Member Reviews

5* Goodness, an unexpected, low-key-in-a-British-way thriller that works beautifully for the lack of faux gloss and believability.

I didn't see the outcome of this book coming at all. There's a lot happening, involving an abusive ex; drink driving that ironically might just have saved a life; a new boyfriend who seems as wholesome as he looks...; babirs; a relationship repaired, and one broken; and a lot of corruption and stuff that'll get you jail time if you succumb to temptation. Or maybe threats. Or, bribery.

It's really well written and very believable, with Abi working at stacking shelves on the night shift at her local Sainsbury's, without unnecessary faux drama, just drama of the cold, calculated type, that's chilling and scary for how insidious it becomes, whilst Abi wonders if she's losing the plot, but can't tell others for fear of endangering them. It's an almost perfect read, but a few things got left out at the end, perhaps because the big double finale had already happened? Still, it's very worth reading, because Abi wears big girl pants and takes risks to do the right thing, because it's worth it.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Boldwood Books, for my reading pleasure.

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Abigail lives alone after leaving her controlling and abusive boyfriend a year ago. There was also an incident where she was charged with drink driving and has told few of the real circumstances behind this. This led her to have to leave her job and she now works nights at a supermarket. When running one early morning, she sees a man in a suit running very fast and he is then hit by a car. She goes over to him and he isn't moving. Having no phone on her she runs to the nearest phone box and calls the police and ambulance. On returning to the scene, the police have arrived , however the injured man has vanished. A week or so later she sees a TV appeal for a missing man and she is sure that he is the one she saw injured. On trying to report it, she finds her statement isn't what she said. What on earth is going on and who is trying to keep things hidden?

This is a very clever premise that I was drawn to, especially being a runner. When there’s no-one around to confirm your story, who knows what the truth is? (memo to self: Always always have a phone to hand). I felt for Abigail and being gaslighted by those around her, especially after her treatment at the hands of her former boyfriend putting her in such a vulnerable position that she has lost her confidence and self esteem. A book I wanted to race through and one I thoroughly enjoyed. A big 5*

For more reviews please follow me on Twitter (X) @nickisbookblog

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Abigail Redmond went out for a late-night run and witnessed a murder disguised as a hit-and-run. The problem is - when the police arrive, there’s no body. Yet, it was there before she went to call the police. Was the victim still alive? Did the perpetrators come back to get the body? Who is this man?

The novel opens with a character lamenting a wrong choice that has now ruined his/her life. It’s a great hook and the ensuing pace is in line with the character out for a run.

The tension increases as the runner reports in real time and readers will feel a sense of helplessness as they’ll no doubt surmise what has happened.

I loved the tension-filled read, the writing style and the twists.

This is my first book by this author and I’d certainly investigate her backlist.

I was gifted this copy by Boldwood Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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