Member Reviews

What a delight of a book! Jennie Blonde has done it again with her newest title, The Comfy Cozy Witch's Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life. An excellent follow-up to Hearth and Home Witchcraft, this second book begins to flesh out the author's own brand of "comfy cozy witchcraft" into an actual practice you can follow. Built around "7 Tenets of Comfy Cozy Witchcraft/Magic" - 1. Acceptance, 2. Simplicity, 3. Reflection, 4. Delight, 5. Warmth, 6. Balance, 7. Intuition - Blonde gives us a working framework on which to shape a magical practice that is fulfilling, filled with delight, and above all, comfy cozy.

In the second part of the book, the author offers words on beginning to make your own magic. She goes through creating Sacred Space, various types of altars, and (my favorite part) Daily Ritual, which offers inspiration for creating intentional practice out of even the most mundane things, such as your morning shower, or how you prepare a meal. The author's instruction on creating personal correspondences is also excellent.

This would be an excellent starting point for someone who is just starting to dabble in a witchy/magical practice, or for someone who is looking for a way to reconnect with their already existing magical practice, and re-enliven it. I felt a strong connection with the author's tale of her own experience, and I feel confident many other readers will also find it resonates with their own experience. This is a gem of a book.

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I started reading this on the last day of August, and expected to be able to finish it and have a review posted by the release date. It looked like a really interesting book, and even the cover looks cozy! It wasn’t until after I finished reading that the author shared that she did all the crocheting of everything pictured on the cover as well as the title, which is so impressive. But since this book seemed to offer everything I’ve been looking for, I was not expecting it to take me more than a month to finish reading it.

To start with, a lot of books in this specific subgenre tend to be quick reads for me. When I read these books, I find myself typically bookmarking many pages and then referring back to them at a later date when I need to use that information. But this book stood out as an active read, where I journaled about prompts throughout the book, which is what took me so long to get through it.

This warm and fuzzy book on making my daily life more magical was right up my alley, as I’ve kind of been practicing the comfy cozy lifestyle without even knowing it, and wanted to learn more ways to add some magic to my life. And this book offered so many ways to do that, allowing me to incorporate whatever resonates with me and leave the rest to the side.

I liked the way that Blonde offered snippets of her own experiences and practice, allowing readers to see the flexibility that her approach offers and solid examples of how she puts it into action on a regular basis. It makes it easy to see ways that comfy cozy witchcraft can be incorporated into my own practice, and start using some of these ways immediately.

The book is broken up into chapters that flow easily from topic to topic. She starts by discussing the seven tenets mentioned in the summary and offering different options depending on where you are in your practice and what you want to do. Then she delves into how to make your own magic, through daily rituals, divination, intentions, personal correspondences, and creating spells. I found this level of detail to be just right for me, and there are a lot of bookmarks, notes, and highlights throughout this book. I already know that this is a book I’ll be referring to often, and I strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a way to feel more connected to your practice in easy, doable ways.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperOne for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I'm SOOO happy Jennie wrote this! I loved her book and have been listening to her podcast for the last several years. She is an absolute sweetheart and enjoyed reading her book.

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This is such a sweet introduction to the world of magic. Reading this truly lived up to the name - “comfy, cozy.” It felt like sitting down with a warm cup of tea and chatting with a friend. I have been exploring the world of magic and all things “witchy” since 2019 and I would definitely say this book is perfect for a beginner, but I believe it has something for anybody who is remotely interested in learning. Highly recommend picking this one up!

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I would love to thank you for allowing me to read this book! I have learned so many things that I didn’t know! Things that made so much sense after reading them and learning how to use these things in my everyday life. I would love to say I’ve read this book but once is not enough there is so much to learn and soak in. I love the versatility of being able to use just whatever works for me. It certainly makes me feel as though I’ve found a little more magic in my everyday!

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I am a newer listener of the Comfy Cozy Witch podcast, and I really like Jennie Blonde. She gives good tips and I really liked the questions she included in each section. It's easy to get caught up in the aesthetics, but she reminds the reader that it's the intent that counts, not how pretty your stuff is. This is one I'll keep for my own collection.

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A nice addition to a magical bookshelf. It has a very brief description of some basic magical principles in the beginning that could be found more in-depth in other books. Then it becomes a half informational book and half note book for guiding magical practice.

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I really love how well organized this book is. It is a fantastic book for beginners to start with, or for a review of the basics. I also love that this book really focuses on bringing witchcraft and cozy into your every day life. The spells and journal prompts are great for self reflection and growth.

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I needed this book! It’s perfect for anyone who vibes with a more cozy, homey witchcraft style. It won’t suit your everyday traditional Wiccan. Which I like. A lot of books aim more towards Wicca and I can’t resonate with the author or relate to the content. The Comfy Cozy Witch’s Guide felt comfortable. It felt realistic and down to earth. Packed with content and journal entries this guide is a must have for witches of all levels.

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I really enjoyed being able to arc this guide. When I was younger I would have loved to have this sort of book to help explain and explore the Wiccan life and path. I have been a practitioner for many moons now but I still loved the knowledge and compassionate this book was able to provide. It’s well throughout and detailed. I truly believe most people will be able to follow it without any sort of trouble.

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This book is fantastic for newbies in the witchy community. I WISH this book had been around when I was in my teens and interested in learning more. Relatable to the author, my first witchy book was by Raven Silverwolf. While that book was very informative, it was also not as relatable and almost overwhelming.

I liked that this book took the approach of making everything work within your comfort zones, but also tips to step outside of those comfort zones once you are ready.

While this book didn't necessarily give off many "cozy" vibes - I did enjoy it a lot.

Aside from all the positives, I think the only real "negative" I had was how some of the chapters were put together. Most made sense and where great. But then there were two longer chapters (earlier and later) in the book that were HEAVY on the infodump and just lumped almost too much together.

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I love Jennie Blonde! She makes witchcraft accessible. I ordered Hearth and Home as soon as it came out and I was thrilled to receive this ARC. I love the journaling prompts in each section. It keeps me mindful and they are really great questions. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to explore their solitary practice and delve into making magic apart of their every day lives.

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As a huge fan of Jennie Blonde's Comfy Cozy Witch Podcast, I had high expectations for The Comfy Cozy Witch's Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life, and I’m thrilled to say that this book exceeded them all. Jennie’s warm, inviting voice shines through on every page, making it feel like a comforting conversation with a close friend.

This beautifully illustrated guide is perfect for both beginners and seasoned witches alike. Jennie’s seven tenets—Acceptance, Simplicity, Balance, Delight, Warmth, Reflection, and Intuition—provide a solid foundation for developing an authentic and nurturing witchcraft practice. I found the exercises, meditations, and self-care practices particularly insightful, helping me to ground myself and find balance in my daily life.The book is filled with spells, magical journaling prompts, recipes, and DIY tips that bring a cozy, comforting vibe to your practice.

It’s a treasure trove of practical advice and creative inspiration, all presented in a way that makes magic feel accessible and deeply personal.If you’re looking to infuse your everyday life with a bit of magic, or if you simply want a book that feels like a warm hug, I highly recommend The Comfy Cozy Witch's Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life. Jennie Blonde has once again created something truly special that I know I’ll return to time and time again.

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What a delight of a book! Jennie Blonde has done it again with her newest title, The Comfy Cozy Witch's Guide to Making Magic in Your Everyday Life. An excellent follow-up to Hearth and Home Witchcraft, this second book begins to flesh out the author's own brand of "comfy cozy witchcraft" into an actual practice you can follow. Built around "7 Tenets of Comfy Cozy Witchcraft/Magic" - 1. Acceptance, 2. Simplicity, 3. Reflection, 4. Delight, 5. Warmth, 6. Balance, 7. Intuition - Blonde gives us a working framework on which to shape a magical practice that is fulfilling, filled with delight, and above all, comfy cozy.

In the second part of the book, the author offers words on beginning to make your own magic. She goes through creating Sacred Space, various types of altars, and (my favorite part) Daily Ritual, which offers inspiration for creating intentional practice out of even the most mundane things, such as your morning shower, or how you prepare a meal. The author's instruction on creating personal correspondences is also excellent.

This would be an excellent starting point for someone who is just starting to dabble in a witchy/magical practice, or for someone who is looking for a way to reconnect with their already existing magical practice, and re-enliven it. I felt a strong connection with the author's tale of her own experience, and I feel confident many other readers will also find it resonates with their own experience. This is a gem of a book.

Thank you to both the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this title before publication.

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This is a beginner's guide to witchy magick. There's nothing new here if you've already read other baby witch books. It's also not particularly cozy, unless just being a witch is cozy? That said, it's well written and as good as any other beginner witch book. I picked it up thinking it would be about cozy witchcraft (that it would have recipes for tea mixes and hot cocoa mixes, essential oil combinations for various uses like massaging tired muscles, tincture suggestions, sachet ideas, simmer pot ideas, bath bomb recipes, etc.), so I was disappointed -- there was a little bit of that, but not much. If you choose it knowing it's for beginners, you'll likely enjoy it. There's basic information on tarot, moon phases, seasons, witchy holidays, ingredients, gems and minerals, and more.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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The Comfy Cozy Witch’s Guide to Making Magic in your Everyday Life is a lovely resource for all, from baby witches just starting out to more seasoned witches co like myself! It is chocked full of a spectrum of tools and recipes to use for rituals and spells. It feels like it would be accessible to anyone interested in testing the witchy waters and it truly does feel “cozy” when flipping through the pages. I love it!

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This is a book that makes practicing magic, Wiccan, and Witch rituals accessible to anyone who might have the interest. It's not dark, it's well done, and really essentially for the beginner. What I loved, though, was that it wasn't heavy spells, etc., that might turn off someone looking into bringing a little magic into their life. I enjoyed this book and am going to order a copy for my daughter.

Thank you to Harper One and Net Galley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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If you're looking for a book that explains all the ins and outs of how to be a witch this is for you, We watch and learn about witches and their connection to the world, but this book gives an in-depth look of what that really looks like.

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This is a nice basic intro to witchcraft for those who are new to the topic. I am not Wiccan but I’m quite familiar with its practices. I had hoped for a little more on the cozy side from the title (honestly, words like comfy, cozy and magic in everyday got my hopes up for fun practices I could incorporate) but this is basically just a beginner guide to witchy stuff like crystals, candles, tarot, intentions and so on. I did already know everything she talked about and I don’t know that I would describe anything as particularly comfy or cozy other than perhaps stirring intentions into your morning tea. There are no illustrations or photos. The author seems likable. I am not familiar with her but she talks a lot about her popular podcast and shop. Do not expect anything spectacularly new or novel, but if you are interested in a sweet beginner guide this seems supportive and helpful.

I read a digital copy of this book for review.

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