Member Reviews

Thank you to the author, publisher, narrator and Net Galley for providing a free e-audio version of this title in exchange for my review.

Psychological thrillers are a hit or miss for me a lot of the time. Sadly, this was a miss. It felt overly long, and the character development was lacking, so much so that it was easy to confuse the different characters.
As for the big reveal at the end - I guessed a lot of the points ahead of time, but the big secret over Cassie's dad felt really wrong and icky to me. It's hard to say more without giving spoilers, but the story did not go the way I expected, and it wasn't a good conclusion for me.

Narration on the audiobook was well done. But overall, the story just felt far, far too long. Changing POV's got me confused at different points as well. Maybe reading the physical book would solve that issue.

2.5 stars rounded up for 'it was ok, but did surprise me'

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Thank you Netgalley, Jill Childs and Bookouture Audio for the Arc of The House Across the Street.
Narrated by Kristin Atherton

The House Across The Street follows two lifelong friends , Anna and Lily who have grown up and have families of their own. The uniqueness is that they live across the street from each other. They have been there for each other through life tragedies but they hold secrets of their own too. One night, Anna finds out that Lily's Father was found dead and soon after Anna starts receiving threatening notes. Who is suddenly trying to destroy yhr peace on the street?

The House Across the Street is a good, all round, medium paced domestic thriller. The twists and turns are well executed and shows that we can be so close to someone and we may never know all the skeletons in the closet. This book is mainly plot driven told as a POV of Anna. The characters are fleshed out but would have liked to have seen more so they pop out of the book. Jill Child's writing style kept me engaged so listened to this book pretty much in 2 sittings.

Kristin Atherton did a wonderful job in narrating this book. I'll be looking forward to seeing both of them in future books.

3.5 stars, rounded to 4 for Netgalley, Goodreads and Amazon

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The House Across the Street by Jill Childs and narrated by Kristin Atherton is a belter of a psychological thriller and in all honesty, I did not even come close to predicting the outcome (I am beginning to seriously doubt my capabilities at this point, but with thriller writers this talented, I can give myself a break I think

Didn't see it coming, ten stars and then some! Full review to follow

Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture Audio, the author Jill Childs and narrator Kristen Atherton for this incredible ALC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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Good Audio listen and storyline about 2 families who's children grew up together helped each other through tragic events but with lots of twists and turns. Listened to this is 2 days

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To the amazing NetGalley and all the authors who might see this - PLEASE put somewhere how the book is written. Please understand that, let’s take me as an example, I can’t read in 3 pov. I try but with English not being my first language it’s complicated to track the characters and the story. And I truly think that in the “additional information” or on goodreads you can put somewhere “1POV” or “3POV”. I don’t want to “steal” someone a chance to get an arc of a book just so I can dnf it cause I can’t read in 3POV.

With this particular book, I checked the description (as always) and it sounds like “I feel so lucky to live in a gorgeous house with my precious daughter… I'm just across from the Taylors,…. But late at night, I spot someone in the house across the street….” I, I, I- which I assumed that the book is written in the first person but it’s not. Please do something about it NetGalley cause I don’t want to get approved for books just to dnf it and someone else could get it and enjoyed it.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this thriller and give it 4.5 stars - There were several little twists and turns I didn’t see coming and I really felt confident I had it figured out only to look back at certain chapters as red herrings.

I enjoyed the dynamic of the two siblings on either side of the street and truly, the secrets they all shared together and separately. A few times I audibly said “no!” - And for that, the author deserves kudos. And that ending, what a zinger!

I would certainly read more books from
this author in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the advanced audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

Publication Date is set for July 15, 2024

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My thanks to Net Galley and Bookatoure audio for arc of this book.

I'm a bit on the fence about this story. I liked the whole Who Killed Doctor Taylor story, but the whole focus on the Mike story, the DNA, missing child, and the accidents of the past could have been cut down a bit. I know they played a part the twists were really good, and I liked the narration, but I lost some focus along the way.

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3.75/5 Starz
Thank you Net galley for letting me get an advanced audio copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The narrator was really good, the story was gripping, the twist was shocking. I like how this is about 2 best friends who both have crazy secrets. Wasn't the most thrilling shocking book I have ever read, but definitely worth the read or listen. This is my first book by this author and I would read more.

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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. *

The House Across the Street is the first book my Jill Childs that I've read.

It is a classic British domestic thriller...but the twists are unique.

Two families grow up intertwined. One mother dies prematurely, and another is killed in a tragic traffic the hands of the children of the other famlily. At the wake of the father of one family, the father of the other is murdered.

And so it goes...

You have to hang on to the last page to get to the final twist. And I thought this one was worth it!

*with thanks to NetGalley for the Audio ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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So many twists and turns in this psychological thriller, The House Across the Street, by Jill Childs!

A perfect neighborhood, or so it seems. Best friends living across from each other, until one day a murder is discovered in one of their houses. As police become involved and they try to help find the murderer, more and more secrets get revealed. How well do you know your neighbors??

I loved the twists in this, which kept me on my toes throughout.

Kristin Atherton did an exceptional narration of this.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for this arc in return for my honest opinion.

Pub Date: 15 July 2024

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Narration by Kristin Atherton was very well done.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC audiobook.

3.5 stars
At the beginning of this thriller, Anna discovers her best childhood friends dad, Dr. Taylor, murdered in his bed. Soon after the murder, Anna is receiving threatening notes that leave her shaking with fear. Her daughter, Cassie, has had a brick thrown through her bedroom window. Anna is terrified someone knows what she saw the night of the murder and she will do anything to protect her ten year old daughter. So begins this psychological thriller with some shocking twists.

I like when chapters are short and end with a cliffhanger; making you want to keep reading. It’s a decent, and fast paced quick read. If you like drama, there is plenty of it, with secrets, lies and love mixed in. This is my first read by this author and will check out other books by her.

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The house across the street by Jill Childs and it says it is narrated by Kristen Atherson but I could’ve swore I heard a male narrator and unless she is just that good. When the book starts Anna is giving her brother Tim a Welcome Home Party as he has moved back from London after living there for years. While tending to her guess she notices across the street at doctor Taylor‘s house a light has gone on upstairs and she knows he went home and went to bed already and there should be no lights at that house so when she goes to investigate she finds him murdered in his bed. The doctor is her best friend’s dad and she knows she has already lost her mother and so like Anna she is now without parents. As if Anna doesn’t have enough to worry about a few days later she starts getting strange and threatening notes telling her to keep her mouth shut and do not help the police. It gets even scarier when her daughter Cassidy tells her about a man who keeps watching her window. This is just the beginning of Anna’s issues and soon things from her past will come knocking on her door which only opens up other secrets she has tried her best to keep hidden. Because once the secrets come out it will not just be her home that will be affected. There were many things I liked about this book and I waffled between giving it three or four stars but after checking in seeing that this was the same author who wrote the woman at number five I had to give it four stars. It really says a lot about a rider when there works or so holy different and as I did enjoyed this book although the beginning wasn’t that exciting the further it went the better it got. I really totally recommend this book. If you love a great thriller with even greater twist in secrets then you definitely need to read this book. I mean I haven’t even discussed her ex Mike and everything that goes with that storyline, not to mention everyone should have a neighbor like Miss K. there was really a lot to like about this book.#BookoucherAudio, #NetGalley, #JillChiles, #ChristianAtherson, #TheHouseAcrossTheStreet,

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Overall, this was a solid mystery/thriller. I'm not sure how great it was that the most reasonable character was the guy who had his (possible) daughter hidden from him for 10 years but it goes to show how quick to react and impulsive the other characters were which got old very quickly. There was enough mystery to keep me interested but towards the end I found myself just wanting it to be over. I would probably recommend it, but it wouldn't be my first choice.

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I have to admit that I had to go back a few times at the beginning of this story but once I knew who was who the story kept me!
Jill Childs knows how to tell a story where you can't help but feel for the characters!!!
I don't want to give away too much, but there is a conclusion to this story that is heart-brwaking!!!
Thank you #NetGalley #Bookouture Audio for this audiobook narrated by lovely Kristin Atherton

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Thank you Netgalley for my copy.

I enjoyed this book. I saw one twist coming but not the other. I loved the ending, it made me cackle. It was a 4 star until then. Overall a well written, good thriller that kept me engaged and wanting to find out what happened.

Looking forward to reading more from Childs.

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3.5 ⭐️round up**
I am thankful to have gotten the ARC for free from Netgalley and Bookouture so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

I’m being generous with my rating for this one because I know that it’s a me thing and not the book.
It’s very well written and flows very nicely.
I’m specifically reviewing the audio book where the narrator in their natural voice is lovely. Little slow for my liking but that’s why you can speed things up. The part I didn’t like were her voices for other characters. They were consistent which was good but for me, overly dramatic. This distracted me many times when listening which pulled me out of the story. I had to repeat so many sections in the book it was ridiculous. Hence why I said it was a “me thing”. That problem was while I don’t like overly dramatic recitations of audiobooks it’s even worse when not every voice is the same as far as presentation or energy level. The regular narrator voice from the reader as I said was fine. It read the material in a non descriptive manner so you could enjoy the story and not have the narrator affect the world you build in your head as a reader. So when the other voiced characters come on so strong it ruins the flow.

Other than that the book was a good read. Figured out a bunch of things but many won’t and will be blown away towards the end when several twists come out. The ending 15% of the book was great and well worth it to read.

This is one where ai think I’ll get the print copy to give it another go as I think I’ll find it much more enjoyable.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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This is a riveting psychological thriller that grips you from the first page and doesn’t let go. Set in a seemingly perfect neighborhood, the story explores the dark secrets hidden behind closed doors and the lengths to which one will go to protect their loved ones.

Jill Childs masterfully crafts a narrative filled with suspense, emotional depth, and unexpected twists. The novel delves into themes of friendship, betrayal, and the complexities of human relationships, all while maintaining a fast-paced, tension-filled storyline.

Childs’ ability to blend a compelling plot with intricate character development makes this book a must-read for thriller enthusiasts!

The narrator, Kristin Atherton, did a phenomenal job! Their voice was exceptionally well-suited to the characters, providing a clear distinction between each one and enhancing their individuality. The narration significantly enriched the reading experience. The pacing was well-balanced, maintaining a steady flow that kept the tension high and the listener engaged throughout.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an advance audiobook copy of "The House Across the Street" by Jill Childs in exchange for my honest review.

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The House Across The Street by Jill Childs

Two families, two friends closer than sisters and a heartbreaking secret that will tear you apart slowly.

Anna and Lily are best friends, family kind of friends and they have been together in the toughest times of each others lives.

They live in a idilic neighborhood and Lily’s father has been like a father to Anna as well. Moreover, once Anna got pregnant with Cassie, leaving the father of the child behind, the Taylors became even more important to her.

Time goes by and all of a sudden in the same perfect neighborhood a murder takes place. Lily’s father appears stabbed to death and the whole family and friends can not believe what has just happened. So cold. So tough. So unbelievably true.

Anna swears her friend she’s going to help the police find whoever has done it, up until a brick goes through her daughter’s window hurting her and scaring her to death.

Will that prevent Anna from finding the truth? Will her own secrets come to light? Up to what extent is Anna willing to risk her own personal well-being?

This novel was full of extremely intense plot twists and I felt I was falling into a rabbit’s hole each time. I found it heartbreaking and at the same time it taught me that some friendships are even deeper that blood. This is one of them.

Go careful, I promise, nothing is what it seems.


Thank you @netgalley #jillchilds I deeply enjoyed this thrilling story!

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I recently had the pleasure of receiving an advanced copy of "The House Across the Street" by Jill Childs, thanks to NetGalley. This action-packed novel plunges you into the mystery of a neighbor next door, delivering a plot that rapidly unfolds and makes the book almost impossible to put down. Each time I thought I had solved the mystery, a new suspect emerged, keeping me on my toes throughout.

Jill Childs' writing style is captivating, with a knack for keeping readers thoroughly engaged. The secondary characters are not only interesting but are developed in such a way that we get a good sense of their past and present, adding depth to the narrative. Just when you think you've figured it all out, prepare to be surprised again! A big thank you to NetGalley for this thrilling read.

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Upon completing this book, I was feeling a few things: flabbergasted, surprised, and thrilled. It was a thrilling and unpredictable journey, reminiscent of an epic, twisty roller coaster ride.

This domestic popcorn thriller was a quick read that kept me engaged with its straightforward writing style. It is perfect for readers seeking a gripping plot with unexpected twists, presented in an easily digestible format.

One aspect that stood out most to me was the abundance of plot twists and red herrings woven throughout the story. The element of surprise kept me on edge, much like navigating through a challenging video game. The author, Jill Childs, did an exceptional job of maintaining suspense and keeping readers guessing.

I listened to the audiobook version, narrated by Kristin Atherton, whose performance really brought the story to life with authenticity and emotion. Her delivery enhanced the overall experience, and I look forward to exploring other books she has narrated in the future!

While I thoroughly enjoyed the novel, I found it challenging to differentiate between the male characters, as they lacked distinct personalities. To clarify, I do not mean the narration of the male characters, but their individualism in the narrative.

Moreover, there were some slight pacing issues in the middle point of the book, though the momentum quickly picked back up leading to an exciting and shocking ending.

Speaking of the ending, it left me intrigued but also craving more closure. While cliffhangers can heighten suspense, I was left with a lot of unanswered questions that left me wanting more resolution.

Overall, this book was highly engaging, suspenseful, and entertaining. The twists, writing style, and narration were highlights for me. However, the indistinct male characters, pacing issues, and cliffhanger ending were minor drawbacks for me. Despite these issues, I believe this book is a fantastic choice for fans of domestic thrillers seeking a whodunit mystery shrouded in family secrets and incredible plot twists and turns.

I received a free advanced listeners copy of this book from Bookouture Audio and NetGalley. I am voluntarily leaving my review; all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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