Member Reviews

A fun fast paced thriller ! This book has so many mind blowing moments full of surprises and tension! This is an easy read and one of those can’t stop reading it kind of books. A few jaw dropping moments and overall good fun ! 4 stars ✨

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This book starts with two families who are very fortunate to live a comfortable life in an idyllic neighborhood. Anna, her daughter, Cassie, and later, her brother, Tim live across the street from the Taylors. Anna and Tim lived there as children. Lily and George Taylor were friends with Cassie and Tim growing up, until an incident occurred to tear Tim and George apart. When Dr. Taylor, Lily and George's father is murdered, everyone wants to figure out who did it and why. It brings up many events of the past.

I was fortunate enough to get to have an advanced copy of the audiobook. The narrator was wonderful and was able to change her voice to distinguish between each character. I have no complaints with it.

There were so many twists and turns in this book that I could not stop listening. Some of the twists I saw coming, but others not so much. The last gut punch at the very end of the book really got me.

Thank you to NetGalley, Jill Childs, and Bookouture for the ARC!

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While this is a well-written book, for a thriller, I just could not get into it. Reading this makes me feel like a little kid again, trying to understand my mother's love for Nora Roberts. You would probably enjoy this if you like the sort of things James Patterson used to write before he just started scamming ghostwriters.

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Thanks to netgalley and bookoture for the advanced copy. This book is extremely well written and narrated. Keeps you involved right from the start and doesn’t disappoint. 4/5 stars I will definitely be recommending this book

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This was a fast paced whodonit thriller with plenty to keep the reader/listener interested. Characters were well developed but overall not very likeable and difficult to root for. There was some repetitiveness throughout which was frustrating. Twists and turns throughout - some predictable some shocking. I personally didn’t like the final ending. I rated the story 3.5 but increased to 4 due to fantastic narration

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Two best friends Anna and Lily have secrets they kept from each other.
And we get drip fed the secrets as we read along.
It's starts off with Dr. Taylor being found murdered, so a who done it, but for me, it read more like a neighbour drama soap.

The story was full of twists and gripping, but I did find the pacing very slow, which was frustrating cause it was such a great story.

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The twist at the end of this gripping tale will stay in your head rent-free long after you have finished listening. I found it a nice change to listen to a narrator who did not change their voice for the different characters and still did a fabulous job relating the actions and emotions of each. My takeaway is that no matter what you might think, blood is thicker than water.

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It was hard to out this book down. It kept me not wanting to put it down. Little twists and turns you were not expecting. Pretty believable story line also. Kind of

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This story was fast paced and thrilling! There were so many good twists and turns in this book, that I had whiplash by the end. While my heart was racing from all of the drama and twists, some parts had my heart breaking for various characters.

I was entertained and gripped by this clever plot as it developed in this well crafted book. Just when I thought I knew where we were headed, the author pivoted and threw in a twist that I didn't see coming. And can we talk about the epilogue?! The ending of this book had my jaw on the floor! I just had to sit there with my thoughts for a few minutes when the book was over. This was my first book by this author, but it definitely won't be my last!

Kristin Atherton did a great job bringing the characters of this book to life. Her intonations and the way she effortlessly changed voices for each character - so impressive!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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#TheHouseAcrossTheStreet #NetGalley
Don't expect much from this one.
Anna King is a single mom and still lives in the same community as she did when she was a child. She now has her own child ten year old daughter Cassie. Anna and her brother were raised by her best friend Lily’s mother and father after their mother died.
Lily’s family lived across the street from Anna and the girls have been best friends ever since they were young. The night of the party, all the neighbors attend including Dr. Taylor who still lives across the street. He returned home from the party somewhat early. As the party continues Anna notices a light flickering in the upstairs windows in Dr. Taylor house. She wonders if it is a short fuse and decides to do a wellness check as Dr. Taylor lives alone.
I didn't like the starting and ending but the middle was good. MC was not likable.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for giving me an advance copy.

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Trigger Warning
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ (3.5 Stars)

Set in England, this domestic thriller centers on the shocking murder of Dr. Taylor, a beloved figure in the neighborhood. From the outset, the narrative plunges you with dark secrets, posing the question of who committed the crime and why. The story unfolds around two families whose lifelong friendship is tested when Anna, a single mother, witnesses the murder of Dr. Taylor, Lily’s father. Anna subsequently refuses to cooperate with the investigation due to menacing threats aimed at her and her 11-year-old daughter, Cassie.

While I initially struggled to engage with the story and its characters, the pace intensified significantly halfway through. The book maintains a brisk tempo with its fast-paced chapters. The narrative structure alternates between Lily's first-person and the third-person perspectives of other characters in the novel, blending character-driven moments with plot-driven suspense. The novel sheds light on the complexities of friendships and sibling relationships, childhood trauma, and other dark themes that can be an unfortunate reality for some people.

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This psychological thriller starts when the father of Anna’s best friend Lily is murdered in the house across the street. The following pages work through finding out who murdered Mr. Taylor while keeping everyone safe, including Anna’s child. The chapters varied from a single first person and multiple third person point-of-views which was odd and a bit confusing. The twist made me feel the ick, but definitely added a wow-factor. There was one female narrator, but I would have appreciated multiple narrators including a male, to account for the different characters and POV.

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I'm really enjoying twisty crime fiction novels lately and this was a great read - I dipped in and out of the audio book and ebook versions as I couldn't stop reading it for long!

The House Across The Street belongs to a respected retired doctor and his family, their children Lily and George grew up across the road from her best friend Anna and her brother Tim (who are not on speaking terms since their teenage years). Both families have learnt to keep secrets in the years they've been neighbours and when Lily's dad, Dr Taylor, is murdered it starts to unravel all the lies that have been told in the past, with devastating consequences.

I'm not exaggerating when I say there are twists up until the very final page - this is a real page turning rollercoaster and whilst you might guess a couple of the twists, as I did, there are so many you'll almost have whiplash! A great read for the summer holidays if you love a gripping page turner.

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“It was late. She shouldn’t have been there. Not at that hour.” Childs’ opening instantly riveted me.

Truth and lies muddle following a tragic accident that leaves the lives of two families shattered. Stunning imagery brings this story to life as it unfolds from the perspectives of Anna and Lily (and even Cassie) as the bonds of families and friendship become tenuous.

The rich warmth of Kristin Atherton’s narration brings layers of depth in storytelling.

“Anna felt a creeping tide of darkness. A darkness she couldn’t understand but which terrified her. A darkness which she sensed would steadily engulf them all…Anna knew how to take care of the people she loved. She’d do what she had to do whatever the cost. Just as she had in the past.”

Childs’ characterization enabled the reader/listener to sympathize with each character as the novel twisted and turned. Though I wanted to savor each word, I could not wait to finish to find the secrets of this small town community revealed.

Thank you to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for an audio version of this title for an honest review.

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Fast-paced, twisty and captivating thriller. I love the relationship between the families. It’s easy book to read and follow! The ending is a surprise though!

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I am giving this book 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

There were some really great twists in this book that I was not expecting, and the writing was well done as well.

Having listened to and read many thrillers, it is difficult to find many that are able to keep me guessing and actually surprised with the "who dunnit". And this book did an excellent job at keeping me guessing and keeping me engaged along with interested as well. And, I need to add, with a relatively believable plot line, because often I feel like that is in rare form these days.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for an advanced audio copy of this book. My opinions are all my own.

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Another great psychological suspense novel from @Bookoutureaudio. I listened to the audiobook thanks to the publisher and Netgalley. I've been reading (and listening ) to a lot of books from Bookouture, and each one has impressed me. This one is by Jill Childs, an author I had not read before, and tells the story of two families who lived across the street from another, and a LOT of secrets! A lot of secrets. It begins with a murder, which our main character, Anna, discovers when she sees a light that should not be on in her neighbor's house. This leads to the gruesome discovery of a murder of her best friend's father. All that is in the typical description of the book. Who killed Dr. Taylor? That's our initial question.

The House Across the Street has five primary characters. Anna, her ten year old daughter Cassie; her brother Tim; Anna's best friend Lilly (and daughter of the dead doctor) and her brother George. But there is tension on many levels, and a lot of secrets, which you will need to sort out on your own! The book primarily uses the perspective of the two main characters, Anna and Lilly; but has a few other chapters that are from the perspective of other characters, including Anna's ten year old daughter, and her former boyfriend from a decade ago - who might be her daughter's father. Yes. Multiple story lines. And it's a book you want to pay attention to, to see if you can figure out who the answers to all the questions. I'll admit there were several things I didn't see coming!

An enjoyable book, either in audio or print. I listened to about 2/3 of it, and used Kindle Unlimited to read part. Good stuff. Jill Childs will be on my list for future reads. (Note:Amazon review submitted)

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If I'd been asked to review this book midway through it, I might not have given it 5 stars. But the depth of the story line and the complex characters seemed to grow the more I listened. It's the story of two women who've been friends all their lives despite complicating factors that might have caused them to break their friendship. However, the murder of the father of one of the women plunges both families into a complex web of suspicion. This is a story of the complexities of friendship, of mysteries (who is the killer, who is the father of a child), and a touch of romance. Stick with it and you'll be quite amazed at how it ends.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for providing an advance review copy of this audiobook. My opinions are my own.

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The murder of the village’s doctor has a small pool of suspects for the police. Meanwhile, the victim’s daughter and son are devastated. The victim’s daughter Lily has the steady friendship of next-door neighbor Anna at this most difficult time. However, Lily is not the only one experiencing difficulties. While thrilled that her brother Tim is back in town, Anna’s role as a single mother has hit a few bumps. For starters, Tim left town a decade ago due to serious situation. Now that he is back, Lily is thrilled that her daughter will be able to get to know her uncle. Along with Tim’s difficulties when it comes to assimilating himself again, Anna begins having troubles.

From threatening notes to the appearance of her ex-boyfriend, a boy she loved beyond distraction, Anna’s life is being turned upside down. There is an underlying current in this latest book by Jill Childs, and it is one that gave me chills as I read the book. It is beyond clear that something terrible is weighing on Anna, and that makes for an incredible amount of tension in this story.

The relationships in this book are everything. The best-friend relationship Anna and Lily share. Lily’s loving relationship with Anna’s daughter Cassie. Anna’s relationship with her brother Tim. And the hidden relationship(s) that are revealed at just the right time. Then factor in the twists and turns, and this book will leave you thinking and even hurting a bit.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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This book starts off quickly and the suspense continues till the end. Information about the characters is slowly revealed which adds some thrill to the plot. I really enjoyed how it was written, how we saw the perspective of various characters throughout, sometimes this takes away from the plot and slows things down but I found it kept it fresh and revealed the secrets the reader needs to know. Definitely will be keeping an eye out for other books by this author!

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