!

Will Dugan and Braylin have a chance for love and happiness when so many people hate them for various reasons? There are spies and ears everywhere and some who are just plain disrespectful. Do they have a chance for a happily ever after with a love that will last forever? Read and discover their fate!

Mary Wine has been my go-to-author for over twenty years as she always writes these exhilarating, fast moving stories that always touch my heart. Plus she weaves true history with a magical, fictional romance. She is extremely gifted in her craft where I highly recommend this book in her new series, Now I can’t wait for Modesty’s story next!

The Enchanted Well
Book 1 - Laird of Misrule
Book 2 - Laird of Mayhem

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy and an advance reader copy from Dragonblade publishers. I voluntarily agreed to do a fair review and blog through netgalley. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.

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Enchanted Well, Fate, Freedom and More:
My first time reading this author. The story sets a slow pace in the early chapters but then it does pick up. The characters are intriguing but not very alluring. The plot was interesting and well researched, especially the Puritan beliefs. The characters were interesting but lacking any passionate charisma towards each other. 
This is an interesting story with lots of family disputes, evil stepmother for sure, enjoyable sub characters, threats, along with a happy ending.
📚Book Rating 3.4 rounded up to 4. I was disappointed in the lack of any smoldering passion The story could have been much better with just a little more emotional involvement between Dugan and Braylin.
💪Favorite Character: Clan Laird Cormac who didn't take any guff from his wicked wife.

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A mystical well. Religious discords, secret plans to preserve one sons heritage, an illegitimate son and so much more. Duncan is the illegitimate son of a Scottish Laird. Prudence/Braylin is an English Puritan. Set in 1554 when one war had ended yet a religious battle was on the horizon, these two fall in love and must find a way to work through all the hurdles in order to live peacefully. The story covers a time of great turmoil, huge distrust between France, England and Scotland as well as between Catholic and Protests. Well written with excellent ties to history at that period of time. The first of a series and fantastic primary as well as secondary characters.

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My first impression of this romance was that it would be lighthearted and entertaining. The novel is all of that, but there is also suspense, drama, and devious intentions on the part of someone who does not want them to succeed. Dugan and Braylin are soul mates and when they both peer into the enchanted well, their future is set. I loved Dugan as a caring hero and although Braylin's upbringing is against her, her generous heart wins Dugan and his retainers over. When Braylin is abducted, Dugan goes after her. However, he is not alone and Braylin is surprised to discover that the loyalty Dugan has won from the keep's inhabitants is extended to her as well. The novel comes to a happy conclusion, despite Lady Hay's plans. I received a copy of this book as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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This passionate love story is something that make me dream and enjoy. Wonderfully writen, lovely characters, captivating from the very beginning to finish.

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Mary Wine has become one of my go-to authors. I found the book entertaining. Set in the 1500s, the heroine’s family recently moved to the border lands between England & Scotland to avoid forms of religious persecution thereby allowing them to follow their puritanical beliefs. The daughters, Modesty & Prudence (not so puritanical) sneak out for Samhain resulting in a series of consequences.

The gentleman designated the Laird of Misrule and Prudence have chemistry. Of course, intrigue and deceit results in a series of events that have far reaching outcomes. I liked the characters and felt they were well developed. An enjoyable read leaving me anticipating the next installment.

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