Member Reviews

This was a twisted book. I had a guess who was behind the disappearance and was correct. It took a long time to get to the point where the boy goes missing. I'm not even sure what to think about the ending!!

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. Thx opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of Little Boy Missing by Lizzie Fry.

A decent readable thriller. However, the ending was disappointing and could have been written so much better.

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I've never been able to understand why some people read the last chapter of a book first but in this case I wish I had done just that. If I had read the ending first I could have saved several hours or chosen a different book. To say that the ending was the biggest anticlimax I've experienced in a long time would be no exaggeration. Unsatisfactory to say the least.

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Definitely kept me paying attention. Though the ending was slightly confusing, and I feel like it skipped quite a bit to get where it ended. Not the happily every after kind of book.

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Little Boy Missing is unpredictable psychological thriller which deserves at least 4 stars. Jo is a tired mother, grappling with raising her children, one of which has a disability. Jo’s relationship with her husband is also strained due to infidelity. One son, Kyle goes missing during a bike ride, and the family is under suspicion. This novel immediately draws the reader in, with the plot twists and description of characters. The suspense throughout the book keeps the reader engaged. The ending is unexpected and will keep you guessing. I recommend this psychological thriller. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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First of all thank you to the publishers for my early access in exchange for a review.
I read this in the early hours and it had me hooked !
Packed with tension and a haunting feeling especially as a parent !
Written in a before and after the main event ,style so we sense it building up .
You can really feel the stress this mum is under and as a family things go from bad to worse.
Addictive and captivating this is a fantastic thriller .

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Absolutely love Lizzie Fry

Wow I could not put it down. Totally addictive

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Little Boy Missing focuses on Jo and her family, after a series of events results in her son going missing at a local hiking trail. The resulting search and scrutiny puts incredible stress on Jo and her family.

Overall this was a fun read. I particularly liked the direction the ending took (but don't worry, no spoilers here!). A couple parts were kind of confusing for me as a reader, but I think that might be attributed to differences in certain phrases between British and American English.

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While exciting and entertaining, this felt more like a family drama than a proper thriller. The first half of the story drew me in with it's quick pace, the second half really slowed down for some reason. The ending was very sudden and abrupt, which was surprising since the book had started to move at a slower pace. I wish the parents had better interaction, too. The way they acted didn't really help me to find them likeable.
Thank you, NetGalley, for this ARC.

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I have so many conflicting emotions about this book. On one hand, I loved the deep dive into motherhood and how isolating it can be. The author did a fantastic job expressing the struggle of balancing parenting with everything else. However, the dynamic between the Mom and Dad was frustrating; I just didn’t vibe with them together. The book started off with a lot of potential, pulling me in with its suspenseful first half. I was genuinely intrigued and eager to see where the story would go. Unfortunately, the second half didn't live up to the build-up. It felt rushed and left me with more questions than answers, especially with an abrupt and unsatisfying ending. The culprit's identity was quite obvious early on, making the story feel more like a domestic family drama than a true thriller. While it was a quick and somewhat entertaining read, it was also predictable. Overall, I did appreciate the writing style, and it wasn't a terrible read, but it wasn't great either—just kind of meh.

Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to netgalley for this book.
3.5 ⭐️ I would have given it more if the ending hadn’t been so disappointing.
The book is basically written as if it’s a letter or journal keepsake to her son Kyle who has gone missing when Kyle was little he contracted meningitis and now as a result has learning disabilities.
It’s the school summer holidays she has three boys all under the age of 9, money is tight and her marriage is not good, so going for the free option she takes the boys for a bike ride through the woods but whilst she plays hide and seek Kyle is nowhere to be found!! Everyone around her thinks she’s snapped and hurt Kyle but has he wandered off and got lost, trapped somewhere or been taken or did jo finally break from the stress of it all!
The first half of the book your on the edge of your seat I was devouring every page as fast as I could each page was gripping and compelling and left you wanting more but the second half was not as good I feel we raced ahead of what could of been more thought out and detailed and the ending well it was awful it left me with a lot of unanswered questions and feeling like “have I missed something here”

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This is the first book I have read from this author. The book was an enjoyable fast read mystery. Some suspense kept the reader page turning. This is a book which I would recommend to anyone who enjoys a good mystery read.

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If you enjoy books that contain a little mystery and a little heartbreak sprinkled in, then this is just the book for you. I had to keep reminding myself to breath and not clench my jaw the entire time I was reading this.

If you like books that have you hooked from the first page....look no further, this is your book.

I think I was sucked into this book so hard and so fast because this book is literally every parent's worst nightmare. As I was reading it, I kept thinking about this situation happening to me and how I would react and/or what I would do if I were in this situation. It really is an eye opening book if you are a parent.

But be warned, you will absolutely need to keep a box of tissues close by.

10 out of 10 a must read!

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This book is beautiful, heartbreaking and equally disturbing. It had me grinding my teeth with the suspense and I was invested from the first page. It's every parents worst nightmare and I felt saddened by some of the scenes.

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I think this had a lot of potential to be a really good, thrillery read. The first half kind of pulls you along, wondering what is going to happen, but then sort of fizzles out. It's pretty evident who the culprit is, and I'd call this more of a domestic family drama than a thriller. It was a quick read and a good way to spend a few hours. However, I found it to be rather predictable and I had some issues with how the whole dynamic between Mom and Dad played out as it did not feel very organic (I can't believe I just used that phrase!!!) and I found the Mom very unlikeable and did not have a lot of sympathy for what seemed like constant whining about her circumstances (not related tot he little boy missing of course, as that is an unimaginable thing to go through as a parent).

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A brilliantly written novel, that had me me from the first chapter.
The characters were well developed and distinct. The author has an intriguing storyline that is well executed. There were enough twists in the telling that it had me second guessing myself throughout.
I thought I’d missed something regarding how the book ended, but after seeing other people’s reviews, It appears it wasn’t just me.
So I might go back and re-read the end again after it’s sat with me for a few days.
On the whole, I would definitely recommend this book. It’s been a while since a book in this genre had me this invested.

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This was such a thrilling and exciting read overall. It had me hooked right away and I didn't want to put it down until I found out the truth.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of Little Boy Missing by Lizzie Fry. The book started off really well. I felt engaged and was anxious to continue reading. I was however, not a fan of the ending! It may be a realistic ending as the acknowledgements states, it was not a good ending for the book. A 3 star rating from me.

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A good story with a parent’s worst nightmare.

A special needs boy goes missing. The parents are under suspicion. You think you know who took the boy and maybe you’d be partially right.
I was not happy with the ending of this story because it leave you hanging.

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This book was interesting
It was about 3 brothers that was called Callum , Tom and Kyle Westcott
And one day there mother who was called Joanne
Had an outing for the park and playing hide and seek
But when they were going back that they had not got Kyle
He had to be missing
Joanne had to find him
I had an ARC

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