Member Reviews

This just wasn't the right book for me, I guess.
My main criticism is that you start out and are shoved into a world and don't learn what's actually going on. That's really frustrating when you have to keep re-reading stuff because you think you missed something. But you read it 2x times, 3x times and realize it's not getting any better.
You're thrown into it and you're overloaded.
Then came the characters. Many of the characters were bland to me. Unfortunately, there were also a lot of characters so I quickly lost track of them. For example, our main character, Annie, has two best friends. And they were interchangeable. No, really. You could have swapped them out and they would still be exactly the same.
So I couldn't get into this book, consequently it didn't pick me up. But the cover is a real feast for the eyes.
Provided by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.