Member Reviews

This was a cute and quick listen. I actually didn't realize this was a sequel, so quickly listened to the first right before starting this one.

I think this was a great wrap up to Theo & Wren's love story, even if it wasn't the most believable storyline.

Laura Knight Keating was a wonderful narrator, and I blew through both books in just a few days. Overall, a fun story, even if there's no way some of these scenarios could happen.

3.5/5 stars.

Thank you to the author, Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced listening copy!

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This was so fucking adorable. What a unique, fun little ride this duology took me on. From an apocalypse catalyzing a romance between a British prince and a regular American girl to a plane crash stranding them on a deserted island, this high-stakes romcom set in an alternate IRL universe was so fresh and outrageously fun, I didn't want to put it down.

McDowell's writing is easy to consume, but struggled in some sections with rapid emotionality. I also feel that the ending was a bit drawn out. The main characters oscillated between commitment and uncertainty too many times and it was a bit exhausting to read their minds changing over and over again. There was room for trimming at the conclusion of this novel, for sure, but I massively geeked out over the cute, imperfect grand romantic gesture in the very last chapter.

Despite my critiques, this was still a 4.5 for me because I’m a slut for this series.

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A great conclusion to Wren and Theo's love story. These star crossed lovers were separated in Greece at the end of The Prince and the Apocalypse. After an overnight road trip to Toronto to retrieve her dog, Wren gets thrown into the royal family's machinations. On the flight to England unexpected storms cause the plane to crash stranding half the royal family, their bodyguards, Wren, her sister and best friend on a Portuguese island. Truths come out and injuries occur as the group tries to get off the island. Wren and Theo have to reconcile their differences and fight for the love that came so easily before. Will the royal family survive it?

Thank you to netgalley for the advanced copy of the audiobook.

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This book I freaking loved. i loved it from the word go. It was cute. it was light. it was funny. I was so into this book. It wasn't anything life changing. but it was something you can sink into.

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The sequel and conclusion to The Prince and The Apocalypse duology.

Did the story and things that happened in this book make sense? No. Was it totally unbelievable and kind of dumb? Yes. Was it extremely entertaining anyways? YES. These books are so over the top ridiculous, you can't help but love them. The cast of characters are so loveable, you have to root for them. Wren and Theo are such cuties, and I loved seeing them together again. Wren and Theo have so much chemistry, I wanted to shake them and yell that they needed to figure out how to make it work with one another because they are so dang cute together. I loved the spoiled royalty trapped on an island plot line. I loved the dynamics of this group, and watching them learn to trust one another. It was fun seeing Theo's family open up to Wren more, which allowed us to see their true personalities and why they are so guarded. We also get a lot more of Comet the dog, who is THE GOODEST BOY.

I highly recommend this duology if you're looking for something quick, quirky and extremely entertaining.

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I’m not going to give a synopsis here, but know this book picks up right where the Prince and the Apocalypse ended with a wild cliff hanger. And know this is an even more wild adventure that involves multiple people stuck on a desert island.
Without giving too much away, this book is just as chaotic and adventure-filled as book one. It makes for a quick and very engaging read. What makes this book even more special than book 1 is that we get to know even more characters. This is a fun YA series that both teenagers and adults can enjoy.
I loved the audiobook narrated by Laura Knight Keating. It was a fun and entertaining listen!
Thank you to Wednesday Books, RBMedia, and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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I enjoyed this sequel to The Prince and the Apocalypse. This one picks up a few months after that one left off, and reunites Wren & Theo. They get chased by the paparazzi again, someone leaks their marriage certificate, and life endangering mayhem ensues, this time in the form of a plane crash on a deserted island. It was a fun read, but had me rolling my eyes at many turns. There was one crazy disaster after another, but it never felt perilous. It did have a satisfying ending though, wrapping up the storyline well.

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This was a strong followup to The Prince & The Apocalypse. I wasn't quite sure how the author was going to pull this storyline together but I really like how she did it - - especially her use of the dog as their major link - - very clever in my opinion.

This book has many of the same components as the first one - - scheming, politics, royals, drama and intrigue. It also has the two of them stranded together in a dangerous place with only their wits to save them. Of course they aren't alone this time but they still function. together as a unit in trying to find a way off the island. The storyline does have its frustrating moments when you weren't sure that Wren and Theo would find the way to truly make it all work out. Theo wants better for Wren and she just wants to be with Theo. They never seem to be on the same page.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The audiobook was well done and the narration was enjoyable and kept me listening. I thought it fit the style of the book quite well and lent to its draw. 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

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I really enjoyed this YA romance sequel and it's predecessor. There was closure at the end, but I wouldn't mind seeing a follow up. There's definitely room for one! Really liked the main and supporting characters and am invested in their stories. Solid audio narration!

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I had such high hopes for *Heir, Apparently* by Kara McDowell because the description promised so much potential. Unfortunately, I had to stop at 30%. The constant miscommunication even that far into the story was beyond frustrating. Instead of feeling like a young adult novel, it was giving off strong teen vibes. Wren, the main character, was the worst part for me—being in her head was downright annoying. Her random thoughts were so scattered that I found myself thinking she needed professional help. The premise was intriguing, but the execution fell flat, and I just couldn’t continue.

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Heir, Apparently by Kara McDowell is the sequel to The Prince and the Apocalypse.
We catch up with Wren back in Chicago broken-hearted trying to start college and move on with her life. One problem, she might be married to the King of England. Full of impulses and excuses she gets her sister and her best friend to take a road trip when she learns that King Theo is in Canada along with her dog Comet. While the government tries to figure out what to do with Wren and Theo's marriage certificate their plane crashes on a deserted island.
Theo and Wren are pretty cute together but have a bad habit of not communicating well. It seemed that every time they started to make progress some new disaster would interrupt them. The other characters were all pretty annoying for the majority of the story. I wanted to strangle Victorian and Henry most of the time but maybe that was the point. I did enjoy Wren's sarcasm and sense of humor as it lightened the tone of the rest of the book.
I enjoyed the Narrator in the audio version I felt like she brought the angst of all teenagers to life
This series is appropriate for a YA audience.
Thank you to Netgalley and RBmedia for this audiobook. All views and opinions are my own.

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I was surprised at how much I loved the first book in this world, and I wasn't sure how the author would continue on the story. I was pleasantly surprised with where the story went in this one, and even though I didn't love it as much as the first I had a lot of fun reading it. I am definitely happy with how this one ended.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This was a really fun and romantic novel. Royal romances seem to be hit or miss for me personally, but I thought this one was fun and humorous. This is a good book to read if you are looking for an escape from daily stressors. I loved the romance, and the heart to this audiobook. I also liked the narrator. of this audiobook, and I would look for more books narrated by her.

Overall a fun and cozy read!

Many Thanks again to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest review.


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If you are a publisher or author who has questions about my reviews (as well as questions about my stats, reach or engagement), please free to email me. I am also open to requests for book reviews from authors or publishers. Thank you again for taking time to read my review, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Ohne Band1 gehört zu haben bin ich in Band 2 gelandet und habe mich dennoch recht gut zurechtgefunden.

Die Geschichte wird humorvoll und kurzweilig erzählt sodass ich gut abgeholt wurde und eine nette Zeit hatte.

Schönes Sommerbuch für zwischendurch!

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This was a fun romance! I didn't read book one but I don't think you need to that much.

The danger element of the plot was fantastic! I loved how the author had a group of people on the island versus just them two, as it really highlighted each character more. Victoria's snootiness is definitely one I'd expect from a British royal (stiff upper lip and all) and Wren's free spirit and indecisiveness is definitely typical of a lot of new adult's on the cusp of leaving the nest.

I felt extremely bad for Henry throughout all of this, especially as he's the one who really wants the chance to rule and the poor soul had that ripped from him (along with some drastic news) and then to have it go once more to someone else. TBH, I think he deserved a better ending.

Overall, this was a fun romcom with just the right amount of danger that had you sitting at the edge of your seat, praying for that HEA.

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I didn't realize this was a sequel, so I immediately read the first book, The Prince & The Apocalypse. WOW, it ended on a massive cliffhanger! I immediately started this book to figure out what would happen next. I don't want to ruin all the adventures, but I loved it all! Kara McDowell is a new author to me, and she's on my radar now! I loved this YA series so much. I highly recommend it. I listened to the audiobook narration for both books, which are narrated well.

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I did not read the first book, though I will definitely be getting and reading the one. Though you do not have to read the first book to read the second, it gives you enough information that you have a pretty good idea of what happened in the first book, and you don't really need all of it to understand what's going on in this one. This is a great story with a mix of natural disaster mixed with royalty and American girl romance. This was done very well and I really enjoyed the story very much.

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There was a lot going on in this book, but I'm not sure that I mean that in a good way...
This book takes place 3 months after the (almost) earth ending events of the past book, with the main character trying to figure out life after expecting the world to end and maybe being married to the new king of England.
Welp, I went into this expecting a love story (I did not read the synopsis, I just picked up the book and jumped right in so maybe the synopsis would have prepared me for the actual content) but instead there was dog napping schemes, lots of family drama, paternity questions, medical emergencies, political issues, escaping paparazzi, oh and wait- a survival story with all kinds random events attacking our survivors.
The ending came on so fast after all the chaos of the rest of the book, I felt almost like whiplash, and then the book was over and I felt like I needed more. But on the positive side, it seems like everything is wrapped up (with a HEA-for now) so I think this is the end of the series.

But the narrator did a great job with all the voices and accents, if this sounds like a book for you pick up the audio!

**On a side note, I have a huge issues with a specific turn of events that made ZERO sense (but all the characters were like, "yes, that makes perfect sense" and I did not get it), but I will not mention is since it deals with all kinds of book spoilers.

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Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this arc!

This was such a cute book. I couldn’t stop listening to it. My first by the author but won’t be my last. I didn’t realize this was a 2 book in a series but the book did great to give me the info I needed so I don’t feel like I missed out.

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I reread this book after reading the first book in the series, and everything looks so different now. Obviously, a lot of the story was spoiled for me because of the mismatched order, but I loved reading the story of how Wren and Theo meet and the development of their relationship.

The plotline isn't the prime highlight of this novel, but the characters and writing. McDowell does such a good job of showing the conflict of emotions and past hurt on the sides of both MCs so that the reader feels them. I loved seeing them thrown into random situations that are pretty bad, but they tackle them in their own unique ways, displaying their personalities.

I think the side characters played a HUGE part in the novel, especially Henry and Victoria with their angst and views. It was also super cool to see Wren and her sister Brooke's equation evolve during the series. I must say that this combo is a hard one to come by. I'm literally addicted to them and I haven't found a YA, forbidden love, action packed, close proximity, royal family novel, which also happened to be part of a duology.

The narrator did a fantastic job of voicing Wren and her adventures, and I also loved the gorgeous accents that she alternated between with ease. I do wish though that we got some of Theo's perspective at some point in the series and it'll make me so happy if the author gives us a few scenes from his POV.

I enjoyed this book so much, and I mean every second of it, so reading reviews of the duology (many readers claim the first book was better than the sequel) make me very hopeful about reading more by this supremely talented author. 100% recommend.

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