Member Reviews

This book was so sweet and magical! It perfectly encapsulates the complexity of a small town, finding a great balance between authentic and idyllic. I enjoyed how different the MCs were while still meshing in a natural way. At the same time, they are so quintessentially teenage, and it’s so heartwarming. I was rooting for them the whole time! Overall, this was a sweet love story that had me ready for the holidays 3+ months early!

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(3.5/5 stars)

This was a very sweet holiday romance that I enjoyed somewhat. It was more dramatic than I was expecting it to be, but I still had a good time.

Even though these two main characters are together for twelve days, I still think the romance was kind of rushed. The yearning and falling in love felt like it happened so fast and I was honestly caught off guard. I found Caroline to be way too trusting of Arden, and Arden to be so ‘go-with-the-flow’ when I feel like she shouldn’t have been.

I also found the writing to be repetitive, especially with the yearning and falling in love. And the ending too, which of course I won’t give too much away with the details. While this was very sweet, I found a lot of the elements of the novel to be cliche and even it was done on purpose I still just wasn’t vibing with it.

Now I did love Caroline and Arden together. They were so cute together and I just loved the way they communicated. It felt so realistic and they had good chemistry. SO many romantic scenes that I had a fun time reading.

This is a great cheesy holiday romance that brings all of the holiday feels. A book for those who like light-hearted, sweet romances that are also kind of eye-rolling but in a eye-rolling while smiling way.

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A very cute, sapphic story for the holidays! I really enjoyed SHE GETS THE GIRL and FORGET ME NOT, and this book falls right in line with the authors' previous works. I thought the supporting characters were good and appreciated the charming setting of a small Pennsylvania town (PA pride!). There were moments that I wished were fleshed out more, like Arden's Hollywood partying, and I often thought that this story would work better in the adult genre. Although MAKE MY WISH COME TRUE didn't hit as well for me as the other books did, I still recommend it for anyone looking for a cozy, romantic read!

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I really wanted to like this book but unfortunately I found it to be entirely too similar to She Gets The Girl. I find hometown girl gets swept away into stardom and forgets her roots to be boring and unoriginal. I both understood why Caroline was pissed at Arden but found the "pissed off" attitude dragged on way longer than it needed to. At the end of the day if I'm more rooting for the 3rd option (Taylor the cheerleader) than the actual love interest I think something must have failed.

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Rachael Lippincott and Alyson Derrick are an iconic combo, absolutely dominating Sapphic YA Lit. Every one of their projects, combined and individually, reflects the love they have for writing and for each other. MAKE MY WISH COME TRUE is no exception. Perfect for the holidays, this book is everything you could want: fake dating, celebrity romance, and gay romance! It got me into the Winter / Christmas spirit far too early.

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Thanks to netgalley for the ARC! Such a cute romance and, more importantly, such a cute YA lesbian romance. When I read books like these, I’m sad that they weren’t around when I was young. I can think of so many people in my life who would’ve loved to see themselves in books and probably would’ve felt way better about who they really were sooner. Glad these books are out there now. Caroline and Arden are childhood friends whose friendship dissolved when Arden left and got famous and never came back. Now Arden’s image needs a change, and her agent decides a cozy hometown romance with Caroline is just what she needs. Cue the cute holiday dates and a second chance at love for them both. While I found this refreshing and sweet and loved all the representation and support and love within, I did feel it wasn’t all realistic. But…it didn’t ruin it for me. I don’t think I’ve ever read a LGBTQ romance novel that was so lovely all around and that would appeal to any lover or romance, even straight, not-teen me. I look forward to recommending it to young people who need it in their lives. FYI profanity, talk of casual sex, underage drinking, and crappy family situations (delightfully balanced by some good ones)

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Great YA book, but also very YA for a plot that feels like it's about adults. You get every thought they have about each other and not much else. Will make a great Christmas rec!

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This achingly beautiful ya sapphic holiday second chance romance story follows Caroline and Arden as they reconnect 4 years after Arden left to pursue a career in acting in their small town of Barnwich. Caroline grieved the loss of her best friend turned crush and never could get over why Arden never bothered to call, text, email, or return back to their small town to visit. Arden did anything she was told in order to get famous and become an actress, even if that meant leaving everyone and everyone behind in the only place she truly felt like herself. When Arden auditions for a role that could literally change everything, including her bad/party girl image, she and her manager devise a plan for Arden to fake date her childhood friend Caroline so that she can prove to the director how much she deserves this new role. If Caroline agrees to go along with Arden’s plan, she could get an opportunity of a lifetime to publish an article for Cosmo that will surely get her that boost in her application to her dream school Columbia for journalism. Unfortunately things turn a lot more complicated when Arden and Caroline start spending time together and slowly reconnecting and putting the pieces together of just how much they mean to one another. After 12 “fake” days of dating, Caroline and Arden are faced with the difficult reality of what it would mean if they were truly meant for each other.

I love how much heart this story contains and how well I could just transport myself into this story. It's full of so much emotion and love, you really can’t help but fall for this small town and everyone who lives in it. Even though the town was based on years of keeping up traditions, I’m glad the authors incorporated different faiths and religions into forming new traditions and adding even more to the beloved town. The hot chocolate making contest, cutting down your own Christmas tree, sledding, caroling, Christmas tree lighting, and mom and pop shops, made the setting and atmosphere so fun, enchanting, and relatable. Honestly this book could easily be made into an amazing hallmark film and even into an adult story with some smut too!

As for Caroline and Arden, I loved them both individually and together. They were both well developed, I felt like I really knew them, and I especially loved how cute they were with each other. The 12 fake dates were adorable and sweet just like them. Yes Arden did take a little more time to like and understand, but once you know why she did everything she did, you can't help but grow to love her just as much as Caroline. Even though Taylor has a soft spot in my heart, I know Caroline and Arden were meant to have their second chance. Even though it took a while to get to the romance, it made the wait totally worth it after that first kiss. I appreciated how well written both Arden and Caroline were, with just the right amount of maturity mixed in with the emotions and brain of teenagers who have complicated lives and don’t always make the right decisions in the moment. Even though most teens don’t have the experience of being a young, famous Hollywood actress, everything Arden went through, especially the horrors of being taken advantage of and not knowing how to handle fame, were told in a way that made her feel relatable. For example, having to move away from your childhood hometown and friends, having shitty parents, learning how to balance work and your personal life, and making decisions for you, instead of for someone else. Caroline was your favorite hometown girl who you automatically root for, I mean how can you not love a girl who works at a diner just to help her best friends grandma out, or someone who doesn’t have an athletic bone in her body somehow makes the game winning basketball shot to send her team to the playoffs, and even someone who was so hurt by her best friend’s betrayal, was able to find a way to forgive her and let her into her heart again.

Side characters too were absolutely phenomenal and well written. From Arden’s Grams, Caroline’s sister Riley and older brothers, Taylor, Maya, Finn, Austin, even the old ladies who tried cheating in the hot chocolate competition! Arden’s Gram Edie was so darn loveable, you could just feel how torn apart she was about Arden leaving, but yet loved her so much and was always there for her. She was so hardworking and hilarious too, so I’m definitely glad Arden gifted her the corvette because she totally deserved it. I cannot say enough good things about Taylor, man I loved her, she is the sweetest most caring head cheerleader I have ever read. Maya was so funny, I loved how she had Caroline’s back and her tough love towards Arden. Both Austin and Finn were sweet, funny, and a perfect couple. Caroline’s brothers were also very caring and supportive, with such great personalities. Riley was one of my favs though, you couldn’t help but love her personality and how much she loved Caroline. All the characters really were incredibly authentic, played their part extremely well, and just made you feel like you were part of the town.

In terms of romance, there was definitely lots of angst and pining, but I would be lying if I didn’t say I wish there would have been a tad more romance after Caroline and Arden finally realized their feelings for each other. The chemistry was great, nothing wrong with the set up, but again, I just wanted more time with them two together, especially given there was no epilogue! Even though it was a bit predictable, that didn’t stop me rooting for them all the way. I can understand how it would seem off putting to others that as soon as Arden returns, Caroline basically jumps at the chance to be with her, even though she completely broke her heart without any explanation. Even with all that in mind though, there is clear love and tender heartfelt moments between the two that make them truly worthy of a second chance romance. Their dynamic together had you feeling all the feels, joy, hurt, sadness, and a deep love based on years of friendship. I loved how Arden helped Caroline grow and do things outside her comfort zone, and how Caroline wasn’t afraid to call Arden out on her bullshit. Each had their own flaws and triumphs and once you read that final article that Caroline writes, you can’t deny how they bring out the best in each other.

Overall, I cant recommend this amazing story enough, it truly has you gripped from the start and doesn’t let go. Between the immersive small town, loveable and authentic characters, intriguing plot line, and holiday joy that is emitted on every page. Which is why this is by far one of my favorite YA sapphic holiday romances I have ever read!

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I am a sucker for a heartwarming holiday romance and couldn’t wait to get my hands on this YA sapphic holiday romance! This story had an abundance of small town charm and I loved how the story was a celebration of honoring long held traditions and building community with others to establish new traditions that are more inclusive.

I really loved how supportive and fiercely protective Caroline’s friend group was and how they were always looking out for each other, always ready to defend or encourage. These characters brought humor, charm, and heart to every page.

Caroline was such an endearing character and I think many readers will relate to her - how she is an extremely loyal friend and sister and a driven student with big professional dreams, but who sometimes finds herself on the fringes, nervous to take a chance and make herself a main character. I enjoyed seeing her growth as she found her voice, took a chance on herself, and stayed true to her heart.

What I didn’t love was Arden’s storyline. I cannot fathom the pressures she felt growing up in the public eye, especially when she lacked support from her parents (they’re the worst) and her agent (Lillian is garbage), but I really wanted to see more growth and healing for Arden. After not being in contact with Caroline for four years, I shared in Caroline’s frustrated when Arden showed up and expected her to go along with a plan to fake date… and rehab Arden’s image. Like, what?? I think Arden loved Caroline in her own way, but had a crummy way of showing it.

Overall, there were some heartwarming moments of friendship, family, and community and I loved the warm fuzzies that come with the winter months when the twinkle lights and snow feel like you’re in a snow globe.

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This book was such a cute holiday romance! The Hallmark vibes (but make it sapphic) in the book were perfect, and it was a very enjoyable read. I loved seeing Arden grow into herself throughout the book while going on the fake dates with Caroline. The town and side characters were also so charming that I found myself searching on maps for Barnwich because of how much the book made me want to go there (it’s not a real place, unfortunately).

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Maybe I’m a little too old for this?(27F) but it felt somewhat…. Hard to relate or get invested in the characters. I honestly DNF’d at 26%

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I always love a book by Rachael and Alyson, though I didn't connect with this one in the same way as the others. The pacing was a little off and the slow burn a little too slow for me, but overall this is a super cute, enjoyable read.

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This book was a sweet holiday romance, however to me it was a bit slow at times.

I didn't feel overly connected to the characters - though I could see that maybe a younger audience would! I would still recommend this as a fun young adult, cozy holiday read!

Thank you Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for this ARC!

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Honestly, I think I may have just outgrown Rachael and Alyson's writing style. I really loved She Gets the Girl (I read it at a time when I really needed it, I think) but I just didn't have that same attachment to this one.

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This was a sweet, wholesome holiday, sapphic YA romance novel. The co-writers, as always, brought their signature writing skills to Make My Wish Come True and, yeah, it was very cute and adorable and sweet. It reads very quickly and was a relatively short book. Compelling main characters, interesting holiday premise. Seriously perfect to read during the snowy months.

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If you love the classic holiday movies, this book will surely be a hit! While at times suspension of belief is needed to fully immerse yourself in the story, it creates a fun saphhic story that incorporates not only the classic Christmas cheer, but also a dash of Hannukah spirit as well.

For my own interests, the story was a bit too straightforward with the 12-dates format. It seems like some of the moments of character development happened quickly because we were jumping between events too quickly. The pacing also meant some of the more complicated aspects of the story got brushed over, especially when it came to drinking, drugs, family abandonment, and planning for the future. Fleshing these moments out would have gone a long way to grounding the story. It would likely have lost some of its holiday spirit, so I can imagine that's why the authors chose not to expand on those moments, but it does feel like a missed opportunity.

If you're in the mood for something lighthearted and cute, this is a great book for you! It's a solid story, just not my favorite by Lippincott and Derrick.

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This book was the perfect YA sapphic holiday romance! Through the dual POV narration Rachael and Alyson capture so many beautiful moments seen through different lenses. You really feel like you are watching these young women fall in love and seeing all of the ups and downs that come with it.

These two are so easy to cheer on as they are figuring out who they want to be in the world both on their own and to each other. This story perfectly encapsulates that feeling of being eighteen and trying to figure out what you want, what you’re doing, and who you are.

Caroline is the small town, Jewish, aspiring journalist who lives in a Christmas-centric town. Her point of view gives excellent dialogue on the many pieces of identity one can have all coming together.

Arden is the famous party girl actress who is forced to go back to the small town she left in order to get her dream role. Her point of view captures the feeling of needing to be a certain way to fit in while also trying to maintain who you are. In a world of mounting pressures, Arden is trying to figure out how she can be in one world while her heart and self are in another.

Beautifully told, these two experience the whirlwind that is young love through a series of twelve “fake” dates. They laugh together, share so many sweet moments, and share some not so wise moments because they’re eighteen and when you’re eighteen that happens sometimes. Weaved together with both points of view, this story will take you through the many emotions of being young and in love.

This holiday season grab your blanket, a mug of hot chocolate, and this book for a perfectly cozy and lovely read!

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This has got to be one of my favorite books of the year. I can’t wait until it’s released and I can grab a copy. It’s such a wonderful book. The holiday vibes are perfect. The two main characters are easy to connect with, even the side characters were awesome. I definitely recommend Make My Wish Come True to anybody who loves a good sapphic romance. 5 stars!

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Thank you author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book!!

I think She Gets the Girl was so good that I went into this book with such low expectations. My brain just thought Alyson and Rachel couldn't possibly release hit after hit… I was so wrong!

Listen! There was a hot chocolate contest and it was so compelling that I had to go and make myself hot chocolate. I hardly ever cry when I read but when Arden was talking about leaving for LA, I had actually tears. I cried, I laughed and I was giggling and kicking my feet! I WILL be reading this again!

Must read!!!

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I knew that this book was going to be great considering the great work that these two authors have produced in the past. What I didn't know was how real these characters were going to feel. There is love, pain, and hurt in this sapphic romance. I loved the side characters as well. They moved the story forward in a way that was necessary. They also felt like people that you know. It is hard to make side characters have that much depth, but the authors did it so well! I also liked that this holiday romance included more than just Christmas. I would recommend this holiday sapphic YA romance to anyone!

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