Member Reviews

Another good book in the series. Easy reading, perhaps a bit far fetched at times but enjoyable all the same. Lots of happiness in this title. I do wish more had been said about Doreen who Cordeila took in and who joined the ATS. It would have been nice to hear more about how she got on. Mavis's son also seemed to arrive then suddenly disappear with little said about how their relationship was after he broke down in tears.

All in all an enjoyable read. Nice and easy and not too serious to enjoy before bed.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers and author for allowing me to read an Arc copy of the title.

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This is the third book in Patricia McBride's latest wartime saga. It can easily be read as a standalone story, but if you really want to immerse yourself in the lives of Mavis, Cordelia and Jane it won't hurt to read the series in order.

The three women might not have been friends had it not been wartime, and had they all not had a love for books leading them to work in the East End Library. Brought together there has helped them form firm friendships and they will always be there for each other.

There is an array of sub-characters who are the library's regulars, which makes for many a fun scene, and the occasional moment of sadness. In this story, these characters happily come together to do what they can to get the library ready for a royal visit. Nobody can quite believe that the King and Queen are coming to visit, but they are, and the Eastenders are particularly excited.

As well as enjoying the preparations the characters make in the library, we also get more involved in the personal lives of Mavis, Cordelia and Jane. A particularly moving scene was when the girls exchanged Christmas gifts. That was so beautiful especially as they have different incomes.

Although there were some sad moments, this is quite a feel-good story and I enjoyed it. It was a little slow at times, but for the most part, it was just right.

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this is the third book in the East End library series, they can all be read as standalones. sweet, quick reads.

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Thank you for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion

I have read the previous books in the series and looked forward to the next instalment - the lives of Cordelia, Mavis, Tom and Jane - and I was not disappointed.

Each had their trials and tribulations, loved ones far away, illness in the family and secrets that come home to roost.
But the community of Silvertown also came together for a Royal visit - much needed around Christmas time when money was short and presents hard to come by.

As is the way with the series its well written and well researched - and a pleasure to read.
I really hope that there will be more instalments to look forward to.

A real feelgood series

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Another feel good book that you will not want to put down. Thoroughly enjoyed reviviting the library and seeing what the characters were now up to. Great read at anytime of year.

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This is the third book in a series about the East End Library girls and I have read and enjoyed the first two books in the series. While this third could be read as a stand-alone, I think the reader will enjoy it more if the books are read in order. This is a book about women who lived in one of the poorer parts of East London during the Second World War and as such I think it will be of particular interest to female readers interested in this time period. The characters and lives of Mavis, Jane and Cordelia have already been well developed in the earlier books. The library where they work is almost a character on it's own, filled with quirky locals speaking with Cockney twang and doing their best to manage all the hardships of war.

The author has clearly researched the time period and location well (I believe she had relatives who lived through this to tell her tales.) The novel is filled with little tidbits on how to make do and mend, including the suggestion that a piece cut from an old hot water bottle could be used to repair the leaky sole of a shoe. In this book, the librarians and all their regulars are gearing up for an expected visit from the King and Queen. Only as a community can they make this all work.

As a reader in 2024, I have to admire how they worked together to survive and make the best out of things. They didn't take little luxuries for granted. I think there is much we can learn from them and put to use in building community in this day and age. I suspect we have not seen the last of the library girls!

Thanks to #NetGalley and #BoldwoodBooks for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book due for publication later this month. All opinions are my own.

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I love the East End Library Girls books and this new one was a welcome addition to the series.. It made me feel very Christmassy by the end of it! It was well written and had a bit of everything - excitement, drama, romance, humour. I can't wait for the next one in the series!

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World War II is ongoing, London is being bombed, and the Queen and King want to visit the East End Library for Christmas. The patrons and community come together to prepare for the Royal visit. Characters that are zany and relatable. Each one unique with their own personal challenges and dreams. What could they possible be given for Christmas?

Releases Aug. 25th. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A nice continuation of the characters' lives. This book centers around an upcoming Royal visit to the East End Library while weaving in the everyday workings and happenings of the major characters. Rouge brother Jasper's story also resurfaced as he took sick in Northern Scotland which necessitated a visit and some sisterly nursing. Overall, an enjoyable read that felt like catching up with old friends.

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A wonderful addition to the library girl series.Wonderful characters emotional moving I really enjoyed visiting with them again.A series I love to recommend.#netgalley #boldwoodbooks.

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A Christmas Gift for the East End Library Girls continues the World War II saga Library Girls Book 3, created by Patricia McBride, set during the Blitz in the East End of London, an area hit hardest in the Bombing.
It’s October 1941 with London still reeling from the German Bombardments when Mavis, Cordelia and Jane are left stunned by a call from Buckingham Palace saying the King and Queen want to visit their Library. They are all seriously flustered at this unexpected honour and wonder how they are going to clean up the tired looking building with nothing much to work with to make presentable.
True to their very roots the people of the East End and Library users rally to the cause with even the crustiest, most difficult people offering their skills, help and treasures, to get the library ship shape over the next few weeks. Christmas is fast approaching as well just to add another layer of challenge to life in Silvertown.
A slow burn to begin with it takes a little while to understand the protagonists: Mavis who desperately wants to adopt a little girl orphaned in the Bombings. Jane whose husband is away fighting on the front, their daughter having been sent to a family in the country, is in despair as she misses her beautiful girl and wonders how she is faring.
Cordelia, whose beloved Robert is a Doctor serving on the front, runs the library and to her, the ladies along with Tom their young volunteer are like family, banding together to get through the hardship of daily life.
Within the structure of the story Patricia McBride looks at the issues of domestic abuse, post-traumatic stress and the heart breaking devastation war causes, through the eyes of the men and women of the East End, out to make their Library a showcase for visiting Royalty.
Heart breaking at times, but written as a tribute to all the women who struggled to survive physically and emotionally through indescribable hardship on a daily basis, A Christmas Gift For The East End Library Girls is a most enjoyable, if slightly old fashioned, read.

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Joining the library offers so much more than books! Cordelia, Mavis and Jane try to help their community which is struggling with constant air raids. Who knew that they offered attention when someone just wanted to be noticed, like Floppy Flossie, they could help trace your missing relatives due to bombing, keep the children entertained by reading to them, help the likes of Bert who is usually engrossed in papers uncover talents he hasn’t used for some time, then the icing is when they are informed that royalty is going to make a visit. This big event really helps to show the librarians how much they mean to their readers. Mavis has a lot going on in her life, awaiting word on the adoption of Joyce who she helped rescue during a raid, trying to establish a relationship with her son Ken. All this while worrying about her beloved Joe who is overseas with the forces, will they still have a relationship when he returns?

I loved the selection of characters, and the fact that there was so much going on throughout the story. It just keeps you page turning. Loved it.

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A wonderful story about friendships and hardships in the east end of London during the Second World War. A story full of hope and Christmas spirit despite the tragedy’s that have befallen the courageous families of the east end.

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The east end library girls are looking forward to a visit from the King and Queen. Cordelia Jane and Mavis are still dodging the air raids and trying to update the library for the upcoming visit.
Mavis is trying to adopt the orphan Joyce she rescued in the blitz and waiting for Joe to come home from the war. Cordelia is writing faithfully to Robert and then gets news of her brother who needs her help.
Jane is getting used to her daughter Helen being back from evacuation and also awaiting news on her husband from the front.
This Christmas may prove full of surprises for each of the librarians.
Great series already looking forward to the next visit.

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Heartwarming historical drama continuing the series set during the war in an East End library. A great bunch of characters.

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I loved catching up with the staff and patrons of Silvertown library in the East End. The individual lives of Cordelia, Jane , Mavis and Tom are all covered and intwined within the story. This time round there is the excitement of a royal visit but life in war time goes on. Even though each member of the community has their own struggles they all rally round to help make the library look amazing for the royal visit. This just flows so well and is so descriptive you can really imagine what life was like during this time. Fabulous characters, drama and a real sense of community and support. There is a wide range of topics covered but they are all relevant and are woven in to the story. A brilliant read and I’m really hoping there’s more to come in this series. Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC

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I love getting stuck into a feel good wartime book and these ones sure do deliver! I’ve so enjoyed the others so far in this series and every new book is an opportunity to dive back into a much loved story and catch up with our fav characters.

Our library crew all have their own compelling respective storylines and I so enjoy getting to know them more and seeing their stories develop. It’s such a trying time and with so my difficulties, it’s amazing to see the girls (and the whole town) pull together in the wartime spirit. And with the King and Queen planned to visit the library, there’s plenty of preparations to be done!

Banding together, they spruce up the library and look out for each other along the way. It’s so heartwarming and it’s another easy 5/5!

I also loved the wintery Christmas vibes in this book and even though I’m reading it in the height of summer, fan on and complaining about the heat, I truly appreciated sinking into the festive atmosphere and channeling one of my favourite seasons into the UKs oppressive sticky heat!

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

What another brilliant book in this series family saga, Christmas and wartime what more could you ask for

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A great addition to this series. Historical fiction that is still good with each book that comes out. This book is full of hope and a great Christmas story

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A Christmas Gift for the East End Library Girls

With the echoes of war reverberating around London, Cordelia, Mavis, and Jane are delighted to be blessed with some good news: the King and his Queen will be making a visit to the East End.

As excitement builds, so does their apprehension. With each passing day, the threat of destruction from air raids increasingly plagues their worried minds.

But with Christmas on the horizon, their morale is at an all-time high, and the girls are determined to display to their esteemed guests all they have done with the library – and with so little.

For Mavis especially, she is more focused on the library than ever – her beloved Joe is still fighting overseas and she is waiting for news on whether she might adopt young Joyce.

Loved this book and the characters within , such a great story to have around Christmas to read.

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