Member Reviews

First off thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada for this ARC. All opinions are my own of course.

I am usually a HUGE Liane Moriarty Stan! Huge! So I was excited to get into this crazy death premonition book (anyone else think of the Final Destination movies? Just me?)

That excitement quickly faded. I hate to say it. This book flopped hard. The chapters were all over the place with multiple POVs but not laid out nicely so it felt chaotic and didn’t know who it was as half the time. (Maybe a me problem)

I tried sooooooo hard to keep going but I had to quit at 50%. I couldn’t do it. Breaks my heart.

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I FLEW through this book. The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty got be back into reading a few years ago, so I was ecstatic to receive this ARC. Here One Moment Is fast-paced, entertaining, and I ate up every chapter. It did give me a slight existential crisis at times, but it was well worth it. The STEM girly in me found the themes of determinism and fate set against math theories and real life super interesting as well. I'll definitely be ordering the physical copy once it is released to add to my collection!

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I didn't realize I had already read this..
My review from before.

She's done it again, a book that doesn't disappoint. This pulled me right in, and loved following the character's waiting for their outcome. Brilliant book much different from her others I loved it

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book

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I have many Liane Moriaty books on my 1000+ TBR list but have never picked one up. After reading this book I am a fan and will definitely be bumping them up higher on my list to read.

First off, thank you to the publisher, NetGalley and the author for the advance copy of this book.

I loved this story. At first it was a bit hard to follow with all the characters but once things started connecting I was hooked. I don't want to get into spoiler territory but my apprehension was real after each passenger received their prediction. I was very happy with the ending and the epilogue. Yes there are deaths, and there is sadness in the book, but I finished it feeling slightly sad it was over but happy with how things worked out.

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Liane Moriarty never disappoints, but this might be her best work yet! From the first chapter, I was hooked and just had to know what was going to happen next. The storyline was fresh, and the characters were wonderfully written. Someone needs to make this book into a movie or a series immediately!

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I’ve been a big Liane Moriarty fan for years, and was ridiculously excited to get my hands on an early copy of Here One Moment, which publishes September 10, 2024. This book has a different feel than some of her other books, as it has a huge cast of characters and examines the relationship between free will, destiny, human relationships, life and death.

It took me a while to get into the story, and I can already imagine that there’s going to be some feedback that this book to too long, because it is long! It’s five hundred pages. But as I kept reading, I grew to be invested in the stories, although admittedly some more than others. I loved the ending, and overall felt the book was emotional and moving, and I have to say, I really liked it! Maybe not as much as Big Little Lies and What Alice Forgot, but I wasn’t disappointed (cough, ahem- Nine Perfect Strangers).
And I think the length was actually necessary to assist in the development of all the characters. What I love about her writing is that it’s always sprinkled with witty observations, pop culture references, and one-liners that are just plain funny. And sometimes these seemingly innocuous statements end up circling back to something meaningful or part of the plot later on the book. I love it!

However, I was very glad to have a physical ARC of this book in addition to the Netgalley version, but the formatting for the e-book was frustrating to read. There were no breaks between chapters.... at least most of the time. Once in a while there was. This was very confusing since some of the chapters are short, and all of the chapters switch POV's.
Otherwise, loved the book!
4.5 stars

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This may be my favourite Liane Moriarty book to date --- very thought-provoking at its heart (Would you want to know???) and interesting how everything played out.
Expertly crafted, and utterly readable - in fact, I spent the entire day and evening reading it in one fell swoop.

HIGHLY recommended for individual readers and book clubs..

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Here One Moment begs the question…. If you knew when you were going to die, would you change anything?

Here One Moment is my first time reading a Liane Moriarty book, and I have not seen any of the TV adaptations (although I do plan to!). So, I came into this book as a new reader with no expectations.

This is the story of a group of people who boarded a short, domestic flight and were told when and how they would die by a grey-haired, nondescript “psychic” on the plane. When the first three deaths happen as predicted, the rest of the passengers start to take the predictions seriously and begin questioning their own mortality.

The book started strong, and I was immediately drawn in by the incident on the plane. The concept is intriguing, and it’s easy to become immediately invested. I loved how the individual characters were woven into the story.

In my opinion, the strongest part of the story doesn’t really take place until more than halfway through. There was a point before that where I found my attention drifting. It was not easy to keep track of all the individual passengers, plus the grey-haired lady, as their stories unfolded. It felt a bit choppy, and sometimes, it was difficult to figure out whose part it was I was reading. But don’t let that put you off because it did quickly become clear.

Once you read through the backstories, the book becomes thoughtful and truly makes you contemplate your own life and choices. I was pulled in by the individual struggles the characters faced.

Truly, this is a book that will stick with me for a while.

You should definitely pick up this book if you:
👫 Enjoy multiple POVs and interesting characters
❤️ Appreciate deep, emotional storytelling
🔮 Have an interest in psychic abilities (to believe or not to believe)
😯 Love when storylines and characters start to crossover

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty intricately weaves a tale set aboard an ordinary domestic flight. The narrative unfolds with a diverse group of characters, including a newlywed couple, a harried mother, and a mysterious older woman named Cherry Lockwood, who becomes known as "The Death Lady". The story takes a chilling turn when Cherry stands up and makes a shocking revelation just minutes before the plane is supposed to land.

Moriarty's characters are richly drawn and multifaceted. Central to the story is Cherry Lockwood, whose enigmatic presence on the flight catalyzes the plot's dramatic events. Other key characters include a newlywed couple excited about their future, a mother juggling the demands of her young children, and an overworked father missing his child's significant event. Moriarty excels at creating a tapestry of interconnected lives, each with their unique struggles and secrets.

Overall, Here One Moment is a compelling read that offers a blend of humour, mystery, and insightful commentary on human nature. Liane Moriarty's ability to create a gripping narrative with well-rounded characters makes this book a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction.

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"A flap of a seagull's wings and everything changes"

On a short, plain, domestic flight, one extraordinary thing happens. Each passenger finds out when and how they'll die.
At first, of course, they're skeptical. Until these passengers do start dying as predicted. Suddenly, they're not as doubtful and it isn't such a funny story.
What would you do if you told you had years or months left to live? Would you try to fight destiny?

Liane Moriarty has absolutely done it again. She is such an incredible and eloquent author and once again I feel both lucky to have read this and a little devastated I'll never get to read it for the first time again. So let me say this, savour this book!! It was a combination of mystical, heartfelt, heartbreaking, heartwarming (it did find a way to be both, trust me), thought-provoking, and just plain wonderful.

This is my third read from Moriarty (Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers before this) and this is easily my favourite. I loved the premise, it's incredible unique in the execution, but I think something we all consider to some extent. Would you like to know when you're going to die? And if so, what would you do if you knew? How would you live differently? The story was beautiful and I loved following the cast of characters, meeting everyone, learning about their lives, learning their answers to those questions. Cherry's story as well became one of my favourite parts of the book (which admittedly I didn't expect, her few chapters didn't blow me away by any means).

The book is over 500 pages but the chapters are generally quite short which makes it feel quick to read, the POVs are constantly changing which keeps it fresh, and overall the writing is just beautiful to read, so it is absolutely worth all 500 pages.

Most importantly, the end was nothing short of beautiful. The last page (prior to the epilogue) brought me to tears. But in general, the last hundred or so pages of the book were completely incredible.

I couldn't recommend this book more if I try! Here One Moment is out on September 10 2024 and you should absolutely snag a copy!

Thank you to Liane Moriarty, NetGalley, and Penguin Random House Canada for an e-ARC of Here One Moment in exchange for an honest review.

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The premise for this one really intrigued me hence why I accepted to read it. Unfortunately, this just was not for me. It was a little too depressing for me, possibly my mood is not there for this right now. It was also highly confusing with all the different characters. I had to DNF this one.

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Thank you for the advance copy.
I was engaged at the beginning of the book, however as the time went on, I feel like there was too many descriptive details. Felt like this book had a slow pace.
Hope others will enjoy it more.

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One of the best books I have read in a long time. Liane Moriarty weaves a fascinating story that you cannot put down. Her characters are rich and authentic and pull us into their storylines. My heart was racing as I read it and it made me laugh, cry and even more think and reflect. A huge thank you for letting me read this in advance I will be telling everyone in person and on the socials how fabulous this book is. In appreciation Anne

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Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this ARC.
3.5/5 rounding up.
I have never read a Liane Moriarty book so was excited to read it.
This book is about a woman who, on a plane predicts year of death and cause of death. Some get predictions of a long life, others not so much.

The book then goes into the aftermath of these predictions.
It was fascinating and interesting to think about people’s response to hearing they didn’t have long to live.

At times this book felt confusing with rapidly changing POVs (some of this was formatting for the ARC and had nothing to do with the author) but overall I really enjoyed it and the ending I feel like pulled everything together.

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A mixture of character and plot-driven, Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty is a propulsive read. I kept turning the pages, wanting to know who the "psychic" was, and how the other characters would react over time. I enjoyed the format of the book - getting the perspective of each character first hand - and understanding the repercussions of the fateful flight.

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I was really excited to read this book - the premise is super interesting and I couldn't wait to see how the story played out. Unfortunately, I found following the various characters a bit confusing - perhaps because I was reading an ARC and the formatting is not finalized but I found it hard to figure out which character was being talked about, apart from Cherry who speaks in the first person. For the others, it always took me a paragraph or so to figure out who we were talking about now. I LOVED the premise but didn't feel the different character plot lines were evenly distributed - I was surprised that we read so much of Cherry's backstory (until the ending revealed why we might have) and actually found myself wanting to read more about the other characters - the people on the plane who had received the predictions. I think this would work really well as a TV series - with each episode focussing on one of the characters and a final episode linking them all together. For me this was a great idea but not great execution.

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Loved the interconnecting characters all wrapped up in a mystery that was oh so much simpler, but also so much more. Original, immersive, unexpected. The ending made me cry-- in a good way.

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This book was incredibly spooky. Liane Moriarty never disappoints! She always has a very specific style of writing that emulates thriller, but doesnt always equal thriller.

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