Member Reviews

In Graveyard Shift, M.L. Rio delivers a brief yet eerie journey into the shadows, blending "Scooby-Doo" with a touch of existential dread.

The setting is more than just a backdrop; Rio transforms the graveyard into a brooding, almost sentient character. It feels unsettlingly alive, despite its inhabitants being, well, dead.

The characters are a ragtag group that could easily be plucked from a college coffee shop at 2 AM—like the Avengers, but overworked, underpaid, and united by insomnia.

Rio offers just enough insight into the characters to pique your curiosity without fully satisfying it. It’s akin to glimpsing a fleeting shadow in a dark alley—intriguing but elusive.

The novella’s brisk pace might leave you breathless, and the resolution arrives swiftly, like a bus pulling away just as you realise you’ve missed it.

The true strength of Graveyard Shift lies in its atmosphere, with foggy nights and whispered conversations creating a palpable sense of dread. Rio’s prose is infused with gothic charm, and the narrative flows with a poetic rhythm that feels like a rainy evening spent with a comforting yet subtly unsettling cup of tea.

While the novella’s brevity adds to its charm, it also feels like a missed opportunity for deeper exploration. The tension is present, but the mystery resolves before it has the chance to fully develop.

Ultimately, Graveyard Shift is a moody, atmospheric gem with a touch of wit and charm. It’s a gothic tale that enchants and chills, perfect for those who enjoy a mystery with a hint of humour.

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I have waited years for something new from M.L. Rio so I jumped on the opportunity to listen to this audiobook early. I love the idea of people being forced together by simple circumstances which is exactly how our cast of characters find themselves investigating a freshly dug grave in an unused graveyard, thus begins our short adventure.
I felt that having a full cast for this audiobook was the perfect choice as it made it easier to track the quick moving plotline in this novella, not only that but every narrator did a fantastic job for me. I truly enjoyed every moment of this story, but I really wish it had been a bit longer. Rio did a great job of packing a lot into a short read, but it led me to feel that this could have been something more and thus the twist and ending would have been a bit less rushed. Overall, a fantastic atmospheric quick read for the fall months.
Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for access to this title in exchange for an honest review.

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This story revolves around a group of people forced to smoke in the graveyard since their campus is tobacco free. One night, they find a recently dug hole, and they watch as someone buries something in it. An interesting plot, but I found myself having a hard time caring about the story. I loved If We Were Villians, so this was a bit disappointing.

Thank you NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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It's nice to have M. L. Rio back, and with a good read to start the 'ber months with. This was one was good, spooky, a little icky, and enjoyable. I wish it had been longer, but I enjoyed how much we got in so few pages.

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The narrators did a great job with this story. I'm thankful to be given an ARC, especially since I've been waiting forever for M.L.Rio to write a new story. The story has an interesting concept and I wish it were longer, but overall not a bad book. It felt like something was missing or lacking something to give it a higher rating.

I am looking forward to more stories from the author.

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This novella was Okay, I really wasn't invested in the story line or characters. Because it was so Brief, you don't get to develop a connection with the characters and it ends Abruptly.

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Spooky! I really enjoyed this one! Thank you netgalley for the advanced audiobook copy. I will be telling my friends!

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One night, a group of unlikely friends brought together by their shared enjoyment of cigarettes, find a hole in the ground at the old graveyard that serves as their smoking spot. They know the hole wasn't there the night before- who dug it and why? The story follows them throughout the night as they try to solve the mystery.

The premise is so interesting, but the story felt incomplete. I felt like just when the action was going to ramp up, the book ended. I enjoyed the narrators, the characters, and the atmosphere, but I needed more plot.

CW for animal cruelty (most of it occurs off page, but it involves rats).

Thank you to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Because this is a novella with its entire plot set in the course of one night, I think this story is best read as close to one sitting as possible. It made me think of Poe, not just because of his one-sitting rule, but also because of the atmospheric horror and the writing style itself.

Each of the characters is well-developed, but there are so many characters to learn in such a short story that it's hard to keep track, especially when listening to the audiobook. The story itself took a few chapters to pick up and for me to get invested. I think I would have enjoyed this more if I eyeball-read it during a lazy weekend. I think folks who enjoy horror short stories, especially Poe, will like this book.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ALC!

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M. L. Rio knows how to pack atmosphere, characterization heart thumping suspense into a short novella. Graveyard Shift featured multiple POV's from n ensemble of characters who find themselves up all night together and in the middle of some strange happenings at the Graveyard. As they each try to piece together part of the puzzle, it hits closer to home than they expect. I

The audiobook for this is top notch! I loved that we get a full cast of narrators . Each makes their character their own and brings them to life in a way that builds the tension of the story. This is another group of flawed humans, but it is amazing how Rio makes them relatable and sympathetic through such a short story.

To be honest, at the end of the audiobook I wanted more. At first I was disappointed it was over. But afterward I found that while this story had spooky vibes, it was not scary so much as it sticks with you. I found myself thinking about the characters and the way the mystery unfolds and pondering the unanswered possibilities days after. For me that is the mark of a great story. Well worth your time to listen.

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A delightfully creepy novella, perfect for getting into spooky season. Graveyard Shift packs in a lot in its short length, with each character feeling fully fleshed out despite having several POV characters in a small number of pages. The way the author lets the story unfold, with each POV adding another layer, is masterful, with a satisfying conclusion.

Highly recommend the audiobook, each character is given their own narrator, and I thought they all did a great job.

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I audibly gasped when this book ended.

I know that's part of the "charm" but in reality it just made me mad?

There was absolutely no conclusion or even much plot happening and when something interesting finally happens BOOM *rolls credits*

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A group of night-shift workers, that suffer from insomnia, meet up in the graveyard behind the college of their small town to share cigarettes and misery. One night, they notice a hole that wasn't there before. An empty grave that may be linked to the strange "incidents" that have gone on around town. An ensemble cast reads this novella.

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this e-arc.*

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Title: Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio
Publication Date- 09/24/24
Publisher- MacMillian Audio
Overall Rating- 4 out of 5 stars

Review copy given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Audio Review: Audio is the way to go with this one. It’s a full cast and because the story is told through various perspectives, it really adds to the story. Would highly recommend the audio as the way you read this.

Review: Graveyard Shift is a very interesting novella that takes place over the course of 24 hours. Before, or after, whichever you prefer, I would highly recommend reading the author's note. M.L. Rio talks about what led to her writing this story and the place Graveyard Shift originated in the author should be heard.

As a whole I really enjoyed this. It’s dark and atmospheric, mysterious and engaging. We get to know several characters who are fully flushed out in a short period of time. Because it’s a novella, of course at the end of the story I wanted more and also, the plot did fit well for a novella. Hopefully that made sense. The characters being so different and interesting, kept me invested in the story. The major plot device is not my favorite but I truly enjoyed the various characters that I was a bit more interested in the main topic of the plot (you’ll see).

Like in the authors previous work, the writing is top notch and flows well. I think you will find yourself easily engrossed looking forward to finding out how it ends. All in all, I enjoyed my time with this novella. I think I had slightly higher hopes that were not met but I’m not mad I read it. My only real compliant is because I loved the characters and not the plot as much I just wish that aspect was slightly different. That’s a hard thing to put in a review because I am not the author and nor could I ever be.

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Regretfully this didn’t have the same sparkle that If We Were Villains did. BUT it could be because I was not hooked into the audiobook. I will absolutely try reading this again when it’s published (in book form), but it was not as captivating as I was hoping it would be. Still will recommend to others to read.

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I really liked the narrators, It was really fun to have the different narrators for the different points of view. It's a very short novella and I feel like it should have been a little bit longer. Their was a lot happening but it wasn't explained as much as I would have liked which made it hard to understand at some times. I also feel like the end was rushed, it was out of nowhere and didn't really make sens to me. It was a super quick read tho and really interesting, perfect for the Halloween season!

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I couldn't wait to dive into this novella by ML Rio. It was such a heart pounding read. The pace was really fast. I think the fast pace made me wish for some more depth though and it would have been fascinating to have this be longer. As for the audio, I thought the production was great and the full cast narration was top notch. I really think the audio elevated this one!

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A group of night shift workers at a college's cemetery uncover a mysterious open grave and team up to solve the strange happenings in their town, following a suspicious gravedigger as they unravel the mystery.

This is my first experience with this author's work, and I am already struck by the unique style of writing. How intriguing and different! This novella offers multiple points of view, blending mystery and horror seamlessly. Despite its brevity, the book skillfully immerses readers in a dark and atmospheric world, where characters from diverse backgrounds contemplate a mysterious hole in the graveyard.

The novella is impactful and expertly crafted. If you enjoy dark mysteries with an unsettling atmosphere, look no further. This is the perfect read for Halloween!

The audiobook adaptation is superbly done. The narrators are engaging and captivating, making it easy to differentiate between characters and maintaining the listener's interest throughout. Even if you didn't enjoy the book in its written form, the audiobook is a great alternative. I highly recommend giving this book a chance and experiencing it through the audiobook.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for providing me with an ARC of the audiobook. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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first time getting into this authors work i wish this for me i couldn't get into i barely knew what was happening while listening

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Graveyard Shift by M. L. Rio is a captivating novella blending gothic horror with modern sensibilities. Set over 24 hours in a historic graveyard, it follows an eclectic group of night shift workers. Rio's masterful storytelling creates an unsettling atmosphere, enhanced by full-cast narration in the audiobook.

Despite limited character development, Rio crafts an engrossing atmosphere. She intertwines unsettling scientific facts and ethical dilemmas with academic themes, creating depth through the plot and diverse cast. This approach, reminiscent of her novel If We Were Villains, showcases Rio's distinctive storytelling style.

The ending leaves room for interpretation while hinting at the true nature of events, adding intrigue. Rather than traditional supernatural scares, the novella focuses on the ethical implications of unchecked scientific pursuits. Graveyard Shift delivers a potent dose of dark, unsettling vibes that will appeal to fans of atmospheric mysteries and gothic horror, potentially haunting readers long after they've finished!

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