Member Reviews

I was THRILLED to find out this series wasn’t finished!

The Before the Coffee Gets Cold series is one of my favorites. It is a whimsical story of a coffee shop that is rumored to allow you to travel back in time or to the future. There are several rules you must follow if you want to travel back in time:

1) you have to wait for a mysterious woman to vacate her table
2) you have to stay in your seat. if you stand up you will be stuck in the seat
3) you can’t change the past or future
4) you have to finish your cup of coffee before it gets cold

This book, like the other 4, contains 4 heartwarming stories of people who want to travel to the past or the future for whatever reason. They visit cafe Funiculi Funicula full of grief, anxiety, regret, or hope. I found this story to be much more emotional and in depth than the previous ones, even though they are all 5 stars for me.

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Sweet stories that tug at your heartstrings and make you think about how you view your own relationships.

I did find the number of characters a little confusing but still enjoyed reading it.

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Toshikazu Kawaguchi is back again for another installment in the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series. I didn’t know I needed this book until I got it - and boy, am I glad we did!

In this latest book, we return to Finiculi Finicula to time travel with a few new faces and stories. In these short stories, we encounter an estranged father and daughter; a woman unable to give a Valentine’s Day gift to a loved one; a child who wants to make his divorced parents happy; and a wife deciding what to name her child.

I have loved all the books in this series, and this one certainly doesn’t disappoint. Like with each of the others in the series, I finished reading this one feeling all the emotions. I love how Kawaguchi is able to convey so much raw human emotion of loss, sadness, regret, and guilt into such few words. I feel like I connected with each of these stories more than in some of the previous editions, all in different ways. All were beautiful in their simple yet carefully crafted storylines. Overall, I cannot recommend this book - and series - enough to anyone and everyone!

Thank you Harlequin Trade/Hanover Imprint and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I've read every installment in this series so far because it is such a comforting joy to return to Funuculi Funicular, the cafe that serves coffee and closure. In the last book, I was beginning to find the story elements repetitive and bemoaning the focus on the cafe owner family's stories. However, this installment came back with some really refreshing POVs for the time traveling clientele. A small child of divorce, a new mother with a baby, and a father/daughter missed connection turned double time travel -- the first three stories capture some really tende and nuanced stories about modern parenting and young parenthood. The fourth one, however, finally broke some new ground and brought a story of sweet but tragic young queer love. Halfheartedly tempted to knock off a star for taking this long only to predictably bury the gay, but I almost can't be that mad because how well fleshed out the character dynamics of two nerdy teenage girls, navigating love and identity. I couldn't be more delighted that a comfort series like this still has something new to offer.

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Toshikazu Kawaguchi's stories are some of the most beautiful and heartwrenching I have ever read and Before We Forget Kindness does not disappoint. Filled with tales of loss, regret, and love, each story is unique and takes the reader on an interesting journey. I have enjoyed the other books in this series and was thrilled to get to return to Funiculi Funicula. The supporting cast of characters that remain constant throughout the books are interesting and I like how each installment reveals a bit more about them. I also appreciated that we got to hear a bit more from both sides in this book (i.e., the person going back in time and the person they were going to see) which I thought allowed for a more complete view. Overall a great read and I so hope to return to Funiculi Funicula in a future work.

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“Regret comes in two flavors: actions taken and opportunities missed.” The fifth installment of the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series, we are transported back into the mysterious magical cafe with four new guests: the father, the Valentine, the son, and the nameless child. As always, the same rules apply: the time you spend in the past begins the moment Kazu (the waitress) has poured your coffee, and it ends just before the coffee gets cold. Having read Before the Coffee Gets Cold, I loved going back to this heartwarming place. It does get sad and emotional at times, but what can expect from Kawaguchi? Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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I have read all the previous 4 books by Kawaguchi of the Coffee gets cold series and hence had to pick this one up. The story has the same premise of visiting your past in cafe Funicula Funiculi and in this book like the others the theme revolves around grief. Of moving on, acceptance and love. It starts with the story of a young boy who is struggling with the divorce of his parents, the child who has to be named, of an incomplete love. It touches the chords of heart and shows that sound reasoning and logic would not necessarily lead to a right path and one has to listen to the heart at times in relationships.
I liked this book a lot. But I now strongly hope that the author writes a new book with a different story and not the same premise. His beautiful imagination and understanding the complexity of relationships can be put forth with a newer premise and his readers would look forward to a new story.

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Thank you Toshikazu Kawaguchi and the publisher for an e-ARC via NetGalley🫶🏼

This is my first time reading on of the books from this series and I was pleasantly surprised.
Each of the stories, as the title alludes, is about kindness.
I found myself teary-eyed at the end of each story and read through the entire thing on a flight home from a work trip.

Excellent writing. The rules got a bit confusing, but I loved learning more about the rules as the book went on.
Has me thinking a lot about how small moments to me may be bigger moments to others, and to lead with kindness when possible.

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*Before We Forget Kindness* is the fifth book in the *Before the Coffee Gets Cold* series, set in the time-traveling Funiculi Funicula café in Tokyo. The café allows visitors to revisit the past under strict rules: they must stay seated, interact only with people who have visited before, and their actions won’t change the present. The novel explores themes of regret and reflection, with moving character arcs, especially Yuki and Riuju. Though the repetitive explanation of the café's rules can be tedious, the emotional depth of the story makes it a poignant read.

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Four heartwarming stories of people who travel to a past time to see people they have unresolved issues with.
While it will not change what happenned, it gives them closure and the ability to move on with their lives.
#Before We Forget Kindness #HarlequinTradePublishing #HanoverSquarePress #NetGalley

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Before We Forget Kindness is the fifth book in the Before The Coffee Gets Cold series and just like the previous four books, it follows four different stories of customers at the Funiculi Funicula cafe who want to go back in time.

I did like this book however, I do think that it was my least favourite in the series. At this point, I feel like the series is getting a bit too repetitive.

Overall, I still love these books and will continue to recommend them to others!

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I really love this series and I liked this book too. All the books in this are basically the same thing, having 4 different stories mixed into 1 but with different scenarios and people. This one made me cry with the second one and there’s always been that 1 chapter that made me cry in each book.

It was very enjoyable and heartwarming. I also just love the whole time travelling system and how you still have some of the same characters from the previous books because of the café itself.

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My First Read from Toshikazu Kawaguchi

"Before We Forget Kindness" is the fifth book in the bestselling "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" series. This novel, like its predecessors, is set in the mystical Funiculi Funicula café located in the Kanda area of Chiyoda City, just outside Tokyo. The café offers a unique experience: customers can travel back in time. Many visit the café hoping to find closure with loved ones and to move forward with their lives.

The Rules of Time Travel in Funiculi Funicula

The time travel experience at the café comes with specific rules:
1. Stay Seated: Customers must remain seated in a particular chair at all times.
2. Limited Scope: They can only visit the past to meet people who have previously been to the café.
3. Time Frame: The journey begins when the coffee is poured and ends when it gets cold, giving them roughly eight to ten minutes.
4. Unchangeable Present: Actions taken in the past will not alter the present. Lives cannot be saved, and events such as divorces cannot be prevented.

Despite these limitations, customers are drawn to the café by their regrets. They seek a chance to relive moments and respond differently, armed with the knowledge they have in the present. Unspoken words, moments of anger, and tears shed are often the driving forces behind their desire to revisit the past.

My Impressions:

Kawaguchi excels at capturing the depth of human regrets and the profound impact of hindsight. While reading the previous books in the series can provide additional context, this novel stands well on its own. At just under 250 pages, it is a relatively short read. I particularly enjoyed the characters Yuki and Riuju. However, I found the repetition of the café’s rules for each character a bit tedious. Despite these minor critiques, the story moved me to tears.


I extend my gratitude to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC.

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Another hit from Toshikazu Kawaguchi! I've enjoyed this series so much and am so happy the publishers and Netgalley let me read this arc! I love the way the people and their stories get me thinking in different ways. I will be buying a copy and recommending to other readers!

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Before We Forget Kindness is the fifth book in the Before The Coffee Gets Cold series. This book follows four different stories, with each character having a regret and wanting to go back in time to fix it. While this installment is my least favorite of the series, it still managed to make me cry. Also, this book can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend the other books in the series as well. Overall, I enjoy these short stories and will probably pick up the next book as well. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the arc.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC
I loved this book. I have been a big fan of all the books in this series and will continue to read more if more is ever published. This particular book is my favorite of the series so far!

The book is split in to four sections, each telling the story of one individual who wishes to go back in time at the cafe. Each person's story tugs at the heartstrings and I wanted to wrap all of them up in a hug. This is another soft, gentle addition to the 'Before the Coffee Gets Cold' universe.

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Netgalley ARC: 2/5. Before reading this, I tried to read BTCGC #1 and DNF’d at 45%. Unfortunately the different stories did not have a different effect on me, but I did finish each. These stories all gave “if you could back in time, what would you say/do differently” but at various stages of life’s journey (dating, adulthood, starting a family). Overall, each story felt monotone to me. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC and for a platform to voice all opinions!

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Before We Forget Kindness is the fifth book in the bestselling Before the Coffee Gets Cold series translated from Japanese about the mysterious Funiculi Funicula café in the Kanda area in Chiyoda City outside Tokyo. In this legendary café, customers visit hoping to travel back in time often in hopes of finding closure with loved ones in order to move forward with their lives.

There are, however, a few stipulations regarding time travel in the café. Customers must remain seated in a certain chair at all times. Customers can only travel back in time to visit with other people who have previously visited the café. The time travel period begins once the coffee is poured into their cup and ends when the coffee gets cold, leaving approximately eight to ten minutes to visit the past. Lastly (and perhaps most importantly), customers are reminded that there is nothing they can do or say during their time travel that will change the present. For example, a life cannot be saved, nor can a divorce be prevented.

Knowing all the rules that come with the café, why are customers compelled to go back in time? The answer is almost always regret in some form or another. Words that were left unspoken, tears that were shed, anger in the heat of a moment. A chance to react differently knowing all they do in the present moment is what these customers seek.

Toshikazu Kawaguchi introduces us to four new characters with heartbreaking stories:

1. The Son
2. The Nameless Child
3. The Father
4. The Valentine

Overall, I find Kawaguchi has a real gift for capturing the depth of regrets humans carry and the power of hindsight. Although it helps to read Before the Coffee Gets Cold, I believe this can be read as a stand alone. At just under 250 pages, this is a short read. For the most part, I enjoyed it (especially Yuki and Riuju). However, I found it unnecessary for the rules to be repeated for each character in such excruciating detail. The third-person omnipresent POV can be a bit overwhelming at times as well. That said, I definitely still shed a few tears!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this arc!

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The most recent instalment (5th book) in the series.
Before We Forget Kindness delves into various emotions and themes while the concept of the cafe remains the same.
It is tender and touching as always, and thanks to its readability, it is a 3.5 stars rounded up.

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RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
GENRE: Japanese Fiction, Sci-Fi

This is the 5th book in the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series and focuses on the concept of kindness with our new cast of characters; a wistful young boy, a confused new mother, a regretful father/daughter pair, and a remorseful friend. Just as all the previous books, the story takes place in Funiculi Funicula with Nagare and Kazi returning to help guide our patrons into the magic of the cafe. We also get appearances from previous cafe time travelers now turned regulars to instill their wisdom onto those who wish to travel to the past.

I have enjoyed this series as it explores humanity, regrets, and compassion from different angles. However, I did feel that these four new stories were a little lack-luster compared to the previous one that usually left me wanting to bawl my eyes out. I did enjoy the stories and the outcomes as always. This book seems to focus on the ‘kindness’ of the cafe-goer’s person that they intended to meet. We get to see what happens with that person after the ‘coffee gets cold’ and the cafe-goer has to return to the present. We tend to focus on our own concerns, not realizing that others may view a situation differently and it allows us to have on different perspectives.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Hanover Square Press for the opportunity to read more of this beloved series as a eARC. Please be on the lookout for this book on shelves 11/4/2024. I can’t wait to add to my collection of Japanese fiction.

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