Member Reviews

Length: 5/5
Art: 3/5
Characterisation (Hetty🐘): 5/5
Story: 4/5
Prose: 2.5/5
Themes: 5/5

It won our hearts thanks to many scenes it contained to gradually build up the situation.

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Adorable!! I absolutely loved the artwork in this book! The storyline was great as well! I really appreciate the message of the story showing that everyone is unique and has special skills to share with the world. Loved it!

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Adorable book with an important message. Essential reading for any young person. Hetty the elephant feels lesser because she can’t climb, during the story she learns that everyone has different strengths and it’s silly to judge everyone by the same yard stick.
Perfect story time book with adorable illustrations and even has a worksheets at the back to help young readers identify their own unique talents. Highly recommend!
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own

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The story of Climb by Hannah Peckham is about celebrating our unique gifts. Hetty's ears were floppy. Unlike all of her forest friends, she couldn't climb trees. As a result, she felt inferior and sad. She was unable to climb the ancestral tree. Their long, loose arms made them nimble. Although she was kind, fun, and strong, Hetty's worth was overlooked. There was one thing she had that the others lacked, and that was her ability to blow large amounts of water out of her trunk. Despite her determination to climb the ancient tree, she was defeated every day in training. One day Hetty sat at the watering hole thinking. While she may not be able to climb, she is strong, brave, and loyal. We all have different talents. About that time, the rainforest friends began to smell something different. It was a fire! She knew what she had to do, "Get water!" and she did. The rest of the group did not move. Hetty used her trunk to fight the flames on that day. Her courage knew no bounds. That day, every animal learned a valuable lesson.

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What a cute and wonderful book. I love the lesson it teaches kids and the unique names and animals. The illustration was absolutely adorable. The worksheets at the end were so fun! I would highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Hannah Peckham, and Rosen Publishing Group for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This book has a stunning message to share. It teaches children and parents that everyone can achieve different things based on their own skillset. It reminded me of all those multiple choice exams in school and how some students (myself included) really struggled with them.

I read Climb with my daughter, who is a bit young for longer stories, but she was captivated by the beautiful illustrations. This is definitely a book I want to add to my daughter's library.

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This book does a beautiful job of teaching kids that our differences should be celebrated. We each have different gifts and talents and should embrace those things that make us unique.
The illustrations were darling and added greatly to the charm of this story.
I appreciate the effort and talent that it took to write this book in rhyme, however, I feel that in some places it took away from the book.

*Thank you to NetGalley and Rosen Publishing Group for the arc, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"We all are good at something, elephant, fish, bird, or bee."

This was exactly as adorable and uplifting as I'd hoped it would be. Poor Hetty just wants to climb a tree like the rest of her friends, but despite her toughest attempts she can't do it! However, Hetty has her own special talent that makes her realize she has worth beyond being able to do what others can.

There are, of course, tons of children's books with this same message -- but it's something all of us need a reminder of from time to time. I loved the poetic pace, adorable illustrations, and bonus activity pages in the back of the book! ♥

(Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an early free copy in exchange for an honest review.)

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The illustrations in this book are so stinking cute!! This is a rhyming book, but I kind of feel like the rhyming takes away from it because the words had to be arranged differently for them to be rhyming. It just didn't feel like an easy smooth read, more like kind of jagged. It had a good story of our individual talents, but choppy reading. L really like the questions at the end of the book, they should generate some really good conversations withe the reader and the listener. Thanks to Netgalley and Rosen Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review.

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Hannah Peckham’s <i>Climb</i> is the sort of book that I appreciate, despite it being something I feel I’ve heard over and over and over again in so many different scenarios and circumstances. Perhaps that is simply what we are left with when one writes a children’s book about such a well-known moral lesson: that we cannot measure everyone’s intelligence, talents, and capabilities by the same yardstick.

Put simply: elephants cannot climb trees, so to measure their worth solely through that metric does everyone a disservice.

If this is a lesson you are trying to impart on your children or your students, by all means pick up <i>Climb</i>. The story is cute, it imparts the message in a beautiful way, and the artwork is fun and engaging for young readers.

Does <i>Climb</i> truly stand out immeasurably in the grand scheme of things? Not really. But it does accomplish what it sets out to.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! This book was very well written and enjoyable. It teaches children to celebrate their differences, and to stop comparing themselves to others because they are special and amazing in their own way. This book is about an elephant who is different from the other animals around her because she can’t climb trees, but when something happens can she step up and do what’s right using her own special skill sets? This is a great picture book!

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Hetty's story was so adorable and inspiring! This book perfectly demonstrated the message that everyone is different and everyone has their own unique strengths. But most importantly, that everyone matters no matter their strengths or differences. Don't get me wrong, there are a bunch of books out there just like this one, that convey the exact same message. However, Hetty's story was different. It brought a freshness to the world of kids' books.
All of that greatness was perfectly complemented with the impressive illustrations. The details were flawless, and the pictures definitely helped to engage me even further. This will work really well for the young kids reading this.
The story was spectacular, like I said, but I had one little issue with it. I think that, for a kids' book, some of the words/terms were a bit advanced for their reading level, even if they are reading with their parents/guardians. An example of this would be page 29 with "deforestation division". Things like this will go right over young readers' heads. Not that parents/guardians can't explain to confused kids, it just makes for a less enjoyable reading experience.
Lastly, I want to give credit for the ending. The worksheets (and potential coloring pages!) in the back of the book were perfect for kids to apply the morals from Hetty's story to their own lives. The questions are simple yet effective, and makes for a more interactive and personal reading experience.

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A very cute children’s book about finding the right place for yourself in this crazy, crazy world. You may think that you meant to one thing, but the universe has other plants for you and maybe another job or location is really where you’re meant to be. I think we’ve all been Hetty at one time or another- I know I have!

I read this book as an ARC from NetGallery. I read this book to my three-year-old son, and he really enjoyed the pictures!

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This book was absolutely darling! My kids and I just really enjoyed this sweet story!! I loved the illustrations. It was just such a beautiful book.

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A very cute little book about the importance of embracing what you do well and not comparing yourself to others.
There is an interesting rhyme scheme to the book, where in the beginning only the second and fourth lines rhyme. By the end, every line rhymes.
The message of the book is fantastic, the layout makes it easy to read, and the pictures are adorable. Truly, a good book for little ones.

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