Member Reviews

This book doesn't release until November 26, 2024, however, I received this ARC for free via NetGalley. Thank you NetGalley and Forever.

Over I enjoyed this series as a whole and I love all the characters. With that being said, the last book in the series was a let down. I love the resolved ending but alot of the book just dragged on this I didn't care about. About 75% until the end, there were points where I was completely bored. I think they spent too much time in the Underworld going through the "trial". I felt like it was completely necessary. That portion wasn't gripping and had me wanted to skip it to be honest. That time could have been with alone time between Lor and Nadir. I felt like their alone moments were few and far between. They never had time to just stop and breathe. I wish we could have gotten more of those moments. Also, through 3 books plus the first half of this book, the villain was Rion and then all of sudden the "true" villain was Herric. Kind of a letdown. Rion was let off too easily. Boooo.

I think this book could have been tightened up but I did like it nonetheless. I didn't love it as much as the other books in the series but that's how it goes sometimes with the last book in the series. I think I had my expectations too high. :/

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There were a lot of twists in this book and I really enjoyed all the character evolutions. The lose ends, connections, and storylines were all tied up. Bummer the series is now over!

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I waited to start this because I knew once I started I wouldn't be able to put it down and I was right. I was fully hooked from the begiining! So much so that I took no notes until I was over half way through the book! It is very tense and there was a lot happening. There are multiple storylines and at times it was a bit confusing, however, the POV choices (Lor, Nadir, Gabriel, and the introduction of Rion - both past and present) only add to the overall story!

Spoiler, but not really because we all knew Lor would find a way to bring Nadir back right? Their challenge together has a very Hunger Games-y vibe (in a great way).

I just love how much Lor and Nadir COMMUNICATE in this book. They aren't constantly hiding things from one another. Anytime something major comes up, Lor tells Nadir and they handle it together (except for that one thing…). Plus, their love is just so sweet; they constantly reassure each other and tell the other how much they love each other.

Also, what a happy ending! Everyone we love gets their story wrapped up. There was a lot of tension but I just love how Lor and Nadir stayed on the same team through it all. It wrapped up one of my favorite series very nicely! I’m going to miss Lor and Nadir! (But was that an opening for a Gabriel spin off or…?)


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✨Tale of the Heart Queen✨

What. A. Perfect. Ending to a riveting series. TOTHQ was such a beautiful journey for these characters and events, each finding a fruition worthy of their suffering and deeds.

From book one where we begin with Lor having escaped prison with only vengeance on her mind to book four as she rises up and meets every event with grace and hope brings this conclusion to a riveting end. But Lor never did it alone and we get to see how everything turns out for our found family AND our villains.

I absolutely LOVE that we get to see such character dimension, especially during TOTHQ, where even the villains have depth and we get to see their motivations. All our questions are answered. We have travelled their world. We have met so many characters. Nisha has built a deep, vivid world and community of relationships that ensure you miss them when you’re done.

Tropes you may find in TOTHQ are fated mates, unique bonds, climax of the world, chosen one, burn the world for her MMC, found family, mental health support, meddling gods, multi POVs, established and blooming relationships, high stakes, plot twists, medium-high spice, and an ending that was executed delightfully.

I’m so humbled to have been chosen for an arc via netgalley and Nisha. Thank you for this journey!

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This book was everything I could have asked for as a conclusion to this amazing series! It wraps up so many character storylines in a way that stays true to them and the overall plot. It gives us a tiny glimmer or redemption where we thought all was lost. It is beautifully written and the development that these characters have gone through is just perfect. I absolutely loved this book!

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Wow. What a trip. 😭 finishing off a series that’s so near and dear is always tough. Tale was fun and witty and exciting at every turn-obsessed with Gabe & his POV. Really satisfied with the ending & all the nods to the past books were such a cool addition. The mini sorta redemption (IYKYK) had me in my feels, and honestly I’m ready for my Tristan spin off okay??

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Thank you so much Forever Publishing and Nisha J Tuli the opportunity to read the e-ARC of Tale of the Heart Queen, the final book of the Artefacts of Ouronos series!

I have been obsessed with this series from the first line of Trial of the Sun Queen in all its iconic glory; "That bitch stole my soap!" To see this series end is so bittersweet! Nisha wrapped this series up perfectly while edging us the whole time!

There were so many plot twists that I didn't see coming, but all the foreshadowing was there! Nadir and Lor are just perfect; the spice was a lot more prevalent in this book than past, but of course not the whole plot!

Zerra's character is so fun in the dark and twisty sense and ugh, I wish I could talk about that ending and just how perfect it was! Nisha didn't leave any loose ends, no wondering what has happened to such and such character because everyone has a place and story. I do hope that we get some spin offs of a few characters in the future because I love the whole cast!

This books has more trials, fights, manipulation (the good kind), a bad guy who wasn't on my radar, fated mates, a family that endures, spice, and such a satisfying ending. This book took me a while to finish ONLY because I struggle with endings of series that I loved so much.

This whole series holds a special place in my heart and I always recommend it to people who loved The Crowns of Nyaxia series, Hunger Games, or Fourth Wing.

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I enjoyed the strong start to the series, but this book completed the tapering off I experienced in book 3. The world and fantasy elements remained enjoyable, but I found myself overwhelmed with all the loose threads and new strands that had to be resolved. It's a very creative story, and I did truly come to love the characters, even the ones that were a little tougher to love in the beginning.

Overall, this series was a fun read and was different enough from other fantasy/romantasy series that I would recommend reading it. Thank you to the author for sharing the end of this series with us early!

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This one was a little all over the place. We ventured all over the map as well as the Evanescence and underworld. The ending of the book did have me crying with how our characters finished their journey. Lor went through so much in this series and really was a pawn for everyone else’s means. The author also referenced the iconic opening scene from the first book!

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4/5 ⭐️

This was an exciting conclusion to the series. Ever since the iconic first line of book 1 “that bitch stole my soap” I have been hooked on Lor’s story.

Things I enjoyed about book 4 …

- learning about Rion’s back story
- every chapter from Gabriel’s POV
- Lor not giving up any power or her title. My least favorite trope are strong women giving something up at the end. Lor stayed powerful throughout in many ways
- Lor and Nadir still had that back and forth tension … that being said ….

Things I didn’t care for as much …

- Lor and Nasir’s constant internal monologue of “I would die for my late” yes yes I know that. But do you have to say it all the time? There were enough scenes that did a great job showing their love for each other that the repetitive internal monologue had me rolling my eyes.
- Zerra … she was kind of boring as a villain
- lack of exploring Lor’s magic more. Instead of having HER figure out how to control her magic, she was able to suddenly control it simply because she was bonded? I wish it was more due to her own power but maybe that’s just me.

Overall I did enjoy the conclusion and appreciated that everyone who deserved it received a happily ever after. I think Book 1 and 2 are still my favorite as I loved the trials in 1 and the intense tension in book 2. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eArc.

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**Book Review: *Tale of the Heart Queen***

*Tale of the Heart Queen* is a captivating conclusion to a beloved series, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. The author skillfully wraps up all the loose ends while maintaining the magical atmosphere and immersive world that fans have come to love.

The storyline builds on the intricate character development and world-building from previous books, leading to a satisfying and well-earned conclusion. Each twist and turn kept me on the edge of my seat, with just the right balance of tension and emotional depth. The Heart Queen herself emerges as a complex and memorable figure, embodying both strength and vulnerability, making her final journey all the more powerful.

What stands out most is how the author managed to keep the world alive until the very end. The rich descriptions, the dynamic relationships, and the sense of adventure never wavered, pulling me back into the story every time I picked up the book. The ending, in particular, felt like a perfect blend of resolution and open possibilities, leaving me both satisfied and wistful for more.

If you've followed the series this far, *Tale of the Heart Queen* will not disappoint. It's a beautifully crafted, emotionally resonant finale that does justice to the entire saga.

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First, thanks Netgalley and Nisha J. Tuli for the chance at this ARC.
Second, hot damn. I'm so sad it's over but it was a great end to a great series. Going through Lor's growth alone in these books have been incredible. I do feel like you get a lot of the same information over and over because of all the different explanations that go on but it's fine. That ending made up for any complaint I've had.

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I absolutely LOVED this finale of the Ouranos series! I laughed and cried and just thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

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The last book ended on the most insane cliffhanger ever and I was SO excited to get an ARC of this one. Let me just start off by saying it DID NOT DISAPPOINT! This was such an amazing conclusion to the series. I felt like each book just kept getting better and better. Don’t wanna spoil anything major but maaaaan this was a ride.

I loved Gabriel’s character arc so much also. He really came a long way. Also, seeing things from Rion’s point of view was really, really interesting throughout.

The gift at the end killed me too. Please💀💀.

Four stars!! An awesome ending to an action-packed series. Thanks to NetGalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for an advanced copy!

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I cannot imagine a better way to wrap this story! Right off the bat, you dive right into where Fate left off. You did t leave us hanging. I was annoyed for the first several chapters when Zerra was messing around, but Lor proved to be resourceful as per usual and got out of that particular jam.

What I loved, was how she was willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good. She knew what she would have to do, and still wanted to save the people. What great character.

And Nadir!!! All he was willing to sacrifice for his mate!

The sibling development was phenomenal… they should definitely get a spin off. I would love to see Tristan’s journey in the woodlands. And to see how Willow and Amaya fare— what Willow does with her healing power?! I want to see it all!!

I ran through all of my emotions in this book and as a naturally emotional person, I sobbed for the last 50-100 pages.

Well done Nisha!! Bravo! 👏🏼

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I am sad to see this story over but I am content with the ending Nisha provided. I honestly spent a lot of this series wondering how on earth she was going to tie this all together. But she managed to do it which is no easy feat in a fantasy series. Her strong suit though is her ability to bring life to her characters. They all seam like real people, the good ones and the bad ones. I love an author who can make you feel for the villain just as much as for the hero. That’s what I felt in this book. There were several characters I hated but found myself on the edge of my seat for by the end of the book. I can’t wait to see where this author goes next.

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Thank you Nisha & the Forever Team for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

**Spoilers Ahead** Oh. My. God. I am so sad that this series is over, but I loved the way it ended. Nisha has created one of my all-time favorite series that I have recommended to friends over and over again, and this book just did the ending justice. My heart broke at the ending of the third book and continued into the beginning of this one. To see Zerra again and have it all come around to making the ending we needed was great and she got what she deserved in the end. I am so happy we got Nadir back so that one of my favorite book couples could live in the happiness they deserve. This series has continuously pulled me in and I fell in love with all the characters, magic, and world. I am happy that Lor got to fulfill her destiny and that the whole circle got to have the peace they need. The multi-POV was amazing again, and now I'm desperate for a little peak into Gabriel's life and hope that he is happy with where he ended up (along with Hylene). Tyr was a great choice for the next god and even though we didn't know much about him, I think he got a good ending for his character. A great ending to a fantastic series, even if I selfishly want more. Thank you Nisha for this world and all the love that went into creating this series.

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It is always bittersweet when a series you love comes to an end. Although book 2 will always be my favorite of the series, I was really happy with how author Nisha J. Tuli wrapped up all the characters' stories. 

I enjoyed the multiple POV's in this book. I would have loved even more of Gabriel's point of view. I thought there were many twists throughout this book that kept it interesting until the very end. 

As I think of this series as a whole, it is incredible to see where it started and how it ended. I loved getting to know these characters. Lor and Nadir will forever be two of my favorite romanatsy characters.

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Wow wow wow ! What an amazing ending to this series. I have loved these characters so much and I'm so happy they got the ending they deserved. This book was action packed every chapter and the story never slowed down. This series is one of my favorites.

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Nisha J Tuli really delivered in this last book of the series. I will miss this world and these characters so much. I loved the different POVs throughout and getting to see Lor and Nadir again just made my heart happy. Lor as a character really came full circle and she constantly surprised me. Nadir oh Nadir, my love for this MMC is unmatched. He’s ruined me for others in the best possible way. All in all lots of twists and turns throughout this last book and I was constantly kept on my toes. I said this before with the first book and I’ll say it with the last, run… don’t walk to read this series it’s that good!

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