Member Reviews

There was so much I loved about this book. The stories are riveting and touching. It is one of those rare books where when I finished reading it, not only was I sad to say goodbye to the author, but also to the four women the book is about. The tone is conversational and is a great history of science. Thank you to Netgalley and Park Row for the digital review copy.

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The story of these four women and the incredible journey they had to take simply to survive is one of inspiration and hope. Each of their stories shows how differently women were treated, even before the downward spiral of the Hitler era regime took power. Through their stories, you will find hope in the people around you and within self. Strength lies in finding purpose and these women's story of purpose has impacted history and science for all time.

The book is not a fast read but it is fascinating. There is a bit of jumping back and forth between stories and, while it eventually makes sense, it did add to the difficulty of putting together a timeline of what was going on, both in the world and in each lady's life. There are so many people in this book, because no one is an island and it takes a village for things to happen. Especially in war time, when women and Jews were so limited in all aspects of life.

This story is absolutely worth the time it takes to read. It is eye opening. It does go a bit heavy handed once in a while on the author's belief about the current state of women's standing and I could have done without those moments. They were out of place and felt unpleasant. Other than that, I enjoyed this book.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author through NetGalley. All views expressed are my honest opinion.

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

This book was very interesting and a great insight on powerful, brilliant women. To read both about their accomplishments, and how they had to flee Nazi Germany was very eye opening. Each woman had an incredible life and story to tell, it kept me as a reader absorbed and wanting to learn more. The layout of the book was a little odd to me, but something that can easily over looked.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc!

Unfortunately I'm having issues with the PDF format again, and it won't properly send to my Kindle or Kobo in a readable format.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publishing company and or the author for giving me the opportunity to read and review Sisters in Science.

It was eye opening.

How a group of women scientists decided that they wanted to get away from the Nazis.

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I loved this one I love books featuring strong and brilliant women and their impact on the world and that give hope to the non trad wife women . It teaches them their potential is limitless
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book

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I Love historical books about women in medicine. This was such an informative story. I didn’t know this before reading the book, but I learned so much.

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