Member Reviews

Another Penguin and What a beautiful collection of stories for this graphic novel. I love the little glimpse of the family Madrigal. If you loved Encanto and want to see a little more of the family shenanigans, this is the graphic novel for you! There's a tall-tale lesson, a talent show and the story of ow Felix and Pepa meet.

I really enjoyed the vibrant colors and the magical storytelling.Panda adventure and this time it's all things cozy and winter. Penguin learns the value of just enjoying a snowy day. Panda gets to give back to the community. I really enjoy their friendships and I can't wait to read whatever other adventures they embark on. If you love penguins and pandas - this is the picture book for you!

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This graphic novel for early readers is super cute. It's the third in a series, but it also works as a standalone, and it features four short stories about Penguin and Panda enjoying Christmas traditions and winter activities. Each story includes a simple life lesson, like about dealing with anxiety when trying new things. The stories are really cute, and although the dialogue is occasionally a bit stilted, this is a fun, appealing story that will be a great fit for the target audience.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher

The Adventures of Penguin and Panda is a beginner graphic novel about two friends during the Christmas season. Penguin and Panda a cute characters and together make a great team helping teach different lessons with every situation they encounter together. The illustrations are cute and charming.

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The Adventures of Penguin and Panda: Winterfest by Brenda Maier. Illustrated by Fanni Mezes. This book for children is beautiful. The Penguin and Panda get a long beautifully. Penguin 🐧 talks Panda 🐼 into doing things he would not normally do. I love the colorful illlustrations.

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Much like other books by Brenda Maier, this one did not disappoint. Penguin and Panda have a precious friendship reminiscent of Elephant and Piggie but geared to readers ready for more of a challenge. The illustrations are adorable and enhance the story perfectly. The graphic format helps readers to be more successful and the fact that it has chapters helps give readers confidence to read more chapter books. I cannot wait to include this title in my school library!

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Penguin and Panda are the cutest, I love their friendship. The illustrations are bright and it was great to on their adventures. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy.

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Yippie, another adventures. Four all-new stories – each with a winter or holiday slant and featuring the comically sweet yin-and-yang besties, Penguin and Panda. All stories are lovely and must buy for your kids.

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While I thought this was fine it was a real struggle to get my 7 year old daughter to read this with me. She said it just didn’t interest her which is rare since we read together every night. I think the length is more apt for older kids like 9 or 10.

Thanks to the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was so cute and fun. The illustrations were adorable and kids will love this book. This was just so stinking cute.

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We will definitely be purchasing this for my daughter when she's a bit older! Such great characters and an engaging, fun story. I love the comic book presentation.

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It was fine. The name Fred is spelt wrong on page 18 by the way. Who is Fred? I don’t think they are shown in the book.

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This is such a sweet graphic novel about best friends Penguin & Panda, and some of their winter adventures. I loved that it was separated into 4 smaller, short stories. The illustrations are beyond adorable, and the main characters relationship was very cute.

This would be a great intro to graphic novels for the younger crowd. Thanks to NetGalley, Marble Press, and Brenda Maier for the chance to read and review!

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I received an electronic ARC from Marble Press through NetGalley.
Penguin and Panda are back and ready to celebrate Christmas, or they will be once they complete all of the items on Penguin's list and find a tree. Readers will enjoy seeing their friendship and the ways they support each other. Both make compromises and both learn from each other. The illustrations capture the energy - especially when they try winter sports. Lower to mid elementary level readers will appreciate this third volume of adventures. Looking forward to more to come.

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I love Panda and Penguin and the lessons they learn by having fun and being kind. This is a very short collection perfect for young readers. Kids will enjoy how things don't turn out the way they expect even when they are celebrating their normal traditions like getting the best Christmas tree. These books are funny enough for the adults too. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this.

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This book was SO much fun. My 8 year old son loved it. He as engaged the whole time. The graphics are gorgeous and the story is perfect for winter. We absolutely would read more by Brenda!

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We must revisit this come the festive time. Penguin and Panda are a lovely duo. They are funny, fun and relatable, and their adventures provide an entertaining read with lessons cleverly incorporated.
The art style is modern and very engaging. The colour schemes are perfect and overall, this is absolutely a perfect read for children aged 6-11, and more specifically for 8-10.
When my child grows up, I will secretly read these again and hopefully, there will be many new ones.

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First, I want to thank NetGalley and Marble Press for providing me with this lovely eARC. I immediately read it when I saw penguin and panda as the main characters! Both are my favorite animals and reading a book with them as the lead?? Of course, I have to do that. And this book didn't disappoint me. All stories are so fun to read with many things to learn. I believe not only children would enjoy it, but adults too.

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The penguin and panda series is so cute. The art style is very whimsical, and gives it a sense of childish charm and warmth.

The book has 4 chapters, all trying to teach a lesson about the holiday season. Such as that things can be a little scary, but sometimes you have to risk a little bit and try it out, maybe you might enjoy it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Marble press for giving me a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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This book was BEAUTIFUL! The illustrations were so cute and the story about the penguin and the panda was precious! My kids absolutely adored this book!

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I love the characters Panda and penguin. They are cute kid characters that teach good lessons. This one is set around the holidays as they go through the normal holiday traditions like getting a tree and doing things together. I just love the vibe these characters give off and the lessons they teach which are great for young and older kids.

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