Member Reviews

Ohhhh this was simply adorable... I feel like this was written for me...

This was like if Stardew Valley was a book! Yael runs away from their big city life and pressure from their parents, stumbling into their old childhood friend Margot's rural town. Potion making, strawberry growing, romance ensuing.

This had the perfect balance of cottagecore garden living, lovable characters, romance, and conflict. I think what makes the "conflict" so good in this is that it's there--Margot must save her town--but it never feels like the tension is ever too high. Just enough to keep things interesting, but cozy!!!

Would definitely recommend this one. Thank you so much to the publisher for reaching out with an arc. :)

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What a lovely and delighful debut novel!
A queer romantasy full of magic, sweetness, swoony moments!
I read it so quickly and am still grinning because of it!
I highly recommend it

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If you were to somehow capture the feeling of being under a warm blanket with a mug of hot cocoa in hand and put it in a book, this would be that book. I adored this from beginning to end. The characters were lovable and complex, with perfect arcs that felt so satisfying to see pay off. Especially Yael's, in my opinion; I love them to bits. This book is also full of LGBTQ+ representation, and it is done splendidly, might I add. I pretty much want to pack my bags and move to Bloomfield to live out the cozy life of my dreams. Homegrown Magic was so full of warmth, joy, and love, and I absolutely loved being able to experience this story. You can truly tell that this is a work of personal passion and love for the authors, and that will almost always create a wonderful story, as is the case here. If charming romance, small-town coziness, spellcasting, plant magic, and a touch of family drama appeal to you, pick up this book!! I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Thank you to Del Rey for access to an ARC! This is my honest review.

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A lovely fantasy romance that also feels very cozy and down to earth. I loved the world building of the wonderful universe it takes place in and the way the queer rep was incorporated in as a perfectly average part of society with no angst or issues.

Excited for the sequel!

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Queer romantasy that was just so cozy and sweet! I'm a sucker for a romance that focuses on finding yourself. Yael's decision to flee the liffe that was planned for them was such a brave one, and Margot. Sigh. This was just the sweetest.

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This book was delightful! It had the right mix of cozy and conflict, and almost everything was solved by good communication. The only thing I wanted to see more of would be more detail in how the main problem was fixed in the end, but I'm a law geek who wants to see technicalities.

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Homegrown Magic is a fun read. It was lovely seeing Margot rediscover her childhood crush as Yale comes back to town to lay low for a bit. Margot hires them to help in her family's magical remedy shop, and as they get reaquainted with each other, their relationship blooms. Will they be able to save Margot's shop? Will they be together? You won't want to miss this.

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Sweet, enchanting, and wonderfully queer, Homegrown Magic just made me HAPPY. We have greenhouses and flora, magic and potions, a loving community against an evil bank, and two former childhood friends working together and falling in love. There was a frustrating "I'm lying for your own good" Act 3 plot, but it was resolved fairly quickly and painlessly. There's just something so healing about queer cozy fantasies!

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This enchanting queer romantic fantasy is all about love, magic, and finding your own path. Yael, fleeing a life of wealth, teams up with Margot, a plant witch, and their friendship quickly turns into something more. With cozy vibes, swoony romance, and a touch of garden magic, this story is perfect for anyone dreaming of a simple, love-filled life.

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