Member Reviews

It was a cute, fast-paced adventure-y romance. The addition of Theo's siblings in this sequel was fun and gave this book a certain Inheritance Games vibes. I liked the siblings and would be open to reading books set in this world that focus on Henry, specifically, as I think he would have a very interesting story. The audio narrator was great.

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This is the second book in the series and I have not yet read the first, however, I will definitely be adding the first in the series to my TBR! Heir, Apparently was funny, action-packed, totally unbelievable at times (while managing to feel totally believable at the same time somehow!). I finished the audiobook in one day as I needed to hear more of Theo and Wren’s story.

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I devoured THE PRINCE & THE APOCALYPSE by Kara McDowell, and I'm so happy I had a copy of the sequel, 𝗛𝗘𝗜𝗥, 𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗟𝗬, to find out what happens next. I wondered how anything could eclipse an apocalypse, but Kara McDowell managed to surpass herself! How did she do it? By adding survival into the mix! Wren Wheeler's life was already chaotic enough without accidentally marrying the King of England. Freshman year at Northwestern brings its own stresses, but nothing compares to being in the royal spotlight after a chemistry-fueled reunion with Theo, the king. Their plane crash-lands on a tropical island, leaving Wren, Theo, and their friends to face poisonous animals, catastrophic injuries, and an active volcano. The characters are as wonderful as ever, and I loved spending more time with the secondary characters. The charm, banter, and humor offset the dire circumstances, making the story incredibly readable. I read it from start to finish without stopping, eager to see how it would all end. This sequel is both epic and satisfying, blending excitement and charm perfectly. 𝗛𝗘𝗜𝗥, 𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗟𝗬 is a must-read, but start with THE PRINCE & THE APOCALYPSE first to truly enjoy it!

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🎧 Heir, Apparently🎧
By: Kara McDowell
Narrated By: Laura Knight Keating
Review Score: 4 Stars

Boogie’s Bulletpoints
•There is definitely some intrigue, as the story starts after a comet is supposed to hit the earth and wipe out the world.

•Wren and Theo have amazing chemistry!

•No spoilers, but you really have to suspend reality to stay with this story, lol.

•This book is a sequel, but you do not ned to read the first book to get the gist of the second book.


🎧 Audiobook Review! 🎧

Heir, Apparently was kindly provided as an ARC by Netgalley and RB Media. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy this wonderful book!

Release Date: 7/9/24

I was not sure what to expect when I started this book. Wren is married to Theo, the heir (and soon to be) King. She decides to get her dog back from him, and chaos, literal chaos, ensues.

There are a lot of layers to this story, and I don’t want to reveal spoilers, but let’s just say, Theo and Wren then go on a WILD adventure, trying to figure out what to do with their marriage (and if it’s even real), Theo’s upcoming coronation, and their feelings for each other.

This was a fun read, trying to see where everyone would end up. As I mentioned above, though, you really have to suspend reality to believe what keeps happening to the characters (I wrote as I was reading, what is this, Grey’s Anatomy?) lol.

Still, it was a fun and wild read. It was hooked, and I wanted to know how the story ended. That is, for sure, a sign of a good book!

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Rating: 5/5
I received eARC & Audio for my honest opinion.

This book picks up right where book one ended. You will get to see how Wren is picking up the pieces of her heart and life after finding out that the comet was destroyed and she gets to live her life… but can she? She still remembers the 8 days she spent with the now King of England, the adventures they had while traveling to Greece to get her on his private jet to take her home, oh and we can’t forget the marriage certificate… that was supposed to be fake but looks legitimate. When she finds out that the royal family will be in Canada and King Theo is there with the dog that they rescued on their adventure she makes up her mind to go up there and get her dog back and get answers about this Marriage certificate. However, just like the first book, something always happens to make it so life is not easy on them and everything goes wrong right away. Is there any way that these two lovebirds can make things work, and find their way out of another sticky situation?

I loved this book just like the first one, but it had so much more in this book. The author has a way that will bring the book to life for the reader and it made me feel as though I was there with them on this uninhabitable island after a plane crash. This plane had the royal family in it, along with Wren, her best friend and her sister. You will get to see the survivors group together and make a horrible situation better but with Wren and Theo’s luck something always goes wrong and OH BOY DOES it. I found the pace of the book to be steady and it fit just right with the plot. You won’t find a boring part in this book. I won’t lie and say that I liked the parts where Wren and Theo didn’t talk about their feelings but it helped to build their chemistry up and when they finally do SWOON!! I liked that it was wrapped up nicely and that it had an HEA. The new and old characters were great and you found that everyone had their right parts and places in the book to help the story along. I found the banter between the characters to be uplifting during that experience and even afterwards.

I also received the audio for this book and wow the narrator did a great job with reprising Wren and Theo, but in general bringing this book to life. I felt what the characters were going through, all their emotions and indecision that they were having. I could listen to Laura Knight Keating narrating any books now, because she does an amazing job.

I want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin/RB Media for the opportunity to review this book.

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I freaking LOVED this sequel to The Prince & The Apocalypse. Kara McDowell can WRITE a YA novel and I'll just be reading every single thing she's done now.

Here we are in life after The Apocalypse that wasn't. Wren is unsure of what her future looks like, she can't decide on a major and school starts soon. She's moving to the dorms and getting ready for the first day when she finds out Theo and Comet are just a car ride away in Canada on a press tour. One rescue mission gone wrong later Wren, Theo, Naomi, Brooke, and two of Henry's siblings are on a new adventure to survive a plane crash into the Atlantic.

This adventure in Wren and Theo's lives is full of chaos! I was in a state the entire time I was reading this book, I could NOT put it down because I needed to find out every detail. The ending almost crushed me, do we get the HEA or more heart-break? This one has been released so go give it a listen and find out! You will not be sorry!

Thank you to NetGalley, RBMedia, and Kara McDowell for the opportunity to listen to and review this book.

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"Heir, Apparently" by Kara McDowell is such a cute and fun read! It's perfect for the summer when you're looking for something light and entertaining. The story is engaging and full of delightful moments that keep you turning the pages.

I wasn't aware that this was a second book, and I didn't read the first one, but it wasn't difficult to catch up at all. McDowell does a great job of weaving in enough background information to make this book enjoyable as a standalone. However, if you truly want to know the whole story and get the full experience, it's probably better to start with the first book.

Overall, I highly recommend "Heir, Apparently." It's an enjoyable read that will make you smile, perfect for a lazy summer day.

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I was provided both the ebook and audio ARC of this book via Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

This was really cute, especially because we get closure on Wren and Theo's romance. Admittedly I preferred the first book to the second. it was missing the parts that I loved from the first book about Wren and Theo connecting on their journeys of self discovery and having vulnerable moments.

I found Wren and Theo to be frustrating in this installment. She was either way to stubborn for her own good or she was making poor decisions that made it hard to root for her. Theo on the other hand was trying to do what he thought was best and a lack of communication ensues. I'm not a fan of the miscommunication or lack of communication trope in general, and it is a big part of the plotline. When you put that into perspective of all of the other zany things that the cast has to face throughout the book their character actions really aren't that bad, but I was expecting more of what we had in book 1 from them. This follows not only Wren and Theo, but a whole cast of characters when their plane crashes on a remote island and chaos ensues. Their romance seems to incite apocalyptic events, and this is no different. They face hunger, injury, medical crisis, and more as they try to find a way off the island. There are also alot of personality differences and feelings that have to be dealt with as well.

Overall this is a quick and cute conclusion to the duology. I'm not sure if there will be more books in the series, but this is a satisfying ending to Wren and Theo's story. If you can put aside some of the unrealistic things that happen, this is a fun read. This would be a perfect beach read or something to read by the pool this summer. This is perfect for YA readers, though there is some vulgar language sprinkled throughout if that is a concern.

The narrator did a wonderful job with all of the characters. I thought she did a good job with the accents and giving each character a unique voice. It made the audiobook really enjoyable to listen to.

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Wren may have accidentally married the king of England…but the marriage certificate and the ceremony may not have been legit. Well, she’s gotta find out sooner or later. So she travels to where the king will be in Canada and as chaos ensues, wren ends up on a plane with the king and his siblings bound for England. That is until the plane crashes and they all end up on a deserted island. Will they be able to get off the island in time for the coronation ceremony? But most importantly, is wren and the king really married?

So, I wasn’t aware that this was a sequel when I first started listening to it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The beginning of the book does reference things that happened in the first book so if you want to fully understand, it’s best you read the first one first. Overall, this was enjoyable. An interesting idea of the king of England being very young and balancing the idea of being king or being a normal person. And as always, I love the inclusion of a dog in any story! I also appreciated the view point that wren has. She feels like she might not have a purpose since she doesn’t have a firm idea of what to do with her life. So to feel like she has a purpose, she’s willing to make a choice that could mean she wouldn’t be happy. I think we all do that in order to feel like we’re of need somewhere. This was a 3.5 ⭐️ read for me! I may even go back and read the first book now! 😉

Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to listen to this audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

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Aside from the fact that this book felt like a Grey’s Anatomy season with the amount of tragedies that kept occurring, the premise was pretty cute. People in crazy positions do crazy things, like get married. Their relationship was pretty cute and you could tell there was attraction there even when they wanted to deny it. The complication of the royalty was just an added layer but it was interesting to see how they overcame it.

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I received this advance listening copy and it had me engaged from Chapter 1. This cute romcom had much more than a standard love story and had me on the edge of my seat for the 24 hours I could not put it down. The second book picks up where Wren left off in Book 1, surviving the apocalypse, preparing for college and finding out her elopement to the future British King is real, but of course, Wren has not heard from him. This book had a dabble of romance, a lot of funny banter between the main characters and their siblings and friends and some unexpected adventure. I would recommend anyone looking for a fun read to pick it up and enjoy the ride.

Thank you NetGalley - RBmedia for this Advance Listen Copy.

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A gigantic THANK YOU to the author, Kara McDowell, the publisher, RBmedia, and NetGalley for giving me the chance to say my honest opinion of this audiobook.

A delightfully messed up romance comedy! As a Swiftie, I appreciate the mentions of Taylor and I believe that many of our young readers in our library will love this book as well! As I didn't get the chance to read the first novel in the series The Prince & The Apocalypse, I yearned to learn the backstory of Wren and Theo. Alas, that in no way affected my review of this audiobook and my enjoyment of it. The characters, the adventures and mishaps, were really relatable at points and gave away the thought and time that went into this masterpiece.
All in all, the very best can be said about this book!

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In my head, this was going to be, like, a rom-com?'s everything that's ever gone wrong in a survival/questing story but with IDIOTS who ONLY make BAD DECISIONS.

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The Prince & the Apocalypse was a rare five star read for me. Of course, I was ecstatic about the sequel. But I'm so confused after finished Heir, Apparently. It definitely wasn't the book I thought it was going to be. It's 85 percent a survival story and characters just *not* talking to each other about anything. I hate the miscommunication trope. Nothing anyone does in this book makes any kind of sense. Which, is the point, because I think this series is a fun escapism story. But disbelief can only be carried out for so long.

In Heir, Apparently we pick right back with the plot from the first book a few weeks later. Wren and Theo aren't speaking. Wren may or may not be married to him. Theo is about to be crowned King. And Wren just wants her dog back. Impulsively, she takes off to Canada while the Royal family is there to dognap Comet. She gets caught up with the Theo and his royal siblings instead because of course she does. They decide she has to go back home with them while they deal with Wren and Theo's 'marriage' getting leaked to the press. (Did we find out who did it? If so my brain skipped right over it.) Their plane crashes and then it's basically Lost with a volcano. Was there a volcano on Lost? I don't remember. Anyway, they eventually get rescued after everyone almost dies from different things. Wren and Theo have made zero growth in their relationship and still don't talk. I guess it's cool though cause they do admit they love each other. And I swear to every single deity in existence, the ending of this book could have been a choose-your-own-adventure ending. It literally gave me whiplash. We get one ending that's clear as day. Except it's not. Just for another ending to emerge. (This one I was on board with and kinda pissed we didn't get it. Yes it was the 'fairytale' ending.) And then, wait, let's do something else again *eyeroll*. But wait... there's even one more secret option. I was emotionally exhausted and almost didn't care how it ended anymore. I just wanted it to end. There is a nod to what happened to Princess Diana irl. You can't tell me it's not. I'm conflicted about it being used for the sake of drama. I do like that we can also see a resemblances of what happened with Harry and Meghan at times, too, though. Which you also can't convince me aren't there. Princess M fan to day I die. Fight me.

I know my ranting makes it seem like I disliked Heir, Apparently. That's not true. I love royal romance stories. And I absolutely inhaled the audiobook and listened to it every chance I had. It was entertaining and kept my interest. I just wasn't a fan of a lot (most) of the choices that were made. I'd still read a third book about all the idiot characters old and new. (Give me a Henry book please. I'll beg.)

***Thank you to RBmedia Recorded Books and Wednesday Books for providing me with a review copy.***

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I really enjoyed this book! Disclaimer: I did not read the first, but I don’t feel as if I missed anything by not reading it! The author gave JUST enough hints at the story before that gave me plenty of backstory to understand.

First off, Wren and Theo are the CUTEST! I am so excited that they get a HEA that is perfect for them. I mean, who wouldn’t make it if they survived a potential comet (first book) and plane crash (this book) and STILL loved each other?!

Thank you NetGalley for this Audio copy of this book!

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I'm sad I didn't love this as much as I loved the first. It was enjoyable and kept me reading, but I struggled at times with some of the plot being as extreme as it was. In all fairness nothing was going to be as good as book 1 was, but I wanted to love this one just a little more then I did. If you go in with expectations to just enjoy a fun book about royals and Americans, then you will be fine because that is what it was, a fun read.

I look forward to what else Kara has in store for us in the future. And I really enjoyed this narrator,

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Thank you so much to RB Media for the complimentary audio!

Last year a book friend kept raving about The Prince & The Apocalypse so I thought let's give it a try and I absolutely loved it! I am fairly certain I finished the audio in a day because I was so enthralled into the fun story. So when Kara announced that we were getting a sequel (which it made total sense with how it ended).

This book picks off just about right after the last book ended. And let me tell you, if you didn't already love Wren in the first book, this book would make you a fan of her! I absolutely loved Wren in this. Her personality comes off as the average girl next door who ironically went through a not so average event.

Honestly this book was just such a good time from start to finish. There was a lot happening but I did not care, it worked for the story! I love that we got to see Wren back home trying to have some sort of normal life while possibly being married to the newly dubbed King of England? The world was ending in 8 days and in that time was enough to have forge a connection with Prince Theo and make a lasting impression on her. In the words of Wren, "So this is how I die. Not from.a world-ending comet but from the excruciating anticipation of waiting to see a boy."

Somehow they are always cursed when they are with one another and instead of a comet, this time it was a plane crash. But this time they have a whole crew with them! Which honestly added to the fun of the book. Everyone had such different personalities and them all working together on how to survive this crash. Henry was a surprising favorite of mine by the end. Poor guy! He was that annoying younger brother but he provided some entertainment moments.

I was about to throw my kindle at the tension between Wren and Theo once they reconnected. It was becoming too much for me. There was a moment when Henry is being extra friendly with Wren and Wren asks Theo if it bothers him that his brother is flirting with him and he looks at her and says, "yes." THE GASP I GASPED. My heart was so happy for Wren in that moment because it was kind of confirmation that perhaps Theo did have something for her. I was so happy when they finally had a conversation and kissed! "I choose you anyway, every day, forever." SWOOOOON
I wish we got more time with them together just them two but I understood why we didn't aka they were stranded on an island with real life problems.

I paired my reading with the audio and Laura Knight Keating is reprising her role as Wren and Theo. But as I mentioned above we had a whole cast of characters and Laura did such a great job with the different voices to help distinguish the characters. It made the listening experience so easy and mixed with Kara's writing kept me very engaged.

I am sad to see this duology come to an end but I thought the ending was very satisfying and I only want the best for all the characters!
I can't wait to see what direction Kara goes to next with her next book

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3.5 stars - mostly because I didn't read book one first - probably would have been a solid 4 star read if I realized this was book two and had the context of the events of book one.

This was a super fun and silly royal romance. If you can get past the ridiculousness that is the number of tragic events that take place in this book it will probably give you a bit of a chuckle (see the list at the end for some spoilers of the situations they face)

I went into this not realizing it was book two in the series/duology until I went to write this review. I seriously wished I read book one first, because it would have provided a lot more context for the MMC and FMC's shared history. The parts of this book that didn't really work well for me were directly related to the fact that I felt like it lacked information about the character's shared history. At one point I even thought to myself, "I feel like I need a book about what happened the first time this couple met." Welp, joke is on me, because there is one and I just hadn't read it.

I recognize this is a YA novel, but I would have preferred it if these characters were aged up. They almost get married not once, but twice. She's only 18 and he is 19. He is already the King since his mother passed away of a heart attack. They experience enough tragedy and chaotic circumstances in a span of a few months than basically the entire population over the course of their lives.

There is some character growth, but still a lot of maturing to go through - which makes sense given their age. I found the FMC to be pretty relatable for her age group.

The performance delivered by Laura Knight Keating was great! Regardless of some of the ridiculous elements of this book, Laura kept me engaged and listening. I feel like she might have saved this book for me.

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I had no idea this was the second book in this series. It reads really well as a stand-alone! The backstory was very well covered and I didn’t feel like I was missing anything. I loved all the characters, they were all uniquely themselves and so well written. This book is action packed and absolutely unputdownable. I couldn’t get enough! I was absolutely stunned by the ending but still loved it!
I listened to this one on audio and the narrator is 👌🏼 so so good!

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I received this book in audio format as an ARC copy from Netgalley. I was very excited after reading the blurb, but about 10 minutes in, I realized there was a lot of backstory I was missing. Sure enough, there was a previous title, The Prince & the Apocalypse, so I paused this one and read that one. Could you read this as a stand-alone? Maybe, yes. However, I enjoyed the story much more as a whole than as it's 2 separate parts. This book was like an extended epilogue of the 1st book, not that it's a bad thing! I do love closure. The story continued from the parting of Theo and Wren, and one of my favorite parts was learning about how the world recovered from "comet week". I always wanted the story of what happened AFTER the world was saved in the movie Armageddon, and this gave it. I will say that I thought that the back and forth of their relationship started to give me whiplash, but all's well that ends well in an HEA.

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