Member Reviews

How have we already reached the end? From our humble soap beginnings to reaching the final pages, I must say that this is one of my FAVORITE series. Lor from day 1 has been sassy and strong but being able to see her vulnerable sides-especially in this book-has been such a treat. She is a character with layers, and I've loved getting to see the different sides of Lor. AND NADIR. Ugh, he has a chokehold on my heart that will never waiver. This dynamic duo with their flirty banter never gets old. The multiple POVs wove in several different storylines beautifully while keeping the pace moving in a longer book. The ending of this series is simply perfection. I am sad that the series is over but cannot wait for my first reread of the entire series when I get a physical copy to put on my shelf!

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The finale we all wanted! Tale of the Heart Queen kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting more and more. This entire series has been captivating, with one book after the other exceeding all expectations. If you are new to Nisha J. Tuli or are unsure of whether you should read this series, let me just tell's one of the best romantasy books you'll ever read.

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This is the perfect conclusion to the story. I laughed, I cried, I had all of the emotions I wanted. My only problem is that now I want a story for the siblings and Gabriel lol. I really feel like all of my questions from through out the series was answered, which I really appreciated. You could also really see the three siblings break through their shells and their personalities really came out.

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First of all, I am absolutely devastated this series is over. Tale of the Heart Queen by Nisha J. Tuli was a good end to the series. This review has been posted to Amazon and Good Reads. I would love for the author to continue writing a spin off with the siblings perhaps because all of the characters through out the series were so wonderful.

The ending of the book felt a little rushed and I wished it would have been more detailed about what happens after the HEA. I loved how at the end it felt like it came back around from the very first book and her siblings finally show more of their sense of humor. Great book, just wished there were a few more chapters at the end detailing what came after.

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This book series - it took over my personality, I was telling everyone I knew about it and got two friends to read it so it worked haha. From start to finish of Tale, it had a hold on me. I read it slowly so I could savor it because I didn’t want it to end, but once I read the last page and it ended, I felt so complete. It was a wonderful end to the series, it answered everything we had questioned at the end of Fate of the Sun King, and it made me question the almost redeeming chapters of Rion, but he can still go suck a troll’s toe for all he did. I loved the ride this book took us on. I cheered, I cried, I laughed. I fell in love with the “one last time before we go into battle” trope because of how well she did it. Lor and Nadir will have such a spot in my heart now that I will be revisiting often. And like Lor, I too am a ball of chaos and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thank you Nisha and team for the arc, and thank you Nisha for the world and characters.

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I can admit that I’m a little sad this series is over I’ve really enjoyed the journey Nisha took us on for this series!

In this epic conclusion all your questions get answered and the ending is really well done. Lor finds herself on so many adventures and running to beat villains known and unknown. So many of your favorite characters from the series are back to join forces to help Lor in her pursuit of saving her people.

I think the ending is satisfying and we get everything Nisha promised us. However, this book felt markedly different. It felt like maybe there was just one too many storylines being wrapped up and the book was significantly longer than all the rest so sometimes the pacing felt slower than the first 3 books.

Overall I still think it’s a fun and epic conclusion to the series as a whole but I felt, just a little, disappointed compared to the first 3 novels.

Thanks to Forever for the early e-ARC!

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“I will follow you to the very end.”

TLDR: I highly recommend this entire series, it’s such a wild ride!
Rating: 5/5
Spice level: 2/5

My God. This series. These characters. This world. It’s all so beautiful.

Plot: From the first book to the last, this story is unique, action packed, fast-paced with so many twists and turns.

Characters: Lor is an incredibly badass female main character. I love Nisha's writing when it comes to the development and depth of Lor. She isn’t always good, doesn’t always make good decisions, and at times has questionable morals, all driven by her love for her family and friends. You read her growth since the first book, where she’s volatile and full of rage, unable to process her trauma, to this strong, determined, powerful woman. She’s a heroine with flaws, which makes the journey so much more relatable.

Nadir is also an extremely well-written male main character. He provides the perfect counterpart in an enemies-to-lovers dynamic. I absolutely loved having his POV, they were often my favourite chapters. His inner conflict, his desire to do good in a bad situation, and his love for Lor was captivating to read.

The side characters are also such a delight. Gabriel quickly became my favourite, but every character brought an element to the story and felt like they had purpose.

Spice: The last book is light on spice in comparison to the second and third, which will either upset or make some people happy. They are explicit open-door scenes, well-written, and well paced throughout the story.

Cons: There aren’t very many cons for this book, but one thing I struggled with is when there were more POV’s, I sometimes struggled to keep track of who knew what information, which was important in a couple scenes.

I am so sad that this series is over, but I can’t wait to talk about it come November. Nisha, thank you for bringing Lor into my life, for writing such a beautiful story of hope, love, and overcoming the hard stuff that happens to you.

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I'm new to book reviews, but let me tell you, this is one that I'm so happy to write. I'm new on my reading journey and the Trial of the Sun Queen series quickly became one of my favorites and one of my consistent recommendations to others. I flew threw the first two, eagerly awaited Fate of the Sun King, and was besides myself waiting for Tale of the Heart Queen. Nisha J. Tuli took her readers on a beautiful journey with deep character exploration and discovery. After the cliffhanger of FotSK, I really had no idea how she would wrap up this story, and boy did she deliver. I was locked in from page 1, feeling relief, panic, pain (from biting my nails), surprise, shock, and everything in between. It was a perfect conclusion to an incredible series. Thank you to Nisha, her team, and all of the rad folks in her FB group for a chance to read this ARC.

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Final books in a series can be scary, but I went into this one knowing Nisha would nail it and she did! I love this series with my whole heart and this was truly the perfect ending. I can't wait to go back and read the whole series again from the beginning!

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The final instalment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series! Can I just say, I wasn’t ready for this series to end but absolutely adored every bit of it. 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 provided the ending we all needed, via the growth of of the characters, the merging of storylines and redemption of certain characters- ish?! I love Nisha’s writing style and world building, which is always wonderfully done and accessible to her readers. This book in particular might have been the longest- but truly felt like I could have used more chapters, as I just wasn’t ready to let it end yet! I will forever be obsessed with Lor, Nadir and Gabriel!

✵𝖬𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖭𝖾𝗍𝗀𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗀𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖠𝖽𝗏𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋’𝗌 𝖢𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝖾𝗑𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝖾𝗐.✵

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An absolutely wonderful conclusion to an amazing series. Nisha J. Tuli has woven an incredibly complex story of magic, politics, secrets, betrayal, heartbreak, love, family and strength and has wrapped up the end of the series beautifully. I could not put the book down - I read it in 2 days! The more I read of Lor and Nadir the more I loved the story. The found family in the series is wonderful as well - all of the supporting characters were fleshed out a little more and we got more insight into them with expanded POV chapters which was such a nice addition. The callback to chapter 1 of Trial of the Sun Queen was so good. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

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This book was a great ending, to one of my favorite series of the year. The story was engaging and wrapped up all of the storylines. Nisha never disappoints in her writing. The spice level of this book definitely upped the ante from the rest of the series and I loved what it added to this story!

Thank you NetGalley and Forever for early access to the close of Lor and Nadir's story with an eArc!

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A great conclusion from a new classic fantasy series. No spoilers, but fully wraps up storylines for all the main and side characters. Even another that bitch stole my soap reference!

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5⭐️2🌶️ let’s just state that anything Nisha writes is five star. I absolutely love this author. Tale of the Heart Queen was an amazing conclusion to the series. It wrapped up everything so nice and neatly in the end. There was so much action and adventure within this story but it flowed so well. I truly was happy with the ending of this series, and will forever love Lor and Nadir’s love story.

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Such a wonderful ending to this series! I loved the fast pace and high stakes and such a good wrap up to these characters story!

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A satisfying ending for both Lor and the reader. I laughed, cried, and internally screamed in frustration on my way to a promised HEA.

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I cannot put into words how much I love this series. I have been so in love with these characters and am sad I have come to the end of their journey. It was a beautiful series with a beautiful ending. The storyline with Tor and Gabriel was amazing and the Aurora King storyline I did not see coming. Such a fantastic series!!!

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Tale of the Heart Queen felt like the perfect ending to this amazing series. It picks up right where the last book left off, and by the end I feel like it really wrapped up every plot line really nicely. I’m so sad that this series is over, but I had so much fun reading it and I’m sure it won’t be the last time I read it!

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Series Info: The Artefacts of Ouranos starts with Trial of the Sun Queen, and will be a completed series when Tale of the Heart Queen publishes in November of this year! This is an epic fantasy + romance series, and with each book the worldbuilding expands a little more. I would especially recommend it to Throne of Glass fans, not because of any plot similarities, but the more epic fantasy vibes!

Spoiler-free Review: The fourth and final book begins right where the third book left off (thank goodness, that cliffhanger!), and jumps into the action right away.

Overall, this was an amazing conclusion to the series, and I felt like all of my questions were answered, and all of the plot lines were neatly tied up.

While I loved seeing all of the POVs in this one, and found them all interesting and fundamental to telling the story, I missed the vibes of book 1 at times, when most of the book was in Lor’s POV. I felt like there was a lot of humor in that first book, and Lor generally had a solid sense of humor. So while this is not at all a critique, I missed seeing her when we were in a different POV, because she is one of my very favorite characters in fiction.

My one critique of this book is that there were times where the action seemed a little confusing and fuzzy. This could in part be a me problem, but I had a hard time understanding how they were traveling between the courts as quickly as they were. There were also some scenes where Nadir could fly and others where it seemed like he could not, which may have been explained in an earlier book and I just forgot, but it confused me. As much as I wanted to see what happened and am glad these books came out so quickly, it felt like it could have done one more round of developmental edits to get a little more emotional resonance. But since I read the ARC, it may be that there will be enough edits for the final copy to fix these problems, since they were fairly small.

If you haven’t picked these up yet - now is a great time to binge the full series! I would classify them as epic fantasy + romance, with a pretty mid-tier spice level that’s about on par with Sarah J Maas.

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I had read the first 3 books in this series and was eager to see how Nisha was going to wrap up our hero’s stories. I absolutely loved it. There was some rough bits that I hope get polished a bit in the editing room. All in all, I think Nisha does an amazing job with world building and creating characters that are complex and interesting. I will be purchasing this book for my library and am excited to see what Nisha does next.

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