Member Reviews

I am HEARTBROKEN that this is the end. This was the ending everyone deserved. Prepare to have your heart ripped out (again) and pieced back together. There is astonishing growth in writing and just everything. I am so sad that it's over.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4

Well I’m sad that this series is over, it’s been such a ride. And I thought this ending really did the series justice. I have to admit though, it took a LONG time for me to get into it. I kind of felt like Lor and Nadir spent so much time apart in the beginning and it got a little boring. But… it really picked up and the ending was so perfect.

Notes: there are so many characters, and not a lot of backstory. I didn’t re-read the other three books before starting this and I have my regrets since I spent like the first 30% of the book confused. I felt like this book really needed a glossary 🤣. I also really have appreciated some of NJTs other books having a recap in the beginning, and I feel this book would have been really well served by having something like that. It’s just a lot to try to remember.

Also I felt like there were some lost opportunities. Like why give Willow magic and then just have nothing come of it? Womp womp. And why have a relationship blossoming between Hylene and Gabriel that goes nowhere? Speaking of Gabriel, that whole character and his motivations are entirely confusing to me. I feel we could have done without his and Rion’s POVs honestly.

But don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it a lot and I’m glad to give this series a sweet send off 🫡 .

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What a perfect and satisfying end to this series. I feel like it's rare these days for fantasy series to conclude with all of the plot threads neatly tied up, but Nisha J Tuli DELIVERED. The best part was that even though everyone got exactly what they deserved in the end, there were still tons of twists that I absolutely did not expect, and I breezed through this book. This series is worth the read if you love a good romantasy!

Nisha, please give us spin-offs about Gabriel and Tristan!

Thanks to Forever Publishing and NetGalley for giving me a copy of this e-ARC!

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This book was amazing!! Such a great ending to an incredible series! I am in my feels after finishing it. I feel like all the characters stories wrapped up perfectly and just like all the books, the pacing made me want to never put the book down.

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I gotta say.. I am very sad this series is over. I loved it so much and I hate that it has come to an end. I will miss all of these characters because I truly felt like I was in the story with them all throughout these last 4 books. I devoured each and every single one of these books and loved every single moment. Book 4- Tale of the Heart Queen was great and I loved how it ended too. There was so much that went on in this book. I loved all the adventures we got to explore with Lor and Nadir. I love that we got the back story of Rion and what made him who he was today. I love the villians in this story too and how it all played out with them, the arks, everything. Truly an amazing series and I HIGHLY recommend this series to every single one of you. I know this wont be my last time reading this book and definitely will re-read this entire series again in the near future. You will be in for a wild ride with this one! <3

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Such an amazing ending to this story! The growth of the beloved characters was on of the best i’ve read. As sad as i am for their story to be done, I am so happy that they got the ending they deserved b

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I am in love with artifacts of auranos. With that being said, Fate of the Sun King seemed like a book without much going on to hold the reader on and give them a little something something until Tales of the Heart Queen. Because of that, this was almost overpacked with different plot lines and it felt like a cartoon jumping through different worlds every few seconds and being confused on where you were dropped now. I didn’t love that at all, but I loved how each characters story ended and thought that was done flawlessly. Overall, I am going to miss being in this world and am happy with how it ended.

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What a great conclusion to this series!! So many things were left on a cliffhanger at the end of book three. So I was beyond excited for the advance copy by Forever Publishing, Thank you! I am sad to not read about these characters as the author got me invested!

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This was such a fun series! It has high fae and a realm structure that fans of Sarah J Maas will be familiar with. Lor is a strong, if haunted, main character, and I loved getting to cheer for her. The love story is slower-burn across the series, but very steamy and satisfying once established. In my opinion, this plot wasn’t quite as surprising or elaborate as in some of my favorite fantasy books, and I felt the side characters could have been fleshed out a bit more, but I really enjoyed all four books.

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4.5 ⭐

A beautiful conclusion to the Artefacts of Ouranos series -- I will miss these characters so much!

I was on the edge of my seat after the ending of the last book and was glad that Nadir and Lor were not separated for too long.

I loved all of the different POVs, and I honestly felt most intrigued by Gabriel's and Rion's and I wish we had gotten more of them. Both of their POVs were heartbreaking and the way Tyr ended up saving the day was so touching.

The entire time Nadir and Lor were in the Underworld felt like a beautiful nod to the first book and I loved it.

I also would have loved to have seen more of the other rulers, as well as Tristan and Willow as they had a lot going on, too! Maybe a spin off in the future?

ALSO the soap GIFT! I was sobbing.

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After the horror show of the last book, at least when it comes to the ending, I didn't know what to expect from this.
Would Lor finally be free?
Would the bad guys finally meet their deserved end?
And would I ever see my beloved Nadir again?

I've got to say, I enjoyed learning more about the goddess, Zerra, but I could've done without her strange perversions. Finding out she wasn't as 'godly' as she was renowned to be wasn't exactly a surprise, but she took it several steps further and for some reason I found it all very hilarious.

I loved that, once again, I got to be in the heads of several characters. My heart absolutely broke for my favorites and I continued to root for them to win.

I don't know how this author did it, but I'm still twisted over this entire series. I didn't want it to end and I was looking for ways for there to be a spinoff so I could spend more time with these characters.

It's the last book so obviously the good guys won, but it takes a lot of painful and dangerous steps to get there. Strap in!

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I LOVED IT! A beautiful conclusion to this series!! My heart is so happy! There were so many things at stake and the twist just kept coming I really thought Nisha is about to break all out hearts. I loved Lor and Nadir story along with all their friends and family. Such amazing world building and cast of characters. There was so much character development and loved seeing all these characters and get the ending that they deserve. I loved that we got to see this through all of their point of views and that we gave depth not only to out protagonists but out antagonists as well. The book is perfectly paced, full of romance, actions and gut-wrenching scenes. The spice as always was chef's kiss.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever for an ARC copy.

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Tale of the Heart Queen is the fourth and final book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series. I absolutely loved this series and this book was the ending we all needed. It's full of danger, lies, heart, betrayal, high stakes and a deadly trial to end it all.

I loved seeing all the characters growths in this one (side and main) and glad we got to see more of those side characters that we love. I enjoyed the twists and turns throughout and loved the twist added with Zerra. I also loved that Tuli kept to her word about having a happily ever after and glad all the characters got one....except Atlas...F him.

I totally appreciated that while there was a lot a drama, betrayal, and conflict going on, none of it was between Lor and Nadir. There's nothing I hate more than a 3rd act break up over something trivial like miscommunication that's not needed except to extend the book or series for no apparent reason.

There was a bit of repetition word wise in this one. Like not sure if you know, but Lor and Nadir are mates and they love each other. It's pretty much in every paragraph. Which got tiresome. Like we get it.....but I still love them, so 🤷🏻‍♀️.

100 percent recommend this series!

Thank you Forever Publishing and Netgalley for this eArc in exchange for my honest review.

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5/5 stars! I absolutely loved this book. Tale of the Heart Queen is book #4 the final book in the Artefacts of Ouranos book series. I can’t believe the series has now been completed. Not only did I enjoy this book, every book in the series was really good. I highly recommend reading this book when it gets released, November 26, 2024. Thank you so much to Nisha J. Tuli and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the opportunity to read Ana advanced copy of this book.

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Absolutely loved it!! So bittersweet to have this series come to an end but it couldn’t have ended any better!!

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I absolutely have adored this series. I have fallen in love with the characters, been with them through their struggles, and was really rooting hard for them to get their happy endings. It had been a while since I read the third book, so I struggled a bit to remember where the story left off. This book felt very different from the others in the series and just seemed way too long. I did love the resolutions we got at the end with all of the storylines and I am overall happy with how it ended.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me such a special chance to read this early!

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First, thank you NetGalley, Nisha Tuli, and Forever for inviting me to read this book. It is truly an honor.

What an epic conclusion to amazing series. Nisha crafts a story like no one else! Her attention to detail and revealing things that were hinted in the first book were truly mind blowing. There was so many reveals and answered questions in this book! It was incredible. It’s what you want from the last book in a series.

This series will forever hold a special place. I have loved it from the very first line of Sun Queen and will continue to love it. Thank you again for this book and this series!

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The final acts of the Artefacts of Ouranos series. And what a way this went out!

First of all, the story picks up right where Tuli left us crying and screaming on the biggest cliffhanger. We finally get an answer to what happened to Nadir after Lor lost control of her magic at the end of Book 3.

We also get a ton of Rion’s POV which I loved, because who doesn’t love a Villian’s backstory? Some of this POV was set centuries ago also, which was a very cool spin.

Tyr’s story also picks up right where it left off last book and whoooo, was that so well thought out! I loved loved loved his growth and final decision.

This wrapped up perfectly but be ready for those last 100 pages! Actions and emotions and drama!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and FOREVER (Grand Central Publishing) for this amazing opportunity to read rate and review this arc which will be available 11/26/24!!!

Holy Gawd! Y’all. This conclusion was literal perfection. I have been getting arcs for this series since book one. I have been on this journey with Lor and the ending?! Oh it was perfect. She has fought, clawed, schemed and won this ending. I felt all the emotions in this book but the ending left me deeply satisfied. I highly highly recommend this book as well as the whole series

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Artefacts of Ouranos is one of my favorite series and I loved everything about the first three books! In this concluding book we get some epic reveals and plot twists and finally some answers to long standing mysteries. It went in a different direction than I was expecting and it was very interesting to watch events play out not knowing where it was going. It keeps you on your toes! I’d love to give it 5 stars like the others but the writing style was different in this one than the previous books. In the first three I felt immersed into a well woven story that felt natural in its progression with genuine relationship development. And this one has a much more procedural style. “They went there”, “she saw this happen”, “she told them about it”, “they went here next”. Some parts felt more like an outline than a story. And the dialogue between Lor and Nadir was just downright cheesy compared to previous books. The difference in writing style was most obvious in the first half of the book and it was honestly distracting to the story. There were definitely aspects that felt rushed and some conclusions were a bit unsatisfying as a result. It felt like this one needed another round of polishing to match the previous three in narration style and quality of story telling. But overall I love the characters, I love the unique story, I found the ending very satisfying, and definitely still love the series!

Thank you for the ARC, all opinions are my own!

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